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November 29, 1988 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1988-11-29

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Nieyirto an/feeo
44vNinety-nine years of editorial freedom

Vol. IC, No. 57

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Tuesday, November 29, 1988

Copyright 1988, The Michigan Daily



trip to
Arab nations said yesterday the
General Assembly session will move
to Geneva so PLO chief Yasser
Arafat can address it, unless the
United States reverses itself within
48 hours and grants him a visa.
In Washington, the State De-
partment said the U.S. decision to
deny the visa was "firm and final." It
gave reluctant consent to moving the
debate on Palestinian issues, sche-
duled to begin Thursday.
U.N. legal counsel Carl-August
Fleischhauer told a U.N. committee
the United States was violating the
1947 U.S.-U.N. Headquarters
Agreement, which requires the host
country to grant visas to people
invited by the United Nations.
"The agreement does not contain a
reservation of the right to bar the
entry of those who represent, in the
view of the host country, a threat to
its sovereignty and security," the
lawyer added
Patricia Byrne, alternate U.S.
representative, said the U.S. govern-
ment disagreed with Fleischhauer's
interpretation. She did not elaborate.
The chair of the U.N. Committee
on Relations with the Host Country,
Ambassador Constantine Moushou-
tas of Cyprus, said in a summation
"the vast majority" of speakers felt
the U.S. had violated the
Headquarters Agreement. The
committee took no action.
Arab diplomats called the U.S.
visa denial a "slap in the face."
The Soviet Union and China, and
U.S. allies Britain and France, said
Arafat should be allowed to speak.
Most nations urged Washington to
reconsider, saying the U.S. action
was harming prospects for peace in
the Middle East.

Instead of entering a formal plea of guilty
or not guilty at her arraignment yesterday,
suspected baby kidnapper Sharon Newkirk
simply said, "I want a lawyer."
During Newkirk's brief arraignment yes-
terday, police officials said she admitted to
unhooking the baby's monitor and taking her.
According to the police report, Newkirk had
said she intended to move to Alabama Satur-
day afternoon, after taking the baby.
The baby, Debra Lynn Moore, was re-
turned unharmed and in good condition to the
University's C.S. Mott Children's Hospital
Newkirk, with her husband Robert, were
arrested over the weekend at their home in
Howell, Mich., for allegedly kidnapping one;
of Kimberly Moore's two-and-a-half-month-
old twins from Mott last Friday. Robert was
later released.
Debra Lynn and her twin brother were born
Sept. 9, almost three months premature.
Though they were originally scheduled to
leave the hospital tomorrow, the kidnapping
has delayed their release, said Moore, Debra
Lynn's 17-year-old mother.
The Newkirks were returning home early


t 01
Saturday afternoon and had pulled into their
driveway where Ann Arbor Police officers,
waiting for them, surrounded the car and
whisked Sharon away. The baby was found in
the front seat of the Newkirks' car.
"When they grabbed Sharon, I said, 'Hey
take it easy, that's my wife, she just had a
baby.' The police took her away so fast I
didn't know what was going on," Robert
Newkirk said in an interview yesterday.
"When I got to jail then I knew she had
abducted a baby," he said. "I couldn't believe
it. I don't think she was in her right mind if
she did it."
According to Judy Edmundson, Robert
Newkirk's sister, Robert passed a lie detector
test early yesterday which led to his release
yesterday afternoon.
But Moore felt that the polygraph test was
not sufficient to vindicate the husband. "I
don't see how a lie detector test can hold up,"
she said.
Robert said his wife, Sharon, will not tell
him how she will plead at her preliminary
examination Dec. 7 in Ann Arbor's 15th
District Court.
See Baby, Page 5

Sharon Newkirk enters 15th District Court in Ann Arbor to face an arraign-
ment hearing on charges of kidnapping a baby from the University's C.S.
Mott Children's Hospital Friday. A pre-trial hearing was scheduled for Dec.

