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April 22, 1987 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1987-04-22

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Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, April 22, 1987

By Scott Lituchy



are you doing

this summer?"

Bartow Thomas, LSA
junior: I'll be going to
school here and working in
Detroit for Chrysler on the
assembly line or in an

John Granger, LSA Carrie McDonald, first Nisrin Kanpurwala,
sophomore: Working a year LSA student: first year LSA student:
lot and watching Wheel of Working. I don't know Taking classes. I'm taking.
Fortune; it's the big thing where. I don't know how. I physics in the spring and
in our family. don't know when, economics in the summer.

Steve Angelotti, grad-
uate student, IPPS:
Working in Ann Arbor, and
hopefully enjoy the sun a
little bit, but I doubt that
will work out.

Compiled from Associated Press reports
Ex-Reagan aide gets immunity
WASHINGTON - The Senate panel investigating the Iran-Contra
affair voted yesterday to grant limited immunity to President Reagan's
former national security adviser, Rear Adm. John Poindexter, opening
the way for him to break his silence.
Poindexter, one of the key figures in the affair, resigned as Reagan's
national security adviser last Nov. 25 after Attorney General Edwin
Meese disclosed that profits from secret arms sales to Iran had been
diverted to help the Nicaraguan rebels.
Because Poindexter, in his job, had been seeing Reagan each day, he
has been regarded as the prime witness concerning what the president
may or may not have known of the apparent diversion of the money.
Reagan approves sales to Iran
WASHINGTON - President Reagan's National Security Council
has approved the sale of a $900,000 computer system to Iran, industry
and administration officials said yesterday.
The approval represents the first major U.S. transaction involving
Iran since disclosures in late 1986 that the administration had been.
secretly selling arms to Iran.
Analysts suggested the move underscored a growing sensitivity on
the part of the Reagan administration to problems faced by U.S.
manufacturers of high-technology goods as they seek to compete in
overseas markets.
The NSC had been asked to referee a high-level dispute within the
administration over the sale.
Reagan will not lift Japan
trade sanctions, official says
WASHINGTON - A high-level Japanese emissary asked President
Reagan yesterday to lift trade sanctions against Japan, but Reagan's
chief spokesman said action is unlikely before Prime Minister Yasuhiro
Nakasone's visit next week.
Former Japanese Foreign Minister Shintaro Abe said that during .
20-minute meeting with the president, he "mentioned the semiconductor
sanctions issue and emphasized that this measure should be lifted as
quicly as possible."
White House spokesman Marlin Fitzwater, however, said, "It seems
unlikely to us that we will be able to make a change in the sanctions
before the prime minister's visit."
Sri Lanka car bomb kills 150'
COLOMBO, Sri Lanka - A car bomb at rush hour created an
inferno at the main bus terminal yesterday that officials said killed up to
150 people, bringing the death toll from terrorism in five days to nearly
A Health Ministry official said about 200 people were injured and
some might die of burns or other wounds.
Many of the victims burned to death or were killed by smoke
inhalation in six parked buses that were engulfed in flames, police and
witnesses said.
The bombing was the third attack since Friday on this island south
of India, where Tamil insurgents have waged a four-year war against the
majority Sinhalese for an independent nation. Tamils killed at least 142
people in northeastern Sri Lanka Friday and Monday.
Witnesses said many of the injured at the bus terminal had severe

Thomas Dowling,
graduate student, lib-
rary studies: I'm going to
be working full time at the
Library and taking classes
full time. I'm going to be

Stacy Dean, LSA
junior: Working for three
months and then going to
Romania for one month to
study Romanian.

Zandra Blake, first
year LSA student: I'm
going to stay up here and be
an Academic Aid in Alice
Lloyd, helping freshmen
pick classes and giving
tours of the dorm.

Steve Meyers, LSA
senior: That's a good
question. I'm probably
working in town for SANE,
but that's all up in the air
right now.

Jae Ho Chung,
graduate student,
political science: I'm
going home to Korea. I'm
going to do interviews for a
paper and I'm attending my
brother's marriage.

