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April 22, 1987 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1987-04-22

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The Michigan Daily - Wednesday April 22, 1987 -=Page 3


Profs. feel pressure to publish

As a research institution,


University is noted for "publish or
perish" guidelines governing tenure.
But for many authors, the
possibility of getting tenure is only
part of the reason they write.
"There is pressure to publish,"
according to English Prof. Thomas
Garbaty, the author of Medieval
English Literature, "but the desire
to publish is innate."
Garbaty said he is still $4,000 to
5,000 in debt for his book, which
he wrote three years ago. His debt
will be paid through the royalties.
"The University is interested in
productive scholars. With these
productive scholars, classes will
improve and the University will get
the name it wants," said Garbaty, a
member of the English depart -
ment's executive committee.
ASSISTANT professors of
English must publish one book
before becoming an associate
professor. To become a full
professor in English, a substantial
number of articles or another book
must be well underway, Garbaty
said. He added that each case is
handled separately.
"I wrote my book to make
money," said Psychology Prof.
James McConnell, who would not
say how much profit he made from
his textbook Understanding Human

McConnell had edited textbooks
that he found boring, so he decided
to write an "intriguing" book
because, "the students will learn
much better." To make sure the
book is effective, McConnell gave
rough drafts to students at the
University as well as at Washtenaw
Community College. and local
high schools.
He kept rewriting and having the
students go over his drafts until he
felt they understood 95 percent of
what he was trying to say. It
initially took him two and a half
years to write the book, and one and
a half for each rewrite.
"I insisted my book be simple,
readable, and based on student
input," McConnell said. He put a
glossary on each page, and a short
story at the beginning of each
chapter "to get students caught up
in the content of what each chapter
was about." McConnell believes
that if students do not receive 'As,'
the teachers are at fault; he put his
book together so it will reach
Charles Brace wrote his books
because he "had something to say."
Prior to his book, Stages of Human
Evolution, nothing had been
written supporting his views on
evolution except for a few of his

own articles. He felt those articles
were ineffective on their own, and
he "saw the influence of a textbook
in shaping (his) field and wanted to
get (these) views into a textbook."
Brace's book is used widely
across the country at universities
such as Harvard and Penn State, but
according to Brace, making a profit
"was not the point."
According to Psychology Prof.
McConnell, there is a "U of M
tradition that you shouldn't assign a
textbook in class if you make
money off it." McConnell loans his
book to his students in Introductory
Psychology, because, he said, he
makes a profit off approximately
150,000 other students from over
700 different universities, so
lending 30 copies isn't significant.
If the students want to buy the
book, he donates the proceedings to
the University.
Professors publish their books at
a variety of publishing houses, but
to get more notoriety and acclaim,
the major houses such as
Macmillan, Prentice Hall, and Holt
Rinehart and Winston Inc. are used.
University presses are usually
dependant on and are partially
supported by their respective
institutions. The University of
Michigan Press is not a commercial
Holt Rinehart and Winston Inc.

alone publishes approximately 100
publications written by professors
The University of Michigan Press
publishes about 35-40 books per
year, half of which are written b;
University professors, according to
Walter Sears, director of the press.
A BOOK costs approximately
$150,000 to put into print. Holt
Rinehart and Winston Inc. sells
Understanding Human Behavior at
a net price of $26.50. Although
every bookstore has different
policies, the average markup is 20
to 25 percent.
Other books, such as English
Prof. Garbaty's, appeal to a smaller
market and usually do not pull in a
high profit because they are bought
only for university libraries and a
select group of interested pupils.
The bigger publishers usually will
not print such books, Garbaty said.
No funding is provided
specifically forbprofessors to
publish their books, but the
University does offer faculty
research grant projects.
The grants are competitive and
are based on qualifications of
research which may lead to writing.
The University gives $4,000 to
$5,000 per year, with a limit of
$10,000 in any one term, or
$15,000 and a fellowship in any
seven year period, according to
Machree Robinson, director of
academic services.

Speaking softly Associated Press
Palestinian Liberation Organization leader Yassir Arafat (right) talks
with Howmanis Muyunda, the Zambian Minister of State for Foreign Af-
fairs, after a speech near Algiers yesterday.
Gays to get more recognition

(Continued from Page 1)
this arena," Nordby said.
Rackham graduate student and
LaGROC member Bill Wehrle said
although most of their demands
were not granted, they feel they
have won something in their
struggle for gay rights. "The big
battle is getting these people to
agree," he said.
Johnson could not be reached for
Member Carol Wayman, who
attended the meeting with Johnson
and Nordby, said recent incidents of

anti-gay violence on and around
campus, including several beatings
and the murder of a gay man after a
homosexual pick-up, spurred the
group's action. "They're pretty
conservative demands. They're
demands that should have been met
a long time ago," she said.
"The fact that the University has
taken a stand saying 'We're not
going to tolerate this' - it's a
good start," Wayman said. She
added that she hopes the new
guidelines will help remove 'the
"cloak of invisibilty" which gays
on campus wear.

