The Michigan Daily - Monday, April 10, 1989 - Page 11
Continued from Page 10
is thrash, then regardless of how
effectively it does that, if it makes
an effort to thrash, then it's thrash,
not trash. The catch is, some things
make me want to twitch and writhe
like a live wire, and others don't.
Let me explain.
If my adolescent cousin picked
up an electric guitar and attempted
to rip it up, that's not thrashin'.
But Sweet Baby is a different story.
Maybe their compared I.Q.s are the
same, but there is an overall power
here that you just can't ignore, es-
pecially when you start bleeding
from the nose and ears. An appro-
priate description of this band
would probably be the Little Ras-
cals on acid, playing big, ugly gui-
tars. Possibly the biggest, ugliest
guitars in history. Try "Baby Baby
Baby Baby Baby Baby Baby (I Love
You)" for size and bash yourself in
the head once for it.
How about "Prove My Love" for
more vibration? The song takes a
contemporary pop concept and cou-
ples it with a distortion good
enough to kick faces in to. I'm not
going to try to go over every song
here, even with titles like "Daddy
Cool" and "Two Tons of Dyna-
mite," since the crew isn't trying to
rationalize the motivating factors
behind our cultural consciousness,
just the kick in the floor. Conclu-
sion: YEAH!! ARRRRGH!!
URRR! Yeah. I hope they come to
town. -Forrest Green
Charles Brown
One More For The Road
Alligator Records
Let me put this in perspective:
It's 2:30 a.m. on April 4. The
Wolverine men's basketball has
won the national championship,
and I have just arrived home from a
rather surreal walk down a trashed
South U. I am eating Raisin Bran,
staving off the inevitable 3 a.m.
This is the perfect time to listen
to Charles Brown. No round-
headed kid, Charles has been around
since the '40s, playing a brand of
bluesy/jazzy R&B known as "after
hours." It is mellow, but not
gooey, music. The perfect item to
wind down an evening.
The album was obtained by Al-
ligator from Blue Side Records,
which folded before it was released
in any quantity. This is a departure
from the customary fat horns for-
mat of Alligator, which bills itself
as the "house-rockin"' blues label.
It is certainly a fine addition to
their catalog.
The album consists of a mix of
Brown originals and standards
("Route 66"). In addition to
Brown's smooth, penetrating vo-
cals, there is some fine guitar work
by Billy Butler on many of the
Charles Brown is a musician
who is regarded as an overlooked
figure in R&B circles. He had nine
top ten R&B hits in the '40s and
'50s, but the following decades
were not as kind, as Brown was
never swept up by the blues/jazz
revivals of those years. But he has
stayed active on the L.A. club
scene and perhaps this album,
which has garnered deserved media
attention and praise, will bring him
back into the national blues lime-
light. -Jed Thompson
Veteran blues artist Charles Brown might receive some renewed
media attention with the album One More For The Road.
of The University of Michigan
The calendar combines meeting, lecture, workshop, and conferece,announcements
with other events happening each week on campus. It is based on The University Record
calendar, and is open to all University sponsored groups and organizations recognized
by the Michigan Student Assembly. Items must be submitted in writing by 5 p.m. the
Tuesday before publication. Address all information to: Marcia Bennett, publications
assistant, University Record, 412 Maynard St. Asterisk (*) denotes events to which
admission is charged.
Canterbury House-Lesbian-gay male community open house, 8:45 pm, 218 N
Division 665-0606.
Univ Council-Mtg, 4:30-6:30 pm Call 763-5082 for location.
Women Faculty-Drop-In Lunch, noon Mich Union Univ Club 764-2539.
Taekwondo Club-Mtg, 6:30-8:15 pm, 2275 CCRB Begins welcome Call 662-
Tau Beta Pi/Alpha Pi Mu/Eta Kappa Nu-Math, Sci, Physics & Engr
Tutoring, 7-11 pm, 307 UGLI; 8-10 pm, S Quad Dining Hall; 8-10 pm, Markley
Lib; 8-10 pm, Bursley E Lounge 994-4803.
