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March 23, 1988 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1988-03-23

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Ninety-eight years of editorial freedom

Vol. XCVIII, No. 116

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, March 23, 1988

Copyright 1988, The Michigan Daily


The campaign trail. For every 30-second "You d
news clip of a candidate touring a farm, vance, bu
there is a person - standing just out of Paven, on
sight of the camera and up to their ankles on Gov. M
in manure - who organized the event. Paven
The glamorous life of the advance per- month as
son. included S
ALONE, THEY drive into towns too day; Lexin
small to have airports - just smudges on Tyler, Tex
a Rand McNally's Atlas- with three days Kentucky4
to prepare a pancake breakfast or a factory PAVEr
tour. They baby-sit the press and plan ev- of traveli
ery minute the candidate and his aides are in politics an
town. show." He
Then, when the candidate's plane is tak- week you
ing off, they make a quick call to the cam- ing here?'
paign's national headquarters for a new as- adrenaline
signment and a plane ticket to the next miss very


labor withou

e it starts all over again.
on't have to be nuts to work ad-
t it probably helps," said Andy
e of 19 advance people working
like Dukakis' presidential bid.
arrived in Detroit earlier this
part of a two week swing that
t. Cloud, Minnesota on Wednes-
ngton, North Carolina on Sunday;
xas on Thursday; and Louisville,
on Sunday.
N, WHO is 27, said "It's a lot
ng and long hours, but I like
d I wanted to be in the traveling
added, "At least once or twice a
can ask yourself 'what am I do-
It goes up and down with the
e. I have a wife at home who I

He explained the pay-off is after the
event is over, "When you see it on TV and
it looks pretty, that's us."
Though low in a campaign's chain of
command, the men and women who plan
events are irreplaceable.
With the constant pressure of having to
reach large numbers of voters in short
periods of time, candidates rely on their ad-
vance staff to make each campaign stop
rewarding. It is vital to make a good im-
pression on supporters and the local media.
SOME OF the more experienced ad-
vance workers get paid up to $80 a day, but
most work as volunteers. Paven, who left a
higher paying desk job to work advance,
said "you have to love it, nobody's in it for
the money."
Federal election rules inadvertently en-

courage the campaigns to keep their ad-
vance people moving. There are strict
limitations on how much candidates can
spend in each state if they want to stay eli-
gible for federal matching funds. But, if a
staff member stays in a state for four days
or fewer, the expenses are billed to the na-
tional campaign and don't count towards
the state limit..
Mike Nooney, who worked advance for
Rep. Richard Gephardt's speech at the Uni-
versity's Law School earlier this week, ex-
plained the general order of business: "First
you get in touch with local contacts... state
officials or organizations that support your
candidate. They help put the thing together.
Then you start looking for a place to have
the event."
THIS TIME, the site was picked be-

cause Gephardt is a graduate of the law
Paven said a good advance person takes
proper care of the press, including hotel
reservations, transporting their luggage,
and finding out where local restaurants and
bars can be found. He said, "We want to
keep the press happy. It's the little stuff
that makes (their) life easier."
Then there is the inevitable search for an
American flag and community members to
be carefully positioned around the candidate
when he addresses his supporters. All this
while dealing with the Secret Service
agents who call the shots concerning the
candidate's safety - where he can walk and
when he can shake hands.
See Campaign, Page 2

M' takes
two from
Baseball returned to Ann Arbor
yesterday in the form of the Wolver-
ines and the result was a happy one
for the expectant home fans - a
doubleheader sweep over Grand Val-
ley State.
Michigan edged the visitors in.the
opener, 6-3, before taking a laugher
in the nightcap, 12-2.
The Wolverines' top two starters,
Jim Abbott and Mike Ignasiak, both
grabbed wins against Grand Valley,
but that was the end of the similari-
ties between the two performances.
Abbott, last year's Golden Spikes
Award recipient, was shaky in the
first game, though earning his sec-
ond win. With Michigan up by two
in the third, Abbott gave up two
runs. The junior southpaw walked
two in the inning, and both scored
on leftfielder Tim Smith's single.
He had trouble getting his curveball
over, possibly owing to the very
cold conditions.
"Abbott did not throw up to his
capabilities," said Michigan coach
Bud Middaugh.
Ignasiak, in contrast, was razor
See Baseball, Page 7

Civil rights





Pr te tng p rc lDaily Photo by ROBINLZAK
A pig's head in a garbage bag and a campaign poster rest on the doorstep of the President's house yesterday
after two unidentified men placed the items there. The poster reads "Fuck the code - Vote Tierney and
Gilmer-MSA pres. and vice pres." The poster refers to MSA independent candidates Peter Tierney, LSA
junior and Andrew Gilmer, LSA sophomore. Neither were available for comment last night.
11 %

gress overrode President Reagan's
veto of a major civil rights bill yes-
terday, ending a four-year battle to
restore broad protection for women,
minorities, the elderly, and the handi-
A 73-24 vote in the Senate, fol-
lowed by a 292-133 tally in the
House, handed Reagan a severe poli-
tical defeat and reversed a 1984 Su-
preme Court decision that sharply
restricted the reach of four anti-
discrimination statutes.
The votes in both chambers ex-
ceeded the two-thirds majority needed
to enact a law over a presidential
veto. It was the ninth time Congress
had rejected a Reagan veto.
Two Michigan Republicans,
Reps. Bill Schuette of Sanford and
Robert Davis of Gaylord were among
52 House Republicans voting to re-
verse the president's veto.
Schuette, a conservative, said his
party "must be for civil rights for,
Blacks, the elderly, the handicapped,

