Poge 2--The Michigan Daily-Monday, November 23, 1987
Couples brit
Much of the AT&T fortune was
made on love-sick college students 'It's really hard so
separated by the demands of aca- ad you just want
First year LSA student Cory -
Robertson, whose girlfriend of sevenA
months is at the University of Day-
ton, said, "It's costing me a fortune.
For my birthday I asked for long. Pearson, a first year LS
distance gift certificates. I spent whose boyfriend of six m
$100 the first month," Robertson the University of Illinois.
said. Georgia Herold, a seni
"IT'S REALLY hard some- or, and other counselo
times when you have a hard day and University's Counseling
you just want a hug," said Ann have counseled many sti
ige the distance
metimes when you have a hard day
a hug.'
nn Pearson, first year LSA student
A student,
nonths is at
or counsel-
irs at the
g Services
udents in-
Koreans want to have
language, history classes
(Continued from Page 1)
activities, in order to pay for a
professor in Korean language. That
would be the first step in
establishing a foundation for Korean
Nam helped organize a 1984
meeting when Korean faculty,
students, and community members
expressed interest in a Korean
Studies Program.
In building a resource for a
proposed program, Nam said the
society has bought Korean-language
books and newspapers for the Asia
Library in the Graduate Library.
APPROVAL for a program in
Korean Studies would ultimately
have to come from the University
Board of Regents. Before it could
reach the regents, however, the LSA
Curriculum Committee and then the
LSA Executive Committee would
have to approve it.
LSA Associate Dean for
Curriculum Jack Meiland said that
once he has a proposal the approval
process could take two or three
months, and the amount of money
the University might give to the
program would depend on its depth.
"We are certainly willing to take
a serious look at a proposal" for a
Korean studies program, Meiland
volved in long distance relation-
ships. Herold discussed problems
students have encountered besides the
physical ones: ."loneliness, insecu-
rity about the commitment of the
other, doubting one's own commit-
ment, feeling left out of the other
person's life, temptations in the here
and now, and financial handicaps."
Ted Kennedy, also a first year
LSA student, has a girlfriend of six
months at St. Mary's Notre Dame.
"It's hard unless you visit often
enough. If you're not there it's hard
to be as understanding as you would
have been," Kennedy said.
"LONG distance relationships
are something you have to work at
to be successful, but if you try hard
enough it works," said Jennifer Fos-
ter, a first year LSA student. One of
the problems Foster has encountered
in her long distance relationship is
that "sometimes I am more inter-
ested in what I'm doing and he's
more interested in what he's doing."
Herold, at Counseling Services,
said that when the couple eventually
unites, "it takes a while to get used
to being together." In addition, she
said the couple can have enormously
high expectations which often can-
not be met.
Robertson's girlfriend, Patty
Condit, who is at the University of
Dayton, disagrees with Herold: "I
always feel really comfortable when
I see him. Everything has always
worked out great," Condit said. But
this is probably because the two get
together almost every three weeks,
she said.
AND LONG distance relation-
ships don't have to be tears and dial
Helen Wintergarten, an associate
professor at the School of Social
Work said long distance relation-
ships place fewer demands on a day-
to-day basis "unless the person is
mooning or pining."
In addition, she said, students pay
more attention to their school work
because their beau isn't a constant
Robertson and Kennedy agree that
as a result of missing their girl-
friends, they have met more people
than they would have otherwise.
"WE ARE both growing more
independent than we would have if
we were going to the same school. It
makes us more sure of what we
have," Pearson said.
"Now we don't fight that much.
We have a deal that we both have to
be in a good mood when we talk,"
Foster said.
On the lighter side, Kennedy ex-
plained one benefit resulting when
physical components aren't trans-
mitted through a telephone wire.
"When you kiss on the phone
you can't get any sexually transmit-
ted diseases," he said, laughing.
Compiled from Associated Press reports
Cubans riot, hold hostages
in federal detention center
OAKDALE, La. - Cuban prisoners who rioted after they found out
they might be sent back to Cuba held more than 20 hostages in a smol-
dering federal detention center yesterday and demanded that they not be de-
ported, authorities said.
The center was surrounded by hundreds of law officers after the riot left
23 people injured Saturday night.
"We haven't gone in. They are holding hostages. We are trying to ne-
gotiate for their release." said Luenette Johnson, a spokesperson for the
center run by the Bureau of Prisons and the Immigration and Naturaliza-
tion Service.
Meanwhile, 17 Cuban inmates in Laredo, Texas, escaped from a me-
dium-security detention facility early yesterday by climbing through a
steel roof grating. Authorities recaptured all but three of them.
Budget cuts need GOP support
WASHINGTON - House Speaker Jim Wright (D-Texas) predicted
yesterday that the $76 billion deficit-reduction plan will win congres-
sional approval, but only if President Reagan persuades members of his
own party to back the negotiated pact.
