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February 05, 1987 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1987-02-05

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The Michigan Daily - Thursday, February 5, 1987-- Page 3


MSA promotes PIRGIM

The Michigan Student Assembly
passed a resolution late Tuesday
night encouraging students to con-
sider funding the Public Interest
Research Group In Michigan
(PIRGIM) through a refundable
MSA fee.
Students will vote on the plan in
the March MSA elections if
PIRGIM collects 1,000 signatures
for a referendum by this afternoon.
According to PIRGIM Campus
Coordinator Corey Dolgon, the
group was near the required number
of signatures yesterday, the first day
of the petition drive. Dolgon was
unable to give an exact figure.
If students and the Board of,

Regents approve the plan, students
will pay an estimated $1.25 along
with their tuition. MSA would
handle the distribution of funds to
PIRGIM. Students could receive a
refund for the fee upon request.
Assembly member and LSA
Junior Ed Kraus, a co-author of the
resolution, expects the student body
will vote for the referendum. "Even
if you don't want to finance
PIRGIM, it's still not a good
reason not to say 'yes' to the ques-
tion," Kraus said. "You're letting
students who want to fund PIRGIM
do so."
The resolution, drafted by a
committee of MSA members and
PIRGIM members, ended a heated

debate which has divided assembly
members since November. MSA
President Kurt Muenchow has
strongly opposed the resolution and
the regental suggestion that funding
be handled through the assembly.
"The question I still want
answered is why, if the regents
won't fund PIRGIM through the
student verification form; would
they be willing to fund PIRGIM
through MSA?" Muenchow asked.
"I don't like any of the answers I
The disagreement led to a
standoff Tuesday night when as-
sembly members who opposed the
resolution left the MSA chambers.
These members hoped that enough

students would leave to ruin the
quorum, according to MSA Repre-
sentative and Rackham student
Bruce Belcher. If fewer than 24
members remained in the chambers,
the vote would have been tabled.
The departed members returned
when they realized that 28 members
had remained in the chambers and
could legally vote on the issue.
Muenchow, one of the members
who left in protest, has indicated
that his opposition to the funding
is not over.
Muenchow's proposal for
PIRGIM to approach the regents for
funding was defeated earlier Tuesday

Pound House exposes kids to cultures

Associated Press
SLiberace dies
Flamboyant pianist and entertainer Wladziu Valentino Liberace died
yesterday at the age of 67. The official cause of death was announced as
Profs take new posts in
office of research VP

(Continued from Page 1)
for Research last week. The
University's Board of Regents are
expected to approve Eccles' ap-
pointment at this month's meeting.
According to Nagy, his duties
will include fostering research that
involves more than one department,
and the improvement of the
environment and status of research
Nagy said he is "excited" about
the job, and is still learning the
extent of his duties. "It's premature
to come out and make drastic

changes," he said.
During his 20 years at the
University, he has published over
100 research articles in national
journals and has served on study
groups for NASA and the National
Science Foundation.
"Having been on the other side
of the fence for so long," Nagy
said, "this (position) is a major
change. I will do whatever I can to
improve the research environment
for students and faculty."


Campus Cinema
8MM Film Festival, Eye &
AAFC, 7:00 & 9:00 p.m., Ann
Arbor Theater..
For details drop a dime at 662-
Kismet - Comic Opera Guild of
Ann Arbor, 8 p.m., Michigan
This Tony Award winning musical
full of music based on the classical
themes of Alexander Borodin will
be playing through the weekend at
the Michigan Theatre.
U-M Jazz Band - School of
Music, 8 p.m., Rackham
The ensemble, directed by Louis
Smith, will play music by Duke
Ellington, Count Basie, Woody
Herman, and others.
Riders In The Sky - 7:30 and
10 p.m., The ARK.
This innovative and comical trio
from Nashville perform a wide
variety of songs, including jazz,
folk songs, western ballads, and
The Firebugs - Brecht
Company, 8 p.m., Residential
College Auditorium.
This comical parable of middle-
class complacency by Swiss
playwright Max Frisch begins a
three week run this weekend.
Three Mile Smile -
Soundstage, 9:30 p.m., U-Club.
Jeff Hobson - 9 p.m.,
Heidelbergs, 215 N. Main St.
Detroit's top "sleight-of-hand"
comedian, Jeff has won many
international comedy/magic
Robert Pack - poetry reading,
University of Michigan Visiting
Writers Series, 5 p.m., Rackham
West Conference Room.
Dr. Timothy Hinterberger-
"In Vitro Studies on Cartilage and
Muscle Differentiation in
Regenerating Limbs," Dept. of
Biology, noon, 1139 Natural
Science Building.
Jacek Kaczmarski - "Polska
Satyra Polityczna," Cntr. for
Russian & East European Studies,
4 p.m., Lane Hall Commons
Jacek Kaczmri

