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March 18, 1987 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1987-03-18

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Page 2 - The Michigan Daily

-Wednesday, March 18, 1987

'English only' legislation opposed

While racial discrimination has
been in the news lately, a proposed
constitutional amendment - one
which many think will promote
further racial separation - has been
circulating in the U. S. House of
The proposed English Language
Amendment would destroy the
multilingual, socially diverse popu -
lation by making English the
nation's official language, according
to James McIntosh, director of the
University's American Culture Pro -
Michigan Representative Wil -
liam Broomfield (R-18th District)
introduced the proposed amendment
to the House of Representatives last
eRacquetball Courts
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" Nautilus Club
3 blocksfrortcentral campus
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Advocates of the English Lan-
guage Amendment say a national
language would help unify Amer -
ica's diverse ethnic populations into
a more efficient democracy.
Opponents argue that the amend -
ment would legalize discrimination
based on language proficiency.
THE PROPOSAL specifies
that "Neither the United States nor
any State shall require, by law,
ordinance, regulation, order, decree,
program, or policy, the use in the
United States of any language other
than English."
The article is aimed at re-
vamping federally-funded bilingual
education programs and eliminating
bilingual ballots. It would also
eliminate many other federal and
state-funded programs and publi-
cations such as multilingual tax
forms and driver's license exams.
Michigan currently offers driver's
license exams in 20 different
Opponents of the English
Language Amendment charge it is a
prejudiced attempt to push non-
English speakers out of the main-
stream of American society. If the
proposed amendment is ratified,
"there will be a great deal of racial
animosity and group separation,"
said John Trasvina, an attorney for
the Mexican American Legal De-
fense and Educational Fund.
Trasvina believes efforts to
make English the official language
are rooted in the 19th century

movement to keep Blacks from
exercising their civil rights in the
South after the Civil War.
Groups supporting the proposal,
such as English First and U. S.
English, hope to reform the bilin-
gual education program because
they say it is inefficient and lethar-
teach proficiency in English in
three years, but students often re-
quire up to seven years to finish.
These programs are provided
through the Bilingual Education
Act of 1968.
The amendment would not
abolish bilingual education, but it
would give local school officials
more control over funding and
structuring of programs. Supporters
say the "total immersion method,"
in which the student is completely
immersed in an English-speaking
environment for about six months,
is effective.
But opponents think that, al-
though the immersion method may
be useful in instructing adults, it is
inefficient in teaching children.
They say children in immersion
programs often become confused
and frustrated without gaining a
sufficient understanding of English.
"I think we should promote bi-
lingual education rather than dis-
couraging it," McIntosh said.
PROPONENTS of the amend-
ment think the laggard bilingual

education program promotes the
advancement of alternative lan-
guages, particularly Spanish, and
builds social and political barriers
between the many ethnic commun-
ities in this country.
"The English Language Amend-
ment is timely insurance against a
divided America which could no
longer call itself the 'melting pot,"'
Broomfield said.
Foreign language ballots are
mandated by a 1975 amendment to
the Voting Rights Act. That
amendment specifically targets
Spanish, Native American, and
Asian Pacific languages.
Eight states have already added
amendments declaring English the
official language to their con-
stitutions. Last November, Califor-
nia passed Proposition 63, which
made English the state's official
language. Lawrence Pratt, president
of English First, said about 25
states have had movements in their
legislatures to make English the
official language of the state this
Pratt said his organization has
contacted every state legislator in
the country in an effort to rally
support for the English Language
If the proposed amendment is
approved, 38 of the 50 states would
have to ratify it for it to be added to
the Constitution.

LSA sculpture shows old roles

Hairstyles for
Men and Women

(Continued from Page 1)
you will find labor division along
gender lines, but not completely."
Maurer said that while duties
such as food preparation were
traditionally reserved for women in
the 19th century, other duties, such
as care of farm animals, were both
men and women's responsibility.

Julie Steiner, Coordinator of the
campus Sexual Assault Prevention
and Awareness Center, said, "Part
of the reason it's important to keep
the world of art open is to influence
the world view of gender roles and
other pertinent issues that we're all
concerned about."

Liberty off State . .
Maple Village . ...


