Ninety-eight years of editorial freedom
Vol. XCVIII, No. 126 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, April 6,1988 Copyright 1988, The Michigan Daily
NICOSIA, Cyprus (AP) - Arab
hijackers yesterday forced a Kuwait
Airways jumbo jet to land in north-
eastern Iran, threatened to blow it up
and demanded that Kuwait release 17
pro-Iranian prisoners. They later re-
leased 25 of the 112 passengers.
Iran's official Islamic Republic
News Agency (IRNA) said without
elaboration that 24 women were
released early today after negotiations
with Iran's deputy prime minster, Ali
Reza Moayyeri.
Among the other passengers were
three members of Kuwait's royal
family and a passenger with a U.S.
passport, on a flight from Bangkok,
Thailand, to Kuwait. The hijackers
warned the Kuwaiti royals would be
"in imminent danger" if Kuwait re-
fused to free the prisoners, IRNA
See Hijacking, Page 2
U.S. sends
armed fores
Self -defenseDolly Photo by JESSICA GREENE
LSA junior Alyson Lichtenberg practices self-defense against the "Space Invader" at a workshop led by the
Adventure Spirit Training Women's Empowerment Program. The activity was sponsored by the UM Sexual
Assault Center as part of Rape Prevention Month.
first of an extra 1,300 U.S. troops
were sent to Panama yesterday to in-
crease security for American soldiers
and citizens in the face of a political
and economic crisis.
A C-141 Starlifter carrying the
first contingent of soldiers from Fort
Bragg, N.C., touched down at
Howard Air Base, just outside
Panama City. Nearly 50 flights were
The reinforcements and a squadron
of 26 helicopters were intended by
the Reagan administration as a signal
to Gen. Manuel Antonio Noriega,
the de facto ruler whom Washington
has been urging to step down.
The buildup, ordered last week to
counter what the Pentagon called
Noriega's "heavy-handed tactics,"
will increase American forces along
the 50-mile-long Panama Canal to
11,800 troops. Noriega is head of the
15,000-member Defense Forces.
The action followed reports of ha-
rassment of U.S. citizens by Pana-
manian soldiers and the temporary
arrest of several American reporters
during a police raid on opposition
headquarters in a Panama City hotel.
The Panamanian government has
repeatedly accused the Reagan
administration of preparing for an
invasion and said Panama's army had
begun training several hundred civil-
ian volunteers in guerrilla warfare.
In Santa Barbara, Calif., where
President Reagan is vacationing, his
chief spokesperson denied Monday
that the president is considering
military action or that he would urge
further economic sanctions o n
U.S. sanctions imposed in Febru-
ary have produced the gravest eco-
nomic crisis in Panama's history.
The country's banks have been closed
for more than a month and the gov-
ernment has been unable to pay
either its debts or its employees.
Yesterday, editions of state-run
newspapers carried a communique
from Panama's Health Ministry that
ridiculed the new American troops,
calling them potential AIDS carriers
and a threat to public health.
The U.S. deployment is scheduled
to be completed by Friday.
The units arriving include an
Army battalion of military police, a
company of Marines, three Air Force
air base ground defense units, two
squads of guard dogs and their han-
diers and an Army aviation unit.
The U.S. Southern Command,
which has its headquarters near
Panama City, had about 600 security
personnel among its 10,000 mem-
bers before the Reagan administration
stepped ,up its campaign to oust
Noriega early last month.
The primary task of U.S. military
personnel in Panama is to safeguard
the canal until its handed over by
treaty to Panama at noon on Dec. 31,
ent control draws record vote
By PETER MOONEY polls. "More people voted on Proposal C than the pro-rent control Citizens for Fair Rent in
The successful anti-rent control campaign, led anything else," Northcross said. 1988. The period covered by the documents ends
by Citizens for Ann Arbor's Future, produced the Citizens for Ann Arbor's Future, a landlords' March 19, so any money spent in the last two
highest turnout for a city election in 10 years, group, covered the city with its message in weeks of the campaign is not included.
helping Republicans to gain control of City mailings, newspaper ads, and television Some suggest the high turnout for the rent
Council. commercials. control issue affected City Council races,
Thirty-three percent of registered voters took In spreading their anti-rent control message, producing a 6-5 Republican majority, which ends
part in Monday's election, far exceeding the ex- the group was able to raise funds dwarfing those three years of Democratic dominance.