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'U' pres.
may be
selected in
6-8 weeks

A new University President may
be selected in the next six to eight
weeks, a member of the University's
Board of Regents said yesterday.
Regent Paul Brown (D-Petoskey)
said in an interview that the regents
narrowed a list of candidates to fewer
than 20 about two weeks ago and
have begun contacting the finalists.
The regents and members of their
three search advisory committees,
however, have refused to divulge the
names of the candidates. Upon being
contacted, candidates may ask the re-

gents to make their names public,
but most are likely to prefer privacy,
Brown said.
Harris McClamroch, chair of the
Senate Advisory Committee on Uni-
versity Affairs, said the regents'
decision is not pressing. "I don't
think there's any value in trying to
move (the search) along," he said.
"We're talking about someone who's
going to be president for a long
time." SACUA is the faculty assem-
bly's leadership committee and not
one of the regents' advisory commit-

Regents and search committee
members have said the search is pro-
gressing as planned. "Based on other
searches, it's about typical," said
Thomas Kauper, chair of the faculty
search advisory committee. "Rather
than shoot for a deadline, we'll let
the pace go as it does."
Regent Philip Power (D-Ann Ar-
bor) said the search is "proceeding
orderly and in a rational and coherent
way. It's better to be right than fast."
The search began last May when
former University President Harold
Shapiro accepted the presidency of

Princeton University. In January,
former president Robben Fleming
temporarily reassumed office until
the new president takes office.
Fleming, who has no official ju-
risdiction over the search process,.
said the regents told him to stay in
office at least until July 1, and no
later than Sept. 1. In a speech two
weeks ago, Fleming said he expected
the board to choose a new president
in the next four to six weeks.
"The goal is. to have a new presi-
See Search, Page 2

women, minorities."
The White House pledged to en-
force the new law, which Reagan had
called a federal "power grab."
"We presented an alternative civil
rights act which stated the president's
strong views against discrimination
in this country," a White House
statement said. "The Congress chose
to override the president's veto. We
will work to implement the new
"People who voluntarily take fed-
eral funds have an obligation to treat
everybody else fairly," said Rep.
Barney Frank (D-Mass), summing
up the rationale of lawmakers who
have been pressing for the Civil
Rights Restoration Act since the
high court ruling.
The court said only specific pro-
grams or activities receiving federal
aid had to comply with four major
civil rights laws.
The restoration act bars discrimi-
nation by institutions, government
See Congress, Page 2
MSA Polling places
Fishbowl 8:45 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
MLB 9:4pa.m.mto 12:15.p.m.
Engin. Bldg. 9:15 a.m. to 12:45
Pharmacy 10:00 a.m. to 12:30
p. m.
Art 11:00 a.m. to 1:30:p.m.
North Campus Commons
11:45 to 3:00 p.m.
N.C. Coops 5:00 p.m. to 7:00
Union 10:30 to 3:15 p.m. and
7:30 p.m. to 10:00
Nursing 11:15 a.m. to 1:45 p.m.
Med School 11:45 p.m. to 2:45
Rackham 4:00 p.m. to 5:45 p.m.
East Quad 5:00 p.m. to 6:45
South Quad 4:15 p.m. to 6:00
West Quad 4:30 p.m. to 6:15
p. m.
Bursley 4:45 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Newbery 4:15 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Send the landlords a messgvt
yes can Proposal C on April.
If you're willing to let it, Grand
Hfighway can take you for a ride.
ARTS, Page 5
Mvichigan's not the only Big Ten'

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Student manages

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Ecpse jazz program

A bank of ringing phones shakes
Sam Kaufman's office, but the co-
coordinator of Eclipse jazz stays calm
and easygoing. The noise doesn't
disturb his breakfast of a donut and a
cup of coffee.
As co-coordinator of the non-
profit volunteer organization dedi-
cated to bringing jazz to the Ann Ar-
bor area, Kaufman's responsibilities
include organizing the group's nearly
40 volunteers and to "make sure that
things get done."
books an average of five to seven
shows during each Eclipse season,
which spans fall and winter terms.

donuts, and refunds.
KAUFMAN'S interest in jazz
was sparked by drum lessons he took
as a child. After becoming bored with
playing rock and roll, he joined a jazz
band at Cranbrook High School in
Bloomfield Hills, and spent his ju-
nior and senior years as its drummer.


from Huntington

involved with Eclipse at the sugges-
tion of a roommate. He said he was
impressed that Eclipse Jazz presented,
promoted and produced concerts.
While in Texas, Kaufman said his
favorite jazz artists included Charlie
Parker and John Coletrane, Pat
Metheny, and old Yello Jackets.
BUT HE SAID, "When I joined
Eclipse, I all of the sudden got bored
with a lot of that music because I re-
alized what other incredible music
there was out there that was much
more from the heart.
"I can run right down our season
and tell you I love every concert.
Dewey Redmon, Lester Bowie, Jane
Ira Bloom, Ahmad Jamal, I mean


Woods, Kaufman, continued to meet
other people interested in jazz: "I
went over to a friend's house and he
started to put on (jazz) records and I

..r ,MS-..... .

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