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March 03, 1988 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1988-03-03

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Ninety-eight years of editorial freedom

Vol. XCVII), No. 102

Ann Arbor, Michigan-- Thursday, March 3, 1988

Copyright 1988, The Michigan Daily

new civil
rights bill
House of Representatives over-
whelmingly passed a landmark civil
rights bill yesterday that would
broaden protections for women, mi-
norities, the elderly, and the handi-
capped. President Reagan has vowed
to veto the measure.
The Civil Rights Restoration
Act, considered by many lawmakers
the most significant civil rights
measure in 20 years, was sent to the
White House on a 315-98 vote. The
Senate passed it by an equally lop-
sided 75-14 vote in January.
Both chambers passed the bill by
the two-thirds margin needed to
override a presidential veto, but it
was unclear whether the huge mar-
gins would hold up following Rea-
gan's vow yesterday to reject the
The restoration act was designed
to reverse a 1984 Supreme Court
decision that narrowed the scope of
four major civil rights laws which
were meant to prevent taxpayer fi-
nancing of discrimination.
Supporters of the act said hun-
dreds of discrimination complaints
had been dropped or restricted since
the decision.
"We have suffered for too long in
waiting for this great and important
day." said Rep. John Conyers (D-
Reagan said the bill "dramatically
expands the scope of federal jurisdic-
tion over state and local govern-
ments and the private sector" and
"poses a particular threat to religious
But opponents claim the bill goes
far beyond restoration. Like Reagan,
they complained that it is too intru-
sive into the private sector and reli-
gious organizations.
"The wording of the law is going
to bring about unintended conse-
quences like you could never imag-
ine," said Rep. George Gekas (R-

Alumni still

FinalUs t

Wiite ' s

ab ilities questioned

The controversy over who willa
succeed Michigan Athletic Director
Don Canham when he retires in June
has taken a new turn, with promi-
nent alumni threatening to organize
against the University's Board of
The regents are scheduled to meet
Saturday morning in closed session
and authorize Interim University
President Robben Fleming to offer
the job to a second candidate.
Schembechler, who turned down the
athletic director job on Monday, re-
mains the No. 1 choice of many
athletic department members and
many prominent alumni who retain
strong ties to the athletic depart-
Former Wolverine football player
Clayton Wilhite has emerged as one
of the two finalists for the position.
The Saginaw native currently heads
the D'arcy Masius Benton and
Bowles advertising agency in St.
Louis. His office said he. was on va-
cation until Friday and unavailable
for comment.
Both prominent alumni and per-
sonnel in the athletic department said
Wilhite is not qualified to be an ath-
letic director, especially at Michigan.
"His peers don't like him. If you
are interviewing for a job and 10 out
of every 10 guys don't like you, you
shouldn't be hired," said Associate
Athletic Director Don Lund. "While
he makes a good appearance, many
of the players who played with him
do not feel kindly toward him."
who still has a strong involvement
in the Michigan athletic department,
concurs with Lund's assessment.
"He's not what you would con-
sider to be highly qualified as an

athletic director, or even as a candi-
date," Osterman said. "He lacks ex-
perience, and I would certainly raise
my objections to it."
Other prominent alumni went so
far as to call Wilhite "stupid" and
One of Wilhite's administrative
assistants in St. Louis, who re-
quested anonymity, disputes this
negative image of Wilhite.
"He is extremely bright, articu-
late, and deals well with people.
He's an excellent administrator. His
character is excellent; his integrity
outstanding. He's a triple 'A' guy,"
the associate said.
REGENT Thomas Roach (D-
Saline) expressed his support for
anyone who had gone to school at
"I have a high degree of confi-
dence in anyone who was trained at
Michigan. That's a plus for anyone,"
he said.
The other person mentioned as a
candidate is North Carolina Athletic
Director John Swofford. Swofford
said, yesterday he had not talked with
anyone from Michigan in "quite
some time" and was doubtful that he
would take the job if offered.
"I just don't know. I have not
talked with anyone, and I'm very
happy at North Carolina," he said.
But Regent James Waters (D-
Muskegon) said on Tuesday that
Swofford was not oneof .the final
candidates for the position.
the notion that the regents had of-
fered Schembechler the position as
"a token," knowing that he wouldn't
take it due to the stipulation that he
retire from coaching.
"The regents offered Bo the ath-
See ALUMNI, Page 10

Gary Grant is fouled driving to the basket. The senior had another of his typical nights: 24 points, nine assists,
four steals, and four rebounds.
Three WolVerines score 20 In
10567 ildcat whipping