MSA resurrects student


The Central Student Judiciary, the judicial
branch of the Michigan Student Assembly, is
a little-known campus entity that is trying to
regain its former stature.
CSJ Chief Justice John Sotiroff claims the
court was a powerful force on campus from
the mid 1970s through the early 1980s.
Somehow, interest in the CSJ died out, until
virtually no one knew of its existence.
Sotiroff said the administration was ignor-
ing students' complaints, and that a strong
CSJ was needed to give legitimacy to student
"If the administration wants to do some-
thing, they do it," he said. "I would hope that

if something were decided by CSJ that the
administration would uphold the decision."
The CSJ operated through mid-1987, and
even decided a case that spring affecting an
MSA ballot question on PIRGIM, the envi-
ronmental lobbying group. Justices were not
appointed for the next academic year, and the
CSJ essentially disappeared.
Current MSA Parliamentarian Jeff Gau-
thier, a Rackham graduate student, took
charge of resurrecting CSJ last spring. He and
Lauren Isenberg, a former CSJ member, in-
terviewed students for the 10 open positions.
Sotiroff, who was appointed last spring, was
the only student still interested in serving this
fall. Nine new members were interviewed and

approved by MSA. The court is composed of
five women and five men.
The student court, which encompasses two
other judicial panels, does not normally re-
view decisions made by University officials,
but will hear a case if students claim their
right to due process or equal protection under
the law has been violated by the University.
One sub-court deals with MSA election
disputes, while the other, the Court of Com-
mon Pleas, has jurisdiction over non-aca-
demic student disputes, conflicts between
student groups, as well as student complaints
with MSA. This body is currently defunct,
but CSJ members are conducting a search for
the five open seats.

The most controversial case to come be-
fore CSJ this term was a dispute between the
Lesbian and Gay Rights Organizing
Committee and the Cornerstone Christian
In October, the assembly passed a resolu-
tion rescinding its recognition of CCF after
LaGROC protested the performance on the
Diag of a song at a CCF-sponsored event
which was labelled homophobic by LaGROC
and MSA. The court overturned the decision,
saying MSA denied the fellowship's due pro-
cess. LaGROC has filed a new case, but a
hearing date has not been set.
See CSJ, Page 2

Gov: Politics spur U.S.
to ignore unfair trade

Reagan Administration refused to
protect United States auto parts
manufacturers from unfair foreign
competition in order to help Canada's
Conservative Party win a hotly
contested election, Michigan Gov.
James Blanchard said yesterday.
The U.S. trade representative,
Clayton Yeutter, earlier this month
rejected a petition filed by the state
alleging the Canadian government
was harming U.S. parts makers'
ability to compete by offering duty
rebates to foreign automakers.
Blanchard tied the trade repre-
sentative's action to Canadian Prime
Minister Brian Mulroney's efforts to
retain his party's majority in Parlia-
Last week's Canadian election
turned into a referendum on a free-
trade agreement with the U.S.. The
leader of the Liberal Party, John
Turner, accused Mulroney of selling
out to the Americans at Canada's
expense. Mulroney countered the

state could do to try to win a reversal
of the decision, particularly since the
President-elect George Bush is un-
likely to alter trade policies after his
inauguration in January.
Although parts manufacturers
will suffer, the Michigan economy
will be a net gainer under the free-
trade agreement, which would elimi-
nate most tariffs on goods passing
between the United States and Ca-
nada, Blanchard said.
Canada gives duty rebates on
autos to foreign manufacturers in
return for the use of Canadian parts
in their cars, a practice the Michigan
complaint asserted constituted discri-
mination against U.S. manufacturers.
In rejecting the complaint,
Yeutter said the state government had
no right to file such a petition since
it wasn't directly harmed by the
Canadian practice. He also said the
issue was addressed in the free-trade
agreement, which would end the duty
rebates in 1996.

... decries U.S. trade policy
agreement would be good for the
"My guess is they rejected our
complaint in order to help Mulroney
win the election," Blanchard said in
Washington before entering a meet-
ing of the Democratic Leadership
Blanchard said he saw little the

Opening d ay
CRISP worker Larry McBride hands out a computer printout to a newly-registered student.
Registration for winter term classes began yesterday.

SACUA debates panel
to review faculty code

Court says husbands
can't stop abortions

A somewhat divided faculty advi-
sory panel yesterday began creating
the committee which will attempt to
suggest an acceptable discriminatory
harassment policy for faculty and
b staff.

The committee will report back to
the assembly at its January meeting.
But some SACUA members, like
chair Beth Reed, are opposed to the
idea of the committee. She said she
is worried that it could provoke "a
battle" among the faculty or between

committee). We don't have the
power to redraft the policy," Reed
Some faculty members are con-
cerned about specific points in the
policy, such as defining academic
freedom, protecting against false ac-

case involving a Michigan couple,
the Supreme Court yesterday refused
to grant husbands legal power to
prevent their wives from having an
The court, without comment, re-

Shawn Lewis' abortion. Yesterday's
decision involved a formal appeal by
Carlton Lewis to get the Court to
consider the issue of whether a hus-
band has the right to block his
wife's abortion.
Shawn Lewis was granted a di-

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