The Michigan Union Bookstore U


gives you

Michigan Union
will pay you up to
50% of the current
list price

for your Textbooks!
Here are a few examples of
titles and prices we are purchasing:



Elementary Differential Equations
with Linear Algebra 1986
Elementary Linear Algebra 2nd '85
Calculus & Analytic Geom. Comp. 6th '84
Chemistry 1985
Art of Public Speaking 2nd '86
Physiology of Behavior 3rd '86
On Film '83
Norton Anth. of English Lit. Paper VI 5th '86
Dynamics of Mass Communication 2nd '87
Theme et Variations 3rd '85
Prego! Invitation to Italian 2nd '84
Intermediate Microeconomics 1987
Organic Chemistry 1984
Statistics 1978
Algebra & Trigonometry 1985


Ciao for now, Daily exclaims
Another term has passed and it's time to shut-down the computers,
hang-up the phones, and wash the ink off our hands as the Daily staff
forsakes its newsroom for smelly carrels in the Grad. Yes, we do study,
though when we show up for our exams some of our professors will be
seeing us for the first time since spring break. In other words, this is
the last issue this term.
Publication will resume weekly beginning Friday, May 8 and daily
again on Thursday, September 10.
We'd like to convey a special "Thanks" to the reader who wrote the
last letter we received this term. He said:
"Dear Daily: You're dumb. Your staff is dumb. And your paper is
dumb. With all my love, Bob."
Thanks, Bob. See you in the funny papers.
By Rob Earle
If you see news happen, call 76-DAILY.
C1141C0n 1 a
Vol. XCVII -No. 139
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967 X) is published Monday through
Friday during the fall and winter terms. Subscription rates: September
through April-$18 in Ann Arbor; $35 outside the city. One
term-$10 in town; $20 outside the city.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and sub -
scribes to Pacific News Service and the Los Angeles Times Syndicate.


,' '


You can get CASH ON THE SPOT
when you sell your textbooks to
We'll pay you top prices -
up to 50% off the current list prices.
The best time to sell is right after
your final exams.

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Editor in Chief ....-...................ROB EARLE
Managing Editor............AMY MINDELL
News Editor......................PHILIP I. LEVY
Features Editor .............MELISSA BIRKS
NEWS STAFF: Elizabeth Atkins, Eve Becker, Steve
Blonder, Rebecca Blumcnstein, Jim Bray, Brian Bonet,
Dov Cohen, Rebecca Cox, Himrpton Dellinger, Martin
Frank, Pam Franklin, Stephen Gregory, Edward
Kieine, Steve Knopper, Vibeke Laroi, Carrie Loranger,
Michael Lustig, Alyssa Lustigman, Jerry Markon, Andy
Mills. Tim Oniaxzu, Eugene Pak, Melissa Ramnsdell,
Kristen Salathiel, Martha Sevetson, Wendy Sharp,
Louis Stancato, Steven Tuch, David Webster, Rose
mary Wuxnnxl
Opinion Page Editors..........PETER MOONEY
OPINION PAGE STAFF: Muzammil Ahmed, Tim
Bennett, Paul Ilonsinger, Tim Huet, Lisa Jordan, Josh
Levin, Jeffrey Rutherford, Steve Semenuk, Cojeb
Southworth, Arlin Wasseman, Mark Williams.
Arts Editors...................REBECCA CHUNG
Books................SUZANNE MISENCIK
Features..... .. .........ALAN PAUL
Film.............................KURT SERBUS
Music...................BETH FERTIG
Theatre ...........LAUREN SCHREIBER
ARTS STAFF: V. J. Beauchamp, Lisa Berkowitz,

Sports Editor.....................SCOTT G. MILLER
Associate Sports Editors-...-DARREN JASEY -
SPORTS STAFF: Jim Downey, Liam Flaherty, Allen
Gelderloos, Kenneth Goldberg, Chris Gordillo, Shelly,
Haselhuln, Julie Hollman, Walter Kopf, Rob Levine,
Jill Marchiano, Ian Ratner, Adam Schefter, Adam
Schrager, Scott Shaffer, Pete Steinert, Douglas Volaxt,,
Peter Zellen, Bill Zolla
Photo Editors..................SCOTT LITUCHY
PI JOTO STAFF: Leslie Boorstein, Karen Handelman,
Dana Mendelssohn, John Munson, Darrian Smith,
Grace Tsai.
Business Manager........MASON FRANKLIN
Sales Manager..............DIANE BLOOM
Finmnce Manager ......REBECCA LAWRENCE
Classified Manager.............GAYLE SHAPIRO
Assistant Sales Manager...........ANNE KUBEK
Assistant Classified Manager-............AMY EIGES
DISPLAY SALES: Karen Brown, Irit Elrad, Missy
Hambrick, Ginger Heyman, Denise Levy, Wendy
Lewis, Jodi Manchik, Laura Martin, Mindy Mentdomsa,;
Scott Metcalf, Carolyn Rands, Jackie Rosenberg. Todd
Samovitz, Laura Schla,,ser Jill tlvse Shine. J ulie,

We Have Your Spring Semester Textbooks!

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