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February 10, 1988 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1988-02-10

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Ninety-eight years of editorial freedom
Vol. XCVIII, No. 91 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, February 10, 1988 Copyright 1988, The Michigan Daily

An extensive study by a Univer-
sity health sciences faculty task force
is focusing on how schools related
to the field can improve their
minority student representation.
The Minority Student Recruit-
ment Initiative in Health and Bio-
log ical Sciences Task Force de-
veloped when "we realized that we
didn't have the types of enrollments
we thought we should," said Phar-
macologist Peggie Hollingsworth.
The task force intends to "increase
the number of minority students en-
rolled in undergraduate, graduate and
professional programs so that mi-
nority student enrollment is propor-
tionate to the minority population,"
the report read.
Nineteen people within the health
science schools - Medical School,
the Schools of Dentistry, Nursing,
and Public Health, College of Phar-
macy, and LSA - comprised the
task force. The group wants to ac-
complish their goal of increased mi-
nority representation within five
years for professional programs and
seven years for graduate programs.
Hollingsworth, who chaired the
See HEALTH, Page 5

MSA ratifies
own code

The Michigan Student Assembly
voted last night to support a n
alternative proposal to Interim
President Robben Fleming's
proposed code, after a heated one-
hour debate that left some minority
representatives doubting the
plausibility of MSA's alternative.
The alternative proposal, that
passed with a 20-8 vote, suggests
that students not be punished with
academic sanctions for non-academic
behavior. Fleming's proposed
"Discriminatoy Acts on the Part of
Students," would permit probation
or expulsion if a student was found
guilty of harassment.
MSA's proposal called for the
establishment of an Office o f
Discrimination Prevention and
Awarenesss where students can
report acts of harrassment, or get
assistance for legal action through
the exisiting civil courts. The office
would be organized by a board of
three students, three faculty
members, and three administrators.
"THE MAIN problem at the

University is that you can't identify
whose committing the incidents of
harasssments," said Student Rights
Committee Chair Michael Philips,
an LSA junior. "With this office,
people can go and report it. . . this
gives them an outlet. The
administration keeps blaming the
students but there are a lot of other
people doing the harassment."
Although some MSA members
insisted that two-thirds of the student
board members be minoritites, other
MSA members.resisted the idea of
setting quotas for s t u d e n t
Delro Harris, chair of t h e
minority affairs committee, said that
not including stipulations of hiring a
certain number of minorites was
"ludicrous," and that MSA was
violating -the United States
Affirmative Action policy.
BUT PHILLIPS disagreed.
"Legally, you cannot set quotas
about who you are going to hire," he
said. "That's reverse discrimination.
See MSA, Page 7

Rolling in the dough
Sandia Lopez rolls out dough at the Wildflour Whole Grain Community Bakery on Fourth St. In its 13th year
the bakery relies on volunteers to bake the large variety of natural products that they sell the restaurants and
regular customers.

Small town Iowa caucus resembles a family get-together

Special to the Daily
VICTOR, Iowa - Reverend Jesse
Jackson describes the caucus process as a
"neighborhood get together," but in the little
town of Victor, Iowa, the nominating
process is more like a family meeting.
With an exact population of 1,092
citizens divided among three precincts, the
caucuses in Victor appear to represent
everything positive about the democratic
The 56 Democrats who showed up to vote
at the Knights of Columbus Hall comprised
a record turnout for this traditionally
Democratic town. Pat Foley, the youngest
caucus-goer, explained the high attendance:
"with the economy as depressed as it is in

Iowa you'll get one of the biggest turnouts
in history - and you' 11 see more farmers
and elderly."
ROY WIEBOLD, a local farmer, has
had to take a factory job to keep his farm
afloat. He said that while choosing a
candidate was important, he was more
concerned about the issues part of the caucus.
In this part, after the delegates were
chosen, caucus-goers presented, discussed,
and voted on resolutions. Taken from
precincts throughout. Iowa, th e se
recommendations were evaluated and
presented by state party leaders for possible
inclusion in the party's national platform. It
is here, in sometimes heated debates,
members of this town expressed their needs
and demands to the government - it is here

they have a chance to speak and be heard.
Wiebold said, "there are three main areas
of interest to people around here - the
environment, agriculture, and education.
Also the budget deficit; it's a real threat."
Traditionally, winning in Iowa is
important for a successful presidential
campaign. Wiebold takes this responsibility
"I get a lot of literature, I read all the
national papers and magazines. I've watched
all the political debates including the one in
New Hampshire," he said. In the end he
decided to choose Illinois Senator Paul
Simon, based on his policies and his chances
of winning the general election in
AFTER THE voters arrived and

