Page 2 -The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, September 30, 1987
Ex-student manages musicians
(Continued from Page 1)
career? Please ask your friends.' And
I would ask. And in some cases it
would be the performers, it would be
the manager, or the road manager. I
was a congregate of information
back and forth," he said.
This relationship with Vollen-
weider led to Pitt's managerial ca-
reer. Pitt recalled the memorable and
comical evening he was offered the
opportunity to represent and manage
Vollenweider while having dinner at
the musician's home in 1984.
"His mother actually asked me if
I'd be Andreas's manager. She said
he was too embarrassed to ask me
and I looked at him and he looked
very embarrassed," said Pitt.
In light of Pitt's appetite for ad-
venture, his response was no sur-
prise: "I said, 'sure, no problem, this
is easy.' I was just doing it out of an
act of friendship," said Pitt, admit-
ting that he was naive about the rig-
ors and responsibilities of represent-
ing a world class musician.
BUT HARD work setting up
tour dates, speaking to promoters
and record companies, negotiating
contracts, and spending endless hours
on the telephone has paid off for
Compiled from Associated Press reports
Navy escorts Kuwaiti tanker
MANAMA, Bahrain - U.S. warships yesterday escorted a Kuwaiti
tanker toward a major Persian Gulf shipping channel where British mine
sweepers were searching for explosives believed planted by Iran.
U.S. officials said the Navy would respond strongly if Iran continued
"intensified" war activities they said increased after U.S. helicopters
attacked an Iranian minelayer.
"We're not looking at routine operations," said one U.S. source who
spoke on condition of anonymity. But he said the Navy's gulf-based
resources were already seriously strained.
Iraq said its warplanes attacked a ship off Iran and bombed a weapons
and ammunition factory in the suburbs of Tehran, a large power plant
near the Iran-Soviet border, and an oil pumping station in the south.
State to protect water supply
LANSING - Michigan, with its 3,288-mile freshwater shoreline,
got its first comprehensive plan yesterday for protecting its water supply
from polluters and raiders.
"It's ironic that Michigan, the Great Lakes State, is finally after 150
years coming up with its first water management plan," said David
Dempsey, main environmental adviser to Gov. James Blanchard.
Dempsey said the plan gives Michigan a legal foundation if the state
ever has to fend off efforts to divert Great Lakes water to other parts of the
"You cannot prevent shipment out of state if you can't show that
you're conserving water in the state," he said. "We have a legal argument
to offer in future court cases should they arise."
The plan was mapped out over the past two years by a special
Bush tours Nazi death camps
OSWIECIM, Poland - A somber Vice President George Bush
yesterday toured Nazi concentration camps where 4 million people died,
and expressed the hope that the children of the future "be spared the agony
of this horrible past."
Both the vice president and his wife, Barbara, were visibly moved as
their Polish guide ,who was imprisoned at the Auschwitz camp for five
years, explained how the Nazis systematically and sadistically gassed or
shot their victims.
Walking together under threatening skies, the Bushes saw the small,
dark cells where prisoners were left to die standing up, thegas chambers
where millions of men and women were killed, and the "Wall of Death"
where victims were shot through the head.
Bush, completing a four-day visit to Poland, placed a floral wreath at a
stone memorial in nearby Birkenau. "Never again. The American people,"
said a white ribbon attached to the wreath.
Former Attorney General
praises Bork for firing Cox
WASHINGTON - Former Attorney General Elliot Richardson said
yesterday "the nation owes a substantial debt" to Supreme Court nominee
Robert Bork for the way he handled the firing of Archibald Cox as
special Watergate prosecutor 14 years ago.
Richardson resigned rather than fire Cox himself, but he warmly
endorsed the man who followed through on then-President Nixon's orders
to dismiss the prosecutor. He told the Senate Judiciary Committee that
Bork's conduct was above reproach in the so-called Saturday Night
Massacre on Oct. 20, 1973.
Former University biology major Darryl Pitt left his career as a professional photographer to manage world-
renowned musicians.
Pitt. Today, he also manages
saxophonist Michael Brecker, whose
album, entitled Michael Brecker, is
among the top selling jazz albums
in the country and who performed in
Ann Arbor last weekend.
He is the founder of Depth of
Field Management.
"It's never-ending. And because of
the caliber now and the success of
the artists I do manage, there are
constant opportunities that come at
us. We have to see what makes
sense and what doesn't make sense...
There's a lot of paperwork involved
but there's an awful lot of creativity
involved as well," Pitt said.
Coupled with his inventive ap-
proach, Pitt applies a hard working
attitude and an inner drive for success
to his professional career. He has
been described by hit co-workers as a
"perfectionist" who is very demand-
ing at times. But Pitt's motivation
sets an example which encourages
fellow workers to put forth the same
1987 Ensians are still available
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Bring some form of ID.
All purchased yearbooks
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December 31, 1987.
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energy into their projects.
Karen Kramer, Pitt's assistant in
his New York City office, said,
"When you work with someone with
high standards (like Pitt), you have
high standards as well. It makes you
work that much harder."
While pursuing his rapidly grow-
ing and unpredictable future, Pitt
maintains the vitality thathas al-
lowed him to get where he is today.
"You have a blank canvas and you
can paint a stroke anywhere you
want to. The possibility exists. It
sounds a bit radical but it's
absolutely true," said Pitt, explain-
ing his philosophy of life.
"The thing I would most recom-
mend to any student is to try to pur-
sue life and its options creatively.
It's a fantastic, fantastic exercise. It
makes life fun. It makes it a lot of
fun," he said.
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Inmates tell jail officials,
'We will not eat green eggs'
GREENVILLE, Ga. - The inmates at Meriwether County Jail are
living out a favorite childhood classic by Dr. Seuss. The ham there isn't a
problem; but green eggs haven't gone over well.
No one why the eggs turn green, but one official speculated that the
cause was a reaction with aluminum pans.
"We're going to have to do something or we'll get sued," Sheriff Dan
Branch told the County Commission.
"The 52 people I have out there didn't eat a double handful of eggs
today," Branch said. "They ended up in the trash. It's been going on for
severalimonths..We used to have a problem with oatmeal, but we've
gotten it straight."
County Manager William Lloyd said the meals are prepared at the
Meriwether Correctional Camp and delivered to the jail.
The eggs are cracked a day before they're cooked, apparently so the
cook can sleep later, the sheriff said Tuesday night.
If you see news happen, call 76-DAILY.
Vol. XCVIII - No. 15
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967 X) is published Monday through
Friday during the fall and winter terms. Subscription rates: September
through April-$25 in Ann Arbor; $35 outside the city. One term: $13
in Ann Arbor; $20 outside the city.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and sub -
scribes to the Los Angeles Times Syndicate and the National Student
News Service.
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Editor in Chief.................................ROB EARLE
Managing Editor..........................AMY MINDELL
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OPINION PAGE STAFF: Muzanimil Ahmned;
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Books ........................LISA MAGNINO
Film...............................JOHN SHEA
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PHOTO STAFF: Karen Handelman, Ellen Levy, Robin
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