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April 20, 1988 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1988-04-20

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The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, April 20, 1988- Page 3



contracts 'costly'

"J 4

mail service for dorms

If students want to get the best
price for sending their belongings
home, they may have to shop
The University has given "The
Packaging Store" an exclusive con-
tract to set up shop in the dorms
next week during student moveout.
But Doug Barnett, owner of "The
Mail Shoppe," one of the Packaging
Store's local competitors, says the
prices charged to students are 70
percent more than his shop charges.
Carolyn Trapp, who graduated
from the University in December,
and is now in the process of moving
to Washington D.C., said the two
services' prices varied drastically for
her needs.
For the bookcase and 14 boxes
she wanted to mail, Trapp received

an estimate of $353.56 from The
Packaging Store. However, The
Mail Shoppe gave her an estimate of
$150. The only difference, she said,
was that The Packaging Store would
have taped her boxes shut for her,
but for $200 she could tape them
Don Johnston of The Packaging
Store said, "There is some disparity.
There's no question about it... but
certainly we think we have better
The University's purchasing of-
fice granted The Packaging Store the
contract last year after taking bids
from several stores including The
Mail Shoppe. The contract was re-
newed this year.
West Quad Housing Coordinator
Alan Levy said several factors were
taken into consideration when the

contract was given to The Packaging
Store. One of these was how mudh
of a commission the store wottld
give the University.
Barnett said he thinks it was be-
cause he refused to pay what'h
termed a kickback that he lost the
bid. He said further that he wouldn't
have been able to give the Univer-
sity a commission unless he raised
prices for students.
Neither Johnston, nor Universi y
housing officials would comment oh
the size of the commission.
Levy said feedback on The Pack'
aging Store has been excellent. But
he added, "The price difference ig'a
substantial one. We can check into
that for the future."
He also said students are free o
search for what's best for ther.


Daily Photo by ELLEN LEVY
Bill Heidt waters the geraniums-now in season-at Nielsons Flower Shop and Green Houses on Maiden Lane.
This is his 14th year at the store.
Research policy debate still

Women to protest ra
violence in annual

wages aft
One year after the University's
Board of Regents adopted less
restrictive research guidelines, offi-
cials contend the change hasn't af-
fected projects as much as students
worried about unchecked weapons
research had expected.
But the new research policy is
still the object of student outrage.
The Coalition Against Weapons
Research - a group composed of
students, faculty, community mem-
bers, and religious leaders - formed
last year after the regents changed the
guidelines because the new policy
does not restrict weapons research on
"With the old guidelines, there
was a mechanism for exposing re-
search that was potentially harmful
to human beings. Now that mecha-
nism has been done away with," said
CAWR member Edward Edward
Hellen, a physics graduate student.
But members of the Research
Policies Committee, which used to
review classified research proposals
under the former guidelines, recently
said the new guidelines have had lit-
tle impact, at least so far, on the
type or amount of research being
conducted here.
The RPC now serves as an advi-
sory board to Vice President for Re-.
search Linda Wilson, who was un-
available for comment. RPC mem-
ber Rebecca Eisenberg, a 1 a w
professor, said it is too early to
properly analyze the new guidelines.
University's Division of Research
and Development Administration
also reported on the guidelines at the
RPC meeting last week, saying the
change has had little effect on the
type and amount of research taking

Er year-old
'I think we've seen what
the University' s priorities
are; it's not research for
the enhancement of human
life, it's not student input.'
- Research Policies
Committee member Jackie
Victor, an LSA senior
place at the University.
The DRDA, responsible for
drawing up research contracts be-
tween the University and outside
sponsors, also monitors the type of
research being conducted on campus.
"(The change in the guidelines)
has made little or no impact in the
amount or subject matter of the re-
search," said DRDA Project Repre-
sentative Neil Gerl.
"I really think the guidelines we
have are working very well," he said.
"I've not seen anything at this point
to cause me to believe otherwise."
DATA currently available from
the Office of the Vice President for
Research shows no noticeable in-
crease in classified research on cam-
pus. The number of classified re-
search projects has declined steadily
over the last 20 years, decreasing
from 51 such projects in 1967 to
only one currently being conducted.
"It seems to me that the expected
great change in the kinds of research
being done after the change in the
guidelines hasn't come to pass," said
RPC Chair Joe Miller.
"We really are a community of
well-intentioned people at this uni-
versity," Miller said, adding that
faculty "conservatism" will keep
weapons research in check.

The former policy included an
"end-use" clause which prohibited
any classified research at the Univer-
sity that could be applied to kill or
maim human beings. The current
guidelines impose no such restric-
The new policy, adopted by the
regents in a 5-2 vote, states that the
University will continue its "long-
standing tradition of conducting re-
search aimed at enhancing human
life and the human condition."
THE POLICY also states that
there are "two fundamental princi-
ples" essential to the "mission" of
the University - "open scholarly
exchange and academic freedom."
One reason the regents cited for
creating a new research policy was
the need to allow academic freedom,
so professors can conduct whatever
research they see fit.
Critics of the policy said last
April that its ambiguous language
would allow a substantial increase in
harmful research being conducted on
Miller credited the Coaltion
Against Weapons Research for their
work in reviewing research projects
currently being conducted on cam-
pus. "I think it's a super idea to have
an outside group - the coalition -
check into these things," he said.
MEMBERS OF the coalition
obtain project proposals from the
DRDA office, and then review and
publicize those they believe to be
involved with weapons research.
Coalition member Jackie Victor,
an LSA senior and former co-chair of
the Michigan Student Assembly's
Peace and Justice Committee, said,
"I think we've seen what the
University's priorities are; it's not.
research for the enhancement of hu-
man life, it's not student input."
Coalition member Tobi Hanna-
Davies, an Ann Arbor resident, said,
"We are upset that the University
would go on with the government's
immoral policies."

