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April 19, 1989 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1989-04-19

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Ninety- nine years of editorialfreedom
Vol. I C, No. 137 Ann Arbor, Michigan --Wednesday, April 19, 1989 Copyright 1989, The Michigan Daily
p iallocates

over a
After spending an excess of
$7,108 from its available funds for
the 1989 winter term, the Michigan
Student Assembly voted last night
to allocate more funds to student or-
ganizations on the contingency that
it could take money from its
spring/summer budget.
However, MSA Treasurer
Jonathan Wilson, a business admin-
istration graduate student, said after
last night's meeting that the*
$45,000 that is set aside for the
spring and summer terms must be
reserved for outstanding financial
commitments from this term and for
running MSA during the next four
MSA Vice President Rose Karad-
sheh, an LSA junior, said that
whether or not money is available
from the Spring/Summer budget, the
assembly should not spend beyond
its funds for the current term.
"When we go before the
(University's Board of) Regents, we
want to appear fiscally responsible,"
Karadsheh added. She stressed that if
the assembly allocates money from
its spring/summer budget, the re-
gents will see the assembly as irre-
sponsible with its money.
However, Bruce Frank, an MSA
law representative, said the assembly
has an excess of about $15,000 for
the spring and summer and that the
money should be spent.

Frank said that because MSA al-
located $10,000 for a conference next
November, the assembly will be
able to use that money until it actu-
ally begins funding the conference in
November. Thus, he said MSA is
able to allocate the $15,000, which
he said is available in the
spring/summer budget.
'When we go before the
(University's Board of)
Regents, we want to ap-
pear fiscally responsi-
-- Michigan Student
Assembly Vice Presi-
dent Rose Karadsheh
Wilson said in an interview after
last night's meeting that all the
money for the spring and summer
was tied up and that there is not any
extra money to spend. However,
Wilson had to leave the meeting
early and could not make this point
publicly to assembly members.
Thus, there was much heated de-
bate about whether the assembly
could spend some of that money.
Unsure about whether they had
money left to give to student
groups, the assembly voted to allo-
cate money to Prospect Magazine, a
Jewish journal on campus, on the
condition that there was extra money
in the spring/summer budget.

Wacky Diag Dancers JESSICA GREENE/iaily
Miko Mautsumura, an LSA junior, and other members of the Stevens co-op boogie at noon in the Diag. Mautsumura said,
"It's not for money, it's not for a political cause, it's not for credit, and it's not drug induced."

MSA chair wants to file


The Michigan Student Assem-
bly's Minority Affairs Commissionr
should file a formal complaint todaya
with the Michigan Civil Rights
Board against the campus group
Michigamua, commission chair1
Delro Harrs said yesterday.
MAC has charged that


Michiguamua, an all-male honor
society, has violated a 1973 MCRC
ruling during the group's initiation
rituals last week. The ruling ordered
Michiguama to "eliminate all public
rites on campus" because the group
had practiced "unlawful discrimina-
tion" against Native Americans.
In addition, Provost and Vice

President for Academic Affairs contacted (MAC),s
Charles Vest said last night that seriously."
Michiguama "is under active inves- The commissio
tigation by the administration." He four accounts fro
refused to elaborate. Michigamua's ini
But Harris, an LSA junior, was nesses' statem
skeptical of the administration's "confirmation that
commitment. "It sounds like rhetoric S
to me," Harris said. "No one has

so I can't take it
In has collected
m witnesses of
tiation. The wit-
nents are a
what happened,
ee MSA, Page 2

Other universities implement race class requirement

Like the University's LSA faculty, other
college faculties across the country have
had to make difficult decisions about
whether to require education on racism and
ethnicity for students to graduate.
Some colleges have responded to racist
incidents on their campuses by .instituting
changes in the curricula, including required
education on racism and ethnicity. Others
are still considering whether to do so.
At the University of Michigan, LSA
faculty members voted two weeks ago to
reject the revised "Railton Proposal" for a
graduation requirement on race, ethnicity,

and racism.
The proposal, which was voted down
140-120, originated with a demand for a
mandatory class on racism made by the
United Coalition Against Racism and other
local groups.
The University of Wisconsin and the
University of Minnesota require or will re-
quire that undergraduates study races and
cultures that are not in the majority in order
to graduate. Minnesota was the first major
university to adopt such a requirement,
having done so two years ago. This coming
fall, Wisconsin's first-year students will
make up the first class to fulfill such a re-

Both requirements are similar in content.
"We are not limiting the courses to
racism. Racism will be only half the course
material," said Wisconsin Prof. Bill
Vandeburg of the History Department.
"We'll focus on the Black response -- their
triumphs to adversity."
Minnesota Prof. John Wright, chair of
the Afro-American Studies Department,
said courses there will have "both a posi-
tive and negative set of concerns."
At each university, the faculty has sole
responsible for any curriculum change.
Deans of the faculties at Wisconsin and

Minnesota spoke publicly in support of the
proposals. Michigan LSA Dean Peter
Steiner chose not to speak on the proposal.
Steiner has refused comment to the
At Michigan, some have asserted that
the administration's decision not to take a
stand on the class may have affected the
faculty's vote.
Michigan English Prof. Buzz Alexander,
who worked to pass the proposal here, said,
"For us a key difference was the deans of
faculty (at Wisconsin and Minnesota) sup-
ported the proposals and in each case spoke
very dramatically for it. We (the faculty)

were working more in isolation."
Faculty who voted against the proposal
might have been persuaded to vote for it
had the dean spoken in its favor, Alexander
"The dean is a very powerful figure. He
can be very persuasive. People who respect
the dean are going to say it's okay and go
for it. That's a huge difference," he said.
With few exceptions, administrators at
Stanford and Brown universities supported
the curriculum changes.

See Class, Page 3

Faculty members reunite for
the first time since red scare

Three former faculty members - suspended by the
University in 1954 for refusing to testify before the
Clardy Subcommittee of the House Un-American Ac-
tivities Committee - will be brought together
tonight for the first time in 35 years during a program
titled, "The McCarthy Era at The University of
The Clardy Subcommittee investigated University
faculty members and students for alleged "subversive
activities" during the era when former Sen. Joseph
McCarthy destroyed the careers of U.S. officials by
accusing them of ties to the Communist Party.
After the three refused to testify in Lansing, they
were suspended and hearings were held at the Univer-

sity. Two of the three were dismissed from the
University and the third left some time later.
Former University Prof. Mark Nickerson is now
professor emeritus of pharmacology at McGill
University. Former Prof. Clement Markert currently
serves as Distinguished University Research Professor
of Animal Science and Genetics at North Carolina
State University. H. Chandler Davis, a former Univer-
sity instructor, is now a professor of Mathematics at
the University of Toronto.
The three former faculty members will speak today
during the program, which begins at 7 p.m. in MLB
Auditorium 3.
See Faculty, Page 2

Wright determined
to fight charges

Speaker Jim Wright, opening his
defense against a string of ethics
committee charges, sought yesterday
to rally Democratic colleagues and
told them,"I intend to fight and I in-
tend to win."
He~ said that while he may have

But more troubling to many of
his colleagues were charges that
Wright sought to evade House limits
on outside earned income through
seven E bulk sales of his
book,"Reflections of a Public Man,"
most of them made in lieu of
accepting speaking fees from interest

Production worker Lucius Doyle wields an exacto knife as he prepares last Friday's edition of the Daily.
For 21 years, Lou has been an inspiration to Daily staffers who have worked with him at the newspaper.
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holding things together


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