Page 14 -The Michigan Daily-Friday, September 11, 1987
(Continued from Page I3)
sound fuller, brighter, and even
bolder than ever before. They take a
country/western turn on several cuts,
including the gloriously lazy
"Bonneville," complete with banjo
pickin's. A silly toy piano plucks
along with "Working For Somebody
Else," and there's a quirky, squashed
Fame Theory-esque rhythm to the
opener "Never Say When." Clinchers
are the beautiful slow tune "I Lie,"
and "Never Before and Never Again,"
duet with the heavenly Syd Straw
(of Golden Palominos fame).
The dB's were a good secret for
one where they went "rock 'n'
roll."On Document, these artsy
Southerners have turned up their
amps and loosened up even more,
and sound like they're enjoying
every track. Strangely enough, this
album also carries some of their
weightiest messages to date.
As the Marxist artwork suggests,
Document devotes many of its
tracks to themes of revolution, the
uprising masses. Starting with
"Finest Worksong" (which has an
eerie, Simple Minds type of
whooshing rhythm and surging
electric guitar lines), R.E.M. tackles
the changing times. The band's
typically disjointed lyrical style
keeps the messages subtle, never
preachy, but you can't deny their
social conscience. On "It's the End
of the World As We Know It (And I
Feel Fine)," vocalist Michael Stipe
sounds like an '80s Dylan reciting
the events of the apocalypse - but
the message is an absurdist's vision,
pounded and flayed in every direction
by the rhythm section. R.E.M. turn
down the wattage on the slightly
darker side two with the pretty-yet-
powerful "The One I Love" and
"King of Birds," a soothing melody
which finds Stipe crooning,
"Standing on the shoulders of
giants/leaves me cold."
The band also really kicks out the
jams of "Exhuming McCarthy," a
retro-rockin' tune which dives
straight into a twangy '60s surf
guitar line, and then some barely
audible recordings of the '50s
hearings. The irony of it all is shot
home with the chorus, "It's a sign of
the tiiiimes..." But R.E.M. plays
with its widest grin on a cover of
Wire's "Strange." What was once an
angsty punk-era tune is suddenly.
pure pop - and it shines.
There's love songs a-plenty;
"Never Befogx and Never Again"is a
clever duet with Syd Straw (of
Golden Palominos fame) about the
history of a relationship.
There's lots of jangly reminders
of the R.E.M. we've known all
along, but Document marks a real
progression for this group.While it's
definitely one of their most
accessable records to date, they really
haven't forsaken quality for mass
market quantity. Even if they are
playing arenas now.
-Beth Fertig
Snook Eaglin
Baby, You Can Get Your Gun
Hubert Su mli n' s
Blues Party
Hubert Sumlin's Blues Party
Black Top
New Orleans' own blues record
label, Black Top, may turn out to be
a gold mine if these two releases are
any indication.
The Snooks LP is a joy. The
blind guitarist was the lead player in
Assen Toussaint's first band and
later worked with the legendary
Professor Longhair. His tight lipped
vocal style compliments his succinct
guitar phrases. Saxophonist David
Lastie and Ron Levy on keyboards
contribute to an exhilirating date.
And it's double thumbs up for the
Blues Party hosted by guitarist
Hubert Sumlin. Sumlin was
Howlin' Wolf's protege and guitarist
for years. In a recent interview, Eric
Clapton listed Sumlin among his
favorite players. for the uninitiated,
these jam-type tunes should
demonstrate the. whys and
wherefores. It's a rolling straight
ahead session graced once again by
pianist Ron Levy, a full blown
blowin' horn section and the power
vocals of Mighty Sam McClain.
It's double trouble from Black
Top and that means twice the fun.
-Marc S. Taras
R.E.M. loosen their ties on their new LP 'Document.'
Peter Holsapple of the dB's.
too long. With The Sound of Music,
it's all let out of the can. Now
maybe their earlier records will
become easier to find.
R.E.M. sure didn't take long in
hutting together Document, their
fifth LP. This one's out less than a
dear afterLife's Rich Pageant, the
briCngs infectious rhythm
, j _By Marc s. Traas
What a welcome back party! The
Bird of Paradise, Ann Arbor's own
jazz club, is playing host to the
Monty Alexander Trio this weekend;
Alexander is a 43-year-old native
of Kingston, Jaimaica whose music
reflects his island roots as well as
his love of jazz. He possesses great
facility and technique; his playing is
articulate and infectious. It is almost
irresistibly happy, though Alexander
can play the blues, or get funky and
wistful sweet with the best players
Since his high school days
playing "jump up" dances and his
exposure to jazz through the film
"High Society," Alexander has
developed a musical language that
blends a Latin rhythmic base with a
thoughtful, upbeat vocabulary. He
has worked with notables such as
Jimmy Smith and Milt Jackson as
well as leading his own groups.
His Ann Arborappearance at the
Bird of Paradise with his trio is a
happy thrill -that should be enjoyed
by all (ages and types!). Bassist John
Clayton and drummer Jeff Hamilton
are along for the Treetown trip to
ensure triple the fun for the three
shows both nights. Be there!
There will be three shows from
the Jamaican pianist on both Friday
and Saturday night with the the first
show each night designated as an all
ages event. Set times are 7:30, 9:31,
and 11:30 p.m.
From AllOf Us At
This Saturday!!
September 12, 1987
Pianist Monty Alexander.
Student Publications Building
Early morning hours - 15 hrs/week
Start Immediately - Work Study welcome
Call 764-0550,
ask for Nancy
- Illinois
will be speaking in
Hale Auditorium
at the
Business School
UM News in
The Daily
8'Erui En0
CAMPUS CHAPEL (668-7421)
1236 Washtenaw Ct. (one block
south of Geddes & Washtenaw)
Sunday worship: 10:00 a.m.: "The
Foolishness of Faith at the Univet-
6:00 p.m.: "Praise for God's Sui-
7:00 p.m. - Ice Cream Social on
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