Ninety-seven years of editorialfreedom
Black Action Movement III, a descendant of two
earlier movements, has translated the current concern
over racist attitudes into an opportunity to repeat the
demands of those movements.
The group recently picketed the Michigan Union
and staged a sit-in at the Fleming Administration
Building, stirring up memories of the strike that shut
down the University 17 years earlier.
The original BAM, on the tail of the 1960s civil
rights movement, presented then-University President
$,obben Fleming with a six page list of demands to
improve Black student life on campus. When the
demands were not met, the group started a two week
strike against the University.
THE STRIKE involved University faculty and
staff as well as students. The protesters set up picket
lines on campus and successfully shut down classes,
dorm cafeterias, and other University operations until
Fleming and the Board of Regents were forced to
Only the College of Engineering was virtually
unaffected by the strike. Both the Residential College
and the anthropology department were shut down
entirely, and LSA reported attendance figures as low
as 30%.
Most LSA classes were cancelled or forced to meet
off campus. Anthropology Prof. Roy Rappoport
moved his Anthropology 101 class from an Angell
Hall auditorium to the basement of a nearby
Methodist church.
"BAM told the instructors they didn't mind them
holding classes if they were off campus," Rappoport
said. "The students didn't want to cross the picket
lines, and neither did I."
STUDENT protesters disrupted the classes of
those professors who tried to continue lecturing,
marching through classrooms chanting and banging
on garbage pail drums until every student cleared the
Political Science Prof. A.F.K. Organski told his
class in 1970 that "strikers were preventing freedom
of choice in classes." Organski still insists that
shutting down classes and research is always to be
avoided, but said, "The issues the strike symbolized
are terribly important and have to be addressed."
During the 1970 strike, the police were called in
several times to quell student protesters who blocked
city streets or other University buildings. One Ann
Arbor police officer was accused of using unnecessary
force against a Black student when he swung a riot
baton at an arrested protester - lying face down on the
President Fleming did not honor the 1970 demand
that students who participated in protests be given
amnesty. Many students were tried for their actions
before an administrative board, and many workers
See BAM, Page 3
U' community,
family mourn
Power suicide
Greek games
raise $35,000
for charities
Proceeds to benefit
MADP, Wilmot House
Friday's rainy skies matched the
mood in Hill Auditorium as family,
friends, political leaders, and
students gathered to remember the
life of University Regent Sarah
Just yards from the bell tower
from which she fell Tuesday
morning, almost 1800 people
attended an Episcopal memorial
service held not only for her family,
but for the entire University
Although police have ruled
Power's death a suicide, the service
was intended to be a celebration of
her life, not a repetition of the
many unanswered questions surr-
ounding her violent death.
Gov. James Blanchard described
Power as one who never dwelled on
people's failings or mistakes. "She
was one of our finest... fiercely
loyal to her friends and the ins-
titutions she cared so much about,"
he said.
IN ADDITION to serving as a
University regent for eight years,
Power was active in the Democratic
party, women's issues, and pro-
gressive social causes. She served
as Deputy Assistant Secretary of
State for Human Rights in 1980-81
under the Carter Administration.
"But more than the title,
privileges, and power that she
earned, she was an effective and
outstanding leader," added Blanch -
"She was a constant stimulus to
take progressive causes more ser -
iously," said University President
Harold Shapiro. Shapiro added that
he will always remember Power for
"loyalty, laughter, and flowers."
. Friends eulogized Power as a
committed, loyal, and selfless
person. "The challenge that Sarah
has left us is to live up to what she
gave," said SallyAnn Payton, a law
school professor.
UNIVERSITY faculty, stud -
ents, and staff members paid their
respects to Power, along with many
state and U.S. representatives, and
members of the Blanchard
Among her relatives present
were her husband Philip; her five-
year-old son Nathan; her sister,
Margery Goddard Whiteman; her
two brothers, Russel and Wendell
Goddard; and her mother, Kitty
Russel Goddard.
But while Whiteman added to the
rememberances of her sister's ach-
ievements, she also acknowledged
that "there was a' part of Sarah that
even her family did not know."
"With anguish and concern we
are stuggling for a profound under -
standing," Whiteman said of Pow -
er's sudden death.
Power's husband has said there
was no suicide note found, but he
refused to let the police search her
home, car, or office, and he refused
to.comment further.
Ann Arbor police nevertheless
appear to be satisfied with their
investigation of the incident.
"(Further inquiry) doesn't seem to
be of any particular benefit to us,"
said Police Lt. Harold Rady.
Friday's memorial service will
be the only one held for Power.
According to Dave Hamilton, a
spokesman for Meuhlig Funeral
Home, Power's body will be
cremated after a death certificate is
filed today.
Dignitaries, from left, University President Harold Shapiro, Vice
president Richard Kennedy, Honors Convocation Committee members
Elizabeth Holm and Allan Gwinn, Provost James Duderstadt, and Vice
president James Brinkerhoff sing the "Yellow and Blue" at the Honors
Convocation yesterday at Hill Auditorium.
