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October 23, 1987 - Image 22

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1987-10-23
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. ...ocus on us a 'ifr
(continued from Page 8)
shoulder pads (which are at least slimming down) to a narrow waist and
shapely skirts or trousers.
So is the key word for this season going to be diet? The new body ,
image, for women especially, also means focusing on legs and skirt A
lines. Short. Very short. Freeze-your-butt-off short. Be brave, it is y
possible to wear the style without promoting frostbite throughout they '
lower portion of your body. However, if you have bulimic tendencies
you may be in luck.'
Invest in a few good pair of thick wool or cotton tights (they come
in a multitude of colors and sizes) and a pair of high boots, and start;~.
'Fashion is more than just a way to kep am ndcve-u.urw.r
bodies. It is a language. .. I only wish o Iwa lun.
Photo Editor Scott Lituchy
searching for a long, thick coat. Sure, you may still feel some breeze
th o g h s olt ra s -b ta e s o 'll o ra.Do short skirts, thick tights and high boots remind you of any
particular fashion era? Yes, the annual let's-rehash-the-past theme is
back, and this year's lucky winner is the 1960s. For a quick lesson in!
today's dressing, try looking back to the 'ole family album. t .~
Tie-dyes - seen eveywhere this summer - are being shown in a
long-sleeve model at Elmo's. "It's the latest thing across the country,"
said Manager Dennis Salomen. Just as long as that nightmare called the .
early 1970s, complete with bell bottoms and leisure suits, doesn't .
reappear in the near future we'll all be safe. -j .
For those who want the tre aura of the 60s, journey over to one of .. .
the vintage clothing stores that have recently made a comeback in Ann .
Arbor. The cost is, well, relatively cheap. The styles - if you examine .
them carefully - can for the most part easily fit into today's mode, . ~ . . . . . . . . ...<. ~..;'4.~~.
whatever that may mean.~ J~ ' ~ o
"Initially people are drawn by the costs, but discover you can get ~~ , ~ ~...
good quality in interesting and unique clothing. You can find unusual, A ~ . 'k
sometimes radical styles that you probably wouldn't discover in they .4mow
mall," said Keith Bucceri, owner and buyer of Beatnicks '
For the followers of the cult of black clothing, fashion may be
rearing its ugly head at a clothing store near you. Shudder at the ogti o ut u bonmytk vrfo lc ntenx
few seasons," said Pothus. Also being shown for the winter are muted 44.
colors like taupe, violet, mustard, and olive greens. no''
See FASHION, Page 21L '
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PHOTO STAFF: Photographer John Munson, Photo Editor Andi Schreiber, Photographer Cara Saf fro, Photographer David Lubliner, Photographer Karen Handelman, Photographer Dana Mendelssohn
Photographer Grace Tsai, Photographer Ellen Levy, Photo Editor Scott Lituchy, Photographer Robin Loznak.



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