Page 2 -The Michigan Daily-Thursday, January 14, 1988
Is the proposed code the
with discrimination?
best way to
Andrea Elliott,
LSA senior:
"It may help to curb
blatant act of racism, but it
would not affect the subtler
forms of racism and racist
feeling s."
Juan Rodriguez,
LSA senior:
"I do not see how the
University should be
allowed to have the power'
of the judicial system. In a
sense that would be double
jeopardy. I do not see the
code as being an answer to
Pauline Terebuh, Mark Parker,
LSA senior: LSA senior:
"I think punishment will "It sounds like a good way
not succeed as a form of for the regents to keep
education." control of the students, but
it would also be a problem
restricting the rights of the
Sarah Hubbard,
LSA sophomore:
"No, I don't think so. The
University should not be
able to tell people what to
do on their own time. It
would be taking away our
right to free speech."
Brian Haus, first year Judy
Rackham graduate LSA
student: "I don
am opposed to the code do a
,n general because it does nation
apt protect civil liberties. it is n
*It would give the admin- of th
:istration undue control over minist
student lives. There are a big
better ways of dealing with the m
racial discrimination on
State Senator
fightS tobacco
n't think the code will
way with discrimi-
or bigotry because
not getting at the root
e problem. The ad-
tration needs to make
ger commitment to
inorities on campus."
David Levine,
LSA sophomore:
"No, the code would give
to much power to a few
individuals. The problem is
that Blacks are separated
from the student body be-
cause of a lack of numbers.
A solution could be to in-
crease minority enrollment,
but not lower standards."
David Colbert,
LSA junior:
"No I don't. The only
reason Fleming and the
regents are shoving it on
the students is so they can
push through the code. I do
not want a non-academic
code telling me what to
De Bates, School
of Engineering
"I am against the code.
Even if it trying to pro-
mote better racial relations
I will not be swayed.
Better racial relations are a
good idea, but the imple-
mentation of the code will
not affect low minority
LANSING, Mich. (AP) - A
lawmaker who was instrumental in
getting smoking restricted in Mich-
igan's public buildings began a new
drive yesterday to outlaw free
Sen. Jack Faxon (D - Farmington
Hills) introduced a bill to forbid to-
bacco companies from passing out in
public places free sample packs of
cigarettes, cigars or chewing tobacco.
He said his goal is to make it more
difficult for the tobacco industry to
attract teen-age customers.
The Farmington Hills Democrat
said there are no safeguards to stop
people from giving free samples to
people too young to buy tobacco.
Compiled from Associated Press reports
Taiwanese leader dies at 77
TAIPEI, Taiwan - President Chiang Ching-kuo, the son of
nationalist Chinese leader Chiang Kai-shek, died of a heart attack
yesterday and was succeeded by a native Taiwanese expected to continue
his push for liberalization.
Chiang's death at age 77 ended the six-decade dynasty that led the
Nationalist Party to victory and defea in China and prosperity in Taiwan,
an island nation of 19.5 million people off China's coast.
Vice President Lee Teng-hui was sworn in to succeed Chiang in
accordance with the constitution after an emergency meeting of the party's
Central Standing Committee.
Lee, a 64 year-old Christian and the first native Taiwanese to become
president, is expected to continue easing the nationalists' authoritarian
grip on the island they have governed since 1949.
House blocks 'Kiddie tax' bill
LANSING - Rushing to blunt the effect of Michigan's new "kiddie
tax," the state House voted 91-0 yesterday to exempt anyone who made
$1,500 or less last year from paying state income taxes.
The bill would shield children who earn small amounts of money
shoveling snow or delivering newspapers from paying state income
taxes under a little-known provision of federal tax reform that escaped
the attention of state officials last year.
Less than an hour after the House action, the Senate Finance
Committee passed an identical measure 5-0, as lawmakers scrambled to
pass the legislation by early next week so most children won't have to
file 1987 state tax returns.
The issue took center stage yesterday as the Michigan Legislature
held its opening session of 1988.
Although initial legislative sessions are often ceremonial, it was
clear that public outcry about the so-called "kiddie tax" during the 27-
day Christmas break convinced legislators to deal with it quickly.
