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November 18, 1988 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1988-11-18

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Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, November 18, 1988

Engineering counselor doubles as friend

Every student who walks into Mi-
nority Engineering Counselor Kurt
Hill's office doesn't get the same ad-
vice that has already been passed on to
a thousand other students in the exact
same way. Hill said that he treats each
student as an individual and bases his
advice on their personal situation.
On the other hand, every time a
student walks into his office, Hill
doesn't anticipate the "same old prob-
lems." Hill said that as a counselor,
he can't stereotype student concerns.
"Students don't always come in with
problems," he said. "Sometimes they
just want to share happy experiences
with someone."
And positive experiences are what
Hill expects when he encourages mi-
nority students to get to know their
professors, a major adjustment for
many. "They have to realize that the
professor is there to help them," he

stressed. resumes.
HILL ALSO encourages studentsHILSBOHadeiavsr
to takeLadvantage of the University's H L S BOTH demic advisr
resources, such as the Professional and friend to 56 PTP students this
Training Program (PTP). The pro- semester, dealing with problems from
gram begins as a six-week summer academic stress to financial strain.
orientation program for minority en- Hill admits that he doesn't have all
gineering first-year students. the answers, but he compensates by
The newly admitted students can networking with other programs such
find out what the University is like as the Comprehensive Studies Pro-
by taking college-level math, com- m_ also a minority sunnort jrouU.


puter science, and study skills courses
"Early exposure really helps stu-
dents," Hill said. "They not only get a
chance to see the University in action,
but they become familiar with key
people in key places."
Deans of several University schools
and colleges meet with the students
during the summer. Throughout the
fall and winter terms, PTP holds
monthly forums on topics ranging

g1il , O 1LLVL Ouy a6 u ,
so he can at least connect students
with someone who can help them.
The engineering program can at-
tract and retain more minority stu-
dents, Hill said, by taking a more ag-
gressive approach toward recruitment
and by giving itself more publicity.
He suggested the University build
stronger relationships with high
school counselors and keep in touch
with alumni, who can contact

Hi ll...

from time management to preparing prospective students in their area.


minority engineers

count. "What you expect to happen is
n muerentfrom what hap-

'Continued from Page 1
of the 1986 inflation rate. Hymans
and Wolfe forecasted a 3.9 percent in-
crease, while the actual number was
an unusually low 1.1 percent.
Economics Prof. Thomas Juster,
however, cautioned against an over-
reliance on model-based economic
predictions, such as those of Hymans
and Wolfe.
Forecasting methods, Juster said,
are not able to take special circum-
stances and new situations into ac-

pened last year," he said.
"Maybe we should give a little
more weight than normal to devia-
tions," he said. "In the current envi-
ronment there are more possibilities
than ever for snowballing... since we
have created imbalances of a serious
The conference will conclude this
morning with presentations on "The
Michigan Economy in 1989" and
"Ten U.S. Cities: Winners, Losers,
and Also-Rans."

Projected percent increases of economic indicators
1989 projections
1990 projections
1 .

Compiled from Associated Press and staff reports
Bush picks Chief of Staff
WASHINGTON - President-elect George Bush yesterday named Nevz
Hampshire Gov. John Sununu White House chief of staff and tapped his
campaign strategist Lee Atwater as chair of the Republican National
Bush's selection of Sununu as his top White House adviser prompted
the resignation, effective in January, of long-time aide Craig Fuller, whd
said he had told Bush he was eager for the job.
Bush said he would like Fuller, co-chair of the transition team and his
chief of staff since1985, to consider a role in his administration, but that
he chose Sununu because he was the "right man for the job."
Sununu, the first Washington outsider to be named by Bush, will
bring "a refreshing new perspective" to the job, the president-elect said.
The governor is credited with helping revive Bush's candidacy with a"
victory in the New Hampshire primary last February after the vice
president finished a poor third in Iowa's caucuses.
Kremlin calls for meeting
with Estonian legislators
MOSCOW - The Kremlin yesterday summoned the leaders of Eston-
ia to Moscow and expressed serious doubt about the constitutionality of.
the tiny Baltic republic's unprecedented challenge to its authority.
The Estonian Supreme Soviet, or parliament, on Wednesday over-
whelmingly passed a constitutional amendment requiring Estonian ap
proval of any new Soviet law.
The legislators also approved a "declaration of sovereignty" that de
clares the republic's independence in all areas except defense and foreign
A first reaction from Moscow, published yesterday by Tass news agen
y, said "documents adopted by the Estonian parliament are at variance
with the provisions of the current Constitution of the USSR."
MSU seeks to curb alcohol
LANSING - Michigan State University officials, alarmed by student
alcohol abuse, might give students the chance to live in dorm-itories,
where drinking isn't allowed, an official said yesterday.
The university is concerned about alcohol on campus because of its ef-
fects on student health, academic performance and student behavior, such
as vandalism or sexual assault, said Marie Hansen, MSU assistant directoi
of student life.
A handful of U.S. universities have adopted total bans on alcohol, dub-
bing themselves "alcohol-free," even for students over age 21, but she
said, "that's not what we're talking about."
MSU administrators currently are considering adopting an approach,
used at the University of Michigan, which 4llows students to request a
non-drinking roommate, she said.
Other options include reserving some dormitories or dormitory floors,
for non-drinkers, Hansen said, adding any such changes would be more
than a year down the road.
Blanchard seeks school funds
LANSING - Gov. James Blanchard huddled with key Democratic;
lawmakers yesterday in an attempt to salvage efforts to revamp the way
Michigan finances its schools.
Meanwhile, several groups issued statements lauding Blanchard's new,
proposal to cut property taxes by $810 million a year and raise the state,
sales tax from 4 percent to 5 percent to pay for the finances.
A Senate Republican said his committee would begin work on-
Blanchard's plan next week.
But at least one expert legislator said Blanchard's plan to cut property
taxes would give little effect to school funding. It.remained unclear if
lawmakers could agree on a scheme with only a month left in the two-,;
year legislative session.




