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September 14, 1989 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1989-09-14

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Ninety-nine years of editorial freedom
VOL C, NO. 7 Ann Arbor, Michigan -Wednesday, September W~, 1989 oool

MSA may!
cut back
by 30%
eby Josh Mitnick
Ciaily MSA Reporter
Faced with a $69,000 budget
deficit accumulated over the last two
years, the Michigan Student Assem-
bly is considering cutting this year's
budget by almost 30 percent.
As a result, six major commit-
tees and commissions could end up
with budget cuts of more than 68
percent. The budget proposes serious
uts for the Academic Affairs, Peace
and Justice, Students Rights, and
Women's Issues commissions.
"We're not going to be able to
sponsor the kind of projects we did
last year," said Budget Priorities
Committee chair Bryan Mistele, an
engineering senior. "Less student
groups are going to be able to get
money for projects."
MSA Vice President Rose
*Karadsheh, an LSA junior, said she
thought the budget pinch would ac-
tually help discipline the assembly
to find creative ways to supply funds
for students.
"I don't think you need excesses
of money to be a student organiza-
ion or to meet the students' needs,"
she said.
However, Rackham Rep. Corey
Dolgan accused President Aaron
Williams, an engineering senior, of
trying to close the budget issue dur-
ing Tuesday's MSA meeting before
the rest of the assembly could scru-
tinize the appropriations.
"The issue here is that Aaron and
his cohorts don't like the issues
Peace and Justice and Students'
Rights works on and they're going
to cut budgets to keep them from
doing that," he said.
Dolgan said the commissions
that received budget cuts would have
gotten slashed even if there was no
deficit. He added that he and other
see BUDGET, page 2

to give up
by Patrick Staiger
Daily Staff Writer
Tom Monaghan announced plans Tuesday to sell his
locally-based Domino's Pizza Inc., worth $2.3 billion,
in order to work more on his charitable causes.
Some have suggested that Monaghan made the
decision because he realized his controversial politics
were becoming a liability for business.
But Domino's Public Relations Manager Maria
Pavelich said, "If Mr. Monaghan's politics have been an
influence on the decision to sell, it is because of an
understanding that there are those who cannot
distinguish personal belief from company policy."
A local group, the Coalition to Boycott Domino's,
began 'a national campaign in July. The coalition
includes the Ann Arbor Coalition to Defend Abortion
Rights and the Latin American Solidarity Committee.
According to member Phillis Engelbert, an Ann
Arbor resident, the group's purpose is to inform people
of Monaghan's financial connections with "right-wing"
organizations. These include groups that blockade
abortion clinics and groups that supported the
Nicaraguan contras.
"Consumers have a right to spend their money on
what they want," Engelbert said. "Once they're made
aware of what Monaghan supports, they can make a
See DOMINO'S, page 2

Rain, rain, go away
Ji Won Park, a second year student at Washtenaw College, waits for the bus
More rain is expected today, along with a high temperature of 65.

in the rain outside the Union.


Rice proves best option



By Brian O'Gara
The Notre Dame Observer
There have bean a lot of knocks
on Tony Rice since he first came to
Notre Dame three years ago.
First the critics scoffed at his
SAT scores, which kept him on the
sidelines during his frosh campaign.
Next came questions about his
ability to fill the quarterback role left
vacant by the injured Terry
Andrysiak in October, 1987.
And once Rice had earned the
signal-calling duties early last fall,
the knocks on his arm and his
passing were soon to follow.
BUT THERE is one complaint
that no one can have against the

