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September 20, 1989 - Image 14

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The Michigan Daily, 1989-09-20

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The TI-68 delivers 254 of the most advanced
engineering, science and math functions. Yet the
calculator is easy-to-use and a great value, too.

The TI-68 sets new standards for
advanced scientific calculators:
The cal-
culator solves up to five simultaneous
equations with real or complex coeffi-
cients. You can solve two or three
equations relatively easily on paper,
but handling more than that is a real
challenge. There's a greater chance of
error when you try to solve four or five
simultaneous equations manually, so
a calculator like the TI-68 becomes
very useful.
With the TI-68 you can solve simul-
taneous equations directly. To guide
you through each equation a plain-
English prompting system asks you to
input the coefficients.
Many physical
properties, particularly those we
encounter in electricity and mechanics,
can't be described without using com-
plex numbers. But try to operate on
complex numbers using many calcula-
tors and all you get is an error message.
The TI-68 evaluates 40 complex-
number functions from simple arith-
metic to advanced trigonometry. And
you don't have to enter a special mode
or one with limited capabilities to use
these functions.
You can enter complex numbers just
as you'd write them on paper - using
polar coordinates, rectangular coor-
dinates or a combination. The TI-68 is
the first calculator that can handle a
combination of polar and rectangular
coordinates in the same equation.
The display simultaneously shows
both the real and the imaginary part of

the complex number. You can scroll left
and right to read a long number or fix
the decimal point to keep the entire
number within one screen. You also
can select the coordinates in which
your results will be displayed - polar
or rectangular.
Research underscores the value stu-
dents and technical professionals place
on being able to check their entries
and verify their answers quickly and
easily. With the last equation replay fea-
ture you can recall, check and edit the
last equation you calculated.
The last equation replay feature
eliminates the need to reenter your
work, and you can replay one equation
even after you've started to enter a
second one.
If an error message should appear in
the display, you can use the last equa-
tion replay feature to help determine
the cause. In this case the calculator
places the cursor at a point where you
might start looking to edit the equation.
7 7
The TI-68
provides up to 440 steps of formula
programming, and you can develop as
many as 12 formulas.
Entering and running programs is
easy with the TI-68. The calculator's
alphanumeric capabilities simplify
program-writing and editing. The dot-
matrix display shows you the formula
exactly as you enter it - there are no
operation codes to learn.
The TI-68 prompts you to enter each
variable in order, and you can nest for-
mulas to simplify long calculations.

Constant MemoryM feature retains
formulas even when you turn the cal-
culator off.
You can store
values in up to 36 memory registers and
give each register a meaningful name of
up to three characters. The first charac-
ter of each name must be a letter; sub-
sequent characters can be numbers or
letters. Constant Memory feature
preserves the contents of every register.
Uses Simpson's rule
to perform numerical integration, a
function useful in calculus. You can
integrate a formula you've previously
entered and integrate on any variable
in a formula. The TI-68 prompts you to
provide the upper and lower integra-
tion limits and the number of intervals.
You can even specify the level of preci-
sion you require by changing the num-
ber of intervals.
cally calculates the real and complex
roots of quadratic, cubic and quartic
equations (second, third and fourth-
order polynomials). The TI-68 prompts
you for each coefficient and labels
each root.
Performs one- and two-
variable statistical functions including
linear regression and trend analysis.
You can perform
arithmetic calculations using decimal,
hexadecimal, octal or binary numbers.
You also can combine different number
bases within a calculation.
You can use the calculator to perform
number-base conversions and the
Boolean logic operations fundamental
to computer programming.
Performs 18 additional
conversions including polar/rectangu-
lar, English/metric and angular
measurements using degrees, radians
and grads.
reciprocals. Powers and roots.
Logarithms. Hyperbolic functions.
Combinations and permutations.


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