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January 22, 1987 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1987-01-22

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MSA fights to
assert authority

The resignation of Michigan
Student Assembly President Kurt
Muenchow from the Student
Caucus on Strategic Planning Tues -
day will probably have little effect
on the student advisory group,
officials say.
"My sense is that if MSA finds
out how they want to interact with
us, great," said interim University
President James Duderstadt. "But I
also want to interact with a lot of
other students -- at the grassroots
Duderstadt invited a group of 20
student leaders to meet with him at
the end of fall term to discuss his
recent initiative to improve
undergraduate life at the University.
The students were chosen by former
MSA President Paul Josephson, an
LSA senior, without consulting the

According to MSA Admini -
strative Coordinator Richard Lay -
man, this violated MSA's charge to
appoint student representatives to
University committees.
Muenchow resigned from the
caucus after the assembly passed a
resolution condemning it and for -
bidding MSA members to parti -
cipate. The resolution said all
student appointments to University
committees should be made by the
Student Services Henry Johnson
said MSA never had the exclusive
right to appoint committee mem -
"It's a matter of practice, not of
policy," he said. "I don't see a
policy statement that MSA should
appoint students to all committees.

We have to assume that what MSA
wants to be their right is a practice
and an extension of a privilege by
the University administration."
The assembly's power to control
all student appointments is asserted
in MSA's constitution, but this
power is limited in the regental
bylaws to specific committees such
as the University Council. The
MSA constitution has been passed
by the student body, but never by
the Board of Regents.
"It's a question of authority,"
Layman said. "The administration
doesn't make a distinction between
MSA and any other student group.
We are the student government and
are elected to represent the students,
but we could just as well be the
mime troupe."
See MSA, Page 3

Daily Photo by JOHN MUNSON
Pulitzer Prize winning poet Richard Wilbur reads selections of his poetry as part of the Hopwood Awards
Ceremony at Rackham Auditorium yesterday. The Hopwood Awards honor undergraduates and graduate
students for excellence in creative writing.

poet keynotes
1987 Hopwoods

Pulitzer Prize-winning poet
Richard Wilbur highlighted the
University's Hopwood Awards
ceremony at Rackham Auditorium
yesterday by . reading poems he
composed throughout his 40-year
Speaking before a crowd of 400,
the deeply-tanned Wilbur read a
Whitman's Sampler montage of the
work that has made him one of
America's leading poets.
Wilbur's fondness for the
outdoors was obvious because the
area surrounding his hometown,
Cummington, Mass., is the subject
of several of his poems.
Unlike most modern poets,
Wilbur has eschewed free verse and
relied on archaic, fixed forms to
convey his impressions of nature
and people. Although he has been
criticized for an unvaried con -

sistency of style and theme during
his lengthy career, his technical
artistry and ability to bring words
and meaning harmoniously together
has won him praise.
The poet's reading honored 1987
Hopwood winners - freshman and
sophomore students who received
monetary awards for writing in the
areas of Essay, Fiction, and Poetry.
Endowed by the late Avery
Hopwood, a 1905 University grad -
uate and later a Broadway play-
wright, the prizes are intended to
facilitate creative writing among
Michigan students.
In setting up the writing awards,
Hopwood hoped that "the new, the
unusual, and the radical shall be
especially encouraged."
Audrey Joan Gebber, first place
winner in the poetry category and a
Residential College freshman, fol -
lowed Hopwood's advice. "I don't

EHopwood winners
$300 Susan Greene, Residential
Serene Length"
$300 Rebecca-Beth Topol, RC
freshman, "Connecting Broken
$200 Dov Cohen, LSA sophomore,
"Literacy, Bubblegum, and People
who savThings"
$150 David Zinn, RC freshman, "New
$300 Farley Yang, LSA Interflex
sophomore, "Uncle Finney" and
"Rock Tl md'y
$250 Anneliese D. Heiner,
Engineering freshman, "Countdown,"
"Sandboxes, and" Messenger"
$250 Odelia Weinberg, RC freshman,
$150 Sharon Parker, U-M Flint
freshman, "Closed Door" and "The
Missing Link"
$350 Audrey Joan Gebber, RC
freshman, "Tradition and Admiration"
$325 Stephanie Fody, RC sophomore,
; Gra(tlhi"
$230 Emily Severance, RC freshman,
"Sunday Afternoon"
use meter or verse or any fixed form
when I write," she said. However,
she doesn't blame the ceremony's
honored reader for employing more
traditional forms for his poetry.

