In W eekend Ig " l !*HowtAIDSahasaffected the 'U'community
In ~V ekenM agazine. . A look at Laughing Hyenas " The List " 'Frantic'
Ninety-eight years of editorial freedom
Vol. XCVIII, No. 103 Ann Arbor, Michigan- Friday, March 4, 1988 Copyright 1988, The Michigan Daily
Home ios
sweet to
When the whistle blows and one
of his sons hits the mats, h e
watches with such great intensity.
He stands still, he paces, some-
times he can't even watch, but you
know he's there to root on his
sons. If the referee makes a bad call,
he will protest with such vigor that
you can't help but notice him.
"He gets pretty excited," one son
He is Nazem Amine, father of
Michigan wrestlers Mike and Sam.
He represents something extremely
important to the Michigan
wrestling team - home.
THEY say home is where the
heart is. But for the Michigan
wrestlers, this year, home is where
the Big Ten Championships are.
This weekend the championships
will be held at Crisler Arena, which
is a huge advantage for the Wolver-
"I think we really have a chance
to win it here (Crisler)," said
Michigan's 177-pound entry, Justin
Spewock. "Everybody feels so
comfortable (wrestling) here. I
mean its like Dorothy, there really
is no place like home."
If that's true, Michigan better
start clicking its ruby shoes to-
gether, for they nimust get past the
Wicked Wrestlers of the West, the
} Iowa Hawkeyes.
It will be tough. Iowa has won
13 straight Big Ten championships
and its head coach of 11 years, Dan
Gable, has a lifetime Big Ten record
of 78-0.
wrestling team can't dump Auntie
Em's house on the Hawkeyes, but
they might be able to substitute
Crisler Arena for it.
1"I think that if we have a chance
to knock Iowa off, and it's gonna
be a battle, they haven't lost it in
13 years, the difference just might
be the home mat advantage," said
Michigan coach Dale Bahr.
" home, just being
home helps," Bahr added. "The dif-
See CRISLER, Page 10
UCAR leader
Cutting edge to glory? Daily Photo by ELLEN LEVY
Michigan hockey players sport their new hairstyles in preparation for this weekend's playoff series against
Western Michigan. Pictured from the left are: Joe Lockwood, Todd Copeland, Rob Brown, Brad Turner,
Kent Brothers, Myles O'Connor, and Don Stone. See stories, page 10.
Legislators recount fact-
finding tour of Middle East
A member of the United Coali-
tion Against Racism steering com-
mittee filed a report with Ann Arbor
police that she received a telephone
call from a man threatening to rape
and kill her Tuesday night.
The UCAR member, who spoke
on the condition of anonymity, said
she discovered the threat on her an-
swering machine upon returning
home at about 10 p.m. Tuesday.
The recording contained a male
voice saying, "I'm gonna kill you.
I'm gonna kill you. You said that
stuff in The Daily. We're going to
fuck your shit up. Bomb threat,
bomb threat, bomb threat. I'm going
to fuck you up your anus."
THE UCAR member said she
believed the call was "an attempt to
scare me, because I have been in-
volved in the anti-racist struggle, but
this attempt will not deter me, or
any other member of UCAR, from
pursuing our anti-racist agenda mili-
tantly and aggressively."
The threat was "another step in
the pattern of increased racial ha-
rassment on campus. Viewed in per-
spective of what's been happening
on campus recently, it's very scary,"
said the steering committee member.
Interim University President
Robben Fleming said he was noti-
fied of the incident yesterday evening
and would look into the possibility
of conducting an inquiry into the in-
cident today. He said the investiga-
tion would probably involve campus
"This is something that has to be
looked into very thoroughly," said
director of the University's
Affirmative Action Office, said she
had not previously been told of the
incident, which she called "really
very horrible;" until last night. She
said she was not aware whether a
harassment complaint had been filed
with the office in connection with
the incident.
No report of the incident was filed
with campus security, said Leo
Heatley, director of the University
Office of Public Safety and Security.
He said that security is not currently
investigating the incident.
The UCAR:member who reported
the death threat said other members
of the group have also been harassed
in the past. One member was mailed
a racist cartoon last summer and
several members have received abu-
sive phone calls, she said.
State Rep. Perry Bullard (D-Ann
Arbor) and City Councilmember Jeff
Epton (D-Third Ward) told a group
of about 50 people last night about
their recent visit to Israel, calling for
a separate Palestinian state and a
change in U.S. policy toward both
Israel and the Palestinians.
Speaking before an overwhelm-
ingly pro-Palestinian audience in
Hutchins Hall, Bullard and Epton
condemned the "hard line" stance
taken by the Israeli administration
against peace talks with the Pales-
tinians and urged the United States
- which sends more than $3 billion
annually to Israel - to use its eco-
nomic clout to effect some change in
the troubled region.
