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April 19, 1989 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1989-04-19

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Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, April 19, 1989

p ontinued from Page 1
happened," Harris said. The wit-
nesses' reports include sightings of
tomahawks and hearing drums
Associate Athletic Director Don-
Sld Lund, a member of Michiga-
mua's "Old Braves Council," de-
{ fended the organization yesterday,
calling the allegations "off-base."
Michigamua members and Native
American students met last fall to
A -discuss some of Michigamua's prac-
tices.- such as wearing feathers and
face paint - that Native Americans

might find offensive.
Lund said Michigamua reached an
understanding with the students,
- adding that Michigamua has "done
evething they've requested."
F During last fall's discussion,
however, the Native American stu-
dents were only "aware of feathers
and finger paints, because
Michiguama didn't say anything
about tomahawks and drums," Harris
. "Legally they did follow the
agreement," Harris said, "but only in
letter, not in spirit. It wasn't done in
good faith."
Calling Michigamua "a high
class organization trying to do its
best for Michigan," Lund applauded
Michigamua members for their work
with children at C.S. Mott Chil-
dren's Hospital.
"They just do things quietly,"
Lund said. "They don't want any
praise." He added that he felt people
were trying "to raise Cain" against
Harris, however, was critical of
Lund's philosophy. Of the initia-
tion, Harris said "the only thing
that's visible they do is negative."

Continued from Page 1
Markert, who was not dismissed
but publicly censured by the
University in 1954, said in an inter-
view yesterday, "We thought the
University ought to be a much more
insightful, forthright, strong
H. Chandler
"If I announce my
opinions publicy
now, either in the
hearing room or
outside, they would
not be listened to for
their content, but in
terms of their acceptability or unaccepta-
bility by the Committee's standards. I will
not discuss my political ideas while they
are the subject of scandal and threat."
Clement L.
"The House Com-
mittee on Un-
American Activi-
ties has unfortu-
nately transgressed
the bounds of con-
stitutional authority
in asking questions related to political
belief and association. I cannot in good
conscience cooperate in such violations of
the constitution and have therefore re-
fused to answer all questions pertaining to
my political beliefs or associations or the
lack of them."
"Both as a scientist
and as acitizen I.
have unequivocally
rejected any asso-
ciation or commit-
ment which would
in any way limit myoi
freedom to evaluate evidence objectively
and to arrive at my own intellectually
honest conclusions. I do not consider that
the present hearings represent a valid
excuse for departing from this principle."

institution in resisting those terrible,
degrading pressures in society."
He added that other universities
took similar actions during the pe-
riod and that "the University of
Michigan wasn't by any means the
Davis and Nickerson were un-
available for comment yesterday.
Market and Nickerson claimed the
First and Fifth Amendments before
the Clardy committee in 1954.
Davis invoked only the First
Amendment on grounds that the
committee's questioning constituted
a violation of his freedom of speech,
press, and assembly.
"(The University) shouldn't have
fired anybody. In fact, they should
have come vigorously to the defense
of all of us," Markert said. "The
professorate has to be protected from
trench and pressure from society at
large. Otherwise, a University can't
really fulfill its social functions that
the people in this society really want
it to fulfill."
The program will also include a
documentary video on the period,
prepared by six University LSA stu-
"I find most students are
abysmally ignorant of the past. They
have no idea what happened or why
or what lessons to draw from it,"
Markert said. "It's often said by his-
torians if you don't understand his-
tory then you'll go through all the
mistakes all over again, and I believe
"People did wake up and Mc-
Carthy was eventually squelched and
defeated, but I didn't see much effort
on the part the University to rectify
their past bad behavior," Markert
In 1958, the American Associa-
tion of University Professors cen-
sured the Universityrof Michigan
because of the University's 1954 ac-
All three former faculty members
have supported the honorary rein-
statement of Davis and Nickerson.
University Provost and Vice Presi-
dent for Academic Affairs Charles
Vest said he would "have no idea (if)
any such move" would occur.