The LSA Curriculum Committee
recommended that the college adopt a
concentration plan for theater concentrators.

The Executive Committee will put the matter to a
vote, and if approved, the new plan could take effect
next fall.
"We saw an opportunity to take advantage of the
new resources in the English department and the
School of Music," said Associate Dean for Long
Range Planning Jack Meiland.
Although the Theater Department has moved into


Committee proposes changes
for new theater concentrators

the School of Music, students who graduate with an
undergraduate degree in theater must be enrolled in
The new requirements would make the con -
centration less specialized, said Benedict Nightingale,
who authored the revisions. For example, theater
students would no longer be required to take a course
in design or directing.
The students would be required, however, to take a
course on American theater and drama as well as two
cognate drama courses: one course on Shakespeare and
the other on modern drama.
See PANEL, Page 2

Business profs analyze recent
record-setting stock prices

Investors across the nation and around the world
have been "sitting pretty" and enjoying the recent
three-week surge in the stock market, but University
experts, like others in the field, can't fully explain the
dramatic rise.
"I have no idea," said Michael Bradley, a professor
of finance in the business school, when asked why
the market changed so drastically. ,
Like other business professors, Bradley speculated
that low interest rates, low inflation, and the
"softening" of the dollar contributed to the bullish
market. "Whether the market reflects those or is over-
reflecting them is anybody's guess," he said.
Until yesterday, when the market dropped 10.40
points, The Wall Street Journal reported that the 13-
session rise was the longest "winning streak" for the
~"Dow Jones Industrial Average since October 1928 -

one year before the infamous market crash that hurled
the nation into the Great Depression.
The Journal also reported that during the recent
surge, the Dow has gained a total of 208.52 points
and posted 12 consecutive record closes.
Market analysts have attributed changes in the
stock market to just about everything, including the
Super Bowl and the World Series, but professors at
the School of Business Administration cite more
down-to-earth reasons for the record rise.
Prof. E. Han Kim attributes the increase in the
Dow - a survey of the New York Stock Exchange's
top 30 industrial stocks - to low interest rates, a
low inflation rate, and the "January effect," which
Kim described as "some kind of phenomenon that
people have a hard time explaining."
See BULL, Page 3

Daily Photo by JOHN MUNSON
Gone Shoppin'
Melvina Lewis peers through the window of Ypsilanti's Antiques and Fine Furniture store. Lewis has been a
Ypsilanti resident since she moved to Michigan from Kentucky in 1968.

Anti-apartheid leader
submits to Botha threat

Crash victim wins
victory at CRISP

CAPE TOWN, South Africa
(AP) - The leader of the mixed-
race House of Parliament on
Wednesday apologized to President
P.W. Botha for swimming at a
"whites only" beach.
I The apology by Labor Party
1 kztl, Alan TNnirjr,,A.rckcrti ri n.f

Hendrickse would have forced him
to dissolve Parliament, apparently
requiring new elections for all three
houses. Elections for the white
chamber of Parliament are planned
for sometime this year.
The Parliament created in the
1984 constitution has chambers for

When he walked into CRISP
last week, graduate student Alan
Brownstein was told he needed
something more than his back brace
to prove that he had been injured in
a train accident - or he would have
to pay a late registration fee.

stein, a doctoral candidate in
mathematics. But when he got to
the front of the CRISP line, he was
told he had to go to another line for
late registration. He was told there
that he would have to pay the $15
late fee, Browstein said.
A student is considered late after

Daily supports today's pro-
choice march for the preservation
of reproductive rights.
Art Blakey: "I hope no one here
minds if I say a few words about

. ,. °

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