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April 06, 1988 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1988-04-06

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Page 2 -The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, April 6, 1988

waste site

LANSING (AP) - The regional radioactive waste
dump proposed for Michigan could wind up soliciting
business from all over the country, a prominent anti-
nuclear activist warned yesterday.
Michigan already has been selected as the "host
state" for a regional dump to store low-level radioactive
wastes generated here and in Indiana, Iowa, Minnesota,
Missouri, Ohio, and Wisconsin. Such a dump is in-
tended to store only low-level radioactive waste materi-
als generated in the seven states.
Opponents such as Mary Sinclair of Midland are
worried that a Michigan dump could end up accepting
non-midwest waste.
Sinclair has helped put together a new group called

the Don't Waste Michigan Campaign.
The group, which wants to pressure Michigan into
pulling out of the agreement, said it's concerned that
the nation may be trying to build more dumps than it
Since 1980, when the federal government set a
deadline for states to come up with plans for disposing
of the radioactive waste, the amount of waste generated
has declined to the point where two, three, or four sites
could handle the waste, instead of 13 or more. Sinclair
"We won't be able to turn waste away because there
will be 15 dumps competing for waste that can fit in
two dumps." said Ellen Beal, another anti-dump


Continued from Page 1
versial ballot initiative, he said.
Jernigan said the two parties
would still work together on coun-
"We will sit down and work with
the Democrats. We will try to strike
a balance," Jernigan said.
With the new GOP majority,
Jernigan hopes to pass his police
cadet proposal. Cadets, who would
patrol high crime areas and relieve.
the police officers' clerical burden,
would not be sworn officers and
could not make arrests.
City Democratic Party Chair
Mary Reilly agreed that a massive
campaign by Citizens for Ann Ar-
bor's Future brought out rent control
"Rent control screwed us," Reilly
said. She added that the rent control
campaign was separate from the city
Democratic party, though several
council Democrats supported the
Official results from Monday's
election were released yesterday by
the City Clerk's office.

44 What's
- Happening
Recreational Sports
TRIP DATE: SUNDAY, APRIL 17 10am - 4pm
North Campus Rec. Bldg.

In the 1st Ward, Larry Hunter de-
feated Libertarian William Krebaum
2,156 to 382.
Second Ward Republican Ingrid
Sheldon defeated Democratic incum-
bent Seth Hirshorn 2,355 to 2,127.
Democrat Liz Brater beat Repub-
lican Isaac-Jacobein Campbell 2,521
to 2,212 in the 3rd Ward with
Libertarian Julie Brockman receiving
91 votes.
Fourth Ward voters selected GOP
candidate Mark Ouimet over Demo-
cratic councilmember David DeVarti,
3,194 to 2,411. Libertarian David
Raaflaub received 83 votes.
The 5th Ward, which hadn't
elected a Republican since 1981,
supported Republican Tom Richard-
son over Democrat Ethel Potts
3,272 to 3,097. Libertarian Peter
Budnick finished with 101 votes.
Continued from Page 1
The hijackers, brandishing pistols
and hand grenades, identified them-
selves only as Arabs. But their
demands, reported by Iranian govern-
ment media, echoed those of Iranian-
backed Shiite Moslems holding
American hostages in Lebanon.
They demanded fuel for the aircraft
and threatened to blow it up if the
Iranians approached. IRNA initially
said the Iranians refueled the plane,
but later said the hijackers were still
requesting fuel.
Iranian security forces surrounded
the plane at Mashhad airport to keep
it from taking off, IRNA and Tehran
Radio said.
Kuwait urged Iran to handle the
incident "wisely" and requested that
the aircraft not be allowed to leave.
Iran said it would try to resolve the
crisis peacefully but said the plane
would have to leave if it was not re-
solved quickly.

