Page 8 -The Michigan Daily-Friday, September 11, 1987
'U' praises minority students
Panel discusses impact
of Bork nomination
(Conunued tram age )
students that it is their responsibility
to seek out the resources the
University offers.
"Make this institution work for
you," Johnson said, "experience as
nuch as you can while you're here."
In his first public address since
assuming the minority vice provost
-position, Moody encouraged the
".students to be self-confident. "Be
-pocky. Be arrogant. Let no one make
"'ou feel they're doing you a favor by
'letting you be here. You deserve to
be here."
A Fridays in The Daily
Moody also advised the students
to make sure the University keeps
"on track" with its commitment to
racial equality on campus. "You've
got to keep us accountable," Moody
said, "Make sure we're not a univer-
sity of paper tigers, that we're sin-
cere that we can make this the kind
of university we know it can be."
Lightening his tone, Moody also
said, "Have fun, but don't fun so
much that we won't see you next
Sylvia Pedraza-Bailey, Director of
the Latino Studies Program and an
assistant sociology professor, urged
the students not to lose sight of their
ethnic and cultural identities. "Do
not slight the study of yourself, your
people, or your culture," she said.
Dashner, the ceremony' s final
speaker, related some of his experi-
ences as a minority undergraduate at
the University and briefly described
some of the student services avail-
able to minorities like the Trotter
House, the Comprehensive Studies
Program, and the Office of Affirma-
tive Action.
Some of the students were pleased
with the program. Shauna Ryder, a
first-year Inteflex student, said she
thought the program was helpful. "It
was nice to come and hear about
those programs to help minorities
because I didn't know all those ser-
vices were available."
Other students, however, were
neutral about the program. LSA
first-year student Nicki Baker said,
"There was a lot of welcoming, but
it really didn't clue in on anything."
Jose Acosta, first-year graduate
student, said "It was a good
introduction to the vast array of mi-
nority services on campus, but it
was very disturbing that there were
so few Hispanic students."
(Continued from Page 3)
Panel speaker Carl Edwards,
president of the Michigan Trial
Lawyers Association, said Bork's
confirmation would pose a threat to
the right to trial by jury and to the
Bill of Rights. "Every great social
conflict is going to make its way
Lnrougn tnat court, and the decision
is going to be final," Edwards said.
Ralph Jones, associate counsel
for the United Auto Worker's Union,
opposes Bork's nomination based on
his history of anti-labor, criminal
justice, civil and consumer rights
David Pointkowsky of the
Michigan Organization for Human
Rights discussed Bork's views on
the right to privacy, which in his
opinion do not extend to women or
gay and lesbian people according to
the equal protection clause of the
"It seems that Justice Bork is
saying that up to ten percent of our
populationdhas no right to engage in
sexual conduct and activity," he said.
Several Panel members addressed
the issue of the role of the Senate in
confirming presidential nominations
to the Supreme Court and discussed
the Senate's history of rejecting
nominees on the basis of political or
ideological grounds which dates back
to the Washington administration in
Despite misgivings, most agree
that Bork is well qualified for the
position. The American Bar
Association Wednesday rated Bork
"highly qualified," yet four out of
the fifteen votes were in dissent - a
factor that may affect next week's
Bork will give a testimony on his
views during the Senate Judiciary
Committee hearings beginning next
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Detroit teachers strike;z
others return to school
(AP) - Teachers in Marquette and Manistique put down picket signs and
returned to work yesterday, while bargainers in Detroit worked toward a
settlement of a strike that has idled the state's largest district since August
The Detroit strike and seven others around the state icled 12,530 teachers
and 211,340 students.
Classes in Marquette were scheduled to resume today for 4,830 students,
the Michigan Education Association announced. The district's 270 teachers
had reached a settlement earlier but remained on strike until an accord was
reached with 142 support employees, the union said.
Teachers returned to work yesterday to prepare for the start of class today
in the Upper Peninsula district, the MEA said. The strike began August 31.
Classes resumed yesterday in Manistique for 1,317 students after 69
teachers represented by the MEA ratified a new contract and ended a two-day
But 193,000 students remained idle in Detroit, while bargainers for the
Detroit Federation of Teachers and school board met with a state mediator,
said Lois Vagnozzi, spokeswoman for the Detroit Federation of Teachers.
The school board has abandoned its demand that teachers accept a wage
freeze, said member Rose Mary Osborne. But she said the district needed new
money to be able to pay its teachers more.
"We want to work jointly with the union to put pressure on the governor
and this community to increase funding for schools," she said.
Union president John Elliot said wage increases weren't discussed
"Teachers will not go back to work without some money up front,"
Elliot said.
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