*HRD-Wkshp, "Effective Business Writing," 2-4 pm, 1111 Kipke Dr Reg req 764-
*CEW-Wkshp, "Job Search Skills & Strategies," 7-9 pm, 350 S Thayer Reg req
Counseling Svcs-Lunch Discuss, "Beyond the Culture of Narcissism: Mental
Health in the 21st Century," noon-1:30 pm, Mich League Rms 4 & 5 1st fl.
Computing Ctr-Course, "Lotus 1-2-3 Databases," 1-3 pm, 3001 SEB Reg req
Sch Music-Composers Forum, 8 pm, Recital Hall 763-4726.
Nat Res-Sem, B Dawson, "Conservation In The Real World," 4-5 pm, 1046 Dana
Bldg 668-7123.
Ctr Russian & E Europ Stds-Lec, B Hrabal, "Reflections of a Czech Writer," 8
pm, Rackham Amphi 764-0351.
CSSEAS-Lec/Discuss, M Man Sainju, "Nepal: Emerging Out of Isolation," 4 pm,
Lane Hall Commons 747-2082.
Hillel Fdn-Passover Seder Wkshp, R Dobrusion, 7:15-8:30 pm, 1429 Hill St 769-
Mus Art-Lec, L Bollinger, "Current Issues in Art Law," 7:30 pm, 525 S State 764-
ISR-Sem, P Gurin, 3:30 pm, 6050 ISR 764-8360.
EECS-Sem, J Walrand, title TBA, 4pm, 1017 Dow Bldg; A Yagle, "Inversion of the
Bloch Transform in Magnetic Resonance Imaging Using Lattice Equations," 4
pm, EECS Rm 3427 763-9810.
Classical Stds-Colloquium, M A Harder, "Untrodden Paths: The Style of
Callimachus' Aetia," 4 pm, Angell Hall Rm 2009
Sch Art-Lec, P Stiff, "Design for Reading: Making Sense of/with Contemporary
Typography," 7:30 pm, 2104 Art & Arch Aud 764-0397.
Faculty Women's Club-*Lunch & Lec, D Oxender, "Application of
Biotechnology To The Fields of Medicine & Agriculture," 11:30 am-1 pm, Mich
League Mich Rm Res req 665-5917.
Ethnology-Lec, B Kelleher, "Voices & The Sound Of Drums Terror & the Struggles
for Representation in Northem Ireland," 12:10 pm, 3058 LSA.
Near East & N African Stds-Brown-Bag Lec, S Behdad, "Property Rights in
Comtemporary Islamic Economic Thought: A Critical Perspective," noon, Lane
Hall Commons 764-0350.
Career Plan & Place-Educ Career Conf, 10 am-3 pm, Mich Union 764-7460.
Chem-Sem, P McCarthy, "Optical Spectroscopy of Exchange Coupled Transition
Metal Complexes," 3 pm, Chem Rm 1200.
Biology-Memorial Svc for P Kilham, 7-9 pm, Mich League Hussey Rm
U-M Lib/AA Pub Lib-Film, Fahrenheit 451, 7 pm, MLB Aud 3.
Guild House-Fiction & Poetry Read, B Chown & D Green, 8 pm, 802 Monroe St
Lesbian & Gay Rights Organizing Committee (LaGROC)-Mtg, 8 pm,
Mich Union Rm 3100 763-4186.
TARDAA-Mtg, 8 pm, 296 Dennison 763-0806.
Wels Lutheran Campus Ministry-Basics of Christianity Std, 8 pm, Mich
Union 662-0663 or 761-6362.
Karate Club-Karate, 8:30-10 pm, CCRB Martial Arts Rm 930-0025.
WCBN-Talk show, "Closets Are For Clothes," 6-7 pm, 883 FM 763-3500.
