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January 06, 1988 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1988-01-06

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Ninety-eight years of editorialfreedom
Vol. XCVIII, No. 66 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, January 6, 1988 Copyright 1988, The Michigan Daily

U.S. jo
in U.N.



against Israel

Security Council voted unanimously
yesterday to ask Israel not to deport
Palestinians from the occupied terri-
tories. It marked the first time the
United States voted against Israel in
the council since 1981.
The United States is Israel's main
defender at the United Nations and
usually wields its veto power on be-
half of the Jewish state.
But Israel's crackdown on riots in
the occupied territories has provoked
strong criticism in the U.S. On
Dec. 22, the United States rebuked
Israel by abstaining from a Security
Council vote condemning the crack-
Yesterday it joined the other 14
members of the council in calling on
Israel not to deport nine Palestinian
Israel has defended the expulsions
as necessary to prevent more unrest
in the West Bank and Gaza Strip,
which it captured from Egypt and
Jordan in the 1967 Middle East war.

Since rioting broke there Dec. 8, Is-
raeli troops have fatally shot at least
24 Palestinians.
The latest person died yesterday,
when Israeli soldiers in the Gaza
Strip opened fire to disperse hundreds
of rioters on a march from the home
of one of the nine deportees.
Israeli Ambassador Benjamin Ne-
tanyahu told the Security Council all
nine Palestinians scheduled to be de-
ported are instigators of unrest and
affiliated with terrorist groups.
He said the council was playing a
"We've never had a Security
Council convene to condemn the
murder of a Jew," he said. "Not
"They cannot be deported from
their own land," Shaker Arabiat, a
Jordanian representative to the
United Nations, said of the nine
Palestinians. At least four of the
Palestinians are appealing the depor-
tation orders, which were issued
See U.S., Page 3

Ann Arbor opens
two new shelters


Daily Photo by SCOTT LITUCHY
Michigan running back Jamie Morris celebrates the Wolverines' triumph over Alabama in last Saturday's Hall of Fame Bowl. Morris
assaulted the record book while leading Michigan to victory.
WinforIMo that counts for Bo

TAMPA, Fla. - His smile
stretched farther than the Gulf of
Acting Michigan football head
coach Gary Moeller won one of
the biggest games of his career.
But at the press conference after
the Wolverines' 28-24 victory
over Alabama in the Hall of Fame
Bowl last Saturday, Moeller kept
events in perspective.
"It feels great, but it is still
Bo's team and a victory for Bo,"
said Moeller. "I don't want the
win togo in any Mo (win) col-
umn. This is a Bo victory."
Sorry coach. The win may not

Miller Time

go in the Mo column but it does
in this column. For Mo, it was
Miller Time.
Mo in command. Confident.
Successful. A refreshing change
from his head coaching days at
"I'm just happy for everyone
involved," said Moeller. "I'd be

lying to you if I didn't tell you I
feel really happy about the way
things happened. I'm happy for
myself and my family."
In his three seasons with the
Illini, Moeller could not register
more than three victories in any
one campaign. He tried to build
the program honestly and was re-

warded with a pink slip. It takes
more than three years to revamp a
down program. Just look at
George Perles' five-year tenure at
Michigan State.
The Hall of Fame Bowl served
as an audition of sorts for Moeller
as a head coach. He played the part
to perfection. With Bo Schem-
bechler recuperating from bypass
surgery in Ann Arbor, Moeller
displayed the leadership qualities
his mentor taught him over the
Bo and Moeller conferred daily
See MOELLER, Page 10

The Ann Arbor Shelter Asso-
ciation began the new year with the
promise of two new shelters for the
city's homeless.
A day shelter for up to 60 people
will open today, replacing a shelter
closed last year. Another shelter, a
home for displaced women, has
gotten a financial boost from the
federal government.
AASA spokeswoman Cathy Zick
said the new day shelter offers "a
place to go between job searches and
housing searches."
Zick said the shelter, located at
112 S. Ashley St., will provide adult
education, counseling, and support
groups for drop-ins. It will be open
every day from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
A day shelter at 117 S. Division
St. closed last fall when the owners
of the property, Great Lakes Federal
Savings, announced plans to replace
it with a parking lot expansion.

