s substance
Crack gangs in Ann Arbor? Local
high school students who experi-
ment with drugs more than students
in other cities?
These and other examples of sub-
stance abuse in Ann Arbor were the
subjects of a City Council anti-drug
task,.force-sponsored public forum
last night.
Social workers, prison coun-
selors, and grassroots political lead-
ers offered explanations and possible
solutions for the city's substance
abuse problems. Most focused on
the social, family, and economic
reasons for drug abuse.
"We have (rehabilitation) centers
that are accessible to those who can
pay for it," said Chuck Kiefer, who
works at the SOS Crisis Center.
"The sad fact remains if you don't
have the dough, you ain't got
nowhere to go."
Marlene Gonet, a substance abuse
counselor at Pioneer and Commiu-
nity High Schools, said drug abuse
among Ann Arbor teenagers is high.
According to a survey given to the
students in 1986, 65 percent of Ann
Arbor's high-school seniors had tried
marijuana; 20 percent had tried crack.
Another survey will be conducted
this spring.
Next year local public schools
will, for the first time, have manda-
tory substance abuse education in the
elementary schools, said Nancy
Schleicher, a member of the Sub-
stance Abuse Group for Education.
The task force was established by
the council last May to establish a
coordinated effort to fight the abuse;
it is made up of 11 members with
experience related to substance
The Michigan Daily - Thursday, March 9, 1989 - Page 3
EMU building
b urns
Wisps of smoke were still rising
from the ruins yesterday afternoon,
12 hours after a fire gutted the
second-oldest building on the
campus of Eastern Michigan
Ypsilanti Fire Department
officials said they have yet to
determine the cause of the fire,
which began early yesterday morning
inside Sherzer Hall's first-floor
printmaking lab and spread through
the building.
Sherzer Hall, which housed part
of EMU's art department, had been
standing since 1903.
EMU spokesperson Kathleen
Tinney said it will cost "well over a
million dollars" to replace the
building, though no specific costs
have been determined.
The EMU Regents last month
approved funding to renovate the
building, which would have included
installation of an extensive fire
alarm system, Tinney said.
The fire caused Sherzer Hall's
entire roof to cave in, dropping a
telescope in the rooftop planetarium
into the basement. For safety
reasons, at least part of the
building's remaining shell will be
torn down beginning today.
Eventually, the entire building
may have to be razed, but EMU
plant supervisors said insurance
adjustors are examining the rubble to
see if anything can be salvaged.
"We just don't think that we're
going to be able to" salvage the
building, Tinney said.
The building housed the art
school's printmaking, photography,
and textile labs. The main offices of
the art department, as well as
sculpture and ceramics labs, are
One woman, who said the
building was named for her
husband's grandfather, just shook her
head while looking at the remains of
the building, repeating, "It's a
"It's going to be a miserable rest
of the semester," said Obaid Ali, a
design major who said he lost
several oil paintings of his in the
Lisa Koivisto, a junior, said she
took all of her work home, but added
that she hadn't heard anything yet
about relocating classes.
Arrangements to relocate the 29
classes which met in Sherzer Hall
will be finalized over the weekend,
Tinney said.
Dan Steward and Oliver Edmond prepare a crane for demolition of the Eastern University building
wrecked by fire yesterday.
Prof.: U.S., Panama strife hurts citizens
"When two elephants struggle it is the grass which
suffers," Professor Miguel Bernal said last night in his
speech on the relations between the U.S. and Panama.
Ihe grass, he said, represents the Panamanian.citi-
zens who are suffering as the result of the struggle be-
tween the United States and Panamanian President
Manuel Noriega.
Bernal, the self-exiled editor of Alternativa, the only
opposition newspaper still distributed in Panama,
spoke for an hour to a small audience of students.
le said the U.S. imposes harmless economic sanc-
tions on Panama and continues its military support of
the Noriegan military regime. "The real problem in
Panama is militarization of all of Panama's society,
militarization of our country," he said. 'This will not
end until the U.S. halts military involvement in
Concerning the historic American backing of the
Noriegan regime, Bernal said the U.S. government
must understand that "Big guns don't lead to national
security, but absolute power (in the form of Noriega)
leads to absolute corruption."
He said Panama, the business center of Latin
America, has also become its drug center under Nor-
iega. Since the 60s, Bernal said, Noriega has been in-
volved in the illegal drug trade.
"Panama has become a totally criminal empire,
possibly as large as any that may exist in the world,"
he said.
Although Noriega called the U.S. "a monkey that
dances to the music I play," Bernal said the U.S. has
been funding the corrupt regime for 20 years.
Bernal said Noriega is responsible for brutal mis-
treatment of political prisoners, the outlawing of a free
press, and the exile of numerous Panamanian citizens.
Bernal himself has been beaten, jailed, shot and exiled.
But Bernal did not condemn all types of U.S. fund-
ing. "We want the U.S. government to stop the sup-
port of the military, not of our nation," he clarified.
d ! j
Glendale, Arizona 85306 USA
A representative will be on campus
to discuss
Interviews may be scheduled at
Daily Opinion Page Editor Elizabeth Esch did not
defend the use of unsubstantiated facts in editorials.
The Daily misrepresented her statements in a news
I I The 8th Warner-Lambert Lecture
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The National Theatre of the Deaf presents
King of Hearts
Pat Schroeder
"Elections and Political Process"
Monday, March 13, 1989, 8:00 pm
Rackham Lecture Hall
This free lecture is sponsored by the
college of Literature, Science, -and the Arts
Photo by Jim Richardson, The Denver Post
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