The Michigan Daily - Monday, November 10, 1986 -- Page 3
Amos Oz
Traditions pressure Israel, author says
Pilot program students study in an Alice Lloyd lounge last Monday.
Pilot program zeroes in on
exchange of ideas, insights
Amos Oz, a renowned Israeli
author and journalist, told a crowd
of several hundred last night that
expectations that Israel will become
a perfect Biblical nation are
Oz, author of In the Land of
Israel and My Michael, criticized
with a biting and ironic sense of
humor the conflicting attitudes
forcing Israel to "become a
surrealistic combination of many
values put together in one nutshell."
"Some spectators expect Israel to
be the most Christian nation in the
world in turns of turning the other
cheek," he said, but others expect it
to assume a fighting image.
Oz came to Ann Arbor as part of
the B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation's
Hill Street Forum.
Israel is a "confusing
phenomenon," he said, because it is
full of contradictions which people
impose on it. It is pressured on all
sides from the non-Israeli Jews "to
produce a couple of daily miracles or
to crash with a big bang."
Oz said the Israeli invasion of
Lebanon was unjust because there
was not an immediate danger from
Palestinian Liberation Organization
fighters. Oz opposes the annexation
of the West Bank and the Gaza strip,
and is against a bi-partisan Israeli-
Arab state. Oz is a spokesman for
"Peace Now," a political group
advocating negotiations with the
The author criticized extremists
on both the right and the left.
"Recently in Israel, you get the idea
that the extremists on the right and
left are coming in on us from both
sides," he said.
"There is one thing uglier than
exercising violence: It is giving in
to violence," Oz said. "I tend to
believe most conflicts simply do
not resolve; rather, they fade out
from fatigue and exhaustion."
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Oz's speech was preceded by a
show from Tamir, an actress who
portrayed six characters from Oz's
most recent book, In the Land of
Israel, which is a compilation of
interviews with people who
represent contemporary Israel.
Tamir performed a monologue
acting out the roles of a Zionist
farmer, a religious zealot, a nun, an
Israeli right-wing extremist, a
Palestinian Arab, and a Rumanian
"An oppressed people will not
sing as a bird in a tree, but as a bird
in a cage," she said.
Alice Lloyd's Pilot Program turns 25 next year, and
- after surviving the '70s, an era when "if you're
innovative, you're not any good" was the prevailing
ideology - the program has raised its academic
standards and become more selective in hiring, says
Pilot Director David Schoem.
There are about 600 freshmen and sophomores in
the program, all of whom live in the Alice Lloyd
Residence Hall and attend their small, discussion-
oriented Pilot classes right in the building.
Teaching assistant Raouf Mama notes that like
other Pilot teaching assistants, he must serve as a
Resident Fellow and as a teacher in the classroom. But
in spite of the time demands, he says, "It's a rewarding
experience, learning to breach the social and ethnic
barriers and to know people's cultures and views. I like
to relate to people and to talk to them."
ALL TEACHING assistants are required to live
in the dormitory with the students to strengthen the
feeling of community and enable students to see their
teachers informally. That way, students and teachers
can meet not only to discuss academics and plan hall
activities, but also to get to know one another during
meals and one-on-one conferences.
The Pilot Program was launched in 1962 as a
response to criticism that dorm life and academic life
were too distinct. The program emphasizes small
classes - most have fewer than 25 students - and
liberal arts classes such as "The Art of Knowing,"
which was designed to "ask students to explore their
predisposition to pre-judge others, to 'buy' an
intellectual 'bill of goods' and to accept as truth both
the explicit and hidden curricula of our schools."
"The Art of Knowing," which Schoem taught with
several teaching assistants, is the Pilot Program's one-
credit "theme experience" class this year.
The Pilot program also offers sections of English
125, and Schoem says that teaching assistants in each
Pilot section of the course are encouraged to propose
themes of interest to students for their sections. In
doing so, teaching assistants work within the
requirements of the English department and within
guidelines which Schoem and Bill Knox, Resident
Director for Academics, set out.
NANCY GOLDFARB teaches a section of
English 125 called "Writing about Change and
Goldfarb recalls Knox and Schoem's suggestions:
"They wanted it to appeal to students and be more
relevant to their lives than some intellectual courses,"
she says. In her class, students share ideas on civil
rights, women's issues, and other social concerns, but
Goldfarb stresses that the course also emphasizes
students' writing ability.
