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December 06, 1988 - Image 22

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The Michigan Daily, 1988-12-06
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Life And Art NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 1988 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 1988 Dollars And Sense


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Continued From Page 9
she said. For instance, students living
three to a room in traditional dorm
rooms will each pay $786 instead of
the $1,086 they would normally pay if
living two to a room.
People who choose to live under this
option were provided with a bunk bed,
an extra dresser and a desk. Though
some students participated in the con-
servation program to help out with the
housing shortage, most had saving
money in mind.
"For saving almost $300, it's bear-
able," said freshman Jennifer Lewan-
Most students said that although the
space is a bit cramped, there haven't
really been any major problems with
the arrangement.
"It's fine, a bit cramped, but it is liv-
able," said freshman Lisa Zander. "If I
"For saving almost $300, it's
could have one roommate, I would do it,
but it saves money this way."
At North Carolina State U. (NCSU),
writes Paul Woolverton of the NCSU
Technician, there were over 500 stu-
dents in triples at the beginning of the
semester, and the university housed
176 more in a nearby hotel.
The number of triples jumped sharply
this year "because we had about 400
more upperclassmen than we normally
have deciding they would like to stay on

Putting three students in a dorm room built fo
campus," said Vice Chancellor for Stu-
dent Affairs Tom Stafford.
Usually all of the students are moved
out of triples by the fourth week of clas-
ses, but Stafford said it was likely some
men will be in triples until the end of the
Students in triples for more than four
weeks receive a $100 discount on spring
semester rent, and will be exempt from
the random selection process, Stafford
said. He said no freshmen will be in
triples next fall.
Students living in triples at Purdue
U., Ind., have found advantages to their
living arrangements, reports Jeff Ster-
rett of The Purdue Exponent.
"You immediately have two friends so
you always have somebody to do things
with," said freshman Sandy Richard.
Although things seem to be working
out great now, none of the women were

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r two has become commonplace.
very pleased when they received their
housing contracts and found they had
been assigned to triples.
"I had a definite negative reaction -
disgust," Richard said.
As it is with other schools, tripling is
most often meant to be a temporary me-
asure, even though it does not always
work out as planned. According to Pur-
due s Director of Residence Halls John
Sautter, the admiistration's goal is to
convert all triples back into doubles as
soon as possible, hopefully by the end of
the semester.
Stephen F. Austin State U., Texas
(SFA), like most universities in Texas,
has seen a large student enrollment in-
crease since last year, which has caused
temporary housing problems, according
to Douglas Wong of the SFA Pine Log.
Students are being housed in hotels and
what used to be lounges, storage areas
and guest rooms. e

Down on your
funds? Some try
life with the folks
By Darren Tucker
U The Daily Utah Chronicle
U. of Utah
College is expensive, and it is not
going to get any cheaper. Maybe that's
the biggest reason why more students
are choosing to live at home rather than
at school.
Americans in their 20s are living at
home longer, delaying marriage and liv-
ing on declining salaries, according to a
study called "Youth Indicators 1988,"
recently released by the U.S. Depart-
ment of Education.
The survey, compiled from informa-
tion collected since 1950 at federal
agencies and private organizations,
drew information from participants 14
to 24 years old.
The findings indicated that the per-
centage of youth who lived with their
parents or in college dorms rose from 43
percent in 1960 to 53.6 percent in 1985.
The study also claims that students are
taking longer to become self-supporting
adults than they have in the past.
"The transition from childhood to
adulthood is taking longer than it used
to and it has more pitfalls," Project
Director Emily Wurtz said.
While some experts around the na-
tion are claiming it takes longer for
young people to mature and prepare for
a life of their own, most students don't
agree. They say the reasons for staying
at home longer are usually financial.
"I had to live at home because of the
expenses," said graduate Dave Lund-
berg. "I could live at home and have a
truck and not have to pay any rent.
"If I had to pay rent, insurance and a
truck payment and work part-time,
there's no way I could make it."
Lundberg said his relationship with
his family has improved since he mar-
ried and moved out.
"You can't do your own thing when
you're at home," he said. "My parents
nagged me sometimes about staying out
"You can have a lot more fun if you
move out, I think, but you have to weigh
your options. Is it more fun to be paying
bills than to live at home?"

