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November 23, 1987 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1987-11-23

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The Michigan Daily-Monday, November 23, 1987- Page 3

Offic ia is
open new
Ann Arbor took a step toward
solving its downtown parking prob-
lem Friday by opening a new 837-
space parking lot on the corner of
.Ann and Ashley Streets.
About 35 city employees, coun-
cilmembers, and architects braved
cold weather while Mayor Gerald
Jernigan and Downtown Develop-
ment Authority member Eunice
Burns cut the ceremonial red ribbon
at the new structure Friday.
"It looks great," Burns told the
audience. "I hope you all have a
great time parking here."
The new structure, on which
construction started in June, 1986,
has two floors underground and five
above. It will host free parking for
up to three hours for consumers un-
til Jan. 1, said City Administrator
Godfrey Collins.
General parking after Jan. 1 will
be regulated by parking meters.
About 600 permits will be sold
for the structure, including 250 for
Washtenaw County employees at a
reduced rate, and 150 for One North
Main office occupants, Collins said.
Permits cost $40 per month.
City Councilmember Jerry
Schleicher (R-Fourth Ward) said the
structure was a "step in the right
direction," but he added, "City em-
ployees will park here and leave their
cars all day - I wish we could leave
this for the consumer."
Councilmember Kathy Edgren
(D-Fifth Ward) said, "It looks pretty
good since they put the brick on.
People have been saying they want
*parking and we're giving them park-
The structure will be second in
size only to the one at Fourth Av-
enue and William Street.
The project, which cost $7, mil-
lion, was financed by Downtown
Deyelopment Authority Bond issues.
Collins said that the interest on the
bonds brought the cost up to about
D$7.5 million.



geriatric care,
research center

The University's Board of Regents
on Friday unanimously approved the
establishment of a geriatrics center
that will unify the University's
efforts to care for elderly patients.
Dr. George Zuidema, vice provost
for medical affairs, said the center
"would be a multi-disciplinary
research and clinical care program for
the ever-growing aging population."
Zuidema defined three goals for
the center: to train geriatric health
care workers, to provide health care
for the elderly, and to research their
health care needs.
Dr. Jeffrey Halter, chair of the
geriatrics department at University
Hospital, will be the center's
Currently, the University's Turner
Geriatric Services center offers
outpatient care to patients over the
age of 60. The University's Institute
of Gerontology conducts biochemical

research on aging.
Zuidema said the new Geriatric
Center of Excellence will share -
but not duplicate -- the efforts of
these two facilities. The Turner
Geriatric Clinic will "continue to be
the focus for outpatient activities,
allowing us to capitalize on existing
recognition," he said.
Administrators at the Institute of
Gerontology and Turner Geriatric
Services were unavailable for
Space for a Geriatrics Center
building hasn't been allocated yet,
but Zuidema predicted that a separate
center will eventually be built on the
medical campus.
Zuidema had hoped that the center
would be the first multi-disciplinary
program of its kind in the state, but
Michigan State and Eastern Michigan
University opened a similar geriatric
"center in Ypsilanti several weeks

W aste talks Daily Photo by KAREN HANDELMAN
Alva Norrison, left, Diane D'Arrigo, Bob Gessner, and other environmental activists from around the nation
met this weekend at Guild House to discuss the current national program on locating disposal sites for low-
level radioactive waste. The State of Michigan has been selected to receive all radioactive waste from Ohio,
Indiana, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Missouri. Brian Ewart (not pictured), a local environmental activist, is
pushing for a statewide referendum on the issues so voters can decide if they want the waste site in Michigan.

Bruce sues Ohio St

A quino faces unrest, prof saLys for wron~ful firing

The Philippines will continue to
suffer from violence and unrest, es-
pecially in the January elections, a
University expert said at a seminar
University Political Science Prof.
Gary Hawes said, "It looks as though
the elections will be as violent and
bloody as the past elections."
PRESIDENT Corazon Aquino,
on the "center" of the political
spectrum, is under pressure to slow
down political and economic reforms
from the right-wing Nacionalista's
and the violent Vigilante group as
well as from the United States,
Hawes told his audience.
Hawes believes the pressure will
influence the upcoming appoint-
ments and elections of mayors and
governors in January, 1988.
"The elections will likely be
fought out between the center and the
right," he said.

THE UNITED States still plays
a significant role in Philippine poli-
tics, Hawes said. "The United States
protects the military. They want
politicians who are elected and who
are pro-U.S.," Hawes said.
If Aquino had initially reformed
the military and removed people who
violated the constitution from office,
Hawes said, then part of the political
pressure could have been mitigated.
"If people stand up for the princi-
ples they believe in, they will move
towards the left. If the President and
her supporters are unable to suppress
the pressure from the right and the
military, the polarization will con-
tinue," Hawes concluded.
ANOTHER speaker at the
seminar, Filipino screenwriter and
playwright Jose Delisay, said the
United States has greatly shaped the
culture of the Philippines and created
a "culture of dependency."
Because of the lack of a developed
mass media, the Filipino people have
had to rely on Hollywood and
American TV as their popular cul-
ture, Delisay said.
"This culture operates on the level
of both the popular and the sophisti-

cated, and its fondest notion is that,
simply put, we will die without
America, without Big Macs, without
the bases, without foreign aid, with-
out Washington's imprimatur on our
most private intentions," he said.
DURING the last 15 years, an
artistic movement has emerged in the
capital city, Manila. The movement,
focused in Philippine universities,
tries to express the island's cultural
experience through literature and the-
Delisay, a Fulbright scholar at the
University, is currently working on a
novel about Philippine life under
former president Ferdinand Marcos.
PANELIST Perla Makil ended
the seminar by saying "there is hope
for the Philippines in the people.
The hope should not be centered on
our political leaders. Through non-
governmental organizations and
churches, the people are able to work
things out and survive."
Makil is an executive trustee at
the Ramon Magsaysay Foundation in
About 35 people attended the
three-hour seminar held in the
Michigan League Library.