"Their success depends upon their ability to write,"
she says. "It's challenging to mix this (discussion of
social change) with the actual discussion of the
Mama teaches an English 125 section called
"Human Relations." He encourages students to suggest
novels for class, and he hopes to get students to think
about relations of love and hate, power and
powerlessness. "Through the novels that we read we
get imaginatively involved in what it would feel like to
be the characters," he says.
ONE OF Mama's students, freshman Tracey
Bernstein, says he likes the strong emphasis on
discussion in class. "I think when you get everybody's
outputs, you get a better idea of what's going on," he
says. And if a student is not strong in English,
Bernstein says, Mama is easily accessible for help on
Debbie Katz, another freshman in Mama's class,
says, "It's nice to be able to ask your teacher questions
at 12 o'clock at night concerning papers due the next
Among other Pilot/Alice Lloyd events are
workshops on health and mental health or programs on
politics. Pilot students also get together and attend
campus events as a group. This year they heard the
Detroit Symphony Orchestra at Hill Auditorium.
The program helps students take on the challenge of
studying at the college level. Faculty from five
departments provide weekly tutoring to pilot students
on alternating nights. These faculty are from E.C.B.,
the LSA advising office, the School of Natural
Resources advising office and the math and chemistry
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World Series triggers racism
This holiday season,
get the' Write Stuff'
at the rigt pnce.
AMHERST, Mass. (AP)-
Ever since the Red Sox lost the
a World Series, black and hispanic
students say life in this small
college town 100 miles from
Boston's Fenway Park has become
a nightmare.
A fight in Amherst between
white Red Sox fans and black
boosters of the New York Mets
injured a bystander after the final
game of the series and unearthed
racial tensions at the University of
Massachusetts here that spread to
Campus cinema
Michigan Film And Video,
Eye, 8 p.m., 214 N. 4th.
Whatever goes, shows. A chance to
see what's new in all kinds of
Michael Silver - "The
Preparation of Stable Early-metal
Allyl Complexes Employing Highly
Methylated Allyl Ligands,"
Department of Chemistry, 4 p.m.,
Chemistry Bldg., Rm. 1200.
Stephen Huyler - "Crafts and
Creativity in the Villages of India,"
4 p.m., Tappan Hall Rm. 180.
Helmut Ringsdorf -
"Pollymeric Monolayers and
Lipsomes-Attempts to Mimic
Biomembrane Processes," Macro -
molecular Research Center, 3 p.m.,
Chemistry Bldg., Rm. 1300.
"An Insider's Look at
Investment Banking" t -
Michigan Business School
Placement Office, 1 p.m., Hale
Auditorium, Business School.
Dr. Kenneth Cragg - "Is There
No Balm in Gilead, or Jerusalem, or
Mecca, or Rome?," Center for Near
School of Natural Resources, 3:30
p.m., Dana Building, Rm.1040.
Blind Computer User's Group
- 7 p.m., Union, Room 3909.
Study in England At The
University of Reading
Meeting - 2 p.m., International
Free South Africa
Coordinating Committee
General Meeting - 6:30 p.m.,
West Engineering, Rm. 111.
"Freedom from Smoking"
Clinic Orientation -
Department of Internal Medicine-
Division of Pulmonary Care And the
American Lung Association, 7 p.m.,
University of Michigan Hospital,
Rm. 2C108 (995-1030).
Safewalk - Nighttime Walking
Service, 8 p.m-1:30 a.m.,
Undergraduate Library, Rm. 102
nearby colleges in the Connecticut
River valley.
A racial slur was painted on the
steps of Smith College a week after
the World Series. Rumors floated
that a white student in a Ku Klux
Klan outfit at a Halloween party
won a prize for the costume. Black
women complained of stepped-up
"There's a sense of vulnerability
and terror, of a state of siege on the
part of minorities," said John
Grayson, an assistant professor of
religion at Mount Holyoke College
in South Hadley.
Michele Mitchell said a University
of Massachusetts student voiced a
racial insult at her and shoved her
away from a copier at a university
library the week after the game.
"Racism is something I've felt
ever since I came up here, but it's
always been latent," said the native
of Albuquerque, N.M. "Now white
UMass men are warning black
Mount Holyoke women to stay
away from the campus."
Mitchell and white classmate
Erin Fields organized a racism
teach-in at Mount Holyoke that
drew 600 students Friday. A few
days earlier, similar discussions at
Smith College in Northampton
attracted 2,000 students.
The Smith talks were prompted
by a slur painted on the steps of
Lilly Hall on Oct. 30. The building
houses offices for minority student
groups and the slur was apparently
in response to letters in the student
newspaper describing campus
"IT'S an old issue," said Smith
President Mary Maples Dunn,
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