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January 08, 1987 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1987-01-08

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13t t9an
Ninety-seven years of editorial freedom

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Iol. XCVII - No. 70

Copyright 1987, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, January 8, 1987

Ten Pages

student to
After devoting four years of her
e and $20,000 to help-her husband
et an exit visa from the Soviet
Jnion, University graduate student
andra Gubin filed for divorce last
Her husband, Alexei Lodisev, was
Mowed to come to the United States
ast January, but Gubin claims he
reached an agreement the two made
efore he immigrated.
According to court documents,
"ubin said her husband had promised
o repay her for all the debts she
ncurred while securing his release
rom the U.S.S.R., and to pay for
Ier living and educational expenses.
.odisev has failed to fulfill either
)romise, according to court
ocuments filed by Gubin.
The documents also state that on
unmerous occasions Lodisev
eglected to pay their rent, telephone
ill, or provide food and clothing for
An official at the Detroit
[mmigration and Naturalization
service said divorce proceedings
ould not affect Lodisev's right to
tay in the United States unless a
:ourt rules that the marriage existed
solely to help Lodisev immigrate to
he U.S. No such accusation has
en made.
Gubin met Lodisev in 1981 while
she was studying in Russia.- They
were married in April 1981, but
Gubin had to return to the United
States in July 1981 because her visa
had expired.
Lodisev's applications to leave the
Soviet Union were denied seven
times. Gubin pressured Soviet and
erican officials for her husband's
release by writing letters and
lobbying legislators. She was forced
to interrupt her effort to get her
Ph.D. in political science because
she devoted most of her time to
See SOVIET, Page 2




Reagan prposes
rfinnctlal aid cuts

Daily Photo by JOHN MUNSON
Book rush
Sandy Perrett helps students with book rush at Ulrich's. Kevin Boyd, in charge of book rush, says the crowds
are as large as fall term's which are usually larger than winter crowds.
Expertpanel dec
nuclear safety studies

The University could lose more
than one-third of its $55 million in
federally-funded financial aid if
President Reagan's budget cut
proposals are approved.
But University officials doubt
that Congress will approve the
The federal budget, topping the
$1 trillion mark for the first time,
is designed to adhere to the Gramm-
Rudman deficit reduction bill. This
limits the national deficit to $108
billion for fiscal year 1988. The
administration has cut funds from
many programs in order to lower
the deficit by the necessary $36
billion, as stated in Gramm-
Rudman. This includes $3.7 billion
from college student financial aid
TomsButts, the University's
lobbyist in Washington, said
Reagan administration officials
want students, not taxpayers, to pay
for their education. The budget
proposal would reduce the amount
of money slotted for Pell Grants
and eliminate some other programs.
The Guaranteed Student Loan
Program would not be changed, but
would be "rendered unworkable" by
the other changes, Butts said. The
government would stop paying
interest on the loans and would
reduce the yield of the loans, so
banks would be less willing to
participate in GSL programs, he
Lynn Borset, the University's

associate director of financial aid,
said that if the cuts are approved,
they would probably be equally
applied to all affected programs.
This means that if the financial aid
program budget is cut by the
proposed 36 percent, those
programs targeted for cutting would
lose 36 percent of their funds.
One million Pell Grant
recipients could lose their financial
aid if the planned $1 billion
reduction in Pell Grant funds is
approved. Borset said about 3,000
University students currently
receive Pell Grants. Some would
lose their grants, but the total
number of affected students depends
on whether all the recipients take a
cut in their grant award, or if
eligibility requirements for
receiving the grants are changed.
Butts said that under the new
proposal only a family of four
living below the poverty level
would receive a full Pell Grant. A
student whose family's income
exceeds $20,000 would be denied a
About 2,000 University students
are currently involved in the
College Work Study program,
which would be eliminated under
the proposed budget. The budget
proposal would also cut
Supplementary Educational
Opportunity Grant programs
But Borset said that Congress
has rejected previous
See CUTS, Page 2