Compiled from Associated Press and staff reports
Saudi merchant charged with

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helping Marcoses hide millions
BERN, Switzerland - Saudi financier and arms merchant Adnan
Khashoggi - once believed to be the world's richest man - was arrested
yesterday on charges he helped Ferdinand and Imelda Marcos hide the
thefts of millions of dollars from the Philippines.
The jet-setting arms merchant, allegedly the man who ordered the Iran-
Contra arms deal, was seized by police at an elegant Bern hotel and jailed,
said Pierre Shmid,.of the Swiss Federal Police Office.
Shmid said the arrest came shortly after the U.S. Embassy tipped off
Swiss authorities that Khashoggi was in the capital and demanded a de-
tailed extradition request within 60 days as required by treaty.
Khashoggi is charged with racketeering, conspiracy, obstruction of
justice and mail fraud. Racketeering carries a penalty of up to 20 years in
Senate panel okays "right to die" bill
LANSING, Mich. - Controversial "right to die" legislation under
which a person could name an agent to make care and medical decisions
was approved yesterday by a Senate committee.
The bill, approved by the Senate Human Resources and Senior Citi-
zens Committee, now goes to the full Senate.
But the measure is likely to touch off a new firestorm in the Legisla-
ture because it would extend legal protections to an unborn baby.
The measure would require a guardian be appointed to represent a fetus
or embryo that could be harmed by a decision to withhold or withdraw
treatment if something should happen to the mother during birth.
"It should be a senior citizens bill, not a vehicle to upgrade the status
of a fetus," said Pamela Tobin, legislative liaison for NOW.
But Edward Rivet, legislative director of Michigan Right to Life, sup-
ported the bill.
Bush reassures organized labor
WASHINGTON - President Bush scored points with organized labor
yesterday in his first post-election speech to a union audience. But Bush
avoided discussing his positions on the Eastern Airlines strike and mini-
mum wage.
"I want this door at the White House to stay open," Bush told about
3,000 delegates representing building trade unions. "I want to work with
The closest Bush came to discussing his recent differences with the
delegates was when he said,"We have had honest differences but we agree
on goals and what matters is that we make progress on issues of shared
Labor had several confrontations with the Reagan Administration on
issues like the firing of striking air traffic controllers and White House
opposition to legislation requiring employers to give workers advance
notice of plant closings.
Prosecutor links North to Hitler
WASHINGTON -- Oliver North was portrayed to his trial jury
yesterday as a liar who couldn't stop, and as "the Joe Isuzu of govern-
ment" who followed Hitler's maxim that "the victor will never be asked if
he told the truth," said prosecutor John Keker.
But, in return, defense lawyer Brendan Sullivan said anyone "who links
Colonel North to Adolf Hitler is not credible and should not be believed."
Sullivan was scornful of his opponents, saying everything the gov-
ernment sees North as doing "is through a dirty glass."
Why shouldn't North have thrown papers away, said Sullivan, when
the prosecutors referred to the secret operations of the government.
North, the former National Security Council aide who was at the cen-
ter of the Iran-Contra vortex, sat stone-faced at the defense table as Keker
methodically dismantled his American-hero image.




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Continued from Page 1
Stanford was the subject of much
discussion when it considered revis-
ing its required "Western Culture"
course series to accomodate the study
of other cultures. Rebuked by former
Education Secretary William Ben-
nett, who disapproved of the consid-
eration, administrators at Stanford
publicly defended their decision to
change the content of "Western Cul-
ture." The course is titled "Cultures,
Ideas, and Values."
Brown University Associate Dean
Jean Wu has encouraged her univer-
sity to revamp its entire undergradu-
ate curriculum. Students at Brown
have no required courses, so a gradu-
ation requirement was not a consid-
eration, said Wu.
With a grant from the Ford
Foundation, Wu said she is changing
existing courses and adding new
At Wisconsin, Minnesota, Stan-
ford, Brown, the University of
Pennsylvania, and the University of
California at Berkeley, students have
responded to racist incidents on their

campuses by introducing proposals
for educational changes.
Students at UC-Berkeley have
been demonstrating weekly in antic-
ipation of April 25 - the day fac-
ulty will vote on whether or not to
institute a graduation requirement on
ethnic studies, said student govern-
ment officer Kathy Newman.
"No single group constitutes a
majority at Berkeley. That's where
the pressure comes from," Newman
said. "We don't see ourselves in our
r .