Reagan announced Friday that White House and congressional
negotiators had worked out an agreement that cuts the deficit this fiscal
year by about $30 billion and in fiscal 1989 by $46 billion through
higher taxes, an increase in fees for many government services and sales
of some public assets.
Later Friday, the president signed an order putting $23 billion in au-
tomatic federal spending cuts under the Gramm-Rudman law into effect.
Guerillas celebrate cease-fire
with El Salvadoran leaders
SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador - Leftist guerrillas yesterday an-
nounced a unilateral cease-fire to celebrate the return to El Salvador of two
opposition political leaders after seven years in voluntary exile.
Ruben Zamora, vice president of the Democratic Revolutionary Front,
said he and Guillermo Ungo, the front's president, will explore the pos-
sibility of resuming their political struggle inside El Salvador.
Zamora arrived Saturday from Mexico. Ungo is due to arrive from
Mexico today.
Five 'chiefs of the Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front, or
FMLN, in a message delivered to The Associated Press, said their troops
stopped fighting Saturday afternoon after Zamora's arrival.
The democratic front is the political ally of the FMLN.
Iran says it shot U. S, choppers
NICOSIA, Cyprus - Iran's navy commander claimed yesterday his
forces fired on four U.S. helicopters that tried 4o stop a gunboat from in-
tercepting a Greek freighter in the northern Persian Gulf.
U.S. Navy officials in the gulf denied the attack. But shipping ex-
ecutives, speaking on condition of anonymity, said an Iranian gunboat
fired on the 29,108-ton Greek vessel Jimilta and searched it for suspected
Iraqi-bound cargo. No damage or casualties were reported.
Iran's official Islamic Republic News Agency, monitored in Nicosia,
claimed the U.S. helicopters "dispersed" after the shooting Saturday. It did
not say if any were hit.
Shipping sources said meanwhile that the Iranians attacked another
Greek-flagged vessel yesterday in retaliation for Iraqi bombing runs on
Iranian tankers.
Libels dim Lantern, 12-12
The Michigan Daily Libels salvaged a 12-12 tie against the Ohio
State Lantern in the annual heated football rivalry, but not without
"It was so cold, the snot froze in my nose," said University Editor
Kery Murakami, who played almost two entire minutes before
collapsing on the sideline.
During the game, columnist Fat Al was passed up on the sidelines.
Weekend Magazine Columnist John Logie almost fell off the
goalpost after climbing up for no apparent reason after the game. A
Tartan Turf administrator scolded Logie for his actions.
The Ohio State newspaper staff took an early 12-0 lead, but an Arts
Editor Brian Bonet pass to Photographer John Munson and a Bonet
10-yard run tied the score in the closing minutes.
Daily Editor-in-Chief Rob "Bruce" Earle was not fired after the
By Steve Knopper
If you see news happen, call 76-DAILY.
LSA-SG, Rackham,
(Continued from Page 1)
the representative seats.
Students First Rackham candidates
Corey Dolgon and incumbent Gus
Teschke won two of the three open
seats, with independent Andy Bressler
picking up the third.
In the closest of all the races,
independent engineering candidates
Jacqueline Martin, Brian Cook, and
Change candidate Aaron Williams
edged out Change candidate Dan
Tobocman and Students First
candidate Darren Lane.
The new assembly representatives
will begin their terms at the Dec. 2
at the
November24 at 12 noon: "Japan: An insight on
Japan's Success; the Japanese Educational System"
Speaker: Selichi Kanise, Journalist in Residence at
The University of Michigan
for additional information -please call 662-5529
nsored by: Lunch A vailable:
he Ecumenical Campus Center $1.00 (students)
ndthe International Center $1.50 (others) ,
ISA fill ope
MSA meeting.
BOTH referendum questions
seeking to amend the assembly's
constitution were defeated. The first
question, if passed, would have
enabled non-MSA members to serve
as vice chairs of MSA internal
committees. Currently, only as-
sembly members may serve as chairs
or vice chairs of the internal
committees, such as the Budget
Priorities and Rules and Elections
committees, while any student may
be committee members.
The question received a majority
of the votes, but failed to garner the
necessary two-thirds to be enacted.
The second question - defeated
649 to 538 - sought to lower the
quorum restriction for the assembly's
steering committee from the present
two-thirds to one-half of the body.
THE LSA Student Government
elections had no surprises. Barb
Eisenberger and Trisha Drueke ran
n positions
unopposed on the SAID ticket for the
presidency and vice-presidency and
won easily, while all 11 SAID
candidates for the 15-member ex-
ecutive council won seats. The other
four seats went to independents,
among them newly elected MSA
representative Jonathan Aaron.
LSA-SG candidate Kenneth
Bassey's name was originally left off
the ballot, but election officials
caught the error and had new ballots
at all the poll sites by 4 p.m.
Wednesday. Votes cast on the near
300 incorrect ballots were discarded.
In a relatively calm Rackham
Student Government election,
representatives were elected from four
of the five divisions. Mary Cromwell
and Ed Delhagen were elected from
Division I; Ed Hellen and Rob.