Many women fear walking the
streets alone at night.
But Saturday night, women will
be able to walk the streets safely -
not alone, but with the support of
other Ann Arbor women in the ninth
annual Take Back the Night March.
"It's a time for women to band
together, to show we can have power
just as women. It's a time for us to
stand strong and show our solidar-
ity," said Leslie Sackett, a member
of the Ann Arbor Coalition Against
Rape (AACAR), which is sponsor-
ing the protest of rape and violence
against women.
According to FBI statistics, one
of three women around the country
will be raped in her lifetime, Sackett
She said about 2,000 women
participate in the march each year.
THE ONE TO two-mile march
will be kicked off by a rally
beginning at 7:30 at the Federal
Building. Participants will march a
circular route, past the Ann Arbor
News building, City Hall, the Hill-
area residence halls, and returning to
the Federal Building.
As in previous marches, AACAR
voted to allow only women to
march. "Men can take the streets
(and feel safe) anytime. This is a
time we can have power just as
Airlines outlaw
smoking on all
shorter flights
DETROIT- When the smoking
section disappears from many air-
planes beginning this weekend,
smokers will be out of luck if not
out of their minds.
Beginning Saturday, smoking will
be banned on all domestic flights of
two hours or less. For passengers on
Northwest Airlines - the principle
carrier from Detroit - no smoking
will be permitted on any domestic
A Southfield health organization
is marketing a -Flying Smokeless kit
to airlines and smokers.

'Men can take the streets
(and feel safe) anytime.
This is a time we can have
power just as women.
- Ann Arbor Coalition
Against Rape member
Leslie Sackett
women," Sackett said.
march every April, designated "Rape
Prevention Month" by the state of
I The Sexual Assault Prevention
and Awareness Center has worked
this month to inform women about
different tactics to fight rape, said
Pam Kisch, coordinator of SAPAC's
Rape Awareness Month program.
"For too long, people have
thought of rape as a personal prob-
lem or an isolated incident that hap-
pens," Kisch said. She added that
rape is a societal problem, reflecting
male domination of women.
self-defense workshop this month to
teach women to fight back if they
are assaulted.
Kisch cited FBI statistics that

showed 50 percent of women whe
scream during a sexual assault --
and 85 percent of women who
scream and fight back - escape.
"Every situation is different. I
would never want someone to come
back and say I was hurt fighting
back,'" Kisch said. "The presence of
a weapon changes things. But at
some time the assailant has to put
the weapon down," she said.
KISCH SAID women can also
help police catch the assailant. by
remembering details about the as-
sailant and the place where the attack
Men can also make women feel
safer by crossing the street at night
before passing a woman, keeping
their hands out of their pockets to
allay fear of a weapon, and not star-
ing at approaching women, said
Michael Berwind, a member of
SAPAC's men's issues committee.
The rally will feature a speech on
Michigan's proposed marital rape
law, poetry readings by women
writers, and a showing of "One Fine
Day," a film on the women's rights
struggle. The rape bill, which would
make marital rape illegal, passed the
state House this month but is ex-
pected to be rejected by the Senate in


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LaGROC leader Carol Wayman told the Civil Rights Commission that
she filed a complaint about an incident of harassment which occurred at
Bursley residence hall. Monday's Daily story reported incorrectly that she
said she received a telephone death threat.
What's happening in Ann Arbor today

.. ........................
Spring Commencement Exercises at The University of
Michigan will be held on Saturday, April 30, at 1:00 p.m.
The Exercises are scheduled for the Michigan Stadium.
In case of rain, they will be held in Crisler Arena.
It will be announced on the local radio stations
(WUOM, WPAG, and WAAM) at 11:00 a.m. on April 30
whether the Exercises will be held at the
Michigan Stadium or in Crisler rena.

Coming the
end of April
full service menu
& bar
338 S. State St.

Outdoor Cafe

Ihor Fedorowycz - "Export
Controls to the Soviet Union and
National Security," Brown bag,
noon, Lane Hall Commons Room.
Dale Anne Singer -.
"Pregnant woman, Fetus, and
Physician: Menage a Trois," noon,
South Lecture Hall, Med Sci II.
Demosthenis Teneketzis
- "Optimal Routing in Queueing
Networks Under Imperfect Informa-
tion: Stochastic Dominance,
Thresholds, and Convexity," 4
p.m., 451 Mason Hall.
Matthaei Botanical Gar-
dens - "Botany Dissected," 7-9
p.m., 1800 N. Dixboro Rd.
Bernard Wood - "Oxven

p.m., 2205 Michigan Union.
National Black MBA As-
sociation - Membership drive
kick-off, Museum of African Amer-
ican History, Detroit, 6:30 p.m. -
8:00 p.m.
Leon Redbone1- The Ark, 2
shows - 7:30 and 10:00 p.m.
HaBreira HaTivit - Israel
40th Anniversary Celebration,
5:30 p.m. memorial service Ander-
son Rm, Michigan Union; 6:45
p.m. reception and Middle Eastern
munchies 6:45 p.m. Michigan
Theater; 8:00 p.m. Israeli music
concert Michigan Theater.



The Michigan Daily Award Winners








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