*U-M Dearborn-Choir, 8 pm, Henry Ford Estate-Fair Lane 593-5555.
EECS-Sem, P Gottschalk, "Recognition & Attitude Determination of 3-D Objects in
Intensity Images," 4-5 pm, EECS Rm 1311; A Krener, "Nonlinear Controller
Design Via Approximate Normal Form," 4-5:30 pm, EECS Rm 1200 Reg req 763-
*HRD-Wkshps, "Employment Process/Effective Selection Interviewing," 8:30 am-
4:30 pm; "Writing It Right Pt 111: Putting The Word On The Page," 8:30 am-
noon, 1111 Kipke Dr Reg req 764-7410.
Intl Ctr-Work Abroad Wkshp, B Denman, 4-5 pm, 603 E Madison 764-9310
*ICLE--Video course, "Michigan Rules of Evidence: The Judges Speak," 9 am-5:30
pm, 1020 Greene St Reg req 764-0533.
Sch Music-Concert, Early Music Ensemble, 8 pm, Blanche Anderson Moore Hall;
Music Teach Assoc Sdt Chapter Recital, 8 pm, Recital Hall; Lee, J Chernoff,
"Music & Historical Consciousness Among The Dagbamba Of Ghana," 7:30 pm,
Rackham E Conf Rm; Arts Chorale, 8 pm, Hill Aud 763-4726.
Turner Clinic-Hearing Loss Support Grp, 10 am-noon, 1010 Wall St 764-2556.
Sch Social Wk-Lec, J Pickering, "Death & The Law," 4 pm, Rackham Amphi
Ecumenical Campus Ctr/Intl Ctr-*Lunch & Forum, R Grey, "Political
Culture-Public Opinion & The Gorbachev Era," noon, 603 E Madison 662-5529.
*U-M Flint-Film, Brightness, 7:30 pm, Univ Ctr Kiva 762-3431.
Sdt Organiz Devp Ctr-Seniors Prog, "From Finals to the Future," 6-8 pm, Mich
Union Kuenzel Rm 763-5900.
Info Ctr Hosp Info Svcs-MCMUG Mtg, C Harris, "Microsoft Excel," 3-4 pm,
Ford Amphi 936-4900.
Human Growth & Devp-Sem, F Bookstein, "Enduring Effects: The Seattle
Longitudinal Prospective Study of Alcohol & Pregnancy," noon, CHGD
U-M Lib/AA PubI Lib-Film, Slow Fires: On the Preservation of the Human
Record, 11 am, Taubman Lib Rm 2903.
Human Genetics-Sem, P Berg, "Prospects for Human Gene Therapy: Bright or
Bleak" & "Recombination Modifications of Specific Chromosomal Loci," 4-6
pm, Towsley Ctr Dow Aud 764-5490.
Biopsych-Colloquium, H Markus, "The Role of the Self in Competence," 12:30
pm, MHRI Rm 1057 747-0933.
Commission For Women-Lec, L Thomas, "Creating a Creative Attitude," 1 pm,
Fleming Bldg Regents Rm.
Sci Research Club-Cocktails. 6:30 om: Dinner. 7 pm: Presentation. S Marion
Tau Beta Pi/Alpha Pi Mu/Eta Kappa Nu-Math, Sci, Physics & ^Engr
Tutoring, 7-11 pm, 307 UGLI; 8-10 pm, Markley Lib; 8-10 pm, S Quad Dining
Hall; 8-10 pm, Bursley E Lounge 994-4803.
Men's Campus Club-Social for gay & bisexual male sdts, 9-11 pm, E Law Quad N
Section Cook Rm 763-4186.
Zen Buddhist Temple-Yoga & breathing class, 9:30-11 am, 1214 Packard Rd
Biology-Sem, R Thomhill, "Sexual Selection in Jungle Fowl," 4 pm, MLB Lee Rm
Bioengr-Sem, E Berbari, "Sudden Cardiac Death & High Resolution
Electrocardiography," 4-5 pm, 1017 Dow.
