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April 10, 1989 - Image 12

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The Michigan Daily, 1989-04-10

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vs. Ferris State
Tuesday, 2 p.m.
Fisher Stadium


Spring Game
Saturday, 1 p.m.
Michigan Stadium

The Michigan Daily

Monday, April 10, 1989

Page 12


Netters bounce


17th-ranked Wolverines return injured stars, Washington
and Kass, beat Indiana and OSU to reaffirm Big Ten status

fight foes
and foul

Prior to this weekend, Michigan's men's tennis
team was 4-9, loaded with injured players and already
being written off to defend their Big Ten championship.
Not any more.
The Wolverines made it clear that the courts are
still a most unwelcome place for conference contenders1
by defeating 22nd-ranked Indiana on Saturday, 5-4, and
decimating Ohio State yesterday, 9-0. Moreover, Mich-
igan returned their injured players into action.
Indiana (13-6 overall, 0-2 in the Big Ten), one of
three much-improved teams hoping to dethrone Mich-
igan (6-9, 2-0) this year, came into Ann Arbor with
visions of establishing themselves as the team to beat.
INSTEAD, Michigan, ranked 17th nationally,
took numbers one, two, three and five singles, and
number two doubles to secure the win.
"This was an extremely important win for us,"
Michigan head coach Brian Eisner said. "Kind of a
The victory was not an easy one.
With five singles matches completed, Michigan
held a slim 3-2 lead. The only match still in progress
was second singles, which featured Michigan's Dan
Goldberg, third-ranked in the country, against Eoin
Collins. Goldberg won the first set, 6-3. Collins came
alive in the second set, however, winning 6-4. Thef
Hoosier could not stay with Goldberg long enough,
though, and finally succumbed, 7-5 in the third set.
That match gave Michigan a 4-2 lead, meaningc
they needed only one win in doubles for the victory.
First-year player Dave Kass and junior transfer Srinivasj

Tummala delivered that in second doubles, winning, 6-
4, 6-2.
GOLDBERG'S win proved to be of extra import-
ance, as Indiana took both of the other doubles matches.
"We played with a lot of emotion," Eisner said.
That emotion was shown most by Kass, who
psyched up himself, and the rest of the team, with
bursts of enthusiasm. Kass won easily in a baseline
battle, 6-3, 6-2. It was his first match back since re-
injuring his shoulder three weeks ago.
"My shoulder hurt the whole match," Kass said. "I
shouldn't have played, but we needed to win today."
Washington, another of the walking-wounded, also
felt some pain. "My ankle bothered me a little," he said.
"It was hard for me to push up a little on serves, but
luckily for me (my opponent) wasn't returning well
EISNER hoped the win wouldn't lull the Wolv-
erines into a false sense of security for the match with a
weaker Ohio State team. "I don't think this takes pres-
sure off," he said. "I hope the closeness of this match
makes us come back tomorrow and play even tougher."
And that's exactly what Michigan did, and more.
Ironically, Washington was one of only two
Wolverines to drop a set in singles competition. He
ended up defeating first-year phenom Ty Tucker, 6-2, 6-
7 (7-4), 6-1, in only Tucker's third-ever college match.
The three doubles matches presented a little more
competition for Michigan. The Buckeyes went three
sets in all three matches, but couldn't put any in their
win column.


Michigan's Malivai Washington returned from an ankle injury to
lead the 17th ranked Wolverines to two Big Ten wins over Indiana
and Ohio State last weekend.

Classy time in D.C.

Steve Blonder


A team wins a national championship, and the
next thing you know, it's off to see the Prez.
Interim basketball coach Steve Fisher made
his exploratory trip last Thursday, when he and
his wife were guests of President and Mrs. Bush
at a state dinner. Fisher sat at a table with Israeli
premier Yitzchak Shamir. I wonder if he
volunteered to coach the Israeli national team in
the next Olympics?
Winning an Olympic medal seems a natural
progression after a national championship.
The players' turn comes next.
Wednesday, the players, coaching staff, and
other assorted Michigan basketball program
hangers-on will depart Detroit's Metro airport for
a Rose Garden visit.
The Michigan entourage will present Bush
with a memento, Bush will make a speech
praising the Wolverines, lots of flash bulbs will

go off, and another champi
passed through the White F
But at what cost?
The players missed su
class during their NCAA r
Sure the team has tutor
the squad is required to par
even while on the road.
But when is enough mis
Every college student s
while. But one cannot sk
class within the past three v
completely caught up acad(
And now to take offa
week before the end of the t
The Schembechler regin
importance of academics.
Some teams now travel
in order to facilitate studyir

means less class time
ionship team will have The Board in Control of Intercollegiate
House. Athletics is no longer serving as a rubber stamp
for coaches' travel plans. But instead is taking a
ibstantial amounts of critical look at the timing of certain events, and
un. the number of classes athletes are missing in
rs for the players, and order to compete.
ticipate in study tables But the team trip to the White House goes
against this trend.
sed class enough. Why can't the team wait two weeks and visit
kips classes once in a our nation's capital when final exams are all
ip at least 11 days of over? Why do they have to skip a day of classes,
weeks and expect to be particularly when both players and Fisher have
emically speaking. been bemoaning the missed class time?
another day only one A trip to visit the President is certainly a
term? worthwhile excursion for the Michigan
me has emphasized the basketball team. But taking a day off from
academics under these circumstances makes me
by bus instead of van, wonder whether academics is a priority, or
ng while on the road. whether it really is "business as usual."

