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October 10, 1988 - Image 12

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The Michigan Daily, 1988-10-10

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Page 12

The Michigan Daily - Monday, October 10, 1988-
Rush Delivery
Gillette's TD run puts
field-goal woes behind.
This time, there was no close shave at the end, no blame to face for
missing a field goal that would have won the game, no lack of skin to
Close shave. Face. Skin.
Gillette. Mike Gillette.
And from the look on the Michigan senior's face, this was no time
for any word play using his last name.
The only play for this time was a trick one: Gillette lining up to
punt the ball, Gillette faking the punt, Gillette looking to see if
teammates Chris Horn or Tripp Welborne were open for a pass, and
Gillette running with the ball around the left end of his offensive line.
AN INSTANT LATER, Gillette was 40 yards down the field, in
the end zone. He then kicked the extra point for what became the final
margin: Michigan 17, Michigan State 3.
"I needed a good day," said Gillette, who has had enough of them to
become Michigan's career scoring leader. He stands ahead of such
famous Wolverines as Anthony Carter and Tom Harmon. Ironically, it
wasn't an extra point or a field goal, but Gillette's first touchdown at a
Michigan, that put him ahead of Carter.
Carter and Harmon are good company. Carter, Michigan's previous -
career scoring leader, is one of the most feared receivers in the National
Football League. Harmon is Michigan's only Heisman Trophy winner.
But Gillette played down the comparison. "(The record) means I've
been here a long time, and I've had more opportunities than Tom
Harmon or Anthony Carter," he said.
And if Michigan coach Bo Schembechler heard Gillette say that
Saturday, he smiled.
GILLETTE hasn't always made him smile.
Though Gillette converted 16 of 23 field-goal attempts during the
first 10 games of 1986, his first year at Michigan, Schembechler
benched him for the Ohio State game as a result of training violations. ;
Gillette sat on the bench for the early part of the next season,
watching teammate Pat Moons kick. But Schembechler called on
Gillette in the Iowa game, and he responded with a Michigan record 53- a
yard field goal in the first quarter and a game-winning 34-yard field goal
as the game ended.M
Schembechler smiled then, and he had little reason to complain
about Gillette's kicking for the rest of that year and the next.
This season, with punter Monte Robbins having graduated,
Schembechler added punting to Gillette's place-kicking responsibilities.
Gillette has punted beautifully this season, but he has not-kicked as .
well as expected.
He missed what would have been the game-winning field goal at
Notre Dame, and he missed two field goals in a one-point loss to
Miami (Fla.).
SCHEMBECHLER wondered whether he should limit Gillette to.
either place-kicking or punting, and some fans booed Gillette when he
came onto the field against Michigan State..
As it turned out, it wasn't Gillette's place-kicking or punting that
made him a hero-Saturday. It almost made him the scapegoat.
Gillette lined up for a punt late in the third quarter with Michigan
ahead, 10-3. Before Gillette could get the punt off, Spartan John Miller +
got a hand on the ball, which bounced into the hands of Corey Pryor. ;
Pryor ran in untouched for an apparent touchdown. But an illegal-
motion penalty against Michigan State took away the touchdown and
gave Michigan a first down.
Six plays later, Michigan lined up in punt formation again. Gillette t
had told Schembechler that he thought he could run around the left side
if Michigan State lined up in a certain formation. When they lined up
in that formation, Gillette looked to Schembechler for the signal, and
Schembechler gave it to him.
A referee was the only thing standing between Gillette and the end
"The referee stood right in the way and damn near tackled him,"
Schembechler said. "If that would have happened, it could have been a;
different game."
It was a different game. Last year, Michigan State won.

Wolverines Mark Messner and Alex Marshall have Spartan Bobby McAllister on the run. That's where he was most of the
day - Michigan held him to only 71 yards passing. Michigan State had only 151 yards total offense.

