Page 2- The Michigan Daily - Thursday, January 22, 1987
Officials clash over Star Wars
nation's top military officer said
yesterday that more information is
needed before the Reagan
administration decides whether to
deploy some version of a "Star
Wars" anti-missile system.
The statement by Adm.
William Crowe, chairman of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff, came amid
reports the administration is
considering early deployment of of
the shield against nuclear attack
called Stategic Defense Initiative
or SDI, as Star Wars is formally
Crowe told the Senate Armed
Services Committee that the
question of deploying an -SDI
program was "a topic of
discussion" within top-level
Pentagon circles.
But he said no decision on
deployment should be made
"before we know more than we
know now."
President Reagan announced
the Star Wars research program
four years ago.
But SDI supporters on Capitol
Hill have recently pushed for
deployment of some early stages
of a system, arguing that.
Congress is unlikely to keep
paying for research much longer
without a deployment decision.
Defense Secretary Caspar
Weinberger told the Senate Armed
Services Committee last week
that he supports deployment of
SDI "as soon as possible" if the
system is part of a long-range
plan. Attorney General Edwin
Meese also endorsed an early
Crowe, testifying about the
Pentagon's budget for the next
fiscal year, was asked by several
senators about the SDI
deployment reports. Sen. Tim
Wirth (D-Colo.) said he had
heard that Reagan might announce
a decision in next week's State of
the Union speech, but the admiral
replied, "I hadn't heard State of the
Crowe said military planners
are looking at the various SDI
research projects to see what type
of weapon can be built, but he
added it will be "quite some time"
before the review is finished.
"My own view is that SDI
right now is a research program,"
he said. "I hear so much said and
written that it's (like it is) out
there in the parking lot and we
don't know where to put it."
When Sen. Carl
Levin(D-Mich.) asked whether it
was unlikely that a deployment
decision could be made this year,
Crowe answered, "My personal
view would be yes" that such a
decision is unlikely.
But a decision could be made
next year, he said. That would
leave Reagan to make a choice in
the last year of his presidency on a
project which has become the
Pentagon's largest single research
If the decision to deploy is
made within the next two years.
Crowe said, "the date of (actual)
deployment would be somewhere
in the mid-1990s, at the
The Star Wars program has
been controversial ever since it
was announced by Reagan in
march 1983. Critics say it will
only waste money because they
contend an umbrella against
nuclear missiles is impossible.
Panel proposes changes
(Continued from Page 1) worked out soon. He added,
The current concentration plan however, that "no one will find
also requires students to take two themselves penalized."
cognate courses in drama, but it
does not specify which courses. English Department Chairman
Nightingale proposed-changing this John Knott said, "I'm enthusiastic
because "students would take any (about the changes). Benedict
marginal (drama) course from any Nightingale has done a splendid job
department." with the program."
The other new requirement Nightingale thinks the new
would make the 40 to 50 theater requirements, if accepted, would
students meet once every week to attract more undergraduate students
"cohere the theater concentrators and into the theater concentration
make (them) think of themselves as because it would be less specialized.
a unit," said Nightingale. "We wanted a program that
Nightingale is working on a satisfies the would-be professional
plan for students who are currently going into theater while giving him
following the concentration, and a chance to get a solid liberal arts
hopes that something could be education as well," he said.
Student appeals
(Continued from Page 1)
proof that he was unable to register1
because of his back injury, Brown -
stein said.
"I have to document every fee
that I waive," McElvain said. "The
fee committee has certain guidelines
that I have to follow."
According to McElvain, not
even University President Harold
Shapiro could waive a fee without
proper documentation - a doctor's
note, in Brownstein's case.
When Brownstein reached Mc -
Elvain's office, he said that hisI
late CRISP fee
back was becoming very painful
and he was having a hard time
He paid the late fee and,
according to McElvain, Brownstein
was told to mail any newspaper
clipping about the accident by Feb.
8, and the money he paid for the
late fee would be credited to his
Brownstein said he was much
less concerned with the money than
the hassle that he had to go through
to get the fee waived.