_ ..

Continued from Page 1
that's it," assistant coach Mike Boyd
said. "He's able to get through to
these kids and calm them down when
things aren't going well."
Players could not understand why
Schembechler would consider anyone
but Fisher for the position.
"Steve Fisher has stuck by the
players when it seemed like nothing
was working," Rumeal Robinson
said. "I don't see why they would
even look for anyone else."

Loy Vaught added, "Coach Fisher
is a great psychologist. He knows
how to get the best out of you men-
tally and he can motivate you easily.
I think he's the best person for the
Illinois State athletic director Ron
Wellman said Fisher was scheduled
to interview there later this week,
and expressed disappointment at los-
ing Fisher.
Fisher has been the focal point of
a number of other schools since the
tournament ended. He called Ball
State last week to inquire about its
position which was filled by assis-

tant, Dick Hunsaker. Western
Michigan University also has pub-
licly expressed interest in Fisher.
Other rumored candidates for the
Michigan job ranged from Indiana's
Bob Knight to the San Antonio
Spurs' Larry Brown. In a report from
the San Antonio Express-News,
Brown expressed interest in the
Michigan post when he was in De-
troit playing the Pistons last month.
Brown, who signed a five-year, $3.5
million contract, denied all reports.
Duke's Mike Krzyzewski and
Evansville's Jim Crews, both former
Knight assistants, were speculated to

be candidates for the job, but they
were never interviewed.
On March 15, Fisher was given
the job on an interim basis when ex-
coach Bill Frieder left Ann Arbor for
the Arizona State job, with the
NCAA tournament only two days
away. Schembechler, who stated that
financial reasons would not be taken
into consideration in hiring the new
coach, insisted on a "Michigan man"
coaching the Wolverines in the
Currently, Fisher is the only un-
defeated head coach in America with
a record of 6-0.

Blue frozen out
TheMichigan basebaflteam met
with harsh weather o
this weekend. Scheduled to play
doubleheaders Saturday and Sunday
against Big Ten rival Minnesota,
wind chills near 00 forced the teams
to cancel Saturday's games and
move Sunday's contests into the
Metro-dome (late start). The teams
will also play one game today.
Weekend a
Wash out
for Blue
The Michigan women's golf
team returned home yesterday from
this past weekend's Indiana University
Invitational with a disappointing
twelfth place finish out of a field of
fifteen squads.
The Wolverines suffered several
setbacks during the weekend. The first
occured Friday when the team's
leading scorer, Erica Zonder, became
ill and had to stay home and miss the
trip. The second problem Michigan
had to deal with was the horrible
playing conditions in Indiana.
It snowed Saturday, cancelling
one of the three rounds. On Sunday,
the team had to compete in tem-
peratures below thirty degrees. Bad
weather has plagued the Wolverine
squad all year.
"Our biggest problem has been
the weather. We haven't been able to
get out and hit balls," said Michigan
coach Sue LeClair.
Rebecca Hayes was the top scorer
for the Wolverines, with rounds of 81
and 79. LeClair was also impressed
with Darcy Chandler's play. She shot
poorly on Saturday, but came back
yesterday with a respectable score of

As the competition gets harder,
Michigan's men's golf team con-
tinues to improve. The Wolveripe
golfers finished fourth out of eigh-
teen teams last Friday in the Mar-4
shall Invitational in Huntington,
West Virginia.
According to head coach Jim Car-
ras, Michigan could have come in
first if the tournament hadn't ended
Saturday due to inclement weather.
Because of the wind and rain, Mich-
igan golfer Hersh Patel's two under
par performance at the eleventh hole
Saturday was wasted. As a result, the
scores from Friday's two 18 hole
rounds determined the final results.
"We would have probably been
able to win the tournament, had we
been able to finish it," Carras said.
"Because it was such a horrible day, I
doubt many people were able to
shoot nearly as well."
After the first round Friday
morning, Michigan was tied for first
place with Northwestern and Miami
of Ohio with an overall score of 290.
The Wolverines' scores rose in the
afternoon's second round to a score of
Patel an
299. That caused the team to drop 4o
fourth place, seven strokes behind
Big Ten rival Northwestern, whih
finished first. The only other Big Tn
team in the tournament, Ohio State,
took third place.
Patel (72-71), who is in tie
running for an individual conferece
title, Bob Papp (71-77), and Tom
Paton (72-76) led the squad in
"I am extremely pleased wilh
Hersh's play," said Carras. "I think
the guy is playing remarkably well; I
can't emphasize that enough for this
time of year."
The team's next tournament, this
weekend in Columbus, Ohio, could
be even more of a challenge.
"This will tell me exactly where
we stand," Carras said. "It's difficult
to make evaluations and comparisons
unless you have all the (Big Ten)
teams there. This is one of the
tournaments where we'll have most
of the teams there, so we'll have a
pretty good idea how we'll stack up
against the rest of them."
Michigan Daily


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Reception following in the Assembly Hall

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