Students eceive
acrade m--ic honors .
After seven hectic days of spag-
hetti eating, limbo-ing, and bed rac-
ing, Greek Week concluded Satur-
day with the Greek Olympics, the
largest and longest of the week's 13
events. After it was all over, the
team of Alpha Gamma Delta soror-
ity and Alpha Tau Omega fraternity
emerged victorious.
The 19 participating teams, each
consisting of two or three frater-
nities and sororities, raised $35,000
this year, $5,000 more than last
year. The Greeks will donate
$20,000 to Mothers Against Drunk
Driving (MADD) "in keeping with
the national focus on alcohol
awareness," according to Kristin
Barrett, an LSA junior and a mem-
ber of the Greek Week Steering
The remaining $15,000 will be
donated to local charities such as
Wilmot House, a home for radia-
tion therapy patients and their
families, and to the permanent
charities affiliated with each of the
different sororities and fraternities.
THE MONEY came from
admission fees for events such as
the Mr. Greek Week pageant,
selling T-shirts, and selling raffle
tickets for activities such as the
Jello Jump.
The largest money-raiser by far
was Wednesday's Greek Sing and
Variety show, which raised
Amy Nick, an LSA senior and
co-chair of the steering committee,
said Greek Week was "extremely
successful this year. There was a
great amount of participation and
enthusiasm. It was great."
The steering committee, which
consiststofg27sorority and
fraternity members, coordinated all
of the Greek Week activities.
Barrett said the committee began
meeting and making plans in
One of the new events this year,
the Alpha Delta Phi and Kappa
'There was a great
amount of participation
and enthusiasm. It was
-Amy Nick, LSA
Senior and co-chair of the
steering committee
The University publicly honored
undergraduate students with distin-
guished academic records at the 64th
annual honors convocation held in
front of a near capacity crowd at
Hill auditorium yesterday.
"This is really perhaps my fav-
orite time of the year," University
President Harold Shapiro said of the
University dignitaries acknow-
ledged students who achieved rec-
ords equivalent to at least half "A"
and half "B" during the 1986
calendar year and gave special recog-
nition to James B. Angell Scholars
- students who have earned an all
"A" record for two or more con-
secutive terms.
Journalist Robin Wright, who
delivered the convocation address,
praised the students for their efforts
and told them of the responsibil-
ities, challenges, and changes that
lie ahead for them.
"Don't ever leave the ideals that
See 'U', Page 3
Alpha Theta Volleyball Tourn-
ament, went over very well, acc-
ording to Alpha Delta Phi President
Dave Williams, an architecture
"We thought it was very suc-
cessful and we got a lot of positive
feedback from the Greek system and
the steering committee," Williams
said. He said the event raised
approximately $500 for the Mic-
higan Cancer Foundation.
....................................................................................... . . . . . . . . . . . .................. ... . .
' IComputer tamperers put Brooke
Shields on University terminals
By PAMELA FRANKLIN an LSA junior. "I think it is as big an issue as racism, because the
When students inserted some MacWrite start-up disks into the disk is owned by the University."
IMacintosh computers at the School of Public Health computing Bornstein said a School of Public Health computing room
center recently, they were greeted with a picture of Brooke Shields monitor told him he had put the picture on many of the MacWrite
and the caption, "Lets do things together." disks, but the room's monitors say they did not put the picture on
I Identical pictures of Shields have been floating around all the the disks, nor do they know how it got there.
computing centers, according to Deb Masten, acting assistant Masten said she has no evidence that a staff person put the
director for Public Facilities Support for campus computing. The pictures on the disks. All of her staff are aware of their "point
pictures have popped up at the School of Public Health, NUBS and blank standard policy that no software is to be modified," i order
the UNYN computing center sites, that the same kind of software is available across campus, she said.
I "This is a form of institutionalized sexism," said Dan Bornstein, See HACKERS, Page 5
.... ::. :.. .:: :.: ...: ... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... .:: ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ..."... ... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... .. . . .. . ..
Conference addresses Israeli issues
U.N. ambassador details changing attitudes .
The demands of the Graduate
Employees Organization are
English Professor Bert Hornback
discusses his role(s) at the Univ-
Detroit Southwestern loses in
the Michigan Class A high
Israel is more respected today
than in the past because of a decline
in Arab power, better Israeli
relations with the United States,
and shifting attitudes towards terr-
.rim carln nrinor krneli din-
The conference brought together
twelve scholars from both the
University and the international
community. Some of the topics
which speakers addressed were the
Arab-Israeli conflict, peace in the
Middle East. Jewish unity, Israel's
toward Israel. Relations are getting
stronger between the United States
and Israel, despite the Pollard spy
case, especially in the wake of the
formal declaration of Israel as an
United States ally, he said.
He also said. about the United
America and Israel. Labenson said
Jewish survival is "dependent on
affinity between the U.S. and
Calvin Goldscheider, professor
of Judaic studies and sociology at
Rnwn ITniversitv ynd formerlya t