Compiled from Associated Press reports
Ex-Reagan adviser refuses to
answer congressional questions
WASHINGTON -- Former National Security Adviser John
Poindexter, a key figure in the Iran-Contra investigation, cited his
constitutional protection against self-incrimination yesterday in refusing
to answer congressional questions about computer security.
Poindexter, citing the same Fifth Amendment protection, had refused
in December to answer Senate and House committees' questions about
his role in the sale of arms to Iran and possible diversion of some
profits to the Nicaraguan rebels.
Yesterday, Rep. Jack Brooks (D-Texas) asked four questions
narrowly focused on a directive issued by Poindexter on Oct. 29, 1986,
relating to security. The questions made no reference to the Iran-Contra
investigations being conducted by an independent counsel and separate
House and Senate committees.
U.S. trade gap hits record high
WASHINGTON - America's deficit in the broadest measure of
foreign trade soared to a record $140.57 billion in,1986, pushing the
United States further into the hole as the world's largest debtor nation,
the government reported yesterday.
The imbalance in the nation's current account jumped 19.5 percent
above the previous record of $117.68 billion, set in 1985. Last year
ended on an especially gloomy note as the quarterly deficit from October
through December hit a record as well, $36.84 billion, primarily
because of a further deterioration in merchandise trade.
While the United States has run a deficit in merchandise trade for 15
of the past 16 years, the current account was in surplus as recently as
1981 as Americans' earnings on overseas investments were enough to
offset the merchandise deficits. But in recent years, a flood of foreign
goods has wiped out the cushion once provided by investment earnings.
School district may pay for
cheating student's education :
BOSTON - A school district that awarded a high school diploma to
a woman who could not read but cheated her way to the top of the class
has been ordered to pay $17,000 she spent for remedial education.
Karen Morse, who is dyslexic, is in college now, but to people in
her hometown of Henniker, N.H., her high school education is very.
much a current issue.
School board members will not say if they will appeal the March 3
ruling by the New Hampshire Department of Education ordering
payment for the special school Ms. Morse attended after high school.
They have 30 days to respond but the matter is expected to come up.:
and could be decided today at a town meeting.
GM workers demand seniority
DETROIT - Hundreds of laid-off General Motors Corp. workers,
fearing for their futures, demonstrated yesterday at their union's
headquarters to demand that the next GM contract allow them to take
their seniority to other plants.
"I'm too old to start over," said Dennis Wack, who was laid off Jan.
12 after more than 16 years with GM in Saginaw and was a.
demonstration organizer. "I see no hope."
Wack is among more than 30,000 workers who have lost or will' -
lose their GM jobs in the next three years when the nation's largest
automaker closes at least 11 assembly and stamping plants and other
supporting operations.
Tardy trashcans tagged for
ticketing, Council-commands.
Those who are delinquent in putting away garbage cans beware. Your
laziness may end up costing big bucks.
The Ann Arbor City Council Monday night unanimously approved
an ordinance that would fine homeowners and landlords up to $500 if
they do not remove garbage cans from curbs within 24 hours of pickup.
The council will vote on whether or not to adopt this ordinance at its
next meeting.
City Attorney Bruce Laidlaw said a fine may be decided in court,
because the violation would be considered a civil infraction, or garbage
cans would be confiscated and owners would have to pay for the costs of
confiscation and retrieval.
At the suggestion of Councilmember Larry Hahn (R-Fourth Ward),

final legislation will include provisions to fine landlords whose tenants
throw out old furniture and large items when they move out at the end
of the school year.
Laidlaw said actual fines would probably be rare; the city sends a
warning letter first. He added that the legislation is designed to go after 4
chronic offenders. , -by Michael Lustig
If you see news happen, call 76-DAILY.
Vol. XCVIl-No. 114
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967 X) is published Monday through
Friday during the fall and winter terms. Subscription rates: September,
through April-$18 in Ann Arbor; $35 outside the city. One,
term-$10 in town; $20 outside the city.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and sub
scribes to Pacific News Service and the Los Angeles Times Syndicate.






S ayYes
To 10 Great


RUN +e 187


5Km Open Run
10Km Open Run
20Km Open Run
Entry Fees
All runs
$6.00 without Long Sleeve Shirt
$10.00 with Long Sleeve Shirt
Late entry fee after March 29
$9.00 without Long Sleeve Shirt
$13.00 with Long Sleeve Shirt
All entry fees are non-refundable.
Proceeds to benefit the children of
Washtenaw County through the
Galens Medical Society, University of
Michigan medical students volunteer
Mail entries and make check payable
Briarwood Run
100 Briarwood Circle
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
For more information call:
(313) 769-9610 or (313) 665-7052
Race Packets
Pick up Race Packets at Briarwood
Mall, Saturday, April 4 from 12 noon
to 8 p.m. or 6:30 to 8:00 a.m. the
morning of the race.
Starting Time
9:00 a.m.
Southwest corner of Briarwood Mall.
Rural roads and lightly rolling hills.
Maps provided. 10Km and 20Km
courses are T.A.C. certified.