U-M Dearborn-Film, Bird, 7:30 pm, Rec & Organiz Ctr 593-5390.
*HRD-Wkshps, "Developing A Positive Team Attitude For Office Staff," 8:30 am-
noon; "Employment Process/Effective Selection Interviewing," 8 am-noon, 1111
Kipke Dr Reg req 764-7410.
*ICLE-Video course, "How To Probate An Estate In Michigan," 9 am-4:30 pm,
1020 Greene St Reg req 764-0533.
Nat Res-Lee, D Ewert, "The Nature Conservancy: Natural Area Protection From
Argentina to Alaska," 7:30 pm, 1800 N Dixboro 763-6961.
Psychiatry-Conf, I Elkin, "Psychotherapy for Outpatient Depression: What is the
Research Evidence," 10:30 am, Child & Adoles Psych Hosp Aud; Sem, "NIMH
Treatment of Depression Collaborative Research Program: Initial Findings," 2:30
pm, MIiRI Waggoner Conf Rm 764-9527.
Ctr Russian & E Europ Stds-Brown-Bag Lee, J Mersereau, "Romanticism
Revolution & Rubbish," noon, Lane Hall Commons 764-0351.
*Women's Athlet-Softball, Mich State, 3 pm, Softball Field 763-2159.
Physics-Colloquium, F Scuilli, "The ZEUS Experiment at HERA," 4 pm, 296
*ICLE-Video course, "How To Probate an Estate in Michigan," 9 am-4:30 pm, 1020
Greene St Reg req 764-0533.
Sch Music-Lec, J Chemoff, "Thoughts on the Absence of Drum Orchestras in
Black American Music," 4:30 pm, 2043 Moore Bldg; Concert, Orpheus Singers,
4:45 pm, Recital Hall.
Classical Stds-Colloquium, K Garbrah, "Greek Inscriptions from Chios," 4 pm,
Angell Hall Rm 2009
U-M Flint-Bring or buy lunch for Guitar Music, D Schaffer, 11:30 am-1:30 pm,
Univ Ctr Brewery; *Film, Brightness, 7:30 pm, Univ Ctr Kiva;
*Orchestra/Chorale Concert, 7:30 pm, St Michael's Church (corner Fifth &
Saginaw); *Comedy Show, 8 pm, Univ Ctr Brewery.
*Gilbert & Sullivan Soc-Opera, The Mikado, 8 pm, Mendelssohn Thtre 761-
Turner Clinic-Mini-course, A K Steigerwalt, "T Bills-How Does One Get On The
Gravy Train," 1:30-3 pm, Kellogg Eye Ctr Reg req 764-2556.
Arts & Prog-Music at Midday, Guitar Concert, J Pratt, 12:15 pm, Mich Union
Kuenzel Rm 764-6498.
Indian & Pakistan Amer Sdts Council-Mtg, 6:30 pm, Mich Union Welker
Rm 761-9288.
*M-care-Infant & Child CPR Class, 6 pm, 9398 Lilley Rd, Plymouth Reg req 459-
Chem-Sem, B Kim, "The Assay of Biomolecules Using Monoclonal Antibodies," 4
pm, Chem Rm 1200.
Statistics-Sem, W D Sudderth, "The Undecidability Of The Fundamental Theorem
Of Gambling," 4 pm, 451 Mason Hall.
Univ Lutheran Chapel-Choir Rehearsal, 7:30 pm; Worship, 9 pm, 1511
Washtenaw 663-5560.
Judaic Stds-Lec, M Rosman, "The Quest for the Historical Baal Shem To," 4 pm,
3050 Frieze Bldg 763-9047.
Biol & Mat Sci/CEW/Women Sci-Sem, A Tanner, "The Bacterial Flora of the
Progressive Periodontal Lesion," 4 pm, 1033 Kellogg.
Human Genetics-Sem, M Capecchi, "Creating Mice With Specific Mutations
Through Gene Targeting," 4-6 pm, Towsley Ctr Dow Aud 764-5490.