Henry Wright - "Archaeology
on the Bay of Antongil, Ne
Madagascar: Surveys and
Soundings during 1986," noon,
2009 Museum of Anthropology.
Dr. Jagdish Prasad
'"Molecular Reaction Kinetics in
Porous Membranes," Dept. of
Chemistry, 4 p.m., 1200 Chem.
Mark West - "Architectural
Transformations and Descriptions
of Material Culture," 7:30 p.m.,
124 East Quad.
Coalition for Democracy in
Latin America Mass
Meeting - 5:30 p.m., Kuenzel
Room, Michigan Union.
Undergraduate Anthropology
Club - 6:30 p.m., 1433 Mason
The Committee for Social
Progress in Rio San Juan,
Nicaragua - 5:30 - 7 p.m.,
4202 Michigan Union.
External Relations
Committee of the MSA - 7
p.m., 3909 Michigan Union.
Michigan Rugby Football
Clu b - 8-9:30 p.m., The
Amdahl Corp.: pre-interview
- 7-9 p.m., 1078 East
Engineering (763-5027).
Stop Nuclear Testing Peace
Rally - noon, the Diag (747-
9839) or 747-6509).
Safewalk - nighttime safety
walking service, 8 p.m. - 1 a.m.,
Room 102 UGLi (936-1000).
Chicano History Week:
Film Night - 8 p.m.,
Anderson Room, Michigan Union.
Summer Job Fair: pre-
registration - Until February
13, Career Planning and Placement
Office, 3200 SAB.
Impact Jazz Dance
Workshop -- 7-8:30 p.m.,
Michigan Union Ballroom.

Pound House on Hill Street
looks like a typical residential
home except for the playground in
the front yard. Inside, 38 children of
diverse ethnic and economic back-
grounds play and learn together.
The children's center serves pre-
schoolers in the morning; they are
joined by kindergarteners in the
Pound House was established in
1976 by the International Center,
female University faculty, and Ann
Arbor residents with children, all of
whom wanted a day care service.
They also wanted an international
environment for their children.
THAT POLICY has been
maintained to the present. Every
year, roughly one-third of the en-
rolled children are foreign. They are
predominantly from Latin America
and Japan, although they also hail
from India, Israel, and other Middle
Eastern nations.
"Many children go through a
cultural shock. It is a great trans-
ition for a child," said Joan Horton,
Director of Pound House, said.
Peggy Silk, a University
psychologist and mother of an en-
rolled child, chose Pound House
because of its ethnic diversity. "It
teaches kids early on that just
because people look different, they
are really not different. There is a
richness that comes from cultural
interaction," she said.
Pound House staff pride
themselves on giving a unique phil-
osophy of child care. "We treat
children as human beings, people
deserving of respect and dignity. We
love potion
After 23 years of
research, Dr. Rufus
T. Valentine, noted
romanceologist, has
discovered the perfect
love potion.
Said Dr.Valentine,
"The FTD® Sweet-
heart" Bouquet is a
perfect combination of
flowers and a heart-
shaped potpourri in a
ceramic powder jar.
Lab studies have
shown it to have a
powerful, romantic
effect on both sender
and recipient.
"However'' Dr. Valen-
tine warns, "the effect
seems to peak around
February 14. And you
must make sure to go
to an FTD Florist
Otherwise'he added,
you may find yourself
spending Valentine's
Day alone in a most
unromantic place-the

treat them maturely as people," said
"We deal with the whole child,"
she continued. The center tries to
develop intellectual skills,
emotional growth, and physical
coordination, she said.
three other teachers comprise the
paid staff of Pound House. The staff
is supplemented by 60 to 70
University student volunteers. By
working 4-6 hours a week, students
receive academic credit through
programs such as Project Com-
munity, Project Outreach, or as in-
dependent study.
Christine Fulton, an LSA
sophomore, volunteers four hours a
week without receiving credit. "It
makes you forget you're in school.
You learn a lot about people by
watching children interact," she
LSA sophomore Nina Lealock
works six hours a week through
Project Community. She observed,
"Kids don't yet have the conditioned
behavior of small talk. I feel more
conscious of how I'm acting."
University graduate and full-time
staff member Ken Moore began
working at Pound House through
Project Outreach. His goals for the
center are "to improve our student
on-the-job training," he said.
Currently, students need to spend
The Federalist Society
"Taking Rights
- Professor, Dept. of
Georgetown University
- Adjunct Scholar
American Enterprise
4 pm 120 Hutchins Hall
Law Quad


WCBN 88.3 FM presents
the 8th ANNUAL ON -AIR
featuring 88.3 hours of
THE BASH FEB. 8 8 pm


for info or to pledge

much of their time learning basic
child care skills.
Pound House is a financially
independent organization. Though
the building is donated by the
International Center, all other costs
are covered through tuition paid by
the parents. Thirty percent of the


tuitions are subsidized by the other
70 percent; the division being based
on need.
Before Pound House was a
children's center, it housed foreign
exchange students. The house is
named in honor of Madeline Pound,
an advisor to the foreign students.



" Aerobic Dance
" Ballroom Dance
" dartendIng
* Beer Appreciation
and Homebrewing
" Financial
" Fitness/Weight
" Massage
" Continuing

" Macintosh Magic
" Personal Drama
" Pool
" Sign Language
(Beg. &Adv.)
" Speed Reading
" Study Skills
" Vegetarian
" Wine Tasting
" Yoga
" Meditation and
Yoga Philosophy

Registration begins Monday, January 26,
and runs through February 6 at the
Michigan Union Ticket Office.





Send announcements of up-
coming events to "The List," c/o
The Michigan Daily, 420
Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich.,
48109. Include all pertinent in-
formation and a contact phone
number. We must receive an-
nouncements for Friday and
Sunday events at least two weeks
before the event, and announ-
oamnnt- Ffn ukaIv events



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