* pected turnout of 20 percent, City Clerk Winifred of Ann Arbor Citizens for Fair Rent, which sup- Republican Mayor Gerald Jernigan said the
Northcross said yesterday. ported the proposal. huge Republican victory was caused by a high
Proposal C, to institute rent control, was de- According to election financing reports sub- turnout among anti-rent control homeowners.
feated by a two-to-one margin - 16,652 votes to mitted to the Washtenaw County Clerk's Office, These voters may have opposed Democratic can-
8,015. Citizens for Ann Arbor's Future spent didates - several of whom supported the contro-
The controversial issue drew city voters to the $92,262.61 compared to $4,947.60 paid out by See Turnout, Page 2
.Pia rules only allow loud
rallies between noon and one
Planning a protest on the Diag? Take a number, fill
out a form, and cancel your class at noon.
The rules governing use of the Diag, revised in the
fall to limit the number of exceptions granted, state
that loud rallies can only be held between noon and 1
All events which "generate a high level of noise or
activity" must be registered with the Student Organiza-
tion and Development Center which distributes "Diag
authorization forms."
"WE'VE BEEN rigid about the ,whole thing,"
said SODC Student Services Associate Brad Borland.
Student groups can obtain megaphones from the
SODC or request power for a speaker system through
the University's Plant Department for at least $50.
Non-amplified groups, however, can protest when-
ever they want, as long as they don't make too much
Last Friday's Hash Bash, for example, was unregu-
lated for at least four hours because it was relatively
quiet. "Many would deem it a success," Borland said.
"They got their point across."
BUT STUDENT leaders say the rules unfairly
limit protests. Ralliers cannot always make their point
without amplification, especially when few people are
around to listen.
"Basically, (the rules) are just censorship in our
eyes," said Michigan Student Assembly President Mike
Phillips, an LSA junior. "One of the main reasons for
the rule is to make people choose between lunch and
protest. A lot of people choose lunch."
Rackham graduate student Barbara Ransby, a leader
of the Free South Africa Coordinating Committee and
the United Coalition Against Racism, which has orga-
nized many recent Diag protests, said the noon protest
rule is "an inconvenience. It's the one hour of free
speech on campus."
BUT VICE President for Student Services Henry
Johnson said the rule has nothing to do with regulating
protest; instead, he said, it is enforced so people can
study without being disrupted by background noise.
Faculty members with offices near the Diag have
praised the revised rules. "They're just trying to pre-
serve an environment where protest can occur, but also
an environment for research and classes," said Wendy
Lougee, head of the Graduate Library. "It's always hard
when you're striking a balance."
Harris McClamroch, chair of the faculty's Senate
Advisory Committee on University Affairs, said he has
received complaints from people in Mason Hall and the
School of Natural Resources about the noise level in
the Diag.
Until the revision, rules in place since the mid '70s
allowed groups to negotiate exceptions, such as an all-
day concert sponsored by Michigamau last year.
William Bolcom finds that he
gets by with a little help from his
friends. The University music pro-
fessor last Thursday won the Pulitzer
prize for a set of piano pieces he
composed called "Twelve Ne w
Etudes." But without two inspiring
colleagues he might never have cre-
ated the prize-winning pieces.
An internationally-known com-
poser, Bolcom was the first runner-
up for the 1985 Pulitzer Prize and
had written an original set of twelve
etudes in 1966. He was inspired to
begin a second set in 1983 after his
friend, modern American pianist
Paul Jacobs, died of AIDS.
But hearing Canadian pianist
Marc Andre-Hamelin play the unfin-
ished pieces at a concert in San
Francisco motivated him to finish
the etudes - which he did in 1987.
"They are interpretatively difficult
pieces which are at the same time
poetic. If you can play these, you
can play anything," Bolcom said.
School of Music Dean Paul Boy-
lan said that each of Bolcom's pieces
is a classic form of music in a con-
See Pulitzer, Page 3
University music professor William Bolcum wins the Pulitzer Prize for
compositions inspired by the death of a close friend.
'U' student researches cancer
cells, prepares for med. school
Suzie Merkle, like many other
University, students, goes to class,
exercises, and spends free time with
her friends. But unlike most, Merkle
spends 10-15 hours a week in a lab
with doctors conducting research on
cancer cells.
Though Merkle is completing her
third year at the University, she has
senior status because of the number
trying to accomplish.
"Doing lab work really helps you
see your long-term goals. People in
undergrad get all caught up i n
worrying about tests, and grades.
That's not what being a doctor is all
about; it's about helping people,"
she said.
Since coming to the University,
Merkle has tried to diversify herself
MERKLE described working
with physically and mentally handi-
capped children as a "rewarding" ex-
perience. "It's really nice being able
to mainstream the handicapped peo-
ple" with others who aren't handi-
capped, she said.
Though undecided about what
type of medicine she will practice,
Merkle hopes to enter a field in
which she can work with children.
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