Guild House-Faculty Brown-Bag Discuss, noon; *Beans & Rice Dinner, 6 pm, 802
Monroe St 662-5189
*Mich League-Intl Night, Provincial France, 4:30-7:30 pm, League Buffet.
WCBN-Talk show, "Radio Free Lawyer," 6:30 pm, 883 FM 747-6517.
Campus Crusade For Christ-Mtg, "College Life," 7-8:30 pm, G322 Dental Sch
Indian Amer Sdt Assoc-Mtg, 5:30 pm, Mich Union Mich Rm 764-2958.
Tau Beta Pi/Alpha Pi Mu/Eta Kappa Nu-Math, Sci, Physics & Engr
Tutoring, 7-11 pm, 307 UGLI 994-4803
*Zen Buddhist Temple-Intro Course Zen Meditation, S Murray, 6:30-8:30 pm,
1214 Packard Rd Reg req 761-6520.
Pi Tau Sigma-See April 12.
Karate Club-Karate, 8-10 pm, CCRB Martial Arts Rm 930-0025.
U-M Dearborn-See April 12.
Visiting Writers Series-Fiction Read, K Lehrer, 5 pm, Rackham E Conf Rm
Evolution & Human Behav-Sem, N Wilmsen Thornhill, "The Comparative
Method & Rules Regulating Inbreeding & Marriage: An Evolutionary Study of
Human History," 4 pm, Rackham E Lee Rm 3rd fl 936-2526.
Women Faculty-Meet colleagues other depts: Social Hr, 6 pm, 900 Burton
Tower; Dinner, 7 pm, Mich League Rm 2 764-2539.
U-M Flint-Visiting Writers Series, M Woods, 7 pm, Univ Ctr Mich Rms; Bring or
buy lunch for movie, Looney Looney Bugs Bunny, 11:30 am-12:30 pm, Univ Ctr
Brewery; *Film, Tequila Sunrise, 7 & 9:15 pm, Univ Ctr Kiva.
Gifts of Art-Concert, Sch Music Sdt, 12:30 pm, Hosp Lobby 1st fl 936-ARTS.
*HRD-Wkshps, "How To Achieve Success: How To Get What You Really Want,"
8:30 am-noon; "Office Organization Skills," 8:30 am-noon; "Employment
Process/Effective Selection Interviewing," 1-5 pm, 1111 Kipke Dr Reg req 764-
Ctr Japanese Stds-Brown-Bag Lee, M Mizumura, "Finishing the Unfinished
Soseki: Writing an Ending to Meian," noon, Lane Hall Commons 764-6307.
*Univ Productions-Play, Dragons, 8 pm, Power Ctr; "Five Dollar Revue,"
Songs & Skits, 11 pm, Frieze Bldg Arena Studio 764-0450. .
Medicinal Chem-Sem, L Roberts, "Regulation Studies of Cytochrome P450Ia In
A Multidrug-Resistant Cancer Cell Line," 4 pm, 3554 CC Little 764-7547.
*Sch Music-Film, Africa Come Back: Popular Music of West Africa, 7:30
Rackham W Conf Rm; *Dance BFA/MFA Concert, 8 pm, Dance Bldg Studio A
*Cont Med Educ-2-day course begs, M L Barclay & S G McNeeley, "Obstetrics &
Gynecology: Challenges & Changes of The 1980's," 7:30 am, Towsley Ctr 763-
*Univ Musical Soc-Concert, Munich Philharmonic Orchestra, 8 pm, Hill Aud
*ICLE-Course, "Will Drafting Techniques," noon-4 pm, 1020 Greene
Sch Art-Recep for MFA Exhib, 7-10 pm, Rackham Galleries 764-0397.
Chem-Sem, A Andrews, "Current Status of the Water Dimer Problem," & J Jun Oh,
"Spectroscopy & Potential Function for Ar-Hcl Complex," 4 pm, Chem Rm 1200.