Woodruff, South Carolina native.
No one can say that Tony Rice does
not know how to win.
"All summer I heard people say
we could never be a great team with
Tony Rice as our quarterback
because he can't throw," said Notre
Dame head coach Lou Holtz. "I'm
not particularly concerned about
statistics or anything else, just look
at his record. As a starter he is 17-2
and that's with wins over USC
twice, Alabama, Michigan, Pitt,
Miami and West Virginia. That's
rather impressive if you ask me."
Nothing has symbolized the
obstacles Tony Rice has faced, and
overcome, more than Notre Dame's

to Kickoff

pulled out a 38-37 come-from-behind
the Los Angeles Coliseum, Rice
was at his finest, directing the 27-10
win in the season-ending No. 1 vs.
No. 2 matchup. One lingering
memory from the win over USC is
Rice scampering down the sideline
for a 65yard touchdown, the longest
of his career.
"I was looking for the man I was
supposed to pitch out for, No. 7 for
USC, Mark Carrier," recalled Rice.
"As I got toward him, I could see
there was a little cut there and I
thought to myself, 'If he goes a
little further, I'm gone.' He did and I

just took it."
Rice took the ball in for the first
score of the day against USC just
like he has taken on the obstacles
placed in front of him since arriving
at Notre Dame in August of 1986 -
with steady strides and eyes on the
"I started off slow," said Rice,
referring to sitting out his first year.
"And I've been fighting that ever
since I've been here and I'm not
through fighting. When something
goes wrong you just have to work to
get over it and then face the next
challenges that come up.
"A LOT of people said I didn't
See IRISH QB, page 1C

27-10 win over Southern California
in the regular season finale last year.
As a Proposition 48 victim two
years ago, Rice stayed behind while
his teammates travelled to USC and

Peaceful South African
*march draws 20,000
Largest legal protest in South African
history .takes place without conflict

CAPE TOWN, South Africa (AP) - More than
20,000 peaceful protesters sang songs of freedom and
waved banners denouncing police brutality yesterday in
*the biggest anti-government march ever permitted in
this country.
Police stayed out of sight as marchers, led by Black
leaders and Cape Town's white mayor, clogged a mile-
long route leading from St. George's Anglican
Cathedral to City Hall.
Organizers described the march as a historic
occurrence in this racially divided nation.
"We have scored a great victory for justice and
peace," Anglican Archbishop Desmond Tutu told a
crowd of 1,800 Black, white and mixed-race marchers
who packed City Hall while thousands of others stood
He said acting President F.W. de Klerk should have
been present "to see what this country is going to
become... a technicolor country."
The absence of police contrasted sharply with
protest marches two weeks ago in Cape Town that

were broken up by riot squads using whips, batons and
a water cannon that sprayed purple water.
"It is important to know we could have this peace-
ful march toward our freedom," said the Rev. Frank
Chikane, secretary-general of the South African
Council of Churches. "Once that has started today, no
one can ever stop it again."
Protest demonstrations normally are illegal in
South Africa, and the Cape Town police commander,
Maj. Gen. Phillipus Fourie, said last week he would
stop yesterday's march. But de Klerk announced
Tuesday evening that the protest could proceed because
he had been assured it would be peaceful.
The far-right Conservative Party, the largest white
opposition group in Parliament, said yesterday that
approval of the march was "capitulation" to radicals.
An anti-apartheid lawyer, Dullah Omar, praised the
marchers for maintaining discipline.
"What you have done is to prove that, when the po-
lice are not here, when the batons and the (whips) and
the tear gas is not around, then there is no violence,"
he said

Associated Press,*
A huge cosmopolitan crowd gathered in downtown Cape Town, South Africa, yesterday to participate in what
turned out to be a peaceful march for change.
Pollack supports free choice

by Noelle Vance
Daily Government Reporter

The abortion issue is a ticking
clock and needs to be addressed now,
said State Sen. Lana Pollack (D-Ann
"'arbor) last night after speaking to a
group of about 60 supporters of the
University's College Democrats.
State legislation on the future of
abortion in Michigan may come as
cnnas the pendiof this month. she.

believe you want the politicians to
control that part of your life," she
"There's nothing that can curtail
your freedom faster than the birth of
a child that you are unprepared to
care for and love... once it's gone
(the right to abortion) we won't get
it back," she said.
She urged the audience members

pend partly on the 1990 census,
which could cause Michigan to lose
two seats in the U.S. Congress.
"I could win in 1990, but by
1992 that district could disappear,"
she said.
The state legislature is responsi-
ble for redrawing the state districts,
and for that reason, she said she may
want to stay in the state legislature


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