Raskin from Division II; Brian Burt
and Matt Schultz from Division IV;
and Michael Peterson and Pamela
Applebaum from Division V.
New Course Announcement
Statistics 470:
Instructor: E. Rothman 1442 Mason Hall
Prerequisite: Statistics 402, or 412 or 426 or permission
Lecture Time: M-W-F 9:00-10:00 AM, plus an hour of recitation
The objective of this 4-credit course is to introduce students to
the process of planning, designing and implementation of a
study. Includes Monte Carlo, observational and controlled
randomized experimentation. Emphasis is on the conceptual
framework not on the mathematical theory of design (e.g.,
;Statistics 570). Motivation for introducing the topics selected
for this course is provided by the W. Edwards Deming
~philosophy. Deming is a statistical consultant, whose teachings,
especially in regards to the quality of mass produced items, have
gained widespread acceptance especially in Japan.
Shultz works out details
(Continued from Page 1)
aids accompanying Shevardnadze.
In Moscow, commentator Tomas
Kolesnichenko wrote in Pravda, the
Communist Party daily: "As always
happens in these cases, 'technical
problems' at the last stage always
take on more importance. For that
reason, obviously, there arose the
necessity of a new meeting" between
Shultz and Shevardnadze.
Talking to reporters aboard his
U.S. Air Force jet before a refueling
stop in Shannon, Shultz said he
planned to seek Soviet support for
an arms embargo against Iran and a
timetable for withdrawal of Soviet
troops from Afghanistan.
The United States has delayed
trying to push a weapons cutoff
through the United Nations Security
Council because of concern that the
Soviets might block the move with
a veto.
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ol he fiRt-cht-gaI Bat-lu
Vol. XCVIII - No. 53
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967 X) is published Monday through
Friday during the fall and winter terms. Subscription rates: September
through April-$25 in Ann Arbor; $35 outside the city. One term: $13 in
Ann Arbor; $20 outside the city.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and subscribes
to the Los Angeles Times Syndicate and the National Student News Ser-
Editor in Chief..,........................................ROB EARLE
Managing Editor......................................AMY MINDELL
News Editor...............................................PHILIP 1. LEVY
City Editor..............................................MELISSA BIRKS
Features Editor.......................................MARTIN FRANK
University Editor....................-.........KERY MURAKAMI
NEWS STAFF: Elizabeth-Atkins, Francie Arenson,
Vicki Bauer, Eve Becker, Katherine Beitner, Steve
Blonder, Keith Brand, Jim Bray, Dov Cohen,
Hampton Dellinger, Kenneth Dintzer, Sheala Durant,
Heather Eurich, Stephen Gregory, Grace Hill, Jeff
Hughes, Steve Knopper. Carrie Loranger, Michael
Lustig, Alyssa Lustigman, Tom MacKinnon, Andrew
Mills, Peter Orner, Lisa Pollak, Jim Poniewozik,
Melissa Ramsdell, David Schwartz, Martha
Sevetson, Lauren Sinai, Rachel Stock, Steve Tuch,
Ryan Tutak, David Webster, Rose Mary Wummel.
Opinion Page Editors.........................PETER MOONEY
Assoc. Opinion Page Editor..CALE SOUTHWORTH
Rosemary Chinnock, Noah Finkel, Jim Herron, Eric
L. Hoit, Gayle Kirschenbaum, Josh Levin, I. Matthew
Miller, Jeffrey Rutherford, Steve Semenuk, Tony
Sherman, Mark Weisbrot.
Arts Editors..........................................BRIAN BONET
Books...............................LISA MAGNINO
Film........................................JOHN SHEA
ARTS STAFF: Scott Collins, Robert Flaggert,
Timothy Huet, Brian Jarvinen, Avra Kouffman, John
Logie, David Peitz, Mike Rubin, Mark Shaiman, Todd
Shanker, Lauren Shapiro, Mark Swartz, Marc S.
Photo Editors.......................................SCOTT LITUCHY
PHOTO STAFF: Karen HandelmanH Ellen Levy,
Robin Loznak, David Lubliner, Dana Mendelssohn,
John Munson, Grace Tsai.
Weekend Editors...............REBECCA BLUMENSTEIN
CARTOONISTS: Aaron Chassy, Fred Zinn.
Sales Manager..............................ANNE KUBEK
Assistant Sales Manager. .........KAREN BROWN
SALES STAFF: Gail Belenson, Sherri Bansky, Julie
Bowers, Valerie Breier, Pam Bullock, Stephanie
Burg, Milton Feld, Kim Feuerstein, Lisa George,
Michelle Gill, Missy Hambrick, Ginger Heyman, Matt
Lane, Jodi Manchik, Mipdy Mendonsa. Eddy Meng,
Jackie Miller, Jaunie Parsels, Jennifer Rowe, Jim
Rvan. Laura Schlanaer, Jennifer Seigel, Michelle
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