Mus Anthropology-Brown-Bag Lee, L V Watrous, "Investigations Into the
Origin & Development of the State in Ancient Crete: The Western Masara
Survey," noon-I pm, Ruthven Mus 764-0485.
Hillel Fdn-Vigil for Soviet Jews begs, 7 pm; Recognition Svc, mdnght, Diag
Univ Lutheran Chapel-Doctrine Class, 8 pm, 1511 Washtenaw 663-5560.
U-M Lib/AA Publ Lib-Films, Storm Center, 4 pm, MLB Aud 4; Slow Fires: On
the Preservation of the Human Record, 7 pm, AA Publ Lib.
Dept Hist-Lec, N Sheehan, "Vietnam: How Could This War Have Happened," 4
pm, Rackham Aud.
*Sdt Woodshop-Wkshp, P Dinehart, "Methods of Decorative Inlay," 6-8 pm,
SAB 763-4025.
Human Genetics-Sem, R Palmiter, "Correction & Creation of Genetic Disease in
Transgenic Mice," 4-6 pm, Nat Sci Aud 764-5490.
Guild House-Women & Spirituality Mtg, L Bancel, 7:30 pm, 802 Monroe St 662-
Taekwondo Club-Mtg, 6-8 pm, 1200 CCRB Begins welcome 662-8637.
Table Tennis Club-Practice, 6 pm, Coliseum (Hill & S Fifth) 747-6564.
Lesbian-Gay Male Prog-Mtg, "Black Gay Brothers United," 7 pm, Mich Union
Rm 3200 763-4186.
*AAFC-Films, Blood Feast, 7 & 10 pm; The Wizard of Gore, 8:15 pm, Angell Hall
Aud A 769-7787
Astronomy-Lec, J Frogel, "Problems In Research On The Galactic Bulge," 3:30
pm, 807 Dennison 936-1737.
*Bridge Club-Bridge, 7:15 pm, Mich League Studio Rm 764-4648.
CSSEAS-Brown-Bag Lee, R Veder, "On the Adaptability of Tradition: Music in the
Sultan's Palace of Yogykarta Java," noon, Lane Hall Commons.
U-M Dearborn-Lee, C Otto, "Approaches to Imaging Muscarinic Receptors,"
2:30-4 pm, Classrm & Admin Rm 144 593-5277.
*HRD-Wkshps, "Intro To Statistics-A Refresher," 10 am-noon; "Employment
Process/Effective Selection Interviewing," 8 am-noon, 1111 Kipke Dr Reg req
Intl Ctr-Lec, N Chamness, "Returning Home: Making the Fulbright Experience
Permanent," noon-1 pm, 603 E Madison 747-2303.
Sch Music-Opera Wkshp, 8 pm, McIntosh Thtre; Early Music Concert, 8 pm,
Blanche Anderson Moore Hall; Symph & Concert Band, 8 pm, Hill Aud; *Dance
BFA/MFA Concert, 8 pm, Dance Bldg Studio A 763-4726.
Sch Music/CSSEAS-Concert, Javanese Gamelan Ensemble, 8 pm, Rackham Lee
*Women's Athlet-Softball, Indiana, 3 pm, Softball Field 763-2159.
Kelsey Mus--Dinner, 6:30 pm; Lee, S C Herbert, "A Tale of Two Cities: Kelsey
Museum Excavations at Tel Anafa Israel & Coptos Egypt," 8 pm, Business Sch
Residence Dining Rm 763-3559.
Committee For Graduation-Senior Swing Out Happy fir, 4-8 pm, Mich Union
Univ Club 764-0384.
Anthropology-Colloquium, H Wright, "Cultural Diversity In Madagascar: An
Archaeological Perspective," 4 pm, 4560 LSA.
*Univ Productions-See April 13.
*U-M Flint-Film, Tequila Sunrise, 7 & 9:15 pm, Univ Ctr Kiva; Play, Trojan
Woman, 8 pm, Thtre.