f/ Ly v ,.,/

Football coach Earle Bruce has sued
Ohio State and its president, Edward
Jennings, because of pressure his
family felt following his firing,
Bruce's attorney said yesterday.
Bruce filed a lawsuit Friday that
claims he was wrongfully dismissed
and that Jennings slandered him in
statements to the media. The suit
seeks $7.44 million in damages.
"It was the cumulative effect of
statements made by board members
and the president, and the president's
general, evasive attitude," Columbus
lawyer John Zonak said in explain-
ing why the suit was filed.
"More than anything, coach Bruce
felt it was the effect on his family...
he saw them crying and suffering,"
he said.

I have not attacked anyone per-
sonally; nor have I slandered any in-
dividual," Jennings said in a news
conference yesterday. s d
Bruce, who is in the second year
of a three-year contract, was dis-
missed last Monday, five days before
the Buckeyes' season-ending 23-20
victory over Michigan. The game
was Bruce's last as Ohio State's
Jenning's has not publicly dis-
closed why Bruce was fired and said
the decision to fire him was his
alone. But the suit claims. "Jennings
wrongfully yielded to two small
pressure groups in an effort to pro-
tect his personal interests."
Zonak said it was primarily the
Ohio State Board of Trustees which
pressured Jennings to fire Bruce.

Tests delay space shuttle

- Manufacturing delays and testing
problems have slowed delivery of
hardware for space shuttle Discovery,
and some engineers say NASA could
miss its scheduled June 2 launch date
by several months. '
The biggest bottlenecks could be
the delivery of the primary propul-
sion units - the three large main
liquid-fuel engines and the segments
of the solid fuel booster rockets.

"Given those current delivery
dates are met, and given that we do
our job the way we expect to do it,
the June launch is still makeable,"
said Bob Sieck, shuttle launch direc-
tor at the Kennedy Space Center.
The booster rocket segments,
which originally were due from the
Morton Thiokol plant in Utah in
December, are to reach Florida a
month late..

are sponsoring
Catharon Productions, Inc.
Henderson Room, Michigan League
Tuesday, November 24
3:00-5:00 P.M.
Features of the Interactive system Include:

Dissident wages fight
to support Soviet Jewry

(Continued from Page i)

What's happening in Ann Arbor today

Rosemary Ruether -
speakes on "Women's Issues
in Theology and the Church:
Crisis Around Sexuality, Dis-
sent hd Liberation Theology
in ContemporydCatholicism,"
8 p.m. MLB Aud. 3.
Frans Stockman -
Dutch visiting professor to
speak on "Recent Trends in
Society and Politics," 8 p.m.
The International Center, 603
E. Madison.
Arturo Mendoza -
member of the United Farm
Workers discusses the effects
of toxic pesticides, 4:30 p.m.
Rm. 138, Hutchins Hall (Law
Joe Stork - speaks on
the "Iran-Iraq War," 2 p.m.
Anderson Rm. Michihgan
Center for Eating
Disorders - 7 n.m. 2002

Indoor Gardening
Association - discuss
"Forcing Bulbs for Winter
Color," 7:30 p.m. Matthaei
Botanical Gardens Aud., 1800
Dixboro Rd.
IMPAC - Political Ac-
tion Seminar, 7 p.m. Pond
Rm. Michigan Union.
Basic Concepts of
Database Management
Systems- Computing Cen-
ter Course, 9 -11 a.m. 4003
Basic Concepts of
Word Processing - Com-
puting Center Courses, 1-3
p.m. 4003 SEB
Programming i n
dBASE III Plus - Comput-
ing Center Courses, 1-5 p.m.
3001 SEB.
Lotus 1-2-3-
Computing Center Courses,
8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. 3001

During his speech, Scharansky
told about his experiences as a
dissident. He served as the official
spokesperson for Soviet Jewry from
1975 to 1977. In 1978 he was
sentenced to three years in prison and
ten years of labor.
He spent 130 days in a
punishment cell of 28 square feet
with three slices of bread a day. He
also spent over 100 days in a hunger
Scharansky said continued public
support was the only thing that
helped him survive while many of
his other friends died.
DURING one interrogation, he
was shown a film in which his wife,
Avital, rallied in support of Soviet
Jewry. The KGB agents ridiculed the
film, he said, saying his only
support came from students and
But, he said, he leairned that
students and housewives "was a very
good formula. Students and
housewives have been marching all
these years."

"It's important to demonstrate to
Gorbachev that the fight of our
brothers and sisters is not in the
hands of the KGB, but in the hands
of students and housewives," he said.
After his release in February
1986, Scharansky moved to Israel
and changed his first name from
Anatoly to Natan.
Scharansky said he was released
because the Soviet Union "felt your
pressure. They felt the power of this
struggle, and they were afraid," he
BEFORE Scharansky spoke,
Ann Arbor city councilmember Jeff
Epton (D-Third Ward) spoke on the
condition of human rights in
The audience was hostile to
Epton. Demanding that Scharansky
take the stage, the audience tried to
drown out Epton's speech by
shouting, clapping and coughing.

" High resolution graphics
. Motion video



20% to 50% off thru WED. 11/25/87

" Digital audio for recording and playback
" Network for student monitoring


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