Third in a three-part series
Recent statements by members of the University
Board of Regents suggest that the regents may be on
the verge of passing a code of non-academic students
conduct - with or without student input.
"I think that if the administration is interested in
getting something done, a code could be formulated
and passed in a matter of months," said Regent Paul
Brown (D-Petosky).
The administration has expressed a definite interest
in getting something done. University President
Harold Shapiro has been one of the staunchest
O supporters of a code with academic sanctions. Because
of his recent sabbatical, administrators say the code
has not been a high priority recently.
Shapiro could not be reached for comment, but
with his return, the administration may be in the best
position to push through a code that it's been in for
at least a year.
Although the regents and administration have
ultimate authority over the code, until now they have
appeared content to wait and see what the University
Council develops.
The University Council, a nine-member panel of
students, administrators, and faculty members, has
been unsuccessfully attempting to formulate a code
since 1984. Prior drafts of the code - a proposal to
regulate student behavior outside the classroom -
were defeated because of stubborn student opposition.
But some regents and administrators seem
impatient with their slow progress..
"If the council is really at the standstill they appear
to be, I think it is perfectly all right for us to write
our own code," said Regent Brown.
Much of the council's slow progress can be
attributed to student opposition to the University
judicial system that a code would create. Student
members on the council agree that guidelines should
be created to set standards for student behavior outside
the classroom, but vehemently disagree that these
guidelines should be enforced though a University
court with academic sanctions. These sanctions -
suspension or expulsion - would appear on a
students permanent transcript.
Students have protested that if a code utilized
academic sanctions to regulate student behavior, the
University administration could control students's
private and political lives.
But some regents feel student opposition to the
code has waned. "I don't really sense that there is a
broad scale of dislike for the code," said Regent Deane
Baker (R-Ann Arbor).
There has been much speculation that the
administration has waited to pass a code in hope that
student opposition and controversy will eventually die
down, but Baker disputes this. "I do not think that the
regents or the administration have ever avoided any
action because they fear causing controversy," he said.
Administrators insist that a code and proper
enforcement is necessary to protect the University
community from dangerous students. Administrators
and regents maintain that a code is needed to help the
See STUDENTS, Page 5.
Ninety-seven years of editorial freedom
City zoning change
hurts Greek houses
Most fraternities and sororities
will not suffer immediate damage
from the Ann Arbor City Council's
decision Monday night to limit
group housing in North Burns
But the rezoning of 40 lots,
which was unanimously approved
despite student protests, will hinder
Kappa Delta Rho fraternity and
Delta Phi Epsilon sorority in their
search for housing. The change may
also affect future Greek expansion,
Greek officials said yesterday.
"The rezoning will just about
devestate our fraternity," said LSA
senior Jeff Houston, vice president
of Delta Kappa Rho. "It will hurt
our efforts at becoming a full
The fraternity, which is
recognized by the Interfraternity
Council but does not have voting
rights, had been trying to purchase
a house in the rezoned area,
Houston said. Currently, fraternity
members live at 711 Catherine
Street, which is isolated from most
of the Greek community.
According to Houston, the
fraternity's location hurts its ability
to recruit new members, making it
difficult to gain full IFC
recognition. Fraternity members
will now seek housing elsewhere in
North Burns Park, he said.
Delta Phi Epsilon sorority,
which currently does not have a
house, will also face a more
difficult search because of the
rezoning, said LSA sophomore
Amy Rose, the sorority's president.
The sorority's effort to purchase a
house at 920 Baldwin Street-in
the rezoned area - was rejected in
November by the Ann Arbor
See GREEKS, Page 5
By the Associated Press
President Reagan picked FBI
Director William Webster,
yesterday, as chief of the CIA and
told his new team of national
security aides that "legal issues
must be addressed head-on and the
rule of the law respected" in
developing foreign policy.
Reagan met with about 50
members of the overhauled National
Security Council staff on the eve of
his speech to the nation in response
to the Tower commission's
findings on the Iran-Contra affair.
Webster, the director of the FBI
since 1978, was offered the CIA
post by Reagan after the job was
turned down by former Senator
John Tower who chaired the Tower
Reagan had nominated the CIA's
acting director, Robert Gates, to
take over the top spot. But the
president withdrew that nomination
Monday after it became clear Gates
would face stiff Senate opposition
because of the Iran-Contra affair and
the CIA's involvement in it.
