Gulf War
MANAMA, Bahrain (AP) - Iraqi
warplanes bombed industrial centers
and an Iranian speedboat rocketed a
supertanker yesterday, the day before
the U.N. secretary-general began a
peace mission to both nations.
Javier Perez de Cuellar left New
York yesterday and, after a n
overnight stop in Paris, is due in
Tehran today. He said he remained
hopeful that his week-long mission
will bring a truce in the 7-year-old
Persian Gulf war.
On. Wednesday, Perez de Cuellar
said he hoped for an "e arly
comprehensive settlement which will
satisfy the demands of justice and
Iraq said its air raids would
continue until Iran complies with the
July 20 cease-fire resolution passed
unanimously by the U.N. Security
A six-week lull in the "tanker
war" on commercial shipping in the.
Persian Gulf followed the Security
Council action, but attacks resumed
two weeks ago.
The official Iraqi News Agency
quoted a war communique yesterday
as saying: "Iraq will continue
striking further blows until the
Iranian regime finds that its only
option that can be accepted and
conforms with the interests of the
region's people is peace." It called
the raids "legitimate deterrence ."
The Michigan Daily-Friday, September 11, 1987- Page9
M iddle Eastern scholar
teaches sociology at 'U'
For the coming school year the
Department of Sociology has
acquired its first specialist in Middle
Eastern sociology - Salim Tamari,
a professor at BirZeit University on
the West Bank.
As part of the Fulbright Scholar
in Residence Program, Tamari will
serve as an exchange professor on
the University faculty.
Tamari's personal interests lie in
rural sociology and development, as
well as community development in
the Middle East.
"Rural communities in the Mid-
dle East are typified by the continu-
ity of traditional peasant communi-
ties, contrasted with U.S.
agricultural communities, which are
rural extensions of urban society,"
Tamari said. "U.S. agricultural
communities are more mechanized
than those in the Middle East."
Tamari was selected by a faculty
search committee that submitted his
name to the Fulbright Scholar in
Residence Program based in Wash-
ington D.C.
According to Ernest McCarus,
director of the Center for Near East-
ern and North African studies, this
program is different from the Ful-
bright Fellowship program in that
the University chose a professor they
wished to serve on the faculty, rather
than having one appointed for them.
"The University has never had a
Middle Eastern sociologist, and we
considered a half-dozen. Our selec-
tion was based on research done by
the professor, course offerings, de-
grees, education, and various rec-
ommendations," said McCarus.
Tamari did his graduate work at
the University of New Hampshire
and Manchester University in Eng-
land. He received his Ph.D. at
Manchester as well.
His reasons for coming to the
University were various, but he was
interested in teaching in a different
"I am interested in American
teaching methods, and hopefully
they will enable me to become a
better teacher as well," said Tamari.
Although he has been in Ann
Arbor for just over ten days, he finds
the University beautiful and is very
pleased with the availability of re-
"I'm looking forward to a busy
schedule, and to take advantage of
the nature and social activities here,"
he said.
Since notice of his appointment
came last April, the classes that he
would be teaching were not included
in the Time Schedule.
Tamari will be teaching two
courses for both Fall and Winter
term, dealing specifically with Mid-
dle Eastern sociology.
For the fall term, he will be
teaching the Sociology of Religion,
which will meet Mondays, Wednes-
days, and Fridays from 2-3 p.m., at
3024 Frieze Building, and will ek-
plore religion as a social and politi-
cal phenomenon in the Middle East,
as well as the changing character of
Islam and its role in the Middle East.
His other course, Problems of
Rural Societies in the Arab Worli,
will be taught as a graduate student
course although qualifi d
undergraduates may also take this
class. This class will meet Mondays
and Fridays from 3-4:30 pm, at 144-
B Lane Hall.
Tamari will also be teaching two
courses during winter term: Con-
temporary Palestinian Society and
Urbanization of the Arab World.
A member of the repair team holds a piece of shrapnel found on the
bridge of the "Haven" yesterday after it had been attacked by an
Iranian gunboat in the early hours.
Bomb threat
{ The Michigan Union was evacu-
gated for the second time in as many
nights last night after the Ann Arbor Look for Casio's
,Police Department received an
anonymous call warning of a bomb Super Sweepstakes.
in the building. Officers from Hous-
'Wing Security, the Department of
Public Safety, and the police de-
.partment checked the building and all
safety precautions were taken. No See your School Paper
bomb was found, and the building pBookstore
was qior Bookstore,
was quickly reopened. or ~
Fratemity accident
Ann Arbor Police are investigat-
ing an accident last Saturday at the
Sigma Chi fraternity house, accord-
ing to Sergeant Jan Suomala.
Several witnesses to the incident
said Keith McDade, a sophomore in
the School of Natural Resources and
Sigma Chi member, passed out on
the fraternity house roof and then fell
'0 off after being woken up. McDade
remained in University Hospital
overnight for observation before be-
ing released.
W Sigma Chi's national leader Fred
Yoder was previously unaware of the
incident and declined to speculate as
to whether any action would be tak-
en against the local chapter.
In light of this incident and two
other similar incidents which oc-
curred last year at other fraternities,
Sigma Chi Chapter President Jim
Mellim said, "I think it's time for
some progressive changes to see that
safety is maintained not only at our
frat, but at all social organizations. I
Mthink we've got to eliminate things
3 like that happening."
He added this is the first incident
to ever occur from the fraternity's
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