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September 10, 1987 - Image 22

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The Michigan Daily, 1987-09-10

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Page 22 -The Michigan Daily, Thursday, September 10, 1987


Regents mute
on search for
new president


Daily Photo by SCOTT LITUCHY
Ann Arbor institution Village Corner will soon be remodeled. The facade of the store will be designed to look more like it's neighbor, the
Bagel factory.
Village Corner to getface ift, many
fear 'there goes the neighborhood'

Details of the search for a new
University president are being held
with the utmost confidentiality the
University's Board of Regents can
preserve, although the administrative
vacancy is being advertised in
educational publications a n d
newspapers throughout the country.
Upon taking a vow of secrecy,
the regents have rented an un-
disclosed office located off-campus to
hold secret meetings. Along with
alumni, faculty, and student advisory
committees, they have maintained
their promise not to reveal any
names of prospective candidates until
their selected candidate is officially
"A revelation of candidates will
be considered a breach of trust," said
Regent Thomas Roach (D-Saline)
when the committee selections
began in June.
IN ORDER to attract qualified
candidates, such secrecy is the norm
say those on the selection
committees. Last April University
President Harold Shapiro announced
his plans to leave the University in
January to assume the presidency of
Princeton University, his alma
Aiding the regents with the search
are three independent advisory
committees, although the regents
comprise the Presidential Selection
Committee. The three advisory
branches consist of alumni, faculty,
and students who will work with the
regents to draft a list of desirable
presidential qualifications b y
Although the faculty, student, and
alumni committees will each
recommend a candidate, the regents
will have the final vote on who will
become the University's next
president. The regents have patterned
the search process after the procedure
used to select Shapiro in 1978.
If the selection process in not
finished before Shapiro leaves in
January, an interim president will be
appointed until the regents final
selection is made.
THE students were chosen by
MSA, the faculty, by the Senate

Advisory Committee on University .:
Affairs, and the alumni, by the
Alumni Association. Experience and
knowledge of University affairs,
level of trustworthiness, overall
diversity, and equal representation of
minorities and women were some of
the criteria used to select the
"One of the reasons I got-
involved in (the committee) was
because I wanted to find someone
who will get things done - not just
talk about it," said Vice Chair of the ,
Student Committee and LSA senior
Ann Vanek. "The president shouldt
be someone who's not afraid to take4
a stand on an issue, or go against the
The committees consist primarily
of faculty and students from the Ann
Arbor campus but also include
representatives from both the Flint
and Dearborn campuses.
ALTHOUGH the three com-
mittees will not have a direct vote in .a
the final presidential vote, they can
have an impact on the selection
"t's basically just advisory," said
George Davis, chair of MSA's
Campus Governance Committee.,
"Students won't have a yes or no
vote on any one person, but they can.
say why they would vote one way orĀ°
School of Social Work Dean'
Harold Johnson, chair of the faculty
advisory committee in1978, said the.
faculty has played an instrumental
role in the selection process in the

Although many believe the
modern second-floor addition to
Village Corner is necessary, it may
further transform Ann Arbor's quaint
atmosphere into a glitzy, neon-filled
shopping-mall town.
Despite opposition from em-
ployees and community members,
the addition will be designed by the
same architect as the neighboring
Bagel Factory and will be similar in
"It's not the idea of an addition
that bothers us; we need extra
space," said Sally Czinder, a Village
Corner employee. "It's the style that
it will be in. It will be bad for the
Residential College junior Sarah
Schloff said, "It's the end of South
University. The whole street is
turning into a mall."

