Page 2, -The Michigan Daily-Friday, September 11, 1987
Black law prof. stood for justice IN BRIEF
Compiled from Associated Press reports
Wade McCree Jr., a University
law professor since 1981 who died
recently of a heart attack, is remem-
bered by colleagues and students as a
man of diverse and exceptional tal-
ents, a Black man proud of his race
vho excelled as a litigator, arbitra-
tor, and educator.
The former Solicitor General un-
der President Jimmy Carter and for-
mer federal judge, McCree was
p aised at a law school memorial
rvice last Thursday as possessing a
nmind "deep, retentive, and profound."
Donald Gould, a former law clerk,
said McCree "lived the life of the
Throughout his life, McCree fo-
c ised his mind on the law. After
graduating from Harvard Law School
i 1944, he served as a captain in a
racially segregated infantry division
which saw action in Italy. Follow-
,g the war he started practicing as
a attorney in Detroit until he was
appointed in 1954 to the Wayne
unty Circuit bench. He became
the first Black to sit as a judge on a
Michigan court of record.
McCree spent the next 23 years
of his life settling conflicts from the
bench; first in district court, then as
a judge on 'the 6th Circuit U.S.
Court of Appeals which exercised
authority over a five-state area.
"As a trial judge McCree had few
peers," said Michigan law professor
David Chambers. His success as a
judge can be traced to his "passionate
commitment to doing justice," said a
former law clerk, Howard Boignon.
"He believed the law must be
stable, but it cannot stand still,"
Boignon added.
In 1977, McCree put down his
gavel and turned in his robe to accept
what one Michigan law professor
characterized as "every lawyer's
dream job"- Solicitor General of
the United States. The Solicitor
General's function is to represent the
executive branch before the Supreme
McCree said at the time the posi-
tion offered "the opportunity to ar-
gue the most important cases of the
time before the highest court in the
One of the cases McCree argued
as Solicitor General involved Allan
Bakke in 1977. Bakke, a white
Californian, contended that his ap-
plication to the medical school at the
University of California at Davis had
been rejected in favor of less-quali-
fied minority applicants. He claimed
to be a victim of reverse discrimina-
tion, a casualty of special admis-
sions programs that set minimum
quotas for minority enrollment.
At the time, McCree argued that
race should be a factor used in
admitting candidates to medical
school. But Michigan law professor
Ted St. Antoine said recently that
the judge was troubled by Blacks'
need for special preference.
"It was a burden for Wade to fi-
nally concede in the Bakke case that
minorities needed special assistance.
He felt he needed no such preference.
...committed to justice
Page 10
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U.S. kids
trail in
From the Associated Press
NEW YORK - U.S. elementary
and high school students, especially
girls, know less about science than
their counterparts did in 1970 and
trail both English and Japanese
pupils in physics, chemistry and
biology, according to an international
English students topped even the
Japanese in the first study in 17 years
to compare how students in 24
nations perform in science.
The first phase of the study by the
International Association for the
Evaluation of Educational
Achievement(IEA) took place in
1983. A second phase of testing was
conducted in the United States in
1986 and involved more than 20,000
5th, 9th, and 12th graders in over
1,000 schools.
UAW, automakers continue
to discuss union demands
DEARBORN - Bargainers for Ford Motor Co. and the United Auto
Workers continued yesterday to discuss the union's demand for a contract
guaranteeing a set number of jobs in talks that face a midnight Monday
"We have had discussions on job security and we have floated out
some ideas we have," said Stanley Surma, Ford's chief negotiator.
Bargainers are also discussing Ford's demand for a contract that gives
Ford more flexibility in assigning and organizing workers, Surma said.
But he added that bargainers are not "trading one for the other." Surma
said talks also have included economic issues, but declined to be more
Meanwhile, General Motors Corp. Chairman Roger Smith said that no
automaker could accept such a demand.
"We have to make sure the contract that we sign is one we can live up
to, not one that would bring false hopes," he said later.
