Page 2 -The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, April 5, 1988
Continued from Page 1
ing in the occupied West Bank and
Gaza Strip. Negotiations on an
overall settlement would open in
ALTHOUGH Shultz set a mid-
March deadline for a reply, Israel,
Jordan, and Syria have all held back,
neither accepting or rejecting the
After Shultz met with Shamir for
two hours, a spokesperson for the
prime minister said they were still in
disagreement over a Middle East
peace conference and talks Shultz
held with two members of the
Palestine National Council in
Washington nine days ago.
But the spokesperson, Avi
Pazner, said there was "more
convergence" between Shultz and
Shamir on Palestinian self-rule and
an overall settlement.
SIMILARLY, Peres said after
his two hour session with Shultz
that he believed, "We moved forward
even if the road is still long. We
went beyond the international
Peres told reporters: "We talked
about the substance and form of an
interim agreement."
a dangerous opportunity for the So-
viet Union to get in the way of di-
rect negotiations with the Arabs and
impose and unacceptable settlement.
Shultz, on his second visit to the
area in a month, also offered as-
surances the United States would
oppose a Palestinian state and
counter efforts to force Israel to re-
"We moved forward even if the road is still long. We
went beyond the international conference."
- Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres
go home," burned U.S. and Israeli
flags in a protest rally yesterday on
the Jordan University campus.
Sentiments were similar in the
Israeli-occupied territories. Anti-
Shultz graffiti spray-painted on walls
in Ramallah said, "The PLO refuses
the Shultz solution" and "Down
with the Shultz solution."
In Gaza City, outlawed Pales-
tinian flags flew from rooftops and
utility poles. Rashand al Shawaa, a
former mayor dismissed by the Is-
raeli's, said electricity was cut off in
the city. The army denied it was
done as punishment.
BETHLEHEM, usually bust-
ling with pilgrims at Easter, was
like a ghost town. A lone tourist
was seen on the streets at midday.
At least 138 Arabs have been
killed since violence began Dec.8 in
the West Bank and Gaza Strip, ac-
cording to U.N. figures. An Israeli
soldier was also killed.
Shultz said he was encouraged
that "we have now engaged in this
initiative in the important aspects of
its content, namely direct face-to-face
DESPITE reassurances from
Shultz that the United States would
stand by Israel, Shamir contends an
international conference would offer
treat to its pre-1967 borders.
However, he emphasized Sunday
that negotiations must be based on
U.N. Security Council Resolution
242, which calls on Israel to yield
West Bank and Gaza territory.
IN AMMAN, more than 500
Moslem fundamentalist students
chanting, "Shultz the devil should
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Continued from Page 1
Disc players are priced as low as
$150 - half of what they cost just
two years ago, said Doug Bentley,
Big George's Home Appliance Mart
salesperson. CD-players sell at a
three-to-one ratio to turntables, he
"A few years ago I was saying the
CD player would go the way of the
8-track tape, but the advantages of
the system are obvious," Bentley
LSA first-year student Scott
Grove said he finally invested in a
CD player for two reasons.
First, the CD reaches musical
sound perfection. "The sound is in-
credible, especially if you want to
make aatape for your walkman,"
Grove said.
The cost is offset, Grove empha-
sized, because "you get more value
1 from CDs because they'll last much
' longer, and the quality is better."
The second reason, he said, was
I that he "wanted to be part of the new
I era in technology."
Suresh Rangarajan, a first-year
LSA student, said he plans to buy a
CD player soon because "the sound
is phenomenal; you can't beat the
CD to tape combination. CDs are
easy to store, and they're tough.
"A friend of mine had spilled beer
on a CD; he wiped it off, and it
played fine," Rangarajan recalled.
In spite of all the hype, Jeff
Krolicki, a first-year Residential
College student and CD-player
owner, does not think LPs and record
players will disappear, "especially
considering the huge 45/singles
Besides, he added, "I can't under-
stand putting something like
AC/DC on (something as harmoni-
cally pure as) a CD...I mean what
are you going to do, hear it louder?"
In any case, CDs are still not for
everyone. Despite her strong back-
ground in music, musical theater
major and first-year School of Music
student Becca Daniels said she does
not plan to purchase a CD system in
the near future.
Echoing the sentiments of many,
Daniels conceded, "(Compact disc
systems) are fine and dandy, but
they're too expensive. I don't plan to
buy one until the far future."
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Compiled from Associated Press reports
Strike fails; Noriega remains
PANAMA CITY - Hundreds of shops and stores reopened to little
business here yesterday, ending a two-week strike that failed to remove
Gen. Manuel Antonio Noriega's grip on this tense nation.
As the capital began regaining a semblance of normalcy, the United
States prepared to send an additional 1,300 military personnel to Panama.
The Reagan administration said the troops, scheduled to start arriving
today, would help safeguard the lives and property of American citizens.
