The Michigan Daily - Monday, October 10, 1988 - Page 11
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... how much money U of M students, staff, and faculty spend, and where they spend it. Your
responses will help us get to know our readers. Please take a minute to fill out this survey
and drop it off at the Student Publications Building on Maynard, the Fishbowl, or the Michi-
gan Union by Tuesday, October 11.
Everyone who drops their completed survey at the Student Publications Building is entitled
to place a free three-line classified advertisement. The ad must be placed at the time the
survey is dropped off, and must run in the month of October.
1. Which of the folowing best describes your present status at
Undergraduate full-time student..... ( ) 10-1
Undergraduate part-time student....( ) -2
Graduate full-time student ...........( ) -3
Graduate part-time student..........( ) -4
Other type of U-M student .......... ( ) -5
U-M faculty .....................( ) -s
U-M staff .......................( ) -7
not U-M student, faculty, or staff.....( ) -8
the University of Michigan?!
10. If YES, do you own this vehicle yourself?
YES ( )29-1
NO ( )-2
11. IF YOU OWN A MOTOR VEHICLE: About how much do you spend in a typical year on
parts, maintenance, and repair (not incl. gas)?
Write in $ so
12. About how much will you spend in a typical yar on the following:
2. How many of the last 5 issues of The Michigan Daily have you lookedat?
None . . .( )u-o Three..... ( ) -3
One.....( ) -, Four ......( ) -4
Two... .( ) -2 Five.......( ) -s
Travel (transportation,lodging, and meals) ... .
Stereo components and equipment ..........
Personal computer hardware & software.... .
$ 31
$ 32
$ 33
13. About how much will you spend in a typical month on the following:
3. Do others read your copy of The Michigan Daily
Yes .......... ( )12-1..
Don't know.... (
) -2
) -3
... How many?
Friday tabloid)?
Fast food, eaten in or carried out ...........
Sit-down restaurant food ............... .
Bars and nightclubs ....................
Package liquor .........................
Supermarket and grocery items ...........
Health and beauty aids ..................
Clothing and shoes .....................
Records, tapes, and CD's .................
Books, other than textbooks ..............
$ 34
$ 35
$ 36
$ 37
$ 38
$ 39
$ 40
$ 41
$ 42
4. How often do you read Weekend Magazine (the
Weekly ........( )58-I
Occasionally ... ( ) -2
Seldom .......( ) -3
) -4
5. What do you use Weekend Magazine for?
Dining guide ( )ss
Movie guide ( )
M i sic guide ( )
Other (write in)
6. How often do you:
Visit a store because of an ad in the Dail y?
Use information in the Daily to plan where
to go for entertainment?
Clip coupons from the Dailv?
Videotape rental and purchase .............$ 43
14. About how much money do you have left to spend per month after paying all your bills?
Write in$_ __
15. Do you have a local
checking account?
Yes ( ) 45
No ( )46
( 14-1
( )i-1
( )16-1
( )-2
( )-2
( )-3
( )-3
16. Which of these credit cards do own or have access to?
American Express ........( ) 47
Visa/Mastercard ..........( ) 48
Hudson's charge card .....( ) 49
Sears charge card ........ ( ) so
Penney's charge card ......( ) 5i
Other bank or store card.. _
Gasoline credit card .........
( )-2 ( )-3
7. How many times in the past 6 months have you gone to downtown Detroit or the
Detroit riverfront?
Write in 17
8. How many times in a typical month do you shop at the following places?
Ann Arbor Main Street.............18
Ann Arbor State Street ........ ...19
Ann Arbor South University ..... 20
Ann Arbor Liberty Street ....... 21
Briarwood Mall .............. ...22
Arborland Mall...................23
Kerrytown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Westgate Shopping Center ....... 25
Downtown Birmingham ........ ...26
Anywhere else?..................27
9. Do you have a car, truck, or van at your disposal at least part of the time?
YES ( )28-1 NO ( )-2
17. How many trips have you taken by commercial airline in the past 12 months?
Write in_ 54
18. What is your age?
19. Male ( ) 56-1
20. What category best
grants, etc.?
Write in_
Female (
) -2
describes your 1987 income from all sources... jobs, parents,
Less than $10,000.......
$40,000 or more .........(
) 57-1
) -2
) -3
) -4
Thank you for taking the time to help us out. You can drop off your survey at the Student
Publications Building, the Union, or the Fishbowl between now and Tuesday, October 11.
Employees of the Michigan Daily are not eligible to complete this survey.