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April 05, 1988 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1988-04-05

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Storm to
cost 'U'
* more than
While many University students
and workers enjoyed yesterday's nice
weather, some spent the day re-
covering from Sunday night's storm.
The damage - estimated to cost
* between four and five thousand dol-
lars to repair - was more extensive
than initially estimated. According
to Adams, 8,000 square feet of roof-
ing was blown off the top of the
building while high winds also
damaged doors and windows.
The North Campus Art and Ar-
chitecture Building suffered the most
damage from a tornado that passed
through Washtenaw County Sunday,
producing high winds and heavy
rains, said Connie Adams, Univer-
sity manager of Maintenance and
THE CEILING and walls of
Hill Auditorium were also damaged
by the volume of the rain, Adams
"We're looking at under $10,000
dollars for the whole bowl of wax,"
Adams said. The cost will be covered
under the University's insurance
A power outage during the storm
also affected students in Mosher Jor-
dan, Stockwell, and Markley resi-
dence halls. A central campus power
plant employee said that a feeder
problem, which "killed the power to
all buildings hooked up to it," was
"most likely" a result of the storm.
ALTHOUGH some dormitories
regained their power after 45 min-
utes, Markley Hall didn't receive
power until 7 a.m. yesterday.
"It was kind of funny but I was
kind of pissed because it lasted so
long," said Amy Spilman, an LSA
first-year student. Spilman, who was
writing a research paper at the time,
*used a booklight and unused Han-
nukah candles to complete her work.
One Markley resident, an engi-
neering sophomore, said "people
weren't mad at all. They were having
a good time because they could blow
off their homework." The biggest
problem the storm produced, he said,
was tfinding-the toilet."
Thomas Scuerto, a Resident Ad-
visor in Blagdon house, said most
students used candles or flashlights
to make their way around the build-
ing which he described as "black as
night." Scuerto added that some light
was provided by the hospital, which
was not affected by the storm.

The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, April 5, 1988- Page 3
Dukakis, Gore
rip Jackson, cite
Noriega dealings

LSA senior Renuka Uthappa (left) and LSA sophomore Daxa Patel dance to Peter Gabriel's "Biko" at a rally
following yesterday's third annual Freedom March. The dance and the song pay tribute to Stephen Biko, a
South African political prisoner who was murdered by police.

By The Associated Press
Jesse Jackson appealed again yes-
terday to Panamanian military leader
Manuel Antonio Noriega to give up
power, but fellow Democratic presi-
dential hopeful Michael Dukakis
called Jackson's involvement there a
"bad idea" as the two squared off
during yesterday's Colorado caucuses
and before today's Wisconsin pri-
Sen. Albert Gore Jr. of Tennessee
also criticized Jackson's correspon-
dence with Noriega, but he blasted
Dukakis for being "absolutely timid"
and not attacking Jackson more.
Jackson released a reply from
Noriega yesterday in which the
Panamanian dictator rejects Jack-
son's plea in a March 22 letter to
leave the country.
"I remain convinced that it is in
the best interests of the Panamanian
people for Gen. Noriega to leave.
Today I reiterate my public moral
appeal for him to depart," Jackson
G O R E said of Jackson, "He
didn't help matters in his meetings
with Arafat and Khadaffi. I seriously
doubt if he would help in Panama."
Jackson, Dukakis, and Gore were
joined by Sen. Paul Simon of Illi-
nois during campaigning across
Wisconsin yesterday. Simon is
trailing badly in his effort to win the
state and keep his campaign alive,

while Gore needs a good showing in
the state to boost his faltering effort.
Jackson and Dukakis, the front
runners in both states, awaited the
slow dribble of results from the
2,784 precinct caucuses in Colorado
that will divide 45 national conven-
tion delegates.
as the Democrats were holding cau-
cuses last night in Colorado. With
Vice President George Bush already
having locked up the nomination,
Pat Robertson's effort to -win some
of the state's 36 GOP delegate was
only a symbolic gesture.
Only about 20,000 Colorado
Democrats are expected to turn out
for the caucuses, a low turnout that
could be good for Jackson, who drew
huge crowds on Saturday and Sunday
in the state. Dukakis countered with
endorsements form Colorado Gov.
Roy Romer and state Democratic
Party Chair Buie Seawell, but
Dukakis aides said Jackson would
win Colorado.
Jackson and Dukakis are also the
front-runners in the AP delegate
count. Before the Colorado results
were known. Dukakis had 653.55
votes and Jackson 646.55. Gore had
381.8 and Simon 169.5, with a total
of 468.6 uncommitted. At the At-
lanta Democratic Convention in
July, 2,082 votes will be needed to