Nuclear Engr-Colloquium, S Karin, "The Supercomputer Era," 3:45 pm, White Aud
Cooley Bldg.
*Gilbert & Sullivan Soc-See April 12.
Res Coll-Lee, A Redlich, "Careers in Psychology," 4 pm, E Quad Rm 126;
Concert, Opera & Broadway Favorites, 8 pm; Recep following, E Quad Aud 763-
Sch Nrsg-Lec, I R Shannon, "Going Forward Looking Back: The Challenges," 10
am, Mich League Hussey Rm 936-3631.
*Wesley Fdn-Benefit Concert, P Madden-Roth, 8 pm, 120 S State 668-6881
Univ Lutheran Chapel-Handbell Practice, 6:30 pm; Videos & Games, 7:30 pm,
1511 Washtenaw 663-5560.
U-M Lib/AA Publ Lib-Film, Desk Set, 3 pm, MLB Aud 4.
Guild House-*Lunch & Discuss, D Coleman, "Stopped at the Border," noon;
Video, "Bye Bye Brazil," 8 pm, 802 Monroe St 662-5189
Karate Club-Karate, 3-5 pm, CCRB Small Gym 930-0025.
*Exhib Mus Planetarium-Shows: "Star Talk," 10:30 & 11:30 am; "The Mars
Show," 2, 3 & 4 pm, Exhib Mus 4th fl, corner Geddes-Washtenaw 764-0478.
Homeless Action Committee-Demonstration, 7:30 am, 306 S Main 662-4975
or 930-2959.
Chess Team-Chess, 1 pm, Mich League Basement 764-8857.
*AAFC-Films, Winnie The Pooh Festival, 7 pm; Chained For Life, 8:30 pm, Nat Sci
Aud 769-7787.
*Univ Productions-See April 13.
Sch Music-Univ Choir, 8 pm, Hill Aud; Tuba/Euphonium Emsemble, 4 pm,
McIntosh Thtre; *Dance BFA/MFA Concert, 8 pm, Dance Bldg Studio A 763-
*Mus Art-Garden Party Benefit, Desserts & Dancing, M Lawrence & Easy, 8:30-
mdnght, 525 S State 764-0395.
*Women's Athlet-Softball, Indiana, 1 pm, Softball Field 763-2159.
Sch Art-Recep for BFA Exhib, 7-9 pm, Slusser Gallery 764-0397.
*U-M Flint-Play, Trojan Women, 8 pm, Thtre 762-3230.
*Gilbert & Sullivan Soc-Opera, The Mikado, 2 & 8 pm, Mendelssohn Thtre
Sdt Woodshop-Safety Class For New Shop Users Pt 1, 9-11 am, SAB 763-4025.
U-M Dearborn-Conf, "Early Childhood Career Challenges," 8:30 am-3 pm, Henry
Ford Estate Fair Lane Reg req 579-2777
Lord of Light Lutheran Church-Worship, 10 am, 801 S Forest 668-7622
*Exhib Mus Planetarium-Show: "The Mars Show," 2, 3 & 4 pm, Exhib Mus
4th fl, comer Geddes-Washtenaw 764-0478.
Zen Buddhist Temple-Korean Svc, 11 am; Meditation Svc, 5-7 pm, 1214
Packard Rd 761-6520.
Canterbury House-Worship, 5 pm; Dinner, 6 pm; Prog, 7 pm, 218 N Division
Wels Lutheran Campus Ministry-Bible Std, 8:45 am; Worship, 10 am, 1360
Pauline Blvd 662-0663 or 761-6362.
*Univ Productions-Play, Dragons, 2 pm, Power Ctr 764-0450.
Mus Art-*Brunch, 10:30 am-12:30 pm, Business Sch Executive Residence Dining
Rm: Docent Tour. "Down a Garden Path." 1.15-430 n 55 C5tate- *T c,.S T