Great Lakes Federal has since donated
the building to the AASA, which
will move it and use it as a women's
Zick said the AASA has received
a $150,000 grant from the federal
department of Housing and Urban
Development to open a house for
displaced women.
Displaced women are women who
have left their homes because of
domestic violence, eviction, or other
Currently, Zick said, displaced
women are staying at homeless
shelters, domestic violence shelters,
or "staying in a bad [home] situ-
ations because there's nowhere to
Zick said that up to 68 women
will be able to live at the home once
it is moved to its permanent site, a
vacant lot at 411 N. Ashley St.
Residents may stay for up to a year,
See DAY, Page 3


an assembly line o characters
" . cusprrqsieaaee as

They come asking questions,
throwing tantrums, giving kisses,
signing autographs, wearing leather,
smelling badly, having traumas,
getting excited, and proposing
Every year 70 thousand students
go through CRISP registration. And
despite the frustration, the ignorance,
and the eccentricities of the student
body, the CRISP system manages to
make class registration an
"interesting" experience on both
CRISP employees emphasize that
most students are courteous, polite,
and patient. But with the seemingly

"4 - _ - -

- - --

"never ending stream of these kids,
there are always certain elements that
make sure work at CRISP never gets
dull. CRISPers come in a variety of
different styles. There are:
-the compulsive CRISPers.
Many students have trouble settling
on their classes and switch them
around at the beginning of the
semester. But it seems a few have
more trouble than most. "Some kids
come in every day," said one terminal
Every year, one or two of these
CRISP junkies even manage to
"write themselves off" the computer
by making more than the 30-some
odd changes allowed in one semester.

'One guy offered to marry me (after I got all his
classes) ... But he didn't come back.'
Sherry Cook
CRISP operator

course prerequisites, and even ask
them to recommend good classes and
good professors;
-the affectionate CRISPERs.
Several terminal operators recall,
students giving them a "big kiss" for
getting all their classes. And others
say they have students who "latch
on" to them and try to come to them
every time they CRISP. "Their first
experience has been so positive and it
just happens to be you," said one.
The latching on happens "especially
if they're (first year students,
because) they're scared."
Sometimes love at the computer
terminal gets a little exaggerated.
"One guy offered to marry me (after I

got all his classes)," said operator
Sherry Cook. "But he didn't come
back," she said;
-the primal screamers. This is the
other side of the affectionate ones.
While the process can be rewarding
for some, it can be frustrating for
others. "They'll go out and scream at
the top of their lungs," said Nancy
Giggey, who works on the problem
desk and so receives her share of
frustrated students. "They want to
slam the door so badly, but it's on
hooks so you can't slam it now,"
said Giggey, who notes that most
students are polite. Still there are
See SMELLS, Page 2

"The students are indecisive. They
don't know what they want," the
operator said of these CRISP
-the inquisitive CRISPERs. "One
of our biggest problems is to make
sure we don't give out b a d
information," said another CRISP

employee. In what might be called
the "reverse cab driver effect," some
students assume the terminal
operators know everything. It's
infrequent, but employees say
students sometimes ask them for
academic and financial aid advice, ask
them about degree requirements and

---- ------

'Monorail may connect INSIDE

Students report falling out of
sleeping lofts, question safety



Mickey Mouse in Ann Arbor?
The futuristic styling of Disney's
monorails may be coming to Ann
Arbor. The Ann Arbor Trans-

According to city and transportation
officials, the monorail could be used
to connect downtown and other
developed parts of Ann Arbor to.
both North and Main Campuses and

~Fat Al hais Nc
~gtion .

ew Year' s sug-
OP NIONPage 4*
Arthur Miller's
ARTS, 'age

Lisa Bass recalled thinking, "Wow! Six feet two
inches!" as she fell from her loft in Bursley Residence
Hall during her first week at school.
But the thrill of flying ended for the first year
Pncrneirinv cti1nt when t*~he roke her inner frm innd

that is about to be published in the American Journal
of College Health. Her research was internationally
recognized on New Year's Eve when an Australian
newspaper announced she had advised people "to sleep
as close to the ground as possible" when intoxicated.
Alcohol played a role in a large number of


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