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January 06, 1988 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1988-01-06

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Regents to
At its December meeting, the
University's Board of Regents
approved a proposal to increase the
in-state enrollment on the Ann Arbor
campus to 70 percent over four years.
Currently, in-state students
comprise 68.7 percent of the campus
student population. For the entire
University, including the Dearborn
and Flint campuses, the in-state
proportion is 72.6 percent.
To achieve the 70 percent goal,
the University will enroll 100 fewer
non-resident first-year students in
each of the next two years. At the
same time, the University enroll 50
more resident first-year students.
University Vice President for
Academic Affairs James Duderstadt
said this will bring the resident
enrollment to 70 percent by 1991.
'Our tax dollars built
this school... We want our
children to be educated
here and stay here.'
-State Senator Joseph
Conroy (D-Flint)
This move by the regents comes
in response to protestsby some state
legislators that the University was
failing to show a preference for in-
state students.
State Sen. Joseph Conroy (D-
Flint), a member of a panel of
government officials and regents that
addressed the enrollment question,
appeared before the regents in
"Our tax dollars built this
school," he said. "We want our
children to be educated here and stay
M ini -van
and train
'five die

.The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, January 6, 1988-Page 3
Fate of Old
Main Hospital
to be decided

Next week the Administrative
Wing of Old Main Hospital will
receive its final prognosis - a long-
awaited decision from the Uni-
versity's Board of Regents on
whether to demolish the wing with
the rest of the hospital this summer.
A report from University Chief
Financial Officer James Brinkerhoff
is expected to recommend the wing's
destruction. Brinkerhoff said yes-
terday that "although the board had
asked for the wing's retention" at
their December meeting, the cost to
restore the wing for University use
would be an "uneconomical" $3.2
The board has considered reusing
the wing - the small, main
hospital entrance facing Observatory
Road - as a University office
building after Old Main i s
The destruction of the 62-year-
old Old Main Hospital was approved
last January, almost a year after the
new replacement University Hospital
Regent Thomas Roach (D-Saline)
said the board felt the wing's empty
office space could eventually be
useful 'to the University. Th~e
structure "also would continue to
provide a focal point at the head of
Observatory. Visually it would
provide a landmark," Roach said.
But additional data - including
the cost of necessary repairs to the
wing's elevators, utilities, and stairs

- may convince the regents to
approve the wing's demolishnient,
Brinkerhoff said. }
Though some administrators-have
noted the hospital's historical
significance, Roach said the desire to
retain the front wing did not have
"sentimental" motivations.e
"A lot of people have' a
sentimental attitude about it;" ; he
said. "But I don't really think the
place has any great historical
significance. It served the 'U' well
for 60 years - it just got too old
and too tired."
At their December meeting, the
regents awarded the contract for the
implosion of the 750,000-square-
foot complex to the O'Rourke
Construction Company of Ohio.
The demolition will cost $8.1
million, Brinkerhoff said.
Despite the question of '.the
Administrative Wing's fite,
Brinkerhoff expects Old Main
Hospital "to literally fall in on
itself" sometime late this summer
when the building is imploded - a
process of using explosives, to
remove the building's verticle
Jack Weidenbach, director, of
University Business Operations, said
the site will be landscaped and
prepared as a future building site for
either a hospital or medical school

Daily Photo by ELLEN LEVY
Brrrr !
Juniors Paul Klain and Dave Morsfield attempt to start their car yesterday in the bitter cold near Geddes and
Observatory Avenues. It was cold enough that both found it hard to work without gloves for more than a
minute or two.
GM-beginspubicity campaign
Pg( g gl l

NEW YORK (AP) - General
Motors Corp., determined to end a
two-year streak of negative public-
ity, began 1988 with a slick media
offensive featuring its top executives
and its newest production and con-
cept vehicles and technology.
Acknowledging that GM may
have made a communications error
when it launched a $40 billion re-
building program early in the decade
at the expense of short-term profits
and sales, GM chair Roger Smith
pounded home the message yesterday
that the world's largest automaker is

no longer a sleeping giant.
Smith and GM President Robert
Stempel, seated at a podium in front
of a wall lined with 240 television
screens in the Waldorf Astoria hotel
ballroom, opened the largest auto
technology show in GM's 79-year
history by digging in and facing a
roomful of sometimes hostile re-
"We couldn't have mounted a
show like this two years ago. We
couldn't have done it last year. But
now we've reached the point where
we're ready to make a progress re-

port... Now we have proof positive
of our determination to continue to
lead the industry into the 21st cen-
tury," Smith said.
Stempel called the three-day
invitation-only show, expected to
draw more than 14,000 visitors from
the media, Wall Street, government
and GM itself, a "show-and-tell"
that's "letting our products show
what's been accomplished and letting
our people tell the story."
General managers of two GM
divisions accepted awards yesterday
for their products.