Bill Frieder's Wolverine basketball camp opened for
business a few months earlier than usual, with
Northwestern receiving a painful 105-67 lesson last
Head counselors Glen Rice (25 points, 10 rebounds)
and Gary Grant (24 points) provided much of the
instruction, but Frieder had plenty of other skilled staff
members available to demonstrate proper hoop
techniques to the last-place Wildcats (7-18, 2-13 in the
Big Ten).
The Wolverines, (23-5, 12-3), proved to be sloppy

hosts, however, by allowing their guests plenty of
garbage time at the end of the game.
As the clock wound down, the players seemed to
become more concerned with helping some of the
reserves pad their statistics than with the score of the
game. "We were trying to get everyone in the scoring
column and we almost did it," said Rumeal Robinson.
Only two of the 12 Wolverines (Mike Griffin and Bob
Tait) failed to score a basket.
"We had a couple of lapses right at the start of the
second half and then towards the end where they got a
See VAUGHT, Page 9

Complaint lodged over


Rosalyn Dunlap-Gist, a secretary at Univer-
sity News and Information Services, has filed a
harassment complaint with the University Af-
firmative Action Office, saying she felt
"vulnerable and threatened" by a flier she received
in the mail last week, which she said mocked the
work of a well-known Black author.
The flier contained a poem, written in an ex-
aggerated imitation of a Black dialect, signed
"Paul L. Dunbar, Jr., Ann Arbor, Michigan,"
apparently in reference to Black poet Paul Lau-
rence Dunbar. Dunlap-Gist said she believes the
author used a false name.
Dunlap-Gist said she felt intimidated by the
poem, titled "If Duh Dean Don't 'Pologize,"
which referred to remarks made by LSA Dean
Peter Steiner that some students and faculty
members called racist.
"I WAS VERY UPSET when I opened it
and read it," Dunlap-Gist said. "I was shaking...
then I got mad as hell."
Dunlap-Gist said she decided to report the in-
cident to the media after filing the harassment
complaint because, "I felt, the sooner known, the

Nordby receives.
insulting' poem
Virginia Nordby, director of the Affirmative
Action Office, said she also received a copy of
the flier in the mail last week.
"(The poem) was quite an insult to a distin-
guished Black poet and an insult to Black indi-
viduals in the way they were portrayed," Nordby
DUNLAP-GIST SAID she believes the
flier was sent to her to harass her for having
written a letter, printed in the Feb. 15 issue of
the Daily, which suggested that the University's
Board of Regents change anti-discrimination
bylaw 14.06 to read, "'It is the policy of this
university not to discriminate."'"
"I felt that it was an attempt to intimidate me
because I had taken a public position on issues
that the writer or sender did not agree with,"
Dunlap-Gist said. She said she did not know of
anyone who would have mailed her the flier.
Dunlap-Gist said she did not consider the flier

a joke. "This is serious business as far as I'm
concerned," she said.
The Affirmative Action Office reported the
incident to the University Office of Public Safety
and Security, which is investigating it. Campus
Security Director Leo Heatley said campus secu-
rity has not identified any suspects in the inci-
HEATLEY SAID security would compare
the flier to other race-related fliers recently dis-
covered on campus to see if the incidents may
have been connected. The flier was the latest in a
series of race-related fliers that have been found
on campus over the past year.
Security has not yet established any link be-
tween the fliers.
Nordby said the sender of the fliers must have
had access to University facilities, because both
fliers were sent through campus mail.
Last month, several fliers claiming to be from
a white supremacist group and calling Blacks
"inferior" to whites were found posted through-
out campus, and fliers mocking Martin Luther
King's "I Have a Dream" speech were slipped
under the doors of four Black resident staff mem-
bers in Mosher-Jordan residence hall.

Daily Photo by JOHN MUNSON
No nukes
Bill Caldicott, a former pediatric radiologist at Harvard Medical School,
speaks about the arms race last night at Rackham Auditorium. See story,
Page 5.
U2 9wins albu-m of

Student lobbyists visit DC to
ask for more financial aid

Ten University students travelled to Washington,
D.C. earlier this week to join about 350 college stu-
dents in speaking out against President Ronald Rea-
gan's proposed education budget and lobbying

Tom Butts, the University's full time lobbyist in
Washington D.C., said after talking with aides and
congressmembers in several offices this week, "People
have volunteered that students were effective, well-pre-
pared, and made a good presentation. Universally, it
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