Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, January 26, 1987
(continued from Page 1)
there," said Ed Gottschalk, manager
of Post Realty.
Ed Salowitz, director of housing
research and development in the
University's housing division, said
builders do not want to develop
student housing in Ann Arbor
because of the city's reputation for
student activism directed at rent
control. "The corporate investor has
insurance responsibilities and tends
to be reluctant to build," he said.
"The activism we take pride in
works against us in this case,"
Salowitz said.
Jeffrey Gallitin, owner of
Gallitin Realty and an expert in
income property, said one reason
Is cope wit
for Ann Arbor's housing shortage is
the active tenant coalition groups
who drive landlords out of the
group-rental. "There's just no
profit, so people don't operate
rental homes anymore," he said.
That only increases the competition
to find affordable housing, he said.
Jo Rumsey, assistant director of
housing information, said Ann
Arbor is an expensive land market
and builders are reluctant to build
near campus because students are
transient and tend to wear out
housing units quickly. They are not
a very "attractive" market for
builders, she said.
"I would not be surprised if the
next year's rental rate is 15-20
th housing crunch
percent above average," because of
the 1986 tax reforms, Salowitz
Leroy Williams, director of
housing information, said that
housing does exist, despite Ann
Arbor's very low vacancy rate. He
said students are getting an early
start because at this point, they
have the largest selection in
location, price, and quality..
According to Williams, the
housing problem is "not so much
the availability but the
affordability" in the city's
competitive private housing
market. Ann Arbor's vacancy rate is
2.55 percent, compared to a
national average of 13 percent.
"It alarms us to hear people are
panicking," Rumsey said.
"Everybody finds a place to live,"
and this year's searching is really
no different than other years," she
But the Housing Information
Office is planning to visit resident
halls in February with a poster and
table tent campaign. The campaign
will encourage people evaluate their
housing options and take advantage
of landlord's listings. The campaign
focuses on students who live in
residence halls and have never lived
off-campus, because they are
probably overwhelmed and confused
by the whole procedure.
Grant provides funding for broad research
(Continued from Page 1)
interdisciplinary research by Jan.
"If you want to understand
human behavior, it's impossible
not to take an interdisciplinary ap-
proach," Eccles said. "No one
person can have all the resources
and knowledge; you need experts in
different areas."
Hollenshead, assistant to the vice
president for research, Shapiro's
initiative is for projects that
encompass a combination of fields.
Since December, the president's
office has received six or seven
proposals, but Hollenshead expects
more. The fund will support three
to six projects, she said.
Electrical Engineering Prof.
Greg Wakefield, a former Univer-
sity of Minnesota professor, is a
member of one research group
submitting a proposal. Wakefield's
proposal combines the disciplines
of engineering and hearing research
to form an implant device which
will simulate hearing for the deaf.
"I view the initiative as
indicative of the University's sup-
port for interdisciplinary research,"
said Wakefield. "My experience at
the University of Minnesota was
that there was some reluctance at
the university level to promote and
support interdisciplinary research.
When I interviewed here, I was
strongly encouraged by everyone in
the University about interdiscip-
linary research."
EVEN THOUGH money is
supporting interdisciplinary re-
search, some faculty members
believe the University community
isn't receptive to such projects.
For instance, each project has
one principal investigator who
organizes the research from different
departments. The Senate Advisory
Committee on University Affairs
(SACUA) last year found that
researchers who aid the principal
investigator are not getting credit in
their own departments.
"The faculty thinks the new
initiative will help on the funding
end," said Lorraine Nadelman,
SACUA member and psychology
professor. "Hopefully departments
will become more accepting of
interdisciplinary research."
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Compiled from Associated Press reports
West Germany re-elects Kohl
BONN, West Germany - West German voters returned Chancellor
Helmut Kohl's conservative coalition to power yesterday, but reduced
their support for his Christian Democratic Party. The anti-NATO
Greens made impressive gains.
