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January 26, 1987 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1987-01-26

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i A,

The Michigan Daily - Monday, January 26, 1987 - Page 3

City panel sponsors protest

A city panel decided last
Thursday to sponsor a protest
against U.S. intervention in Nicara -
The group, the Ann Arbor Sister
City Task Force, will take
responsibility for attracting protest -
ers and running the protest, accord -
ing to Gregory Fox, a task force
The task force formed a
subcommittee to plan the protest,

which is tentatively scheduled for
late February, said Ellen Rustin, a
subcommittee member.
The task force does not want to
sponsor civil disobedience, said
Fox, but instead wants a peaceful
demonstration against United States
support for the Contra rebels in
Joyce Chesborough, a speaker at
the meeting, suggested a candlelight
vigil where protesters would wear
crosses with the names of people
killed by the Contras.

No site for the task force
sponsored protest was chosen, but
the task force is considering the
Federal Building downtown, Fox
Earlier this month, the task force
endorsed an ongoing series of
demonstrations by the Latin
American Solidarity Committee
(LASC) protesting the use of U.S.
and Michigan National Guard
troops in Central America.
At Thursday's meeting, the task
force also tentatively planned to

receive a delegation in March from
Juigalpa, Nicaragua, Ann Arbor's
sister city.
The task force is hoping to have
the delegation here during Central
American Week, March 16-22. But
"it may not be possible for them all
to get passports that soon," said
Fox. "Some people will not be able
to get a passport," he said, explain -
ing that the mayor of Juigalpa
would not be allowed in because he
is a Sandinista.

Bus stop shuffle
Students wait for the University's commuter bus at a new location
because North University has been narrowed by construction on the new
Chemistry Building.
CiVil righ1ts m--arch
attracts activis ts

is t

Fraternity seeks t
By MARC CARREL chapter and fifth-year LSA senior.
While fraternity signs and Among its other campus serv-
nners cluttered the Diag during ices, the fraternity provides ushers
h last week, posters for one for campus theater groups and
ternity were absent, judges for Greek Week because
The fraternity, Alpha Phi members are not considered Greek.
nega, is a national service frater- Wade said the fraternity also has
y whose chapter at the Univer- social aspects. "We get together
y has existed since 1940. It is like other organizations," he said,
ferent from social fraternities be- pointing to parties and hay rides
use it is co-ed and its purpose is that are a staple of traditional Greek
ore serious," said Brian McRae, organizations.
:e-president in charge of service McRae said Alpha Phi Omega
d an engineering junior.( has major projects that help out the
"The guiding principl6s behind Ann Arbor community. Members
r fraternity) are leadership friend- staff Easter Seals telethon phones
p and service. And the main goal and clean up an area nursery school.
to provide service to better the In addition, they work with the
mmunity... Some people say it's Washtenaw Retarded Association,
martyr organization," he said. the Ann Arbor Homeless Shelter
ALPHA PHI Omega partic- and the Ozone House, which is a
tes in many service projects shelter for runaways.
und the campus, including all O Z O N E House Treasurer
d Cross blood drives. The Sharon Pittenger said she found
ternity co-sponsored the UM vs. Alpha Phi Omega's assistance
U Blood Battle last fall, and is "wonderful."
nning another one this term, "They did odd jobs around here
:ording to Joe Wade, president of that no one else wanted to do," she
University's Alpha Phi Omega said.

Sue Meyer, a business school
junior and president of last semes-
ter's pledge class, said besides the
service aspect "where you get to
help a lot of people, I liked the
friendship aspect."
Meyer said she felt very comfort-
able with the other members in
only her second week. "I wish I
pledged when I was a freshman,"
she said.
ALPHA PHI Omega has 96
members currently, and expects
about 30 people to attend its infor-
mal mass meeting at 7 p.m. this
Wednesday in the Union's Kuenzel
Room. The group meets on Sunday
nights in the Union, where the-
fraternity has an office. According
to national organization rules, it is
not allowed to have a house, like
social fraternities.

The national organization was
begun in 1925 in Easton, Pennsyl-
vania by former boy scouts. It
started as an all-male organization,
but admitted women in 1976. Most
chapters across the country are co-
ed, and those that aren't have a
sister group for women.
The rushing process for Alpha
Phi Omega is somewhat different
from social fraternities, and bids are
not selective. Instead, the group has
a mass meeting. "All the people
that end up coming to us are really
welcome," McRae said.
New pledges are required to go
through a pledging program where
they learn some of the chapter's
history and do service projects for a
certain amount of hours, McRae

serve community

(Continued from Page 1)

stranded in Atlanta without trans-
As the marchers waited patient-
ly, choruses of "This Land is Your
Land" and "We Shall Overcome"
rose from the crowd. One group of
marchers chanted "Forsyth County,
have you heard? This is not
Forsyth County residents, who
comprised most of the counter-
demonstrators, taunted the crowd by
calling the marchers "niggers and
white trash." Blacks were forced out
of Forsyth County in 1912 after the
brutal rape and murder of a young
white woman. One black man was
P jailed after being accused of
comitting the crime, but he was
dragged out of jail by an angry mob
E and beaten to death. Two other
black men were later hanged in
connection with the crime.
the situation in Forsyth County
will only worsen as a result of the
march. "After they come up here
and stir stuff up, people aren't
going to let them back into the
county," said Jeanie Schliph, a
resident of Lawrenceville, Georgia.