Unity March
Continued from Page 1
Opponents of civil rights "had to eliminate (King),
but they didn't stop his dream," Clark said. "All of
us... we'll make his dream come true."
The marchers also heard speeches from representa-
tives of the University of Michigan Asian Students
Coalition, the Latin American Solidarity Committee,
and the Palestinian Solidarity Committee.
Speakers at the rally emphasized international as
well as local racial issues, railing against South
Africa's apartheid system and saying that people fight-
ing against racism here must also support the struggle
throughout the world.
"We cannot close our eyes to apartheid. That will
not stop the killing," said Pam Nadasen, an LSA ju-
nior and FSACC member who was born in South

Africa, referring to acts of violence by South African
police against protesters and political prisoners.
Nadasen praised the South African non-whites for
"fighting against a system that forces them to build
shanties like the ones behind you, shanties that house
10 or 12 people," she said, referring to shanties on the
Diag built by FSACC in 1985 in a show of support
for the South Africans.
The Diag rally included a dance performed by LSA
senior Renuka Uthappa and LSA sophomore Daxa Pa-
tel to "Biko," a song written by British musician Peter
Gabriel in honor of South African activist Stephen
Biko, who was tortured and killed by police in a South
African jail in 1977.
Many of the speakers and marchers took advantage,
of the occasion to plug other political causes, including
the rent control proposal that appeared on yesterday's
city election ballot and the question of autonomy for
Palestinians in the Israeli-occupied West Bank.

Pursell seeks funding for nursing research facilities

The University SchoolofLNurs-
ing would be a "top competitor" to
receive funds for new research facili-
ties if a bill introduced by U.S. Rep
Carl Pursell (R-Plymouth) gets ap-
proval from the House of Represen-
The bill responds to what Pursell
perceives as a severe nursing short-
age nationwide. The shortage can be
corrected in part by improving the
quality of nursing training schools,
he said.
A shortage of research facilities
has slowed advances in nursing re-
search, he said.
THE BILL, which has been re-
ferred to a House subcommittee on
health and the environment, would
make $30 million available to con-
struct new laboratories and research

the cou
ing can(
of its st
one of
be an
said in a
ing sch

'U' School of Nursing considered
top competitor' for possible grant
s at nursing schools across the University of California-San and faculty research) program
ntry. Fransisco and Case Western Reserve we need facilities."
University would be a lead- University. ALTHOUGH Dumas is
didate for such funds because Rhetaugh Dumas, dean of the a "wait and see" attitude as
atus as a top nursing school, School of Nursing, said the Univer- prospects of the bill's passag
said. sity and nursing schools nationwide says the University is a leadin
University of Michigan need more physical space for re- didate for funding.
of Nursing continues to be search. "I believe we have a goodc
the outstanding nursing "The bill should be very helpful of getting funds... if funds are
ons in America, and would to nursing research because many of able," she said.
ideal home for a national the facilities - because of the rate Dumas said she has been w
research facility grant," he of development in nursing research closely with Pursell on the b
press release. - are inadequate," she said. providing him with backgrou
K UNIVERSITY'S nurs- "We (at the University) don't formation.
ool ranks third in the 1987 have adequate lab space or lab facili- FUNDING for the p
'an Report" ranking of ties or equipment. Research is inte- would be funnelled through t
e nursing programs, behind grated through our (masters, doctoral tional Center for Nursing Re

ms and
to the
ge, she
ng can-
bill by
nd in-
he Na-

- a wing of the National Institutes'
of Health.
"The center's support has led to a
number of significant scientific
achievements which enable nurses to
provide better patient care."
Officials at the NCNR would re-
view grant proposals and institutions
receiving funds would be required to
match the grant.
Pursell intends to seek inclusion
of his legislation in a broader bill
authorizing funding for the NIH, said
Dave Mengebier, a Pursell aide.
There is no date set to discuss the
bill, an official on the House sub-
committee said. She could not
comment on the probability of its
The Associated Press contributed
to this report