exchanged greetings, they divided into the
three precincts that comprise the town. Each
group of people moved to a corner of the
large, wooden floored meeting hall. The
voting for presidential candidates went
quickly, without much discussion. "Most of
them have their minds made up when they
get here," Wiebold said.
At each of the three precincts, Rep.
Richard Gephardt of Missouri and
Massachusetts Governor Michael Dukakis
did well, with a few votes for Simon and
Tennessee Senator Albert Gore. One woman
raised her hand to vote for former Colorado
Senator Gary Hart, but her friends started
laughing and hissing so she withdrew the
One precinct consisted of only six people.

Gary Read, his wife Marlene, his father
Marvin and his mother Perah sat at a small
table with their Reverend Ken Bartelt and his
wife Mary. The group carefully went through
the caucus process, mixing Robert's Rule of
Order with gossip about their neighbors.
Mary explained the low turnout for their
precinct: "Our farmers are out milking their
cows and counting their pigs. I bet we're the
smallest precinct in the world."
AT FIRST COUNT, Gephardt won
four votes, but after a few words of
persuasion Gary Read managed to convince
his father to vote for the Missouri
Congressmember. Perah remained uncon-
vinced and cast her vote for Dukakis.


Minority internships
Program fights health care gap

Minority students interested in
working in the health care field have
a chance to pick up some practical
experience - as well as about $200
a week - through the School of
Public Health's Summer Placement
Opportunity Program in Health
Service Management.
The program, now in its third
year, is intended to help rectify the
underrepresentation of minorities in
the health care field, said Richard
Lichtenstein, director of Health
Service Management and Policy and
administrator of the internship
Nationally, minorities comprise
less than 2 percent of health care
employees, and increasing the
number of minorities in health care
would not only benefit the
employees themselves but also their
patients, Lichtenstein said.

"Members of a given population
subgroup can help meet the needs of
that particular subgroup better...
they understand the culture better and
they can relate (to patients)
better,"he said.
The program allows 14 students a
year to do administrative work with
various health care organizations in
the Detroit and Ann Arbor area for a
ten weeks during the summer.
Lichtenstein stressed that the
interns are not simply assigned
clerical or "gofer"-type work. "The
students are given professional level
jobs and given professional
responsibilities," he said.
The program also allows the
interns a chance to have a direct
impact on the operations of the
organizations where they are
assigned, as was the case with Kris
Manlove, a business school senior
who interned with the program two

years ago.
Manlove was assigned to make an
efficiency report on the reception
area of Mott's Children's Hospital.
As a result of her recommendations,
the hospital administration
reorganized the area and hired a
volunteer information clerk to assist
an overworked attendant at the re-
ception desk.
Her internship "helped me
develop a lot of confidence," said
Manlove."I got to see the inner
workings of the hospital.".
Interns in the program are usually
assigned long-term projects rather
than day-to-day work, Lichtenstein
said. The projects include analytical
work in which interns try to devise
ways to make the programs more
efficient and cost-effective.


U.S. envoy goes to
Israel for peace talks

Blasting graffitti
A sandblaster strips "What a WANKER" off a wall of the Graduate Library Monday.

'U' art museum stimulates learning

JERUSALEM- The army said
yesterday an Israeli officer shot and
wounded a 16-year-old Arab protester,
and Arab reports said another youth
died of beating injuries. A Jewish
settler was being investigated in the
fatal shooting of a demonstrator.

Shamir, who met Murphy at his
home, reportedly rejected Foreign
Minister Shimon Peres' suggestion
that the two meet jointly with the
U.S. envoy.
Murphy arrived from Cairo after
m ;. inotvia nn'cina TTiccn -and

A trip to the University's Museum of Art is
' becoming a popular way for faculty and students alike
' to incorporate art into their regular curriculum.
Communications Prof. Hillary Cohen took her
"Media and the Arts" class to a special exhibition on
serial art at the University's Museum of Art last term.

from prehistoric Asian ceramics and sculptures to
modern day American and European drawings and
"Some students, either from never being in a
musuem or coming from cities with many museums,
feel that a University musuem would not have much to
offer," Cohen said.

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