"There can't be any peace here."
After reaching the courthouse
without incident, marchers listened
to at least 20 activists introduced by
Atlanta Mayor Andrew Young. The
speakers said the march was import-
ant to the resurgence of civil rights
activism in America.
The speakers included Coretta
Scott King, widow of the slain
civil rights leader; Georgia senators
Sam Nunn and Wyche Fowler;
NAACP leader Benjamin Hooks;
and Boston Mayor Raymond Flynn.
"I SEE blooms on the tree that
Martin Luther King planted years
ago," Carter said. "Dr. King's tree,
because of you, is now going to
bear fruit again."
Grabitt Ford, the mayor of
Cumming, welcomed the marchers
and offered his support in their
effort to desegregate Forsyth
County after the crowd of marchers
demanded a statement from him.
Williams roused the crowd's
emotions when he issued a list of
demands to the Forsyth County
legislators. He called for the
establishment of "a bi-racial com-
mission to oversee Forsyth Coun-
ty's conversion from racial bigotry
to a democratic society."

Hostages tak
for hijacker,
(Continued from Page 1)
The Christian Voice of Lebanon
radio station said it received the two
calls yesterday, but it was not clear
if they were made by the same man.
The calls could not be authen-
ticated. The extremist Shiite Mos-
lem group usually delivers state-
ments to local newspapers or West-
ern news agencies when it wants to
publicize a claim, and the Voice of
Lebanon has been known to be

en to swap
caller says
inaccurate on Moslem-related af-
The first caller said the group
would kill a hostage if Hamadi were
extradited to the United States,
where he is wanted on charges of air
piracy and murder in the June 1985
TWA hijacking to Beirut.
The second call also said the
hostages would be killed if the
United States provided support for

The Michigan Student Assembly
is accepting applications for
Associate Treasurer
to conduct MSA's financial activities for 1987-88.
MSA has a budget of approximately $400,000 for four
programs: Student Legal Services, MSA, Ann Arbor
Tenants Union, and ADVICE (course evaluation guide).

Applications available:
Applications due:,
Position starts:



Campus Cinema
Laura Kipnis Video, Eye, 8:00
p.m., 214 N. 4th.
Laura herself will be on hand to
show and discuss her works,
including Your Money Or Your Life
and Unlimited: the Interpenetrations
of Sex and Capital, a look at the
troubled marrige between sex and
money in prostitution, advertising
and sex therapy.
Sang-man Koo - "Exafs and its
Application to Bio-inorganic Chem-
istry," Department of Chemistry, 4
p.m., Rm. 1200. Chemistry Bldg.
Deborah Stansburg - "How to
do an On-line Library Search,"
Continuing Education of Women
Brown Bag lunch, noon-1:30 p.m.,
350 South Thayer.
Marc Sheehan & Keith Taylor
- Readings from their works, Guild
House Writers Series, 8 p.m., 802
Dr. Dale L. Bishop -
"Religions and Conflict in the
Middle East, " Center for Near
Eastern and North African Studies, 4
p.m., West Conference Room,
J. Bryce - "Family in Beirut,"
Center for Near Eastern and North
African Studies, noon, Commons
Room, Lane Hall.

Christian Science Organzation
- 7:15 p.m., Michigan League.
Free South Africa Coor-
dinating Committee - Mass
Meeting, 7 p.m., Anderson Room,
Tae Kwon Do Club - 6:30-
8:15 p.m., Rm. 2275, CCRB.
"Resumes That Work: The
Employer Perspective" lecture
- Career Planning and Placement,
4-5 p.m., CP&P (764-7460).
A Squares- Square dancing open
session, 7-8:30 p.m., Union (665-
Gay Liberation-Lesbian-Gay
Male Community. Open
House - Canterbury House, 8:30
p.m., 218 North Division (763-

Our three-year and
college easier.
Just easier to pay for.
Even if you didn't start college on a scholarship, you
could finish on one. Army ROTC Scholarships
pay for full tuition and allowances for educational
fees and textbooks. Along with up to $1,000
a year. Get all the facts. BE ALL YOU CAN BE.
The English Composition Board's
With the number of computers on campus
ever increasing, more and more students are
x "writing" their papers on word processors.
Maybe you are one of them. But are you
really writing with a computer or are you using
your favorite Zenith or IBM PC as an ex-
pensive correctable electronic typewriter?
d The second Academic Writing Series work-
N shop of Winter 1987 will introduce students to
writing with word processors. ECB lecturers
Jan Armon, Emily Jessup, and Michael Marx
will conduct a hands-on demonstration of how
writers can easily use computers to assist in
planning papers, organizing a text, and revis-
ing effectively and efficiently. The workshop
will use Microsoft Word and Zenith PCs.



For applications and information contact:
MSA, 3909 Michigan Union. 763-3241

U Umo


G '

the soothing sounds of conversation


Send announcements of up-
coming events to "The List,"
c/o The Michigan Daily, 420
Maynard St., Ann Arbor,
Mich., 48109. Include all per-
tinent information and a con-
tract phone number. We must
receive announcements for
Friday and Sunday events at
least two weeks before the
event, and announcements for
weekday events must be

big band & top 40
sounds of dj eric pascarelli
paul harkins
performs on the marimba...
a little bit of everything



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