LS&A Scholarship applications for Spring-Summer
1987 and Fall-Winter 1987-88 are now available
in 1402 Mason Hall.
To qualify for scholarship consideration, a student must be an
LS&A undergraduate and have completed one full term in LS&A.
Sophomores must have a U of M grade point of 3.7 or better and
Juniors and Seniors must have a GPA of at least 3.6. The awards
are based on financial need and on academic merit.
Compiled from Associated Press reports
Waite meets with kidnappers
BEIRUT, Lebanon - Anglican Church envoy Terry Waite had been
meeting in a secret place with kidnappers who hold two Americans
hostage, one of his escorts said last night, more than 24 hours after
Waite dropped out of sight.
A second West German disappeared, apparently abducted.
"Mr.Waite is having a meeting with the hostage-holders." said Jihad
Zohairi, spokesman for Walid Jumblatt's Druse militia, which is
responsible for Waite's security.
Another Druse official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said
Waite would be allowed to "see and converse" with American hostages
Terry Anderson and Thomas Sutherland during his talks with the
Youths killed in South Africa
JOHANNESBURG, South Africa - Attackers gunned down 12
blacks, seven of them children, in an assault early yesterday on a home
in a black township south of Durban, authorities said.
The assailants burst into the house of Willie Nthuli and opened fire
on the occupants with AK-47 assault rifles at about 2 a.m., said Major
Charl du Toit, the Durban police spokesman.
Ntuli and 11 others who were in the house were killed, including six
children aged between 3 and 7 and another who was 17, du Toit said.
Two other people were wounded.
Neither police nor the government said they knew of any motive,
nor was there any immediate word on whether Ntuli was involved in
Transportation Department
institutes random drug tests
WASHINGTON - The Transportation Department and Congress
began moving yesterday toward requiring random drug-testing of airline
and railroad industry employees, and the department said it plans to test.
26,500 of its own workers as well.
Transportation Secretary Elizabeth Dole disclosed plans for the
broad-ranging drug testing and rehabilitation program as several':
members of Congress said they will introduce drug-testing legislation.
in the coming days.
The whirlwind of activity involving random drug testing, a
controversial issue for some time, came a week after the disclosure that
marijuana had been used by two Conrail train operators involved in a
collision with an Amtrak passenger train Jan. 4.
Sixteen people were killed and 175 injured in the accident.
Panel to interview Reaan
WASHINGTON - A commission investigating U.S. arms sales to
Iran and National Security Council operations yesterday nailed down an
appointment with President Reagan and won three more weeks to finish
its work.
-Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Claiborne Pell (D-
R.I.), following a two-hour private meeting with Deputy CIA Director
Robert Gates, told reporters he believes the agency's advice and
intelligence on Iran had been ignored by administration policymakers.
-Speakes said top White House officials have discussed "What might
be done" in the event CIA Director William Casey is not well enough
to return to work. But the spokesman said no search is under way for a
succesor for Casey who had a tumor removed from his brain.
Eating bad rats can make
snakes growl like a dog
Rosie, a 7-foot boa constrictor, is cooling off in a Massachusetts
wildlife center after it growled like a dog, bit its owner on the ear, and
had to be subdued with a fire extinguisher.
The snake's frenzy may have been due to a snack on a tainted rat,
said owner Mary O'Rourke, who was rescued Monday from atop a bed.
She called police from a bedside phone while her brother, Terry,
distracted the snake with a mop.
"The thing just went cuckoo," said officer Ralph Campbell. "It
sounded just like a dog growling."
Rosie was packed off to the New England Wildlife Center in
Hingham for observation after Campbell threw a blanket over it and
animal officer Bill Quigley sprayed it with carbon monoxide from an
extinguisher to temporarily paralyze it.
If you see news happen, call 76-DAILY.
Ghe Michigan BuaILI
Vol. XCVll-- No.80
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967 X) is published Monday through
Friday during the fall and winter terms. Subscription rates: September
through April-$18 in Ann Arbor; $35 outside the city. One
term-$10 in town; $20 outside the city.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and sub -
scribes to Pacific News Service and the Los Angeles Times Syndicate.
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