20Km at 1 mile 5 kilo, 10 kilo, 15 kilo.
10Km at 3 and 4 mile marks.
Aid Stations
20Km at every other mile from 3
miles through 11 miles. 10Km at 3
and 4 mile marks. 5Km at the finish.
Merchandise Drawing
Thousands of dollars in prizes. All
registered participants are eligible for
a merchandise drawing immediately
following the race in Grand Court,
You MUST be present to win.
Awards for 5Km, 10Km and 20Km
Open Runs. Individual awards for the
top 5 finishers in the following age
groups for men and women: 19-
under, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59 and
60 and over.
Team Awards
Neighborhood Teams
An award will be given to the team
with the most participants to finish in
all events combined.
Corporate Teams
consist of 5 to 15 runners at a
sponsorship cost of $300.00, includes
10 free t-shirts, additional t-shirts
$4.00 each. Donation is tax
deductible. Awards will be given to
the team with the top five finishers in
each event. Corporate entry forms
are available at the Briarwood
Information Center, or call (313) 769-
*Special thanks to the City of Ann
Arbor, Pittsfield Township and
County of Washtenaw, Galens and
Burger King.
Results compiled by Burns Computer
Videotaped finish.

. --

Sunday April 5,1987
Ann Arbor, Mich.



Please print clearly in spaces provided. Mail entries and make checks payable to:
Briarwood Run, 100 Briarwood Circle, Ann Arbor MI 48108
For information call: (313) 769-9610 or 665-7052







HII 11111 F

In emergency, call: Name


If running as a team Neighborhood Corporate (see above)
Name of Team

Please Check: Entry Fee $6.00 ___ 5Km ___.10Km.

___ 20Km

Morning of Registration 6:30-8:00 a.m.
Running a road race involves risks of serious injury.
Potholes and other surface defects exist in the course.
Motorists, cyclists, pedestrians and animals may
accidentally or deliberately create hazards. Also, the
physical strain of a long-distance race can lead to serious
health problems. I have read the above and understand
this statement and agree to assume all risks of personal
injury or other physical or emotional ailment. I hereby
waive all liability claims against the City of Ann Arbor,
Pittsfield Township, County of Washtenaw, Briarwood
Merchants Association, University of Michigan Medical

Editor in Chief................................ROB EARLE
Managing Editor ............AMY MINDELL
News Editor......................PHILIP I. LEVY
Features Editor..........................MELISSA BIRKS
NEWS STAFF: Elizabeth Atkins, Eve Becker, Steve
Blonder, Rebecca Blumenstein, Jim Bray, Brian Bonet,
Scott Bowles, Paul Henry Cho, Dov Cohen, Rebecca
Cox, Hampton Dellinger, Leslie Eringaard, Martin
Frank, Pam Franklin, Stephen Gregory, Edward
Kleine, Steve Knopper, Vibeke Laroi, Carrie Loranger,
Michael Lustig, Jerry Markon, Edwin McKean, Andy
Mills, Tim Omarzu, Eugene Pak, Melissa Ramsdell,
Martha Sevetson, Wendy Sharp, Louis Stancato,
Steven Tuch, David Webster, Jennifer Weiss, Rose
Mary Wunmmel
Opinion Page Editors........PETER MOONEY
OPINION PAGE STAFF: Muzammil Ahmed, Tim
Bennett, Peter Ephross, Paul Honsinger, Tim Huet,
Lisa Jordan, Jeffrey Rutherford, Caleb Southworth,
Arlin Wasserman, Mark Williams.
Arts Editors..........................REBECCA CHUNG
Books.......................SUZANNE MISENCIK
Features.................................ALAN PAUL
Film.................................KURT SERBUS
Music..................................BETH FERTIG
Theatre...........LAUREN SCHREIBER
ARTA CTAL'"V iI DFt-...,I....... I r....

Sports Editor........................SCOTT G, MILLER
Associate Sports Editors...............DARREN JASEY
SPORTS STAFF: Jim Downey, Liam Flaherty, Allen
Gelderloos, Kenneth Goldberg, Chris Gordillo, Shelly
Haselhuhn, Julie Hollman, Walter Kopf, Rob Levine,
Jill Marchiano, Ian Ratner, Adam Schefter, Adam
Schrager, Scott Shaffer, Pete Steinert, Douglas Volan,
Peter Zellen, Bill Zolla.
Photo Editors..........................SCOTT LITUCHY
PHOTO STAFF: Leslie Boorstein, Karen Handelman,
Dana Mendelssohn, John Munson, Darrian Smith,
Grace Tsai.
Business Manager..................MASON FRANKLIN
Sales Manager............................DIANE BLOOM
Finance Manager...............REBECCA LAWRENCE'
Classified Manager....................GAYLE SHAPIRO
Assistant Sales Manager.................ANNE KUBEK
Assistant Classified Manager................AMY EIGES
DISPLAY SALES: Karen Brown, Kelly Crivello, Irit ;
Elrad, Missy Hambrick, Ginger Heyman, Denise Levy,
Wendy Lewis, Jason Liss, Jodi Manchik, Laura
Martin. Mindy Mendonsa, Scott Metcalf, Carolyn

Add $4.00 for Long Sleeve Shirt:._ Sm. _ Med. __Lg. X-Lg.
Late registration after March 29: $9.00 Entry Fee, $13 with Shirt

I Signature

- I


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