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September 20, 1989 - Image 15

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1989-09-20

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Designed to speed you through challenging
grips in the sides of the case promote
sure handling.
The calculator is powered by one
lithium battery (included) that provides
approximately 1,500 hours of operation
that's roughly four years of normal
use. TI's APD" automatic power down
feature extends battery life by turning
off the calculator after several minutes
of non-use.
The TI-68 includes a 180-page guide-
book that fully describes each function
and presents step-by-step examples. A
quick reference card provides a handy
summary of functions.
The TI-68 measures 6.0 x 3.0 x 0.6
inches (15.2 x 7.6 x 1.5 centimeters) and
weighs 4.5 ounces (128 grams).

TI conducted extensive research
among technical professionals, univer-
sity professors and engineering students
during the development of the TI-68.
Surveys of 3,000 individuals and per-
sonal interviews with 150 more
provided an invaluable understanding
of the needs and preferences of these
power users.
Defining the functions and operating
characteristics of an advanced scientific
calculator is a lengthy process. In its
research TI employed software based on
artificial-intelligence principles. This
state-of-the-art technique can be used
to determine the combination of attrib-
utes a product must have to appeal to a
specific market segment.
With its sleek, ergonomic design, the
TI-68 has the look of a powerful
problem-solving tool.
The easy-to-read liquid-crystal display
(LCD) is recessed and tilted to reduce
glare. Each character is presented in a
5 x 7 dot matrix. The display shows up
to 12 alphanumeric characters; you can
scroll to show equations up to 80
characters long.
The calculator has 44 keys including
2nd and 3rd function keys, ALPHA,
key. Keys are color-coded and grouped

by function; designations are easy-to-
read. Operations found to be used
most frequently are assigned to first-
function keys.

A sturdy sliding cover protects the
display and keyboard from dirt and
scratches. The cover, which stores
securely on the back of the calculator
during use, has non-skid feet. A thumb
notch on the cover and recessed finger


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