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February 08, 1989 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1989-02-08

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The Michigan Daily -Wednesday, February 8, 1989 - Page 5

Many women simply opt not to
become medical doctors, because
pursuing the lifetime challenge of a
areer in medicine, battling the so-
cial impediments imposed on mi-
norities, and trying to bear and raise
children can be discouraging
Five female University Medical
School students gathered in a small
conference room at the .Michigan
League yesterday afternoon and
shared their views on being a woman
in medical school with an
enthusiastic crowd of 25 women.
The panelists - Susan Fabrik,
Kristin Mogbo, Petra Polasek, Jen-
nie Mao, and Paula Mossner, all
second year students - described
their different histories in reaching
medical school.
Fabnk and Mogbo, who are now
both in their 30's, said they have
taken the "non-traditional" route -
"floundering" for several years in and
out of school and jobs, before decid-
ing to commit to careers in
Mogbo, who has three children
from six to 19 years old, said there
is not enough flexibility for women
with children. She attributes this in
part to the "very predominant" num-
ber of white males in the Univer-
sity's Medical School faculty.
"The system is not set up to help
you find alternatives, for example, if
I have a sick child," she said, adding
that she is splitting up her second
year so she can afford more time
with her family.
This typifies a trend in medicine
today, Fabrik said. The less demand-
ing primary care fields - such as
pediatrics and family practice - tend
to attract women who need to devote
* time to their families. "You are less
able to have a family as a surgeon,"
she said.
See Medical Page 6





Snow sculptures
Preparations for the 1989 Michigan Snow Sculpting Competition, to be held on Main Street
beginning Thursday at 1:00 pm. There will be 24 competing teams judged on creativity,
technique, and message.
BALSA presents videotape
on Malcolm X's views

A new student group has orga-
nized to encourage students not to
attend the University.
Students for a New Michigan
Image will release 5,000 flyers every
month "portraying the University of
Michigan as it truly is... until the
regents and administration rescind
their anti-student actions of the past
few months."
The group's first flyer mentions
recent University actions, such as
passing what many call a student
"code" of non-academic conduct, im-
plementing a student protest policy,
and deputizing two public safety of-
Threatening to "remind the Uni-
versity administration that students
are not powerless and cannot be
taken for granted," SNMI said it will
circulate these fliers on other college
and high school campuses.
According to fifth-year graduate
student Henry Park, SNMI's
spokesperson, "The group name and
the formation of the group is meant
as a long-term threat to the image of
the University. But if the
administration acts quickly, it won't
University President James Dud-
erstadt declined comment on the
Shirley Clarkson, Duderstadt's
assistant, said she hasn't seen the
publication and could not respond.
"Usually we don't respond to nega-
tive comment." she said.
Vice President Henry Johnson
would not comment on the publica-
tion's content, adding that the
publication would have little effect.
"I would hope that students and par-
ents could see beyond the incidents
they're citing and realize that the
University is a place for learning and
experiencing good things," he said.
"I don't think it will be taken seri-
Student reactions to the flier var-
ied. LSA junior Andrew Shaver said,
"People will come here because of

the reputation Michigan has already.
Only the activist types will take this
seriously and their absence won't be
missed by the administration and
Michigan will become more conser-
vative as a result."
Third-year pharmacy student Sue
Felk thought differently: "I think
this publication may attract more'
activists to this campus because.
they'll see how active student orga-
nizations at Michigan presently are.
Because you're an activist you want
to go somewhere where you can be
Business School senior Lou
Petruco said he opposed SNMI's ac-
tions. "I think it's a joke," he said.
"It's hard to take seriously that these
people who write this paper will ac-
tually influence anyone's decision to
go to college here or that their'
voices have value to those trying to
get into this school. I think U of M
is a great school. These isolated in-,
cidents say little about the school as'
it actually is."
Park said copies of the paper have'
already been distributed to the media;
area high schools, and other col-
The SNMI has also circulated a'
petition in support of four students
who were arrested for their actions'
during a protest of Duderstadt's in-
auguration in November. The
protesters, who will stand trial on'
May 11, have alleged that they were
brutalized by police and University
public safety officers.
The flyer is a privately funded
four-page newsletter. The most re-,
cent issue's headlines say,
"Duderstadt should not be president,"{
"U Police Curtail Student Rights,"
"University Arrests Students for
Protest" and "Michigan? Just say
Park refused to reveal the names;
of students involved in SNMI be-'
cause of possible University action
against them.
The next flyer will be printed at
the end of this month.

Malcolm X, the Black civil
rights leader who died from an
assassin's bullet in 1965, spoke to
50 students last night in Mary
Markley's Angela Davis Lounge last
A videotaped documentary
organized by University law student
Charles Wynder showed Malcolm X
saying, "The injustice imposed on
the Negroes in this country by Uncle
Sam is criminal."
The video kicked off a series of
events to end the celebration of
Martin Luther King Jr. Day and start
the celebration of the ideas of
Malcolm X, according to Wynder.
Speaking prior to the
presentation, Wynder expressed
concern about discrimination at
universities today as he cited figures
from the New York Times, which
said the Black male enrollment in

colleges in the United States has
been decreasing since it went down
30 percent from 1980 to 1986.
"We must learn not to separate
ourselves from the issues at hand.
Someone has to put that foot out,
but if we stick together things will
happen. If we stand together, it's
going to take more than a nation to
stop us," said Wynder.
Wynder expressed concern about
the University's recent Diversity
Day, and said the day was "not really
what the holiday is supposed to be
The documentary quoted King as
saying Malcolm X's assassination
was an "unfortunate tragedy."
James Dixon, a first-year student
who attended the program, said,
"Blacks have a low self-esteem as it
is. We should try to educate
ourselves. We as Blacks at this
university are here for one purpose,

to educate ourselves and to take it
back to the community."
Malcolm X was a Black militant
leader who articulated concepts of
racial pride and Black nationalism in
the early 60s. After his assassination
on February 21, 1965, the widespread
distribution of his autobiography,
The Autobiography of Malcolm X.
made him an ideological hero,
especially among Black youth.
Growing up in Lansing, he saw
his house burn down at the hands of
the Ku Klux Klan. In 1946, inI
prison for burglary, he was converted
to the Black Muslim faith.
Since Malcom X advocated
violence for self protection and
appeared to many to be a fanatic, his
leadership was rejected by many civil
rights leaders who emphasized
nonviolence resistance to racial

Announcing a 2-day "Rush-ia" for the
r Osipov Balalaika Orchestra

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