V 1 V

- - -- _o

kicks off

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict
stems from a historical clash which
has "boiled down to the issue of two
people claiming the same territory,"
said a speaker who opened a week-
long forum on the Middle East yes-
The forum is sponsored by the
Palestine Solidarity Committee.
Professor John Woods, director of
the Center for Middle East Studies at

the University of Chicago, spoke to
about 100 people about the histori-
cal development of the Palestinian-
Israeli clash.
Woods attended high school in
Beirut and has traveled to the oc-
cupied territories three times in the
last 18 months.
He presented a slide show with
-photographs of Palestinian refugee
camps, demolished homes, hospital-
ized victims of Israeli attacks, and

the living conditions of exiled
Israeli troops that were forcing
striking businesses open told him
"not to take any more pictures or I
would have my camera broken,".
Woods said.
Many Palestinians have had their
land confiscated by Israelis, be said.
Woods spoke to a boy who said, "I
want to be free in my homeland or I
want to be dead."

Due to incorrect identification, LSA senior Joe Forcier was mistakenly
identified in yesterday's Daily. Though he did not attend Friday's "Hash
Bash," he was quoted in the story as having been there.
What's happening in Ann Arbor today


ETA Chapter Social Presents...
Dr. Scott Boruchov
of The Nabisco Co.
Lecturing On:
It Can Be Done
Thursday, April 6,1988, 7:30pm
For further information contact
10Souat h Forest
ICL ASSIF IED A DSI Call 764-0557

Attempted murder
Ann Arbor police are investigating
an attempted murder reported on the
corner of Eisenhower and Packard at
2 a.m. Saturday morning. The
victim, a 28 year old male, said his
car was shot at by a passing vehicle
containing two male suspects after he
cut them off at the previous in-
tersection. Although the victim was
not hurt, police found two small
bullets in his car, said Sgt. Jan
Police are investigating the theft of

an amplifier of unknown value
through an unlocked door of a resi-
dence in the 100 block of Hill Street
Saturday, Suomala said.
A break-in also occured in the 900
block of South Division on Feb. 28.
A VCR and compact disc player
worth $650 were reported as stolen,
police said.
A vacuum cleaner worth $250 was
reported stolen yesterday after a door
was forced in the 500 block of
Thompson Street on the 18th,
Suomala said.

Prof. Samuel Mukasa -
"Magmatic and Tectonic Processes
in Orogenic Batholiths: The Iso-
topic View," 4:00 p.m., 4001 C.C.
Little Bldg.
Marian Hobson - "Sticking at
nothing? Ways and Meanings in
Jacques Derrida?" 4:10 p.m:,
Fourth Floor Commons, MLB. Ev-
eryone is welcome and refresh-
ments follow.
Melanie Manion - Ph.D can-
didate speaks on "Retirement of
the Revolutionaries," Brown Bag
Talk,12:00, Lane Hall Commons
Stephen Green - Au-
thor/Researcher speaks o n
"America's Relationship with Is-
rael: Historical Development and

Blake's 7:00-8:00 p.m., Rm. 296
Dennison Bldg. Call 764-4655 for
MSA Task Force
- organizing to fight anti-lesbian and
gay oppression, racism, sexism and
the code. 6:00 p.m., Michigan Union
Senior Send-Off - "Wrapping
Things Up," 7:00-9:00 p.m. in the
Pendleton Rm. in the Michigan
Union. Discussion and presenta-
tion will focus on issues related to
the graduating senior. Reception
following. For more info, call
Open Stage - Every Tuesday
night for all performing artists at

The Tii


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