Compiled from Associated Press reports
Meese recommends Justice
Department replacements
WASHINGTON - Attorney General Edwin Meese yesterday an-
nounced replacements for the No. 2 and No. 3 positions in the Justice
Department, but was unable to fill the post vacated by last week's protest
resignation of Assistant Attorney General William Weld.
Meese said he would recommend John Shepherd, a past president of the
American Bar Association, and Francis Keating, a top Treasury Depart-
ment law enforcement official, for the two top-level Justice Department
Shepard would replace Deputy Attorney General Arnold Burns. He re-
signed a week ago along with Weld, then head of the criminal division,
out of what department sources said was concerned that the criminal in-
vestigation of Meese by independent counsel James McKay was hurting
the department's operations and its image.
West Bank violence continues
JERUSALEM - Soldiers fired at "suspicious shadows" yesterday in
south Lebanon and fought Palestinian guerillas trying to cross the border,
killing two, the army said. Four Israelis were reported wounded.
In the Gaza Strip, soldiers fired rubber bullets at protesters, putting out
the left eye of a 16-year-old Palestinian, the army said. It was among the
few violent incidents in a relatively quiet day in the occupied West Bank,
where an Arab rebellion began Dec. 8.
Forty-one high school students about to be drafted wrote Defense
Minister Yitzhak Rabin saying they would "not take part in acts of op-
pression and occupation in the West Bank and Gaza Strip." The number
writing such letters now stands at 107.
Secretary of State George Shultz went to Jordon and Syria promoting
the U.S. peace plan. He got an inconclusive response from King Hussein
of Jordon, whose approval is considered essential.
Mofford takes Mecham 's seat
PHOENIX - Rose Mofford became Arizona's 18th governor, and first
woman chief executive yesterday, replacing Evan Mecham who was con-
victed and removed by a Senate impeachment court.
"Little did I realize 47 years ago that this would happen," she told an
invitation-only group of staff members in her protocol office. "My regret
is that I didn't have all of my friends with us today. This is a day that I
will never forget for the rest of my life."
Mofford, 65, scheduled a late-afternoon news conference yesterday but
cancelled all other appearances and allowed only a pool television camera
to her swearing-in ceremony in the governor's offices. At least one TV
station broadcast the brief ceremony live.
Study calls U.S. diet too fatty
WASHINGTON - Americans are eating too much animal fat and
government regulations make it difficult for the food industry to market
leaner and more healthful meats and dairy products, a scientific panel said
Although consumption of animal fat has gone down, many Americans
still are eating their way to poor health with too much cholesterol, fatty
acids, and salt, and not enough foods that provide the needed calcium and
iron said a report by a committee of the National Research Council.
A change in some government regulations, along with education of
consumers and technological advances by manufacturers of animal food
products could correct the problems relatively quickly, said Titothy
Hammonds of the supermarket industry's Food Marketing Institute, a
member of the committee.


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JUST $25.00




Since 1960,
hormone levels
Pumping iron has replaced
\W/ flower power. Pinstripes have
replaced paisley. And Wall Street
has replaced Woodstock.
But of all the major changes that
have taken place since the 60's, one
is hardly visible at all: the change
that has taken place in the Pill.
In 1960, the Pill contained as
much as 150 mcgs. of the hormone
estrogen. Today, it's down to 35
mcgs. or less. That's afraction of the
original dosage.
Yet, today's Pill is as effective as
yesterday's. In fact, it's still the most
effective birth control available
other than sterilization.
But is the Pill right for you? You
should see your doctor to help you
answer that. If the answer is yes,
then the ultimate decision is yours.
And it's important that you learn all
you can about oral contraceptives.
First and foremost, what are the
risks? Does the Pill cause cancer?
Will it make you less fertile? Do you
need to take a rest from it? These are
just a few questions that have sur-
rounded the Pill since 1960. Ques-
tions which must be addressed by
you and your physician.
What about the Pill and breast
cancer? Although there are conflict-
ing reports concerning this issue,
the Centers for Disease Control
reported that women who took the
Pill, even for 15 years, ran no higher
risk of breast cancer than women
who didn't. The CDC also reported
that ovarian and uterine cancer are
substantially less common among
women who use oral contraceptives.
The Pill has been shown to have
other health benefits as well. Pill
S - aa_-c: :-

