Page 2 -The Michigan Daily-Thursday, February 5, 1987
Experts discuss policies for
Compiled from Associated Press reports
Former President Gerald Ford,
Attorney General Edwin Meese, and
former Supreme Court Chief Jus-
tice Warren Burger will be among
the celebrities converging on the
Gerald Ford Presidential Library
today to tape three segments for an
upcoming television series on the
presidency and the Constitution.
The participants, including
journalists and government offi-
cials, will be presented with three
hypothetical situations, and they
will use knowledge from theirpo-
sitions to role play and find solu-
tions. "People are interacting in the
way they have in real life," said
Kevin Moriarity, a director of the
Columbia program.
The situations will deal with
foreign policy, budget policy, and a
proposed constitutional change.
Moriarity said the segments will be
combined with three other segments
taped last month and will appear as
a series on PBS in May.
The Columbia University Se-
minars on Media and Society pro-
gram is organizing the taping of the
series, funded by the Hearst Corp.
Some of the best known parti-
cipants are Sen. Alan Cranston (D-
Calif.); Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah);
Sen. Warren Rudman (R-N. H.);
Sen. Nancy Landon Kassenbaum
(R-Kan.); former Secretary of State
Alexander Haig; Stansfield Turner,
director of the CIA during the
Carter administration; economist
Alan Greenspan; Alice Rivlin, past
director of the Congressional
Budget Office; CBS News anchor-
man Dan Rather; ABC News cor-
respondent Sam Donaldson; An-
thony Lewis, a New York Times
columnist; and John Wallach,
foreign editor of Hearst News-
papers. There are 32 panelists.
Moderators are Benno Schmidt,
president of Yale University, and
Arthur Miller, Harvard University
law professor.
Security will be provided mainly
by the Secret Service, but the Uni-
versity will provide assistance
where needed, according to Sgt.
Warming of the University's Dept.
of Public Safety. Only invited
guests will be permitted in the li-
Visiting dignitaries encounter protest
(Continued from Page1)
State Streetdentrance.Protestors,
who chanted "Hey Hey, Ho Ho,
Edwin Meese has got to go!" were
able to hurl snowballs at Meese
before he ducked through his
security escort and into the
Protestors remained outside the
dining room chanting anti-Meese
slogans, including, "Piss on Meese,
not in a cup," in an attempt to
disrupt the dinner.
Heatley and security personnel
took no action to disperse the
crowd. "They can protest, we have
no problem with it, we understand
the protest," he said. Heatley said
his concern was getting the guests
safely inside.
The rally began a little after 7
p.m. on the steps of the Law
Library as six speakers told the
crowd about Meese's policies.
"This shows that people are
offended by Mr. Meese's policies,"
Roland said of the large crowd that
attended the rally. "Mr. Meese
seems to go against everyone."
Canham, cheerleaders continue debate
(Continued from Page 1)
"I think people are making too
big a deal out of it," Triveline said.
Others are not taking the ruling
lightly. Last Thursday, the bas-
ketball cheerleading squad sat out
the Minnesota game. At Saturday's
game against Iowa, the cheerleaders
performed mock stunts.
After receiving the memo yes-
terday, St. John said, "To be real
honest, today, is the first time I read
it, and I'm still at the point that
I'm emotionally upset by it, and I
wouldn't be able to give you a real
rational reaction - there's been
enough knee-jerk behavior in this
Gilewski is concerned about the
team and its image, but said, "I feel
more for Pam... it's going to be
pretty evident that she's going to
lose her job over it."
to St. John, cheerleaders were
bewildered by the ruling and why it
was made.
According to Bob Seymour,
honorary coach of the men's squad
and a former member, the new
ruling is in response to the death of
a North Dakota State cheerleader
last year. The woman was dis-
mounting from a three-tiered
pyramid - prohibited at the Uni-
versity - when she fell through
the arms of the spotters, and struck
the basketball court floor, crushing
her skull. Spotters stand near the
stunt being performed, ready to help
a teammate if they fall.
But Triveline doesn't believe the
North Dakota accident is related to
the new ruling.
Don Lund, Assistant Director of
Athletics, said the "rash of injuries"
afflicting cheerleaders around the
country spurred the preventive
There has been one recent injury
on the University basketball cheer-
leading squad. Heidi Kraus, an LSA
senior, cracked her collarbone and
couldn't practice for two weeks last
semester. She said it's the only
injury she remembers in the two
years she's been with the team.
According to a Universal Cheer-
leaders Association's bulletin re-
leased in January, cheerleading is in
the bottom 20 of a list of 200
recreational activities ranked ac-
cording to degree of risk.
. The death of the North Dakota
cheerleader was the first death in
fifteen years attributed to cheer-
leading injuries, the bulletin said.