Computer projections, which have proved highly accurate in the
past, showed a significant drop in support for Kohl's party compared
with the last national elections four years ago. But projected results
showed his coalition with the small Free Democratic Party was in no
Johannes Rau, who ran for chancellor under the banner of the main
opposition Social Democratic Party, conceded defeat on national TV an
hour after polls closed at 6p.m.
Student seized for conspiracy
PEKING - Authorities accused a student of giving intelligence to
an American reporter, the official news media said yesterday, in what
appeared to be the first move against the press in China's anti-
Westernization campaign.
The official Xinhua News Agency said in a two-paragraph report that
Lin Jie, a student of Tianjin University, was arrested for "his secret
collusion with and providing intelligence to" Lawrence MacDonald,
reporter for the French news agency Agence France-Presse.
The report said conclusive evidence was obtained by the Tianjin
office of the State Security Bureau, a secretive organization responsible
for China's external security.
Police question Mrs. Mandela
JOHANNESBURG, South Africa - Police took activist Winnie
Mandela and her daughter from their home in the black township of
Soweto yesterday but released them after questioning Mrs. Mandela for
about five and one-half hours, her lawyer said.
The lawyer, Ismail Ayob, said he was not present during the
questioning at the Protea police station in Soweto, but that Mrs;
Mandela told him afterward it appeared to be "routine."
Ayob said that at about 5 p.m. police took Mrs. Mandela from her
home in the black township outside Johannesburg, and returned an hour
after that for Mrs. Mandela's daughter, Zinzi.
Police also took a filing cabinet filled with documents belonging to
Mrs. Mandela, said Ayob. The cabinet was returned, and it did not
appear that any documents had been taken, he said.
Woman claims she was
witness to Hoffa abduction
LANSING - A woman whose identity was and FBI secret for 11
years says she saw ex-Teamsters union leader Jimmy Hoffa's apparent
abduction from a restaurant parking lot in 1975, The Lansing State
Journal said yesterday.
"Yes, I was there and saw him. I was told by the FBI never to talk
with reporters or anyone about it. I haven't until now," Marjorie Jane
Bissaillon told the newspaper, which reported the interview in a
copyright story.
"I never wanted anyone but the FBI to know what I saw that day,"
said Bissaillon, a nurse who lives in suburban Detroit. "Even today, my
brother's don't even know that I was the witness who last saw Jimmy
"It was a traumatic time in my life," she said. "I was scared. The FBI
cautioned me not to reveal what I saw because of what could happen to
me. I've tried to forget ...I don't want to relive it again."
Sesquicentennial snafu
Thousands of Michigan residents will celebrate the state's Sesqui -
centennial on Monday, but at least one historian contends the 150th bir -
thday party is more than 14 months late.
Richard Scharchburg, a professor of industrial history at GMI Engin -
eering and Management Institute in Flint, figures the state's founders
would be outraged if they knew their descendants recognized Jan. 26,
1837 as Michigan's birthday.
"Every single bit of historical information would suggest that Mich -
igan has functioned as a state since Nov. 2, 1835," Scharchburg said.
He and history books agree.
Child receives credit card
Wisconsin resident Dale Moore was so miffed about junk mail that
he decided to find out how much is delivered to his family of five in a
The answer - 174 pounds and four garbage cans worth in 1986.
And, Moore siad, this is even after members of his family admitted to
throwing some pieces out instead of adding them to the collection.
One of the most surprising pieces of mail was a credit card mailed to
his seven year-old daughter, Amber.
If you see news happen, call 76-DAILY.
Vol. XCVII - No. 82
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967 X) is published Monday through
Friday during the fall and winter terms. Subscription rates: September
through April--$18 in Ann Arbor; $35 outside the city. One
term-$10 in town; $20 outside the city.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and sub -
scribes to Pacific News Service and the Los Angeles Times Syndicate.
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Systems Science
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Electrical Engineering
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