US to seek more Contra aid
WASHINGTON - Secretary of State George Schultz, arguing that
the alternative is a "communist victory" in Nicaragua, said yesterday the
administration will ask Congress for $270 million in aid to the Contra
rebels for an 18-month period.
Testifying before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Shultz
said additional aid to the Contras is the best insurance that Nicaragua will
comply with the terms of the Central American peace agreement it signed
last month in Guatemala.
The announcement drew immediate criticism from a number of
congressional Democrats and is certain to produce another round of heated
debate on Capitol Hill over the administration's Central America policy.
State plans to fight illiteracy
LANSING - A million Michigan adults are illiterate or lack job
skills and won't be able to find a job in the workplace of the future unless
the state moves quickly to help them, a top Blanchard administration
official warned yesterday.
To combat the problem and prepare those workers for tomorrow's
high-tech jobs, state government leaders will develop a plan to stamp out
illiteracy, said Gary Bachula, director of the governor's Cabinet Council
on Human Investment.
A group of eight to 10 top administration officials will meet over the
next six weeks to draw up a "comprehensive literacy action plan for the
state of Michigan," Bachula said.
Bear cubs to get a new home
MISSOULA, Mont. - Wildlife officials say they hope to plant zoo-
born grizzly bear cubs with hibernating black bears this winter in an
experiment that may help restore the dwindling grizzly population in
Montana's Cabinet Mountains.
"It's never been tried before," said Chris Servheen, grizzly bear
recovery coordinator for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in Missoula.
"We don't know if it will work."
The cubs are expected to come from two grizzlies now in the Detroit
Zoo that were captured after they became too enamored of human
settlements. They have shown signs of mating, and the sow may be
pregnant, Servheen said.
If the female produces cubs, he said, they could be put in a den with a
hibernating female black bear in the Cabinet Mountains, in the far
nortwest corner of Montana, to see if the black bear will raise them as her
'Ooh, Pope!' they squeal
Imagine the Pontiff reclining on a yacht. Three gorgeous but
scantily clad woman surround him, cooing and caressing. The Pope
raises a can of beer and grins.
You won't see this. Neither will you see any more "Pope
McKenzie" T-shirts. A judge in San Antonio, Texas has halted sales of
the shirts after Anheuser-Busch Inc..filed a law suit saying the shirts
infringe on the trademark used to promote Budweiser Light beer.
The "Pope McKenzie - The Original Vatican Animal" shirts are a
takeoff on the "Spuds MacKenzie" bull terrier used by Annheuser-
Busch. The T-shirts have been sold since April as souvenirs of Pope
John Paul II's visit to Texas this Sunday.
The restraining order was issued Tuesday and a hearing was set for
four days after the visit.
Attorneys Peter Shurr and Michael Lynch, who filed the suit for the
St. Louis-based brewery, claimed the "Pope McKenzie" image would
cause confusion among the public if associated with the Budweiser
Judge Paul Rivera, who signed the order, also ordered the defendants
to deliver to Anheuser-Busch all products bearing the spinoff character.
If you see news happen,.call 76-DAILY.
0, bsritChtgan BatIVg
Vol. XCVIII - No. 2
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967 X) is published Monday through
Friday during the fall and winter terms. Subscription rates: September
through April-$25 in Ann Arbor; $35 outside the city. One
term-$13in town; $20 outside the city.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press
and subscribes to the Los Angeles Times Syndicate.
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U-M's all campus
yearbook mass
meeting this Sunday,
1 p.m., at the Student
Publications Building,
420 Maynard St. People
Editor in Chief................ROB EARLE
Managing Editor ............AMY MINDELL
News Editor ..............PHILIP I. LEVY
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Ramsdell, Martha Sevetson, Steve Tuch, David
Webster, Rose Mary Wumnmel.
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Schefter, Adam Schrager, Scott Shaffer, Pete Stebrt
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Michelle Slavik, Mary Snyder.
NATIONALS: Michelle Ketcham
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Assistant Finance Manager.............ANNE KARLE
needed for layout, writing,
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