By Mandy Mikulencak
The Battalion
Texas A&M U.
Students who choose liberal arts ma-
jors are often plagued by an unspoken
Underlying this stigma is the clear-
cut image of limited job opportunities
open to people with bachelor's degrees
in philosophy, sociology, anthropology
and other liberal arts studies. This often
results in the misconception that these
degrees have little application in the
real world without master's or docto-
rates to back them up.
But the popularity of liberal arts de-
grees may be rising, at least at Texas
A&M U. More than 1,000 freshmen en-

Job opportunities exist in liberal arts
despite negative stigmas for majors

rolled in the college this semester, while
nearly 300 have transferred into the
"The job market is only limited to
those who believe it's limited. It all de-
pends on how creative and determined
you are when looking for a job," said Dr.
Larry Hill, head of the history depart-
ment. .
Senior Jana Witt changed her major
from marketing to speech communica-
tions, a switch she said she hasn't re-
"I'm very interested in writing
speeches and lobbying," she said, "and I
think a speech communications degree
would work for either. I think it was a
good move."

U.S. students enter work forve while
foreign engineers opt for grad school
By Suzanne Slleited States. The statistic is low de-
ByThSuzanny Beagoe spite ceilings imposed by several
U The Daily Beacon major research universities on the
U. of Tennessee number of foreign graduate stu-
American students who earn dents admitted.
bachelor's degrees in science and "Many foreign students are not
engineering are increasingly choos- proficient with the English lan-
ing to go directly into the work guage and many of them end up in
force, and very few are returning to the teaching field," Grecco said.
graduate school, according to Wil- According to Stanford Penner,
liam Grecco, associate dean of the the low number of Americans
school of engineering at the U. of studying engineering is alarming
Tennessee. because foreign-born students may
The number of American citizens not be eligible for classified work by
in Ph.D. programs in engineering the U.S Department of Defense.
remains about 40 percent, accord- Grecco, though, said the number
ing to a report issued this spring by of Americans in graduate programs
the National Research Council on fluctuates according to the job
foreign-born engineers in the Un- market.

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Class demonstrates
finer points about
home brewing beer
By Jeffrey L. Jones
The Battalion
Texas A&M U.
While many students consider
themselves masters at the art of
drinking beer, one Texas A&M U.
graduate believes most have
much to learn.
Richard Malloy said he hopes
the home brewing class he
teaches will broaden his students'
knowledge and respect for beer.
"The main emphasis of the class is
not only to teach people how to
brew beer but to teach them to be
responsible drinkers and appreci-
ate what a quality beer is."
In the class, Malloy plans to
present different aspects of brew-
ing and, in addition to actual de-
monstrations, will bring in guest
speakers, including the president
of Shiner Beer.
Malloy, who started brewing
his own beer eight years ago, said
home brewing is not designed
with economical reasons in mind:
"Most of the beers you can find -
Milwaukee's Best, Schlitz, - can
be obtained almost cheaper than
you can brew your own. So if your
goal is to make something to
match an American light lager
you are really shortchanging
Boosting your self-image ... More
than 70 students are learning how to get motivated
and to build a positive self-image by taking a
course on promotional strategies at Kansas State
U. this fall. The class concentrates on maintaining
a winning attitude and positive values. "I feel
confident that our students have the technical
knowledge to be a success on the job, but there's a
need for a block of philosophy and psychology on
leadership in the work place," class instructor
Richard Burke said. Jody Hundley, Kan-
sas State Collegian, Kansas State U.
Making music with computers .. .
Computers and electronic devices are making
waves in the U. of Colorado School of Music.
Some music theory students are required to use
the programs, which reinforce students' learning
based on mistakes. The programs are hooked up
to Musical Instrument Digital Interface devices -
called MIDIs - that mimic radio frequencies.
MIDIs allow users to replay a note they want to
learn. Because of the new technology, a course
titled "Electronic Music" is being taught this fall.
Bill Marmie, Colorado Daily, U. of


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