Cocaine use falls 20 percent
WASHINGTON - Cocaine use by high school seniors fell 20 percent
last year, the first time in more than a decade there has been a significant
decrease, according to a University study cited by federal officials
Marijuana smoking and other illicit drugs use continued a seven-year
slide, reports the 13th annual survey conducted for the Department of
Health and Human Services by the University's Institute for Social
"Attitudes toward cocaine and other illicit drugs now reflect a greater
awareness among our young people of the dangers of drug use," said HHS
Secretary Otis R. Bowen at a news conference.
Reagan and Takeshita work
towards easing trade friction
WASHINGTON - President Reagan and Japanese Prime Minister
Noburo Takeshita voyed yesterday to continue to work toward easing
trade frictions, but they apparently failed to nail down an agreement on
the thorny issue of U.S. work on Japanese construction projects.
At the same time, the two leaders also sought to reassure shaky
financial markets with a joint statement hinting that fresh resources
would be made available for the Federal Reserve System to intervene in
currency markets in support of the battered U.S. dollar.
The statement, issued as the dollar was again declining on foreign
exchange markets worldwide, declared that the United States and Japan
"have developed arrangements to assure the adequacy of resources for their
cooperative efforts" in the markets.
Birds' abode in Bodega opens
BODEGA - Tourists soon will be able to spend a peaceful night in
a Victorian schoolhouse where 25 years ago terrified children fled as
screaming black birds and seagulls lunged at them from the sky.
The scene was fictional, one of the memorable moments of Alfred
Hitchcock's classic thriller, "The Birds" filmed here and at other sites in
Sonoma and Main counties, about 60 miles north of San Francisco.
Tom Taylor, a local entrepenuer who bought the quaint building a
few years ago, recieved permission from Sonoma County officials
earlier this month to convert it to the School House Inn.
He says he'll charge $60 per night for two people, including a
continental breakfast, and expects t have no trouble filling four guest
"I've gotten so much publicity from the building I don't even need
to advertise," he said.
Tourists have flocked to the school house and several other buildings
used in the movie since since the film starring Rod Taylor, Tippi
Hedren and Suzanne Pleshette was released in 1963.
The movie depicted a weekend during which thousands of crows,
seagulls, and ravens for unknown reasons began attacking and killing
If you see news happen, call 76-DAILY.
th~ie iRdizht n Batig
Vol. XCVIII - No. 72
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday
through Friday during the fall and winter terms by students at the
University of Michigan. Subscription rates: January through April
- $15 in Ann Arbor, $22 outside the city. 1988 spring, summer,
and fall term rates not yet available.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and the
National Student News Service.
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(continued from Page 1)
He also added that, as a dean, he
wouldn't look forward to carrying
out the punitive responsibilities that
deans have under Fleming's pro-
posal. Under the draft proposal, the
deans are responsible for assessing
the seriousness of a student's trans-
gression - whether a certain remark
or action merits an apology or not,
for example.
Dean of the School of Public
Health June Osborn would not
comment on her meeting with
Fleming because they did not discuss
the draft proposal in detail. They
talked about it, she said, but not in
much depth.
"I .don'tlike it," said State Sen.
Lana Pollack (D-Ann Arbor) in
reaction to the proposal, adding that,
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s oppose
"the code would offer to the deans far
too much discretionary power... it
could be used poorly." Many campus
leaders are saying the proposal is
tantamount to a code of non-aca-
demic conduct that former University
President Harold Shapiro tried to es-
tablish during his tenure.
"I think the risk that it poses is
greater that the promise that it holds
out," she said.
She said she would not express
her views directly to Fleming or any
members of the University's Board
of Regents, not desiring to interfere
with the University's and the re-
gents' constitutional autonomy.
Daily staffer Steve Knopper con-
tributed to this story.
SAPAC looks
for new
(Continued from Page 1)
Lotero said he sometimes feels
uncomfortable at SAPAC meetings
because "men are the ones who are
perpetuating the rape culture. The
women (at SAPAC) are concerned
about the problem rather than men."
But he said he does not feel discrim-
inated against at the center.
Lotero said he now walks on the
opposite side of the street from a
woman at night and tries to educate
some of his friends about rape.
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