research at the Nuclear Regulatory
Commission suffers from declining
competence, turf battles and other
problems and is in "dire need of
reform," a panel of outside experts
said yesterday.
The panel, convened by the
National Research Council, an arm
of the National Academy of Sci -
ences, complained strongly about
what it saw as a lack of research
into "human factors," the industry
term for the ways people and mech -
anical systems interact.
The subject has received in -
creasing attention since the dis -
covery that the Three Mile Island
nuclear accident in 1979 was caused
by an operator's reliance on a faulty

valve position indicator.
"The fact that there is virtually
no human factors research within
the current annual budget of the
Office of Research, in spite of the
clear indication that research in this
area is vital to assuring the safety
of operating reactors, indicates that
something is seriously wrong with
the way the agency goes about
structuring its program and setting
its budget priorities," the panel
"In theory the five com -
missioners manage the agency and
the agency staff, yet in practice they
do little policy formulation, pro -
gram planning or staff guidance
and do not appear to understand the
program," the group wrote.

A single administrator might do
better, the panel said, but it did not
explore what such a change would
mean for nuclear regulation as a
In the past 10 years, the panel
said in its report, "there has been a
continuing erosion of research com -
petence within the Office of Re -
search" that seems to have ac -
celerated after the 1981 merger of
that office with the commission's
Office of Standards Development.
Joe Fouchard, spokesman for the
commission, said the commis -
sioners needed time to study the
document before commenting. He
noted that the research office had a
new director and was scheduled to
get broader responsibilities.

Vietnam vet wants
national holiday

Vietnam veteran Charles Tackett
recently returned to Ann Arbor to
drum up support for veterans and
solicit signatures for his petition
for a national holiday honoring
Vietnam veterans.
Tackett is working to create a
nationwide network of university
students who will collect-
signatures. He has gathered 90,000
signatures toward his goal of 20
He said he will make his
petition available to University

students by distributing copies to
the Michigan Student Assembly.
Tackett said the national holiday
would enable the Americans to
"...learn about our pitfalls and
failures and... avoid the same
mistakes again."
He urges people to write to their
Congressmen and Senators in
support of the national holiday and
says he has received encouragement
from senators Ted Kennedy, Strom
Thurmond, William Proxmire, and

... seeks Vietnam memorials



Hunger Watch study shows 4% rise

Recent cuts in federal hunger
programs have caused a 4 percent
increase in the number of Ann Arbor
residents relying on private agencies
to feed them and their families, new
research indicates.
Last September, a group of about
0 University students formed a

group to study what that statistic
means for hungry people in
metropolitan areas.
Members of the organization,
called Hunger Watch, are researching
the effects of hunger among people
in four Michigan cities: Ann Arbor,
Detroit, Lansing, and Ypsilanti.
Hunger Watch's efforts are based

on materials written by Bread for
Life, a citizens lobbying group in
Washington, D.C. The project is
sponsored by PIRGIM and the World
Hunger Education-Action Committee
(WHE-AC), two student
organizations at the University.
Jen Heitman, a Rackham graduate
See STUDENTS, Page 5

Learn to fly Doily Photo by JOHN MUNSON
Keith Kobet taxis his Beechcraft F33 Bonanza out to the runway at Ann Airport. He.leases the plane to the
University of Michigan Flyers, who provide lessons and plane rentals. It takes about 66 hours of flight
time-about half without an instructor-to get a pilot's license. Ground school begins later this month.

Bussh speling
A nt- i _ arn r .i n aui. i s

'Library users are active people'
The American Library Association reports that
library users party more than non-users and appear
to be active people who welcome new experiences.
A recent survey by the association shows library

student's proposal to use food dye, kool Aid, and
gello gelatin to turn a suburban lake into a
swirling pool of color. Dwayne Szot, a student at
the Kendall School of Design, wants to create a
yellow and orange design on the ice cover of Reeds
Lake in East Grand Rapids. Szot wants to begin

STUDENT HOUSING: Opinion questions validity
of North Burns Pork zoning laws. See Page 4.
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