Q Monday, Oct. 10th 12:00p.m.
at the Diag

Breland gets win

(Michigan Collegiate Coalition)

(United States Student Association)



Letty Cottin Pogrebin

Tuesday, Oct. 11
7:30 p.m. Angell Hall
Auditorium B
Join Letty Pogrebin, an editor of Ms. magazine, in this
evening's discussion of Jewish women in American film.
Presented in conjunction with the Shanik-Fleisher Forum.
Sponsored by Jewish Feminist group, DeRoy Foundation,
U-M Program on Judaic Studies, JCA/UJA of Washtenaw
County, Congregation Beth Israel, U-M Film and Video
Program, Temple Emanu-El. 769-0500 Hillel

Former WBA welterweight
champion Mark Breland scored an
easy victory over Ozzie O'Neil in
front of a noisy crowd of 16,734 at
the Palace in Auburn Hills Friday
night. .
The Breland victory capped a slate
of eight bouts, only one of which
went the scheduled distance.
Breland (22-1-1), enjoying a six-
inch height advantage, hit O'Neil
(19-7) at will with stiff jabs at the
start of the fight. A quick right to
O'Neil's ear stunned him, and two
Breland follow-up punches sent
O'Neil down at the 30-second mark.
O'Neil rose and swung an ill-timed
hook at Breland, who countered and
sent O'Neil back to the canvas. Once
again O'Neil got up, and once again
Breland dropped him, and the referee
ended the fight.
Breland barely broke a sweat in
earning his 15th knockout victory
since turning professional. When
asked after the fight about its
brevity, Breland said, "Hey, if he'd
stayed up longer, I might have hurt

my hands."
In the other featured bout, Kronk
light heavyweight Michael Moorer
triumphed over last-minute
replacement Jorge Suero, scoring a
technical knockout at the 1:25 mark
of the second round.
Moorer (9-0) concentrated on the
larger Suero's body in the first
round, scoring several hard shots to
his opponent's midriff. In the second
round, Moorer trapped Suero in a
corner and dazed him with a wicked
hook to the ribs, causing Suero to
wince in pain and slump to the
canvas. Suero got up, and Moorer
finished him off with a right to the
The Palace crowd seemed
unsatisfied by the easy victories for
Breland and Moorer. The crowd
favorite seemed to be Mike Dersa of
Pontiac, who won his junior-
welterweight professional debut over
Detroit native Keith Baker with a
knockout at 2:44 of the second


"Interviews are a
success for me."
"I possess the.
skills necessary tot
perform well."s
"I think quickly
on my feet."
"I'm not
"Where will the
interview get me?k
Chairman of the"
Where did it
come from?
"My experience...
Michigan Telefund,
of course."

AA PsAyE V coo tud/ v AE.nts!
Attention : Psychology Students!

team places .2nd
The Michigan men's cross
country team placed second overa4
among 17 teams at the 33rd annul
Notre Dame Invitational on Friday. :
Central Michigan captured first
with 78 points, remaining undefeated
in all three of its meets this seasoi:
Michigan, who last year placed firsk
finished second with 91. Edinbor6
took third with 116, while Easter
Michigan and host Notre Dame tied
for fourth at 154.
The meet's overall winner w*
Central Michigan runner Bill Taylof,
-who finished the five-mile course it
23 minutes 51 seconds. Michigan
first finisher, senior John Scherer,
took fourth overall at 24:0'.
Wolverine senior Ryan Robinsoi;
junior Brad Barquist, and sophomoir 4
Tony Carna finished 10th, 13th, an4
27th, respectively.
Friday's meet was the first ths
season for Robinson and Carna. Boo
were waiting for summer grades to le
recorded before they could compete. -
"I think things are starting to look
up for the team," said head coach
Ron Warhurst. "We got off to
pretty poor start this season, and ;4
think that from here on out we wiil
improve and peak for the Big Ten
Championships and NCAAs."
I i


on Graduate
ns Process





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