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September 11, 1987 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1987-09-11

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Crash survivor
Cichan improves

The Michigan Daily-Friday, September 11, 1987- Page 3
Lawyer's Guild
Z&spoors forum

The condition of Cecelia Cichan,
the lone survivor of crashed North-
west Airline Flight 255, has been
upgraded to "good" at the University
Flight 255 crashed August 16,
the second worst air disaster in U.S.
history. One-hundred and fifty-six
people were killed, including Ce-
celia's parents and brother. Four-
year old Cecelia was pulled from the
wreckage by an ambulance driver
who heard her cries.
Currently Cecelia is listed in
good condition. She is out of bed, in
a wheelchair, and in "good spirits,"
according to University Hospital
spokesperson Toni Shears.
Cecelia may have to remain at the
hospital from two weeks to two
months more, depending on how
much more surgery she needs and
how fast she recovers. Spokesperson
Mike Harrison said that there is a
"good prognosis for full recovery."
Hospital representatives said she
may need more skin grafting and
more operations to remove burn tis-
sue. University Hospital doctors and
people working with Cecelia are
keeping a positive outlook because
"children bounce back quickly."
. Since Saturday, Cecelia has had
four operations, one to set her bro-
ken leg. The others were skin graft
Shears said doctors are hopeful
about her recovery and thankful she
did not suffer head injuries. O n
Tuesday, Cecelia was moved from
the Burn Center's intensive care unit
to its rehabilitation unit.
Cecelia and her family are
currently in psychological counsel-

ing to help them deal with the
tragedy. One main concerns will be
helping Cecelia deal with the tragedy
now and later - whenever it hits
Relatives are declining invitations
to talk to the press. Family mem-
bers want to keep the details of Ce-
celia's condition and counseling
"private and in the family." Ce-
celia's family has not spoken with
the media in the past week and a
Public concern about her condi-
tion was immediate and widespread.
Shears says that the University hos-
pital received at least 4,000 calls in
the first week after the crash. Cecelia
has received 17,500 cards and letters
- some from as far away as Aus-
tralia. She has also received 1,615
gifts and more than $120,000. Many
of the gifts sent to Cecelia have been
given to Detroitarea charities.
Following the crash Cecelia was
taken to University Burn Center,
treated, and listed in critical condi-
tion. She was then transferred to
Mott Children's hospital where she
underwent surgery to set her broken
left leg. Later in the week she was
returned to University's burn center.
There her condition was listed as se-
rious and she underwent skin graft-
ing surgery.
The night of the crash two fami-
lies tried to identify her. Cecelia's
grandfather, Anthony Cichan, made a
positive identification because of her
chipped tooth and purple nail polish.
Cecelia was able to recognize her
name the morning after the crash.
Members of the Cichan family, from
Philadelphia, have been in town
since the night of the crash and are
still here.

v against
University law students and local
lawyers attended a forum yesterday
sponsored by the University chapter
of the National Lawyer's Guild,
joining civil rights organizations,
women's groups, and labor in a
concentrated effort to stop President
Reagan's nomination of Judge
Robert Bork to the U.S. Supreme
"The purpose of the forum is to
educate people as to how far-reaching
the impact will be if Bork is con-
firmed," forum organizer Kris Van-
denBerg said. The event featured a
panel of four speakers who discussed
Bork's effect on areas such as wom-
en's issues, gay and civil rights,
freedom of speech, labor laws, and
the role of the Senate in reviewing a
nomination position.
In addition to sponsoring Thurs-
day's forum titled "Bork: A Clear
and Present Danger," campus Bork
opponents set up booths around
campus seiling buttons, collecting
donations, and encouraging sympa-
thizers to send post cards to Senate
committee members and state sena-
tors to stop Bork's confirmation.
"We've received a lot of support
from people throughout the Law
School," Guild activist Manuel
Daily Photo by SCOTT LITUCHY Nunez said.



Law School faculty and adminis-'
tration are also divided on the issue;
however, some professors who have
known with Bork say he is qualified
for the position.
"I support Bork - he's a very
good friend of mine, and I'm confi-
dent in the qualifications that he has.
In my own mind, I'm not sure the
Senate ought to be taking future re-
sults into account; judges sometimes
act differently as judges than when
they were academics," conmented
Law School professor Thomas Kau-
per who worked with Bork during
his period as Solicitor General under
the Nixon administration.
University Law Professor Dou-'
glas Kahn said, "I favor the nomina-
tion because I think he's an
extremely bright and articulate per-
But opponents worry that if ap-
pointed, Bork may become the
swing-vote, deciding certain issues.
Most notably, Bork has ruled in the
past against anti-trust cases and]
called the 1973 Supreme Court rul-
ing Roe vs. Wade making abortion
legal "unconstitutional." Bork, a
former professor at Yale and Federal
Appeals Court Judge is a supporter
of "judicial restraint" the belief
that judges should not interfere with
the function of the legislature and
favoring a strict interpretation of the
See PANEL, Page 8

Second-year Law student Rob Romanoff wears an anti-Bork pin,
protesting the nomination of Robert Bork to the U.S. Supreme Court.
Romanoff is a member of the National Lawyer's Guild, which set up
a table in the fishbowl yesterday.

Some campus groups support the
nomination of Bork, such as the
Federalists, a campus group favoring
a conservative interpretation of the


Wall Street Journal commends Business school

The University's School of Busi-
ness Administration received a
$1,000 award from the publisher of
the Wall Street Journal yesterday, for
the school's participation in their
Newspaper-in-Education program.
Dow Jones and Co., Inc. began
the Newspaper-in-Education program
40 years. ago to supplement. a text-
book curriculum with The Wall
Street Journal, Barron's National
Business and Financial Weekly, and
the Asian Wall Street Journal to
college professors. The University
was one of 25 original schools to
participate in the program and to re-
ceive the award.

Business school dean Gilbert
Whitaker called The Wall Street
Journal "the best source of informa-
tion on what is going on in the
world" for business students.
David Clayborne, Midwestern
Region Representative of the Educa-
tional Service Bureau at Dow Jones,
presented the award to Whitaker yes-
The money has been designated
for discretion expenditures at the
School of Business Administration.
Joan Wolfe-Woolley, spokesper-
son for Dow Jones, said the intent of
the program is "to help economics
and business classes bring in the real
world into their curriculum."

Through the program students re-
ceive a special educational discount
rate on subscriptions and professors
receive a free copy for every seven
student orders. One hundred and fifty-
five University professors participate

in the program. More than 20,000
instructors participate in the program
Dow Jones plans to expand the
program to other disciplines in the

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