Daily editorial not bigoted, s
By HENRY PARK similar editorial in the future. stand up for all members of the
MSA rescinded a resolution Several speakers from local religious community," Prichard
sced two weeks ago that Christian groups and one Muslim said.


condemned a Daily April Fools Day
editorial for religious intolerance
and bigotry. The resolution passed
with a 14-13 vote.
In place of the rescinded
resolution, MSA passed a
resolution calling the editorial "God
is dead," "insensitive and
unprofessional." The new
resolution said the Daily editorial
staff should "consider people's
feelings when writing stories for
the Daily" but did not ask, as the
previous resolution did, that the
Daily apologize and not print a

speaker called the new resolution
"watered down."
Tom Prichard, of Students
Against Religious Intolerance,
which spearheaded protests against
the editorial, said he was not
surprised by the MSA's change of
"I'm disappointed that the MSA
rescinded its resolution based on
pressure from the Daily. It casts a
question of credibility on the MSA
to stand by its resolutions. I'm
even more concerned that it shows
that the MSA is not willing to

ACCORDING to Mitchell
Seitz, LSA junior and SARI
member, the Daily is a special
interest group: "We represent a
much wider segment of the
community than the editorial staff
of the Daily," he said.
MSA member Ed Kraus, an
LSA junior, sponsored a new
resolution because he "does not
want to make demands to the Daily
... It brings up the issue of
Kraus and chair of the MSA
Rules Committee Bruce Belcher

criticized one constituent who said
that he did not believe that views
against religion should be expressed
either seriously or as a joke.
In other business, MSA passed a
resolution to establish its own
review panel to consider research
that may not be "life-enhancing" or,
"in the public interest." The
resolution was in response to the
University Board of Regent',
decision last week to make research
guidelines less restrictive.
MSA also went on record as not
endorsing the "vandalism" that
occurred at last Friday's "No Code"

What's happening in Ann Arbor today
s Department- 8 p.m,
McIntosh Theatre, School of
Cool Hand Luke (Stuart Music, (763-4726).
Rosenberg, 1967), Alt Act,
DBL/7:00 p.m., MLB 3.
Paul Newman in one of his finest Speakers
roles as a charismatic loner who
gets incarcerated in a chain gang, James Scott- "Hidden
but refuses to submit to authority. Transcripts of Subordinate
This brilliant allegory with Groups," 7:30 p.m., MLB Lecture
religious overtones explores many Room II.
of the same themes as One Flew Deborah Dwork- "Jewish
Over The Cuckoo's Nest, with Children in Nazi Europe,"
just as much class. Program in Judaic Studies, 4
Butch Cassidy And The p.m., 3050 Frieze Bldg.
Sundance Kid (George Roy Dr.ma Daniel Sandman-
Hill, 1969), Alt Act, DBL/9:15 ChemicaleModification of
p.m., MLB 3. Poly(diacetylenes)," Dept. of
Paul Newman and Robert Redford Chemistry, 4 p.m., 1300
portray those zany outlaws in this Chemistry Bldg.
beloved comedy-action. Sure, the Dr. Cherry Murray- "Two-
screenwriters take gigantic Dimensional Melting in Colloidal
liberties with the facts, but what Crystals," Dept. of Chemistry, 4
the hell. p.m., 1200 Chemistry.
The Three Amigos (John Anna2Cordona and Jack
Landis, 1986), MTF, DBL/7:00 Zucker- "Poetry Reading," 8
p.m., Mich. p.m., The Poetry Resource, 621
Breezily goofy spoof about a trio S. Washtenaw.
of lovable schmucks who portray
dandy heroes in the silent movies. Meetings
When a village of ignorant
peasants catches their act and LASC- 8 p.m., 1407 Mason
mistakes it for fact, however, they Hall
find themselves hired for a '
showdown with a band of real Furthermore
Something Wild (Johnathan
Demme, 1986), MTF, DBL/9:05 "It's Never too Earlyto
p.m., Mich. Think About Breast -
The acclaimed comedy-thriller feeding"- 7:30 p.m., Catherine
about a straight-laced buisnessman McAuley Health Center, 5301
who is cheerfully abducted and led East Huron River Drive, (572-
on a wild adventure by a beautiful 3843).
Killer Of Sheep (Charles
Burnett, 1977), A2 Film Fest, Send announcements of up-
7:00 & 9:00 p.m., Performance coming events to "The List," c/o
Netork 41 W.Wasingon. The Michigan Daily, 420
Network, 418 W. Washington. Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich.,
Disturbing character study of a 48109. Include all pertinent in-
man who works in a formation and a contact phone
slaughterhouse, and the effect such number. We must receive an-
work has on his life and nouncements for Fri4ay and
relationships. Sunday events at least two weeks
before the event, and announ-
Performances cements for weekday events
must be received at least two
School or Music Opera days before the event.


JGround level No. Campus Commons
0 Open Monday-Friday, 9-5
0 668-6022






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