LSA-SG wants to raise
student involvement
(Continued from Page 1)
In addition to Pantowich and
Nelson, there are 15 members of
LSA-SG's executive council. The
group's duties include appointing
students to various committees on
campus, including the three stu-
dents on the LSA Curriculum
Committee, which approves
courses and reviews LSA depart-
The government has also formed
four action groups to deal with the
major problems facing LSA
students. These groups deal with
the issue of foreign language
testing, housing shortages, class
overcrowding, and student coun-
seling. At their meeting last night,
only the counseling action group
was set up.
Democrats call for test ban
. WASHINGTON - House democrats, angry about a nuclear test this
week under the Nevada desert, called yesterday for halting funds for
weapons tests, postponing further explosions and pursuing immediat
test ban negotiations with the Soviet Union.
The resolution denouncing Tuesday's test and urging President
Reagan to seek the nuclear test ban was approved unanimously by more
than 130 lawmakers at a meeting of the House Democratic Caucus.
The Soviet Union has not detonated weapons since August 1985
but Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev said in December that he would
end the unilateral moratorium after the first U.S. test explosion of this
The Soviets have proposed a test ban, but the Reagan administration
wants it phased in and only as part of an overall arms reduction
Iran frees U,.S. journalist
NICOSIA, Cyprus - Iran said Wall Street Journal reporter Gerald
Seib will be expelled today, five days after he was arrested and accused
of spying for Israel while visiting the country by government
Its official Islamic Republic News Agency quoted an Information
Ministry official yesterday as saying the decision to free and expel the
30-year-old American came after "a judicial probe into his case ended."
IRNA gave no details of the Seib investigation or findings, but he
apparently was cleared of the allegations. The report did not say where
the flight today will take the journalist, who is based in Cairo.
Seib was among 57 foreign correspondents and photographers invited
to Iran for a tour of the border battle zone where Iranian forces have
pushed into Iraq toward its southern capital, Basra. The Persian Guff
neighbors have been at war since September 1980.
Senate approves water bill
WASHINGTON - Michigan's two U.S. senators joined in giving
final approval yesterday to a $20 billion clean water bill, as the senate
voted 86-14 to override President Reagan's veto of the legislation.
The house had overridden the veto a day earlier after Reagan had
argued that the legislation was too expensive.
Great Lakes improvement efforts and the "toxic hot spots" program
included in the bill will be directly beneficial to the state. The
Establishment of a Great Lakes National Program Office within the
Environmental Protection Agency will help the United States to live up
to its U.S.- Canada Great Lakes Quality Agreement, create a toxics
monitoring network, and coordinate government activities related to the
Great Lakes.
House gets raise despite vote
WASHINGTON - The House held tight yesterday to a newly
effective, $12,000 congressional pay raise, refusing to consider a Senate
proposal to repeal it.
By voice vote, the Houses turned down $40 million in raises
President Reagan recommended for Congress and 3,000 top-level federal
officials and judges. The increase had kicked in automatically at mid -
night Tuesday, 30 days after Reagan submitted them.
But opponents and supporters of the pay raise admitted the House
vote was largely meaningless because of a legal requirement that the
disapproval be voted on before the effective date.
House leaders, by deliberately delaying the pay raise vote past the
midnight Tuesday deadline, were satisfied that the pay raises would kick
in at least temporarily.
Garfield concert plays Indiana
Garfield, that cantankerous, self-satisfied cat, will leap from the comic
page to the concert stage when he makes his debut Sunday with the
Muncie Symphony Orchestra in Indiana.
"The Garfield Overture," otherwise known as "Rondo a la Tuna," tops;
the bill, which will include classical pieces illustrated by Garfield
"Cats as a whole are very musical animals," says Garfield creator Jim
Davis, who produces "Garfield" and "U.S. Acres" from his home near
The idea is to combine good music with Garfield in a concert for people;
who aren't familiar with classical music.
"As Garfield said, 'Music is my life"' Davis said. "Of course, food is
his life, sleeping is his life... "
Dancing, too. Garfield is set for a summer debut with the Indianapolis
If you see news happen, call 76-DAILY.
Vol. XCVII -No.90
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967 X) is published Monday through
Friday during the fall and winter terms. Subscription rates: September
through April-$18 in Ann Arbor; $35 outside the city. One
term-$10 in town; $20 outside the city.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and sub
scribes to Pacific News Service and the Los Angeles Times Syndicate.
Blanchard lauds state
(Continued from Page 1)
at taking care of its people.
Bullard said Blanchard's speech
was reminiscent of speeches made
by President Ronald Reagan,, who
Bullard says gains public support in
speeches that say nothing.
Sederburg agreed with Bullard's
comparison of Blanchard to Reagan.
But State Senator Lana Pollack
(D-Ann Arbor) praised Blanchard's
speech. Pollack noted Blanchard's
focus on the need for educating
Michigan residents. By investing in
education, the state will receive the
returns from that investment
through increased prosperity,
Pollack said.
"This return from education will
drive the future." she said.
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