The U.S. State Department said U.S. Ambassador Arthur Davis
suffered "deliberate harassment" when his limousine was chased for two
miles Sunday by a Panamanian military patrol car.
The Panamanian government denied the charge, but did admit that the
ambassador's car had been tailed in "strictly a police matter."
Michigan birth rate declines
LANSING - The national baby boom is barely a blip in Michigan.
Since 1980 the number of births each year in Michigan has been
declining while increasing elsewhere in the nation.
Statistician Kathy Bishop of the state Department of Public Health
suggested that the reason may be women born during the last big baby
boom, right after World War II, are beginning to move out of the ages
during which they are most likely to bear children.
The last really big year for births in Michign was 1957, the high point
of the post-World War II baby boom. That year, more than 208,000
babies were born in the state.
In 1980, there were 145,162 births in Michigan and last year there
were 136,374, Bishop said. The number of births in the years between
fell steadily. Also, Michigan's annual birthrate of 15.1 live births per
1,000 population is below the estimated national average of 15.5 in 1986
and 15.7 last year.
Baby Boomers linked to rise
in number of households
WASHINGTON - The United States has more than 90 million
households for the first time, but each contains fewer people than ever,
the Census Bureau reported yesterday.
The 90,031,000 households in the United States averaged 2.64
members as of last July 1.
"The reason is, in effect, changes in the age structure," explained
Campbell Gibson, a population specialist for the bureau.
Most Americans born in the post-World War II Baby Boom are now in
their 20's and 30's, ages during which they are most likely to set up
household on their own, he said.
Airports can't ban solicitors
WASHINGTON - The Supreme Court yesterday refused to let public
airports ban all demonstrations, soliciting, and distribution of political
and religious literature from their terminals.
The justices let stand rulings that the terminal at Lambert Airport in
St. Louis, like a city street'or sidewalk, is a public forum where free-
speech rights must be accommodated.
The court's action, taken without comment, sets no national precedent
and therefore carries no direct impact for airports in most states. The
action also does not preclude the possibility that the justices will study
the issue in the future.
But to date, every federal appeals court to rule on the issue has said a
government-run airport is a public forum where travelers sometimes may
be inconvenienced while others exercise their freedom of expression.
Purdue students drop eggs,
armor up to celebrate spring
WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. - Purdue University students will suit up
in armor and drop eggs to celebrate spring.
Cary Quadrangle, a residence hall at Purdue which houses 1500 stu-
dents, will sponsor the third annual Cary Fest April 9-17. Roger Sharritt,
assistant manager of Cary, said the event is in celebration of warm
"Cary Fest is a week of events designed to get students out of their
rooms and into the outdoors," Sharritt said.
The events range from the Egg Drop contest to a King Arthur day. Egg
Drop contestants must design a container that will allow an egg to remain
unbroken after it is dropped from Cary Towers, some 70 feet. A medieval-
studies class will display various crafts, foods, and music from the
medieval period.
"The highlight of the day is the medieval battle display in Spitzer
Court. Class members, dressed in armor, display fighting techniques used
in battle during medieval times," Sharritt said.
Vol. XCVIII - No. 125
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday
through Friday during the fall and winter terms by students at the
University of Michigan. Subscription rates for May through August
- $6 in Ann Arbor; $8 outside the city. The Michigan Daily is a
member of The Associated Press and the National Student News
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Continued from Page 1
cratic councilmember Seth Hirshorn
seemed likely to lose by a small
margin to Republican challenger In-
grid Sheldon. Sheldon would not
comment on her expected victory,
saying she wanted to wait until all
the results had come in. Late, unof-
ficial results showed Sheldon win-
ning 2355 to 2127.
In the 3rd Ward, Democrat Liz
Brater provided one of the few happy
notes for the Democrats, defeating
Republican Isaac-Jacobein Campbell
by a margin of 2491 to 2211.
The closely contested 4th Ward
showed Republican Mark Ouimet
unseating Democrat councilmember
David DeVarti by a vote of 3194 to
2511. DeVarti, a former student ac-
tivist, has attracted strong support in
student precincts in past elections.
Ouimet attributed his victory to
"a tremendous amount of door-to-
door campaigning."
DeVarti said he wasn't sure what
caused his defeat. He criticized
Ouimet, however, for distributing a
flier this weekend that accuses De-
Varti of misrepresenting his rent
control position. Ouimet has said he
is unaware of the flier.
"I think that the flier reflects on
his (Ouimet's) character and I think
it reflects poorly on his character,"
DeVarti said.
One of the night's biggest sur-
prises came from the strongly
Democratic 5th Ward. Republican
Tom Richardson was behind Demo-
crat Ethel Potts by only 38 votes
with absentee ballots yet to be
counted. Since absentee ballots in
this ward have gone Republican by
margins of at least 100 votes in past
elections, Richardson was confident,
of victory.
-Daily reporter Elissa Sard con-
tributed to this story.
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