in the Pill have
indicate that if you were, fertile
before you took the Pill, taking it
will not affect your ability to have
children later. Some women may
experience a short period of read-
justment after discontinuing the
Pill. Even so, most women usually
become pregnant soon.
One piece of advice you may have
heard if you're on the Pill is that you
should take an occasional rest from
it. Yet there's no medical basis for
this advice. Furthermore, a rest
could turn out to be anything but
restful, since switching to a less
effective form of birth control
increases your chances for un-
planned pregnancy.
Now that you know what the risks
aren't, you should know what the
risks are. For example, if you are
taking the Pill, you should not
smoke. Especially if you are over 35.
Cigarette smoking is known to
increase the risk of serious and pos-
sibly life-threatening adverse effects
on the heart and blood vessels from
Pill use. What's more, women with
certain conditions or medical histo-
ries should not use the Pill.
Even if you're already on the Pill,
you should see your doctor at least
once a year. And read the patient

USAir squelches plane humor
SAN DIEGO - In laid-back California, a little levity has been a
hallmark at PSA. But the commuter airline's new parent, USAir, is
lowering the curtain on one PSA feature: stand-up routines by flight
For example, on a recent flight from San Jose to Los Angeles, PSA
flight attendant Marka McDougall went into her act as the engines revved
"Ladies and gentlemen," McDougall said, "We'd like to welcome you
aboard Flight 1733 on our way to Seattle."
Following a panicky gasp in the cabin, McDougall added: "Just
kidding, I wanted to see if you were listening."
McDougall, who says about 10 pecent of her colleagues go for such
laughs, was on a roll.
"If you are traveling with infants or small children, or anyone
resembling a small child, place your mask on first, then assist the child
- providing they've been good," she said.
But the managers of USAir are not amused, and this week is
McDougall's last as a kidder. USAir is completing a $385 million
takeover of PSA.
Vol. XCVIII - No. 126
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday
through Friday during the fall and winter terms by students at the
University of Michigan. Subscription rates for May through August
- $6 in Ann Arbor; $8 outside the city. The Michigan Daily is a
member of The Associated Press and the National Student News


Editor in Chief..................REBECCA BLUMENSTEIN
Managirng Editor........................MARTHA SEVETSON
News Editor.......................................EVE BECKER
City Editor ...................MELISSA BIRKS
Features Editor ..................ELIZABETH ATKINS
University Editor............KERY MURAKAMI
NEWS STAFF: Vicki Bauer, Dov Cohen, Ken Dintzer,
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Lawrence Rosenberg, David Schwartz, Ryan Tutak. Lisa,.
-Winer, Rose Mary Wummel.
Opinion Page Editors.............JEFFREY RUTHERFORD
OPINION STAFF: Muzammil Ahmed, Sarah Babb,
Rosemary Chinnock, Molly Daggett, Brian Debrox, Jim
Herron, Joshua Ray Levin, Jr., L Matthew Miller, Steve
Semnuk,*Sandra Steingraber, Mark Williams, Andrea
Sports Editor............ ........JEFF RUSH
Associate Sports Editors...................JULIE HOLLMAN

ARTS STAFF: V.J. Beauchamp, Cherie Curry, Scott
Collins, Beth Fertig, Michael Fischer, Andrea Gacki,
Timothy Huet,Juliet James, BrianJarvinen, Avra
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Todd Shanker, Lauren Shapiro, Chuck Skarsaune, Mark
Swartz, Marc S. Taras, Marie Wesaw.
Photo Editors..........................KAREN HANDELMAN
PHOTO STAFF: Alexandra Brez, Jessica Greene, Ellen
Levy, Robin Loznak, David Lubliner, Danny Stiebel, Lisa
Weekend Editors.......................STEPHEN GREGORY
Display Sales Manager.........................ANNE KUBEK
Assistant Display Sales Manager........KAREN BROWN
DISPLAY SALES STAFF: David Bauman, Garl Belenson.
LauenBerman, Shern Blanky. Pam Bullock, Jennifer
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George, Michelle Gill, Matt Lane, Heather MacLachlan, Jodi
Manchik, Eddy Meng, Jackie Miller, Shelly Pleva, Debbie
Retzky, Jim Ryan, Laura Schlangr, Michelle SlavikMary
Snyder, Marie Soma, Cassie Vogel, Bruce Weiss.
NATIONALS: Valerie Breier'
LAYOUT: Heather Barbar,.



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