U.S. votes against
Israeli deportations


KENTWOOD, Mich. (AP) -" A crossing near the downtown Kent- lice said. The railroad crossing has
mini-van and a train collided yester- wood, located on the southeast bor- warning lights and bells but no
day afternoon in southwestern der of Grand Rapids. crossing gate.
Michigan, killing five people in the Kentwood Police Chief Terry Police said a sixth person in the
van and critically injuring a 19-year- Tobias said blowing snow may have an, the driver, was thrown from the
old woman, authorities said, obiscrdtheowaring lightsayavte vehicle after it was hit by the train.
o woanaut rites si .obscured the warning lights at the Mistic Filley, 19, of Wyoming,
Kentwood police weren't releas- intersection, but said it was uncer- was in critical condition with multi-
ng the names of the dead pending tain what role, if any, the wintry ple injuries at Metropolitan Hospital
ositive identification, police dis- conditions played in the accident. inuries RtpMetopoin spital
atcher Joseph Merriman said. The van was traveling eastbound in Grand Rapids, nursing supervisor
Maureen Meyers said. Doctors were
The accident occurred shortly after on 36th street and was struck by a preparing Filley for emergency
4 p.m. at a Chessie System railroad northbound, 33-car freight train, po- surgery, Meyers said.

Sunday. (Continued from Page1)
The resolution also says the de-
portations would violate the 1949
Geneva Conventions on the treat-
ment of civilians in occupied ter-
ritories. That document says:
"Individual or mass forcible
transfers, as well as deportations of
protected persons from occupied ter-
ritory... are prohibited regardless of
their motive."
Israeli soldiers fired on hundreds
of Arab rioters yesterday who could
not be dispersed with rubber bullets,
tear gas or water cannons, killing

one and wounding eight, the army
An army spokesperson in Tel
Aviv said an unusually violent
crowd in the Khan Younis refugee
camp pelted soldiers with rocks and
bottles at midday. He said the|Is-
raelies used tear gas, rubber bulets
and fierce jets from water cannons
before resorting to live ammunition.
"There were hundreds of demon-
strators, and they were especially4vi-
olent, that's why so many got hut,"
he said, speaking on condition: of

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City approves stricter housing code

Now Leasing for Fall '88
All apartments convenient to campus
Evening and Saturday Hours

The Ann Arbor City Council
voted unanimously in favor of a
tighter city housing code at its Dec.
21 meeting. The revised code,
effective next month, is simpler in
language and more clearly defines the
requirements for property owners
than the old one.
Councilmember Kathy Edgren
(D- Fifth Ward) said the new code
will require the city's Housing
Inspection Bureau to investigate
every tenant complaint. In the past,
Edgren said, the inspection bureau

has delayed action on tenant
complaints and referred tenants back
to their rentors.
The new code will make the
inspection bureau decision process
more accessible to the public. As a
result, the bureau will continue to be
more accountable for its actions,
Edgren said.
The old housing code called for an
inspection of all Ann Arbor
residences every two years. "In
reality, we were inspecting every
three years," Edgren said.
The new code extends the

Day shelter opens today

inspection cycle to two and a half
years in order to ensure that the job
is performed more thoroughly.
Jack Donaldson, director of the
city's Building Department, said the
council chose to eliminate the
inspection of single family residences
occupied by the owners and
concentrate instead on rentals because
there was not enough staff to carry
out the inspections. "We have never
inspected owner-occupied housing. It
was never a priority of any of the
councils," he said.
The new policy also sets up
stricter rules for maintenance. The
maximum amount of time a
landowner would be given to make a
non-hazardous repair was reduced
from one year to six months. In
most cases landowners are given 30
days to do the work.
The previous housing code had not
been revised since it was passed in
1969. In the spring of 1985, the city
Epiphany Service, Jan. 6,9:00 p.m.
observing the "Visit of the 3 Kings"
1511 Washtenaw, 663-5560

council appointed a committee of
both tenant and owner advocates to
overhaul the existing policy.
Donaldson, who was a technical
advisor to the committee, said he is
satisfied with the new code. "Once
we get it into effect and start
applying it, we will see if there were
any oversights that need to be
amended," he said.
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(Continued from Page 1)
and must pay rent. '
Shelter staff and volunteers will
assist the women with educational
needs, training, and job placement,
Zick said.
Susan McGee, director of Safe
House shelter for battered women,
called the creation of the home "a
step in the right direction."
"This [home] is very desperately
needed," she said, adding that the lack
of shelter space, as well as the

affordable housing crunch, often
forces women to leave the county or
continue living in dangerous
Safe House, which offers victims
of domestic violence a place to stay
while they attempt to relocate, took
in 279 women and their families last
year, McGee said. The shelter has had
to extend its 30-day limit for
residents who could not find other


Students say lofts dangerous
in the LW f rn the. - nI I where. thei



(Conunuedfrom Page 1)
Dedrich did not say whether or not
she personally approved of lofts, but
she did give some hints on how to
avoid loft accidents. She suggested
keeping phones and alarm clocks up

In tI eUL Uo s0I1 w LI ed1 e CC Hy
could easily be reached. She also
recommended sturdy ladders, thick
carpet on the floor, and that sharp
objects such as desks and chairs
should be removed from the area.



THE 1 1T

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