"Israel is internally a democracy,
but it is also a garrison state (with)
an economy dependent on U.S. aid
and private contributions," Bullard
"The problem. for all people in
the U.S. is to somehow figure out
how to undo our policy," he said.
BULLARD and Epton were
members of a 16-person delegation
from Michigan, Ohio, and Maine
who visited the region from Feb. 1
to Feb. 14. The delegation met with
Christians, Moslems, Jews, as well
as. Palestinians.
Epton said he was most im-
pressed with the unanimity of opin-
ion among the Palestinian people.
"The consensus among the
Palestinian people is so broad as to
be almost complete. Everybody
seems to ascribe to a virtually com-
plete political agenda," he said.
The Palestinians Epton met with
agreed thatethe Palestine Liberation
Organization should be accepted as
the representative voice of the peo-
ple, that Jordan is not Palestine -
as many people have maintained in
the past, and that there is a need for a
separate Palestinian state.
EPTQN stressed that the group
was not led on an "engineered" trip
designed to let them observe only
one side of the issue.
On the Israeli side, the two said
they heard calls for peace but that the
dominant voice was the "hard-line"
stand of the current Israeli adminis-
tration not to engage in talks aimed
at creating a separate Palestinian
"There is a strong peace move-
ment, but I think a minority peace
movement," Bullard said. He added
that the Israeli administration is
"quite intent on preventing any
Palestinian national state."
CHANGE in the Israeli admin-
istration and removal from power of
the current Likud "hard-liners" led by
Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir is
key to any progress in the peace
movement, they said.
W. German hostage
released in Syria
Students hold iag
"~ "
anti -apartheid
By LISA WINER versity divest i
Forty people protested apartheid in South Africa
in a candlelight vigil sponsored by "The struggl
The Free South Africa Coordinating must continue
Committee on the Diag last night. sophomore Liz
FSACC held the vigil in response to The Univer
the recent outlawing of 17 anti- currently invest
apartheid organizations by the South companies, is m
African government. ings as a "token
Students showed their support for alive that conte
those struggling against apartheid, state law requ
mourned those who have died in the universities to d
struggle, and called for an end to University R
Western economic and political sup- (D-Ann Arbor)
port. They demanded that the Uni- See STUD
f i h
financial holdings
le (against apartheid)
here," said LSA
Paige of FSACC.
sity, with $500,000
ted in South African
maintaining the hold-
W" to keep a lawsuit
sts a 1982-Michigan
iring all Michigan
ivest these holdings.
Regent Philip Power
said yesterday, "the
ENTS, Page 5
DAMASCUS, Syria (AP) - Pro-
Iranian kidnappers freed West German
hostage Ralph Schray in West Beirut
yesterday after holding him for five
weeks, and he was turned over to the
West German Embassy in Damascus.
The West German Charge
D'affaires, Klaus Auchenbach, re-
fused to make any comments to re-
porters as he shuttled between the
embassy and the Foreign Ministry,
about a mile apart in the Syrian
HE SAID it was "not worth-
while" for them to wait around, indi-
cating that Schray would not appear
in public.
This raised speculation the former
captive may not be as well as Bonn
portrayed him to be after his ordeal.
The Bonn Foreign Ministry had said
earlier that Schray, 30, was in "good
physical condition."
Friedholm Ost, the West German
government's chief spokesman in
Bonn, said only that the Syrian gov-
ernment had handed Schray over to
embassy officials.
SCHRAY, a Lebanese-born
industrial engineer, was freed before
dawn. A Syrian military source in
the Lebanese capital said he was
driven the 55 miles to Damascus
under heavy Syrian escort.
On Wednesday, the Holy War-
riors for Freedom claimed responsi-
bility for Schray's abduction and said
he would be freed within hours as a
result of Syrian meditation.
The official Syrian Arab News
Agency said Foreign Minister Farouk
and four French.
The hostage held longest is
American Terry Anderson, chief
Middle East correspondent for The
Associated Press. He was seized
March 16, 1985.
Schray's release brought to seven
the number of foreign hostages that
have been released by kidnappers
since September: two Frenchmen,
two West Germans, a South Korean,
a Norwegian and a Swede.
WEST GERMAN officials say
the Germans have been kidnapped ini
an effort to pressure Bonn to release
two Lebanese Shiite brothers.
One of the brothers, Abbas
Hamadi, has since been put on trial
in Duesseldorf on charges of kidnap-
ping Schmidt and Cordes to press"for
the release of his brother, Mo-
hammed Ali.
Mohammed Ali is being held in
Frankfurt on charges of involvement
in the 1985 hijacking of an American
TWA jetliner to Beirut and the mur-
der of a U.S. Navy diver on board.
Faculty, students
praise rights bill
Campus leaders and faculty
Although President Ronald Rea-
gan promised he would veto the bill