Nathan Hayes, a Village Corner
manager, agreed. "We will probably
use the addition for liquor, and it
won't be so cramped down here. But
I don't like the design."
Former city council member
Leslie Morris said, "I know Ann

the workers." building's appearance once it hires a
Morris also served on city council private contractor. "This is now the
when it approved the construction of style among contractors, the
Tally Hall. "I'm embarrassed to say shopping-mall look. To say the
that I took part in Tally Hall," she least, I'm not happy with it. Ann
said. "We needed the parking space Arbor used to be special, but it's
and thought that since it is mainly beginning to look like Columbus,

Acompletion date for the Village
Corner addition has not been
'It's the end of South University. The whole street is confirmed. The sign atop the
turning into a mall.' building has been the only public
- Sarah Schloff, Residential College junior announcement of building plans.

"The faculty participated in the
interviewing of candidates, eval-
uating applicants, and developing a
short list of individuals," Johnson
After the qualifications have been
approved, the regents will begin
nominating and interviewing candi-
dates. Three members of the faculty
committee and two members each of
the other committees will join the'
regents inlthe interviewing process.
Members of the advisory com-'
mittees cannot communicate with?
tne candidates unless they hav'
approval from the regents.


Arbor businesses need more space,
but it's unfortunate that they are
throwing away advantages of Ann
Arbor's quaint atmosphere, and also
making it more uncomfortable for

an interior-oriented structure, it
wouldn't ruin the block's
Morris thinks the city should
have more control over the

There appeairs to be virtually no
chance of preserving the store's
present look. "They have been
debating for about eight months on
it. I'll believe it when I see it," said
Toby Stone, a Village Corner




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the major
adopt the
policy w
better th4
Their p
drafted. It
lot up toj
policy wa

ew policy elimina
(Continued fromPage 2 of the policy, but she thinks the
rg, a member of the policy may allow more weapons
e and one of the signees of research contracts. "The policy has
ity report, said, "I am very no review mechanisms for classified
ited that the regents did not research and no statement that the
majority report. I think the University will not accept contracts
e recommended was a lot with unreasonable limits on
an the one they accepted. publication.
)licy is not as carefully The policy is more permissive
t is very vague, and leaves a of classified research than the one we
judgement calls - a lot for had in effect before. I suspect it was
ation. The recommended in the interest of the regents to
is a lot clearer." lessen the restrictions on classified
E N B E R G would not research," she said.
about the long term impact George Carignan, the Research

Policies Committee chair, also
disapproved of the new policy. "I
was strongly in favor of adoption of
the majority report issued by the ad
hoc committee, and I was
disappointed with the policy the
regents passed.
"But my disappointment doesn't
run too deep because the University
has too much integrity to let
something really awful happen. We
have enough people around here to
serve as watchdogs and the system
has enough safeguards to allow for
anything really awful to happen. I

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Moody to work
(Continued from Page .3)
are treated with dignity, fairness, and
humanity." Moody's aim is to
"demystify" the University for
minority students who, overwhelmed
by its complexity and size, "may
feel deficient - as if confusion or
feelings of inferiority are unique to
Working closely with different
student minority service
organizations, Moody has developed
a Minority Student Service
Handbook to be distributed in the
ALTHOUGH plans are "very
tentative," he hopes to present plans
to the executive officers next year for
a student exchange program between
the University and prominent Black
Minorities must next overcome
the "achievement dimension" - a
struggle to prove ability through

don't think it's too ominous?'
Carignan said he believed that the
new policy may lead to increased
research sponsored by the defense
department. "In the short run it will
not have an effect, but it is more
permissive and it creates potential
for more (defense departments
Vice President for Research Linda
Wilson has said that faculty
researchers will not change their
ways and that the content of researchf
projects will "basically stay the
on strategies
grades, test scores, and graduation
rates. To fight this dimension of
discrimination, Moody has created a
task force on testing that will help'
minorities to develop test-taking,
skills and avoid the phenomenon of
institutional racism "blatant in.
After meeting with officials4
superintendents, and city council
members from across the state this
summer, he will also "try to develop
a strategy to use resources to
improve the quality and quantity of
education received by minority
students, thus facilitating
Finally, Moody finds himself
fighting to help minority students
"transfer" the skills developed in the
process of their college educations
into jobs of "pay, power, prestige,
and privilege." -

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