GNP Disposable

Inflation Unemployment

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American Baptist Campus Center
First Baptist Church
Huron St. (between State and Division)
Across from Campus
9:55 Worship Service
11:15 Church School Classes for all ages
5:30 (beginning September 14)
Supper (free) and fellowship
and Bible Study
A get acquainted supper will be held
Sunday, September 18, at 5:30.
Please join us.
Center open each day
For information call
Robert B. Wallace, pastor
801 South Forest at Hill Street
Sunday Worship at 10:00 a.m.
Wednesday: Bible Study at 6:30 p.m.
Worship at 7:30 p.m.
Pastor: Galen Hora, Intern: Paul Witkop
All Are Welcome! 668-7622
(Episcopal Church Chaplaincy)
218 N. Division
Sunday Schedule
Holy Eucharist - 5:00 p.m.
Celebrant and Preacher:
The Rev. Virginia Peacock
Thanksgiving Dinner - 6:00 p.m.
Call 665-0606
(a non-denominational church)
Sunday Worship Service - 10 a.m.
at Angell Elementary School
(1 block east of Washtenaw on South U)

It's the time of the season
"'They're here!"
- the late Heather O'Rourke in the movie Poltergeist -
The new Time Schedule is now available in Mason Hall for the low,
low price of nothing. Pick one up by midnight tonight and recieve also
absolutely free a LSA Course Guide (sorry they're all out of Ginsu
Knives). Act fast - supplies are limited.
The time schedule cover features a black and white photo of Angell
Hall looking like a Medievial torture chamber, and the Course Guide has
a picture that looks like a scene from a dreary Samuel Coleridge poem
about a nature lover consoling his child on the death of a pet.
We all know Ann Arbor is a place of good cheer though. In celebration
of the city's warmth and mirth, Christmas decorations are now gracing
lamp posts all over the downtown area - and just in time for
So remember that although there are only 10 shopping days left before
CRISP begins, there are still 36 shopping days till Christmas..By the
way both publications make lovely gifts.
- By Alex Gordon
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday
through Friday during the fall and winter terms by students at the
University of Michigan. Subscription rates: January through April
- $15 in Ann Arbor, $22 outside the city. 1988 spring, summer,,
and fall term rates not yet available.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and the,
National Student News Service.
Editor in Chief.................REBECCA BLUMENSTEIN Lauren Shapiro, Chuck Skasame Tony Silber, Mark
Managing Editor ...............ARTHA SEVETSON Swamz, Usha Tununala. Nabeel ei
News Editor....................EVE BECKER Photo Editors............KAREN HANDELMAN
N~my-rs r . ..- WBJOHNMUNSON
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NEWS STAFF: Victoria Bauer, Scott Chaplin, Miguel u R JeaL icareneaa .Jo
Cruz * Marion Davis, Paul DeRooij Noah Finkel, Kelly Weekend Editor.... ........STEPHEN GREGORY
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ladipaolo, Steve Knopper, Mark Kolar, Ed Krachmer, ScotA WEEKEND SdtAFF.......BRA ONS
Lahde, Kristine LaLonde, Michael Lustig, Alyssa List EditorW....... ....... ........Angela Michaels
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Opinion Page Editors.......JEFFREY RUTHERFORD Display Sales Manager ....... ........JACK1E MILLER
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Sprt Eior.............EFF RUSH Credit Manager......... ..........IYUN 300 0O,
*Sports Editors.................. J HClassified Finance Manager ....JEFFREY WEIS:
ADAMSCHRAGER Lauren Berman, Jorge Blanco, Jill Breines, Jennifer
PETE STEINERI Qiappell, Susi D' Ambra, Beverly Day, Leslie Dubersiein,
DOUG VOLAN Milton Feld, Heather Gleason, Lisa Greenberg. Jeff
SPORTS STAFF: Adam Benson, Steve Blonder, Steve Halperin, SusmaLulich, Heather MacLachian. Jodi Mancb4

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