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Last issue, say it ain't so.
Remember the scene in Risky Business where Tom Cruise is dreaming
that he wakes up late for his final? Well, do you remember why Joel was
so late? If memory serves us right he was searching in vain for a copy of
the Daily.
Silly boy, the Daily doesn't publish during finals.
"What?" you ask. "No Daily for the rest of the year? I have to wait
until September to read that scintillating coverage of campus, local, na-
tional, and international issues, not to mention get ink all over my fin-
Don't despair. If you're spending your summer in Ann Arbor you can
pick up a copy of the Daily every Friday at -your favorite campus loca-
tion. Or, if your destiny carries you to lands beyond, a Daily subscription
is available. (Can you graduating seniors think of a better gift?)
And speaking of those who will assemble to receive a diploma in 10
days, the entire Daily staff would like to wish good luck to some of our
own: News Editor Vicki Bauer, Associate News Editor Michael Lustig,
and Photo Editor Robin Loznak.
- Alex Gordon
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter
terms by students at the University of Michigan. Subscription rates: for fall and winter (2 semesters)
$25.00 in-town and $35 out-of-town, for fall only $15.00 in-town and $20.00 out-of-town.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and the Student News Service.
ADDRESS: The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard, Ann Arbor, MI 48109.
PHONE NUMBERS: News (313) 784-0552, Opinion 747-2814, Arts 763-0379, Sports 747-3336, Cir-
culation 764-0558, Classified advertising 764-0557, Display advertising 764-0554, Billing 764-0550




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Editor in Chief
News Editors
Associate News Editor
Opinion Page Editors
Associate Opinion Editors
Photo Editors
Weekend Editor
Associate Weekend Editor
List Editor

Adam Schrager
Victoria Bauer, Miguel Cruz,
Donna ladipaolo, Steve Knopper,
David Schwartz
Michael Lustig
Elizabeth Esch, Amy Harmon
Philip Cohen, Elizabeth Paige,
David Austin
Robin Loznak, David Lubiner
Alyssa Lustigman
Andrew Mils
Angela Michaels

Sports Editor
Associate Sports Editors
Arts Editors
Graphics Coordinator

Mike Gil
Adam Benson, Slave Blander,
Richard Eisen, Julie Holman,
Lory Knapp
Andrea Gadk, Jim Poriewozik
Marie Wesaw
Mark Shaman
Cherie Curry
Mark Swartz
Kevin Woodson


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News Staff: Laura Cahn, Diane Cook, Laura Coun, Marion Davis, Noah Finkel, Lisa Fromm, Alex Gordon, Stacey Gray, Tara
Gruzen, Kistine LaLonde, Ann Maurer, Jennifer Miller, Josh Mitnick, Fran Obeid, Gil Renberg, Micah Schnit, Sphen Schweiger,
Noelle Shadwick, Vera Songwe, Jessica Stick.
Opinion Staff: Bill Gladstone, Mark Greer, Susan Harvey, Rolie Hudson, Marc Klein, David Levin, Mocha, Rebecca Novick, Marcia
Ochoa, Kathryn Savoie, Hilary Shadroui, Gus Teschke.
Sports Staff: Jamie Burgess, Steve Cchen, Theodore Cox, Andy Gottesman, David Hyman, Mark Katz, Jodi Leichtman, Eric Lemont.
Taylor Lincoln, Jay Moses, Miachael Salinsky, Jonathan Samnidk, Jeff Sheran, Mike Spiro, Doug Volan, Peter Zelen.
Arts Staff: Greg Baise, Mary Beth Barber, Ian Campbell, Beth Colquitt, Sheala Durant, Brent Edwards, Greg Fedand,
Michael Paul Fischer, Mike Fischer, Forrest Green, LiamF Raherty, Margie Heinlen, Brian Jarvinen, Alyssa Katz, Leah Laglos, D. Mara
Lowenstein, Lisa Magnino, Marc Maier, Ami Mehta, Kristin Palm, Jay Plnka, Ji Pison, Mike Rubin, Lauren Shapiro, Tony Silber,
Chuck Skarsan, unUsha Tummaia, Pam Warshay, Nabod Zuberi.
Photo Staff: Alexandra Brez, Jessica Greene, Julie Hclman, Jose Juarez, Liz Sleketee.


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