Page 2-The Michigan Daily-Friday, March 4, 1988
Students to fight voting violations IN BRIEF
A group of University law stu-
dents will head south tomorrow to
join a national fight against voting
rights violations they fear may target
supporters of presidential candidate
Jesse Jackson in next week's Super
Tuesday primaries.
Voting rights violations may be
more frequent in this year's
presidential election because south-
ern conservative Democrats may il-
legally attempt to undermine support
for Jackson, said members of the
National Lawyers' Guild.
Poll watchers hope to prevent
violations of voters' rights by their
presence at polling sites, said Rich
McHugh, Guild vice president for
the mid-east region of the country.
"The intent is to be present, to
observe, and hopefully to prevent
(violations)," he said.
The University law students will
join other law students and lawyers
from other regions in training semi-
nars tomorrow. On Sunday they will
go to areas that have a documented
history of voting violations,
particularly small rural areas where
violators think their lawbreaking
will go unpunished. .
Many of Jackson's supporters are
newly registered voters and may be
more easily deterred from voting,
because of their inexperience, said
"I've always been interested in
elections, and I know that there's a
history of racism at the polls, not
just in the South," said Lisa Batey, a
second year law student.
The National Lawyers' Guild was
active in the beginning of the Civil
Rights' Movement in the sixties by
providing legal aid to protesters in
the South. It has worked with Jack-
son's campaign to pinpoint the
troubled areas.
In order to decrease turnout of
Jackson-supporters, there is a chance
that pro-Jackson polling sites may
be opened late then closed early, said
McHugh. Voting officials also may
change polling site locations with
little, if any, warning to voters.
Reagan promises to veto legislation
Wontnned from Page i)
United Coalition Against Racism
'steering committee member Barbara
Rinsby said the bill takes significant
steps to deter discrimination.
"I think it's good," she said. "The
For Summer Session]
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bottom line is that the government
doesn't have the right to subsidize
racism. To give the government
money to discriminate against peo-
ple is unacceptable, and if President
Reagan does go ahead with the ex-
pected veto I hope that it is over-
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tanford, CA 94305-2074
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Delro Harris, m i n o r i t y
representative to the Michigan Stu-
dent Assembly, voiced his support
for the new bill and said Reagan's
claims that the bill poses a threat to
religious liberty are unfounded.
"From what I can see offhand, I
think it is heading in the right direc-
Worship Schedule
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U-M Community)
218 N. Division St.
4:00 p.m. Enquirers'/
Doubters' Lenten Series
5:00 p.m. Eucharist at Canterbury
(supper follows)
tion. It seems like there are people
actually trying to do something
about what is going on," said Harris.
In a 1984 case brought about by
Grove City College, the Supreme
Court ruled that a federal law against
sex discrimination in schools only
affected those programs which were
receiving federal funding, and did not
extend to entire schools.
"In a way it clarifies a problem in
the law that previously existed," said
Law Prof. Christina Whitman. "It's
extremely important. It means that
the anti-discrimination constraints
have a much wider reach within a
program that has federal funding than
the Grove City decision provided
"This bill permits litigations and
a basis for suing. Basically, it gives
you a way to put pressure on an in-
stitution if you feel you are being
discriminated against."
- The Associated Press con-
tributed to this report.
Compiled from Associated Press reports
House kills Contra funding
WASHINGTON - The House yesterday killed a $30 million package
of "humanitarian" aid for Nicaragua's Contras that had been pushed by
Democrats as a way to ease pressure for future military aid for the rebels.
The final vote of 216-208 against the plan came minutes after the
lawmakers had voted 215-210 to accept a Democratic version of the aid
Rep. David Bonior, a Mt. Clemens Democrat and deputy majority
whip in the House, was floor manager of the package to give butter and
blankets, but no guns, to the Contras.
President Ronald Reagan, in a letter written from the NATO
conference in Belgium, had said the plan "does not meet the essential
criteria" of keeping the Contras viable and maintaining military pressure
on the Sandinista government.
Congress asks for Panamanian
embargo on trade, currency
WASHINGTON (AP)- Six Republican and Democratic members of
Congress introduced a bill Thursday to impose an "immediate, dramatic
and devestating" trade, air travel and currency embargo against the regime
of Panamanian leader Manuel Antonio Noriega.
The lawmakers said they would seek speedy congressional approval of
the embargo bill.
But they said they also hoped to prod President Reagan to act
independently to adopt a far stronger series of punitive sanctions against
the Noriega regime than he has approved to date.
The proposed embargo would bar all imports from Panama, prohibit
all U.S. exports to that nation, bar all air travel between the two
countries and prohibit U.S. banks from transferring any funds to Panama
and its banking system.
Army: Arab stabs Jewish teen
JERUSALEM - An Arab stabbed a teenage Jewish settler in the back
yesterday as he shopped for the Jewish Purim holiday in the occupied
West Bank city of Hebron, the army and witnesses said.
The scuffle in Hebron, 20 miles south of Jerusalem, began shortly
after 16-year-old settler Aharon Peretz was stabbed.
The army said later Peretz was treated for slight injuries at a Jerusalem
hospital and released.
A photographer on assignment for Time magazine was struck with her
camera by enraged Jewish settlers. She fell to the ground unconscious,
with a one-inch gash in her forehead that required five stitches.
NATO leaders resolve dispute
in nuclear weapons talks
BRUSSELS, Belgium - NATO leaders pledged yesterday to
modernize nuclear weapons in Europe to deter war and intimidation,
glossing over a dispute that had threatened to mar solidarity at the first
alliance summit in six years.
Summing up two days of talks by leaders of the 16-member
organization, President Ronald Reagan said, "The state of the alliance is
excellent. We're strong, we're united, we're prosperous and we're free."
In a minor embarrassment about two hours after the summit's close,
Reagan told reporters he had not seen the final communique from the
Sweepstakes hopefuls jump
the gun to spend $2 million
TOLEDO (AP) - Convinced they had won a $2 million sweepstakes
offered by a California mail-order company, Kathy and Dale Work bought
a pickup truck and a new car and were about to quit their jobs. Then they
learned they hadn't won a thing.
"I guess it seems like we're a couple of country hicks," said Kathy.
"We'd made all kinds of plans. I don't know what we're going to do
The United States Purchasing Exchange, a Pacoima, California-based
company sponsoring the sweepstakes, said Kathy has not won anything
- at least not yet.
The U.S. Postal Service said Wednesday it had received complaints
about the company and had forwarded them to the Federal Trade
Commission for investigation.
A man who answered the telephone at a USPE telephone number said
the sweepstakes is still in progress and that the Works are among
thousands with a chance at the top prize, said to be more than $2 million.
The man would not give his name and would not respond to other
If you see news happen, call 76-DAILY.
01 e ffitchigan BatIVy
Vol. XCVIII- No. 103
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday
through Friday during the fall and winter terms by students at the
University of Michigan. Subscription rates: January through April
- $15 in Ann Arbor, $22 outside the city. 1988 spring, summer,
and fall term rates not yet available.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and the
National Student News Service.
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