See FBI, Page 2
Cheek to cheek Associated Press
Entertainer Danny Kaye, who died early yesterday in a Los Angeles
hospital, teams up with Miss Piggy during a 1978 Muppet Show rehearsal.
The duo sang 'Cheek to Cheek' from the 1930's movie Top Hat.
LSA Budget Director
What began for her as temporary
employment at the University
evolved into a 20-year stay
culminating in her current position
as LSA's Associate Dean for
Budget. Ironically, Carolyn Cope -
on finance,
difficult because her interests cover said.
different areas. But, as As
Talented in all aspects of art, Budget, Copela
especially painting and art history, the financial sce
Copeland has studied the art of New York adv
India, Morocco, Instanbul, Egypt, 1949 to 1951.
the Greek Islands and Eastern finance came fr
Europe. employed her
She maintains close association Scarsdale, New
with professors in the Department public accounta
of Anthropology. In 1976, she retired to a farm
worked on a project in India with When she retu
History of Art Prof. Walter Spink in the late 1960s
studying Ajanta art, ancient clerical job in LS
Buddhist cave paintings. She directed fun
IN THE 1960s, Copeland acted the summer tern
in several plays. Once, she played interested in co
the character Adelaide in Guys and education that sh
Dolls. She met the man who would She started ta
become her second husband, her lunch hour,
William, while doing a musical she received a b
comedy show in Vermont. See TRA
"I was his leading lady," she
sociate Dean for
nd also thrives on
ne. She worked in a
ertising firm from
Her experience in
om her father, who
as a financier in
York. A certified
nt, her father later
in Vermont.
urned to Ann Arbor
, Copeland landed a
SA's budget office.
ding allocations for
.m, but was mainly
ompleting the arts
he left in 1948.
king courses during
and in five years,
achelor's degree in
VEL, Page 2
land left the University after her
freshman year in 1948 because she
ran out of money.
Copeland returned to the
University in 1967, searching for
temporary employment while her
husband studied for his degree in
music. "I looked for something that
suited me and that I was familiar
with," she explained.
For Copeland, that decision was
Daily Photo by SCOTT LITUCHY
LSA's Associate Dean for Budget, Carolyn Copeland, recounts her career with the University and her many
travel experiences. Her journeys have led her to such exotic places as Morocco, India, and Eastern Europe.
University alumnus to
compete for Mr. U.S.A.
Ex-DJ apologizes
for racial slurs
Here he comes. Mr. America.
University graduate Geoff
Safron, a 25-year-old actor and
model, will represent Michigan in
the U.S. Man of the Year pageant,
to be held in Atlantic City next
"The judges were looking for a
(renaissance man. Someone who is
very balanced and well-rounded, a
departure from the Mr. Muscles
stereotype," Safron said.
The pageant committee received
more than fifty nominations by the
Feb. 1 deadline. During the Mich -
igan U.S. Man of the Year contest,
held last weekend at the Novi
Hilton, Safron was selected from
among five finalists to compete in
Ann Arbor Brecht Company. In
addition, Safron has hosted a
shopping show for television on
channel 31, participated in numer -
ous radio shows, and has done
modeling for companies such as
General Motors and Hushpuppies.
The pageant consisted of four
competitions. First, a panel of
judges interviewed the contestants
for five minutes, asking questions
of both serious and humorous
nature. The panel consisted of
professional model David Carey,
beauty expert Sylvia Warner and
Elizabeth Puleo, Miss Michigan
After the interview, contestants
participated in a swimsuit compe -
tition. According to Johneanne
Powers. the na~eant director, the
Former WJJX disc jockey Ted
Sevransky officially apologized
yesterday for the racial slurs he aired
on his radio show last Feb. 4.
Yesterday afternoon on WCBN,
the University's student run radio
station, Sevransky sincerely
apologized for the incident and said
that he alone was responsible.
"WJJX should not take the
responsibility for what I alone did,"
Sevransky said.
He said he allowed the jokes to
run because of poor judgment and
poor taste. He regretted that the
jokes have exacerbated racism on
campus and said he would urge
campus leaders to "fight racism
with all the means at their
Last week, state Rep. Morris
Hood (D-Detroit) responded to the
University official Henry Johnson's
office in room 3000 of the Union.
The office will be open between 8
a.m. to 5 p.m. today.
University president Harold
Shapiro, representing the
administration, will address the
panel first.
A greater commitment from the
Administration is necessasry to
combat racism.
Hughes' new beauties, Mary
